Your business plan is now complete. Imagine you are in front of a group of investors to present your business idea and encourage them to invest in your company.

Create a brief presentation for this purpose. 

Select a format:

  • PowerPoint with notes; no more than 10-12 slides
  • Audio over PowerPoint
  • Video presentation over PowerPoint
  • Storytelling (video recording)

Check out the Shark Tank pitches for ideas on how to create a brief but compelling presentation of a business: .


Live Your Mission”

For this week’s discussion, please respond to the following: 

  1. Describe how your organization’s mission statement and values are implemented in the marketing, operations, technology, management, and social responsibility sections of your business plan.


  • State your company’s mission statement in quotation marks.
  • Outline your company’s values.
  • Explain how the mission and values are reflected in what you do at your NAB business in each of these areas: marketing, technology, management, and social responsibility.
  • Read to learn more about the importance of having a mission-driven company.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Post at least one substantive comment to another student’s post.

Search for at least 5 scholarly resources that relate to CRM and have been published within the last 5 years. 

Select 1 article relating to CRM. 

Adhere to the following format:

1. CRM Explanation: Define your key topic by using a source other than the textbook. Explain why you are interested in this topic (e.g., academic curiosity, application to a current issue related to employment, or any other professional rationale).

2. Comparison: Compare your research. Note differences or commonalities about CRM, providing evidence that you have extended your understanding. Cite the additional articles you researched. At least 200 words.

3. Article Summary: In your own words, provide a clear and concise summary of the article you selected. At least 200 words.

4. Application: Specifically state how your key topic has been applied to real-world businesses or describe the potential your key topic has to influence todays business world. Your application must possess a professional rationale that demonstrates the significance of your key topic. At least 100 words.

5. Annotated Bibliography: Each annotation will consist of a descriptive paragraph of at least 100 words with a persistent link for each article.

6. APA format.


The Financials”

This week’s discussion is worth 90 points and it is part of your Course Project. 

Before you get started on this exercise, you will need the textbook (Chapter 16 – The Financials), the Business Plan Financials Guide and Excel document, and the NAB Company Portfolio.

This Assignment has two sections: The Excel document and the written portion of the financials (sources and use of funds, plan assumption, and break-even analysis) as described below.

Section I: The Business Plan financials (Excel document)

  1. Using your NAB Company Portfolio and the first year of your business plan for the company, you will complete all the worksheets in the Excel document in order, so that you can complete the Income Statement, Cash Flow Projections, and Balance Sheet sections from the Business Plan Financials spreadsheet. 


  • The setup and marketing worksheet should already be completed from Assignment 2.
  • Use the instructions provided in the Business Plan Financials Guide to help you complete this document, as well as the NAB Portfolio (pages 4-8).
  • To submit: Attach the completed Excel worksheet to the discussion thread (click on the Add Content button under the Post button to access the attachment option when you are ready to submit, attach your document and then click submit) 

Section II: Financial section of the business plan (compose as a Word document and paste in the discussion window) 

You will have 3 headings as outlined below:

1.Sources and use of funds: Outline the funds you have currently (see portfolio pages 4 and 8) and the ones you intend to raise (you need to raise funds per the portfolio page 4). Explain how you plan to use the funds (a clear plan for how you will use the money).

Before addressing this section please review:

  • Sources and Use of Funds section on page 312 of your textbook-Sample plan on page 325 for an idea on how to address this section.

2. Plan assumptions: The Financial plan must be based on decisions and facts. Investors want to know if this plan is realistic. In this section you will outline your plan assumptions.

Before addressing this section please review: 

  • The setup and assumptions sheet in your Excel document. 
  • Sample plan in your textbook page 326
  • Assumption sheet in your textbook page 313. 
  • Article about the 5 key assumptions of your business plan.

3. Break-even analysis: The break-even point is the point at which you make enough money in revenue to pay your expenses, but no profit (or loss). In this section, clarify what the break-even number is for year one (average). You will extract this information from the Break-even tab in the Excel document.

Before addressing this section please review:

  • Page 314 in the textbook, which covers the break-even analysis.
  • The BrkEvn (Break-Even) worksheet in your Excel document. You would have calculated this there.


  • You will use the Excel document in Assignment 3 and 4. 
  • You will use the written portion of your Financials in Assignment 4. 

IMPORTANT NOTE: Post at least one substantive comment to another student’s post.



Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) was originally invented and validated in the United States but proved to be a highly reliable diagnostic tool for identifying severity of depression in other countries too. Based on BDI-based national assessment screening for depression, Finland has national BDI average of 2.59 (std = 1.17) and Denmark has national BDI average of 5.0 (std = .4). Imagine that you are a clinician working with people Denmark and Finland and try to answer questions below.

1. Your patient has a BDI score of 4. You should you be concerned about this patient if Answerabc

a. she is from Denmark

b. she is from Finland

c. there is no reason to believe that the country matters

2. Your patient has a BDI score of 5.5. Should you be more concerned about this patient if Answerabc

a. she is from Denmark

b. she is from Finland

c. there is no reason to believe that the country matters

3. A BDI score of 3 will indicate severe levels of depression (a great deal above population average) in Answerabcd

a. Finland

b. Denmark

c. both countries

d. neither country

4. Convert a BDI score of 3.5 from Finland and a BDI score of 3.5 from Denmark to z-scores.  Answerabcd

a. z-score (Denmark) = -3.75 and z-score (Finland) = .78

b. z-score (Finland) = -3.75 and z-score (Denmark) = .78

c. conversion to z-scores is not possible.

d. conversion to z-scores is unnecessary as we know everything we need to know from raw BDI scores already.

5. Convert a z-score to percentile for a patient from Finland and show where this patient is in relation to the population of Finland. Answerabcd

a. appr. 78 percentile (22% of the population are MORE depressed than this person)

b. 40 percentile (60 % of the population are MORE depressed than this person)

c. appr. 29 percentile (71% of the population are LESS depressed than this person)

b. 70 percentile (30 % of the population are LESS depressed than this person)

6. Convert a z-score to percentile for a patient from Denmark and show where this patient is in relation to the population of Denmark.  Answerabcd

a. 23 percentile (77% of the population are LESS depressed than this person)

b. 50 percentile (50 % of the population are MORE depressed than this person)

c. below .1 percentile (99.9% of the population are MORE depressed than this person)

b. 70 percentile (30 % of the population are LESS depressed than this person)


The univariate statistics were obtained with SPSS for the following three variables: age of participants, gender of participants (male vs. female), and race of participants (White, African American, Hispanic). The results are presented in the table below.


St. Deviation














Using the information in the table, answer the questions below:

1. Interpret the mean for Age (25.5): AnswerABCD

(A) 50% of all participants were 25.
(B) 25.5 is the average age of all participants in this sample.
(C) 50 % of all participants were 28 (25 + 1 std).
(D) The mean for Age cannot be interpreted as it represents nothing that exists physically.

2. Interpret the mean for Gender (1.4): AnswerABCD

(A) 40% of all participants in the sample were women.
(B) 60% of all participants in the sample were men.
(C) Both A and B are correct.
(D) The mean for Gender cannot be interpreted as it represents nothing that exists physically.

3. Interpret the mean for Race (2.56): AnswerABCD

(A) 56% of all participants in the sample were White.
(B) 34% of all participants in the sample were African American.
(C) 50% of all participants in the sample were Hispanic.
(D) The mean for Race cannot be interpreted as it represents nothing that exists physically.



Apple conducted a test of customer ratings for their new i-Phone. Customers of various demographics were given new i-Phone models to try and then asked to rate them and give reviews. Ratings were on a 6-point Likert scale: Totally hated (1), Did not like it (2), Neutral (3), OK (4), Like a lot (5), Best of the best (6). Below are the ratings and the univariate statistics on the ratings.

Mean = 3.2, Median = 3, std = .96, N (sample size) = 1550.

i-Phone Liking Scores()Totally hated (1)10Did not like it (2)160Neutral (3)640OK (4)500Like a lot (5)210Best of the best (6)20

Using these data, answer several questions below.

1. If we want to know how many respondents had a negative attitude towards a new phone, we would compute: Answerabcd

a. Frequency for those who indicated that they hated the phone.

b. Frequency for those who indicated that they did not like the phone

c. Frequency for those who were neutral

d. Cumulative frequency for those whose answers were did not like and totally hated

2. Estimate skewness in this data set by comparing the mean and the median ratings. Based on your analysis, do you expect Answerabc

a. Slight positive skewness

b. Slight negative skewness

c. No skewness

3. Based on your analysis of skewness, what measure of central tendency should be used in this case? Answerabc

a. Only the mean

b. Only the median

c. Both the mean and the median will be equally informative

4. Finish the sentence. Combining information from the mean and the standard deviation, we expect 68% of the participants to be in the range of  Answerab

a. 1.28 5.12

b. 2.24 4.16

5. True or false? Within 96% of the participants (+/- 2 standard deviations around the mean), there were no responses of the totally hated kind. Answerab

a. True

b. False    

6. What are your conclusions about the new phone? Answerabcd

a. The most typical response to the phone is “neutral”.

b. We do not need to worry about totally hated responses because those are outliers (too extreme to consider representative for this group).

c. The phone did ok on the tests of customer satisfaction and can be recommended for serial production.

d. All of the above are valid conclusions.

