Discuss present-day environmental problems and identify their roots in Chinas environmental history.

find a news article about a present-day (post-2016) environmental issue in China that is related to the topic of the lectures, films, and required readings for that week. Write a short paragraph explaining how the article is connected to that weeks them. To receive full points, you must post your current events report (including a link to the news article you selected)

Many news outlets keep online articles behind paywalls, but you can start by looking for articles free of charge on chinadialogue.net, npr.org, theguardian.com, apnews.com, and bbc.com.

I already uploaded this week’s Video and article, please watch and read, and find a news article about a present-day (post-2016) environmental issue in China that is related to the topic (video and article)

Topic is: Japanese colonial forestry

I uploaded the PDF, articles please watch it, and find a article relate to webiste and PDF and write about it. (Also read this websites below)



report should explain how the news article is “related to the topic of the lectures, films, and required readings for that week.

Must include a sentence:  the article i choice related to the lecture and video because that: XXX

Book Review:
Students are expected to research and select a book that deals with one of the Development issues covered in class. This assignment is an individual submission. The selected book must NOT be a textbook. Please see the last page for guidelines. The due date is indicated in the course outline below

Guidelines for Book Review:

A full book review may concern only one book. Its length is about 1500-2000 words. It should give readers an engaging, informative, and critical discussion of the work. The review should follow the Guidelines below.

The review should consider (please use as your outline):

    The intended audience for the book and who would find it useful
    The background of the author(s)
    The main ideas and major objectives of the book and how effectively these are accomplished
    The context or impetus for the book – – political controversy, implications of the book for research, policy, practice, or theory
    A comparