Select two theories from the following list:

Modeling theory
Attachment theory
Behavioral conditioning
Create an infographic comparing and contrasting your selected theories. Which of the two theories do you feel best explains criminality? Why did you select this theory? Defend your answer academically.


Read How to design a comparison infographic
Open a Piktochart account.
Create a message and answer the questions: Which of the two theories do you feel best explains criminality? Why did you select this theory?
Insert the image (of your infographic), URL, or attach a PDF file to the discussion board.
Refer to M1S4 for an example of a Piktochart infographic.
A  rubric Click for more options rubric – Alternative Formats

has been provided.

1) Consider Kaczynski’s childhood. Which relationships in his family impacted him the most and why? Is there anything that stands out to you about his childhood?

2) Please read the following article:

How did Kaczynksi’s years at Harvard University influence (or not influence) him from a developmental life course perspective?

3) Many have said that “society” is responsible for creating the Unabomber. Depending on your position on this point, why do you think this may or may not be true?


1) This case study should be a minimum of 6 pages of analysis. Please number each page.

2) There should be a reference page (Page 7) at the end of the case study

3) For each page missing, an automatic 10 points gets deducted. So if you submit a 5 page paper, you start out with a 90.

4) Please look out for formatting, proper indentation, punctuation use, grammar, syntax, and spelling errors. 1 point gets deducted for every error.

5) Please take the time to edit your documents before submitting.


Select a topic of your choice related to the criminal justice theories in this course and write a research paper. The paper should be double-spaced, 12 points and Times New Roman in font. Your research paper should include the following:

An introduction: (1-2 paragraphs)
Research question: Write one to two research questions that you would like to explore in your research.
Literature review (at least 4 pages): Find at least five peer-reviewed articles and paraphrase important conclusions of these articles related to your research question. Make sure to cite them all using the APA style.
Conclusion: In this section summarize the important points that you found in your research.

Note: DO NOT use direct quotes whatsoever, only paraphrase.

While your paper must have a scholarly tone (e.g. using appropriate grammar and a college-level vocabulary, not using contractions or the first-person or the second person), it should consist mainly of your own original ideas and thoughts. Use the APA style for references.

The focus will be on integrating in your own language the literature available on the topic of your choice. Make sure the articles are peer-reviewed or scholarly articles and not book reviews, book review essays, newspaper articles, or descriptive pieces found on the Internet.

Please submit your term paper through Blackboard. Submit through Turnitin or SafeAssign several times before the due date to check for plagiarism. The originality report should contain less than 20% matching. Otherwise, it will not be graded.

Using your module resources as backing, do you feel that untreated mental illness is something which affects the likelihood that someone will become crime prone?

Many times practitioners are reluctant to label children with a mental illness. Why do you think this is? Should society hold off on labeling a child who exhibits signs of a mental disorder or should we label them early in order for treatment to begin at a young age?

Discussion Board Guidelines: Submit an answer to the discussion board. Each discussion board post will be between 200 300 words long. Refer & cite current resources in your answer.  You will need to respond to two peers postings. Your peer response should be a minimum of three sentences.

A  rubric Click for more options rubric – Alternative Formats

has been provided.

Include five topic behavior appropriate single-subject articles regarding Differential Reinforcement of Incompatible Behavior and provide a summary of each article.

Evaluate the research designs used in the articles and analyze the internal, external, and social validity of each article.

Analyze the treatments (independent variables) used in all of the articles, and identify the strengths and limitations of these treatments.

Describe subjects and settings of all articles reviewed and include setting and diagnosis information.

Analyze the results of articles and conclusions made from a complete visual inspection of the graphs, including trend, levels, and stability between phases.

Provide Conclusion of overall findings of research and discusses potential areas for future research.

Demonstrates an academic writing style through well-organized prose that contains no significant grammatical or mechanical errors and follows assignment guidelines.

Written communication: Should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
APA formatting: References and citations are formatted according to current APA style guidelines.
Resources: A minimum of five scholarly or professional resources.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12-point.

Topic: telehealth/telemedicine

500-word essay that provides an overview of the technology, its purpose, and how it would function in a health care setting, including any ethical or legal issues that would accompany the incorporation of the technology. Discuss how this technology could improve access to care and promote patient safety and quality.

Cite three to five sources. Sources must be published within the last 5 years.

APA 6th edition

Students are required write a current event essay in which they analyze an article and relate it to course topics. Students will need to find an article (Economist, Wall Street Journal, Time, Newsweek, etc.) and write a three-page essay (Times New Roman, double-spaced, 12 point font, and one-inch margins) relating the article to topics discussed in the course. The article must be cited in the essay. NOTE regarding format: Times New Roman is specific to Microsoft Word. If you are using a different word processing system, please select a similar font. If you do not access to Word, Works, Pages, Notes, or any other word processing system, you may directly type into the submission box.  Students will be graded on their ability to follow directions and articulate how course topics relate to their article of choice. Late essays will not be accepted. The essay is worth 50 points. Students can anticipate feedback and score within 7 days of due date.

The introduction and conclusion are strong.

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSummary of article. At least four supporting details addressing who, what, where, when, why or how of the article information.

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIdentification of economic problem/debate /issue and its relation to material studied in class.

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeInclusion of economic terms in the article summary.

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeStudent articulates how article relates to course topics.

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReflection about understanding of article compared to 16 weeks ago

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSources cited within the paper and Works Cited page at the end.

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDemonstrates knowledge and use of writing mechanics (sentence structure, grammar, punctuation, capitalization, spelling, etc) to enhance readability.

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePaper is at least three full pages of text using Times New Roman, double-spaced, 12 point font, and one-inch margins.

To writer:

To Writer:

On an attached file : you see 2 different writing with different references that got highlighted as Peer 1& Peer 2.
Each peer wrote about the topic of Vulnerable Population . I highlighted peer responses in yellow color

Please respond to each peer separately and make sure to use at least one reference. I want you to use in text citation as well. You can use the same reference that the peer used. You do not have to look for the new reference. Pleas use APA 7TH style reference. Accuracy and correct formatting of the references are extremely important to me. Do not mess up the reference part.
Also make sure to use positive words . I do not want a negativity in the response of my peers.
Please write 150 words minimum for each peer.

The cost of healthcare in the U.S. is often discussed by the press. Trends in healthcare spending are determined by public and private decisions about health care delivery and reflect the values and beliefs of society and policy makers.

Compare the distribution of healthcare expenses for 2017. (Nations health dollar: where it came from and where it went with those of 2011 [see textbook]).

Write a summary of your findings and their meaning in terms of health care spending.

Must be formatted in APA and all references cited.