Select a research article, Provide an overview of the study and describe the strategy that was used to select the sample from the population. Evaluate the effectiveness of the sampling method selected. Provide support for your answer. Include the article title and permalink in your post.

This is a follow up to the assignment-

Part of Professors comments. This is a QI project and you should be using a quantitative methodology, quasi-experimental design. There should be a pre-test, intervention, and post-test. Please review and work on making these changes. All of my comments are listed in the text boxes within the rubric. 

As discussed earlier, the prospectus is an iterative process. This assignment provides the opportunity for you to incorporate feedback and improve your prospectus.

General Requirements:

Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:

Locate your previous draft of the prospectus template to assist you in the completion of the prospectus.

Synthesize into the prospectus draft all feedback provided by the instructor on the previous draft.

Doctoral learners are required to use APA style for their writing assignments. 

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the for assistance.


Complete a revised draft of the prospectus according to the instructions and criteria provided in each section of the prospectus template and previous feedback from your instructor. The draft should include revised information for the following sections of the prospectus:

1. Introduction

2. Background of the Problem

3. Theoretical Foundations

4. Review of the Literature/Themes

5. Problem Statement

6. Clinical Questions and Variables

7. Significance of the Project

8. Rationale for Methodology

9. Nature of the Project Design

10. Purpose of the Project Design

11. Instrumentation or Sources of Data

12. Data Collection Procedures

13. Data Analysis Procedures

14. Ethical Considerations

15. Appendix: Include the previous version of your prospectus draft, including feedback from faculty, as an appendix.


The topic of this presentation will address job analysis and the different types of interviewing selection processes. It should reflect the results of your interpretation and critical thinking based on your textbook reading and research. Your presentation should cover the following points: Explain the nature and uses of job analysis in healthcare organizations. Discuss healthcare recruitment and selection. List the advantages and disadvantages of each interview type. Describe which interview has more interviewer biases, which one is more timely, which one is most costly, and which one provides more depth of information. The presentation is to be a minimum of six slides not counting the title and reference slides. You are required to use the textbook, and at least two additional sources. Feel free to use the slide notes to further explain your slides if necessary. 

Flynn, W. J., Mathis, R. L., Jackson, J. H., & Valentine, S. R. (2016). Healthcare human resource management (3rd ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning. 

Discussion post: Diaspora and communication

Read or view all the articles/videos linked below for use in the discussion assignment. Select the item(s) you find most interesting and respond to the question(s).

You must use this template for your posts: (please check on the bottom)

Post is based upon/is a response to:

Two Concepts Used: [list both]

Text of Post:

First paragraph

Second paragraph


Govil, N.

Bollywood and the Frictions of Global Mobility

Rego, C. and A. La Pastina

Brazil and the Globalization of Telenovelas

Georgiou, M. and R. Silverstone

Diasporas and Contra-Flows Beyond Nation-Centrism

Karim H. Karim

Reviewing the National and International Communication: Through the Lens of the Diaspora


Diasporic Communication: Transnational Cultural Practices and Communicative Spaces. Diasporic Communication, Vol. 9 – 2002, No. 1. (file uploaded)

  • Search for at least 5 scholarly resources that relate to Controlling Service Quality and have been published within the last 5 years. 
  • Select 1 article relating to Controlling Service Quality. 
  • Adhere to the following format:
    1. Controlling Service Quality Explanation: Define your key topic by using a source other than the textbook. Explain why you are interested in this topic (e.g., academic curiosity, application to a current issue related to employment, or any other professional rationale). At least 100 words.
    2. Comparison: Compare your research. Note differences or commonalities about Controlling Service Quality, providing evidence that you have extended your understanding. Cite the additional articles you researched. At least 200 words.
    3. Article Summary: In your own words, provide a clear and concise summary of the article you selected. At least 200 words.
    4. Application: Specifically state how your key topic has been applied to real-world businesses or describe the potential your key topic has to influence todays business world. Your application must possess a professional rationale that demonstrates the significance of your key topic. At least 100 words.
    5. Annotated Bibliography: Each annotation will consist of a descriptive paragraph of at least 100 words with a persistent link for each article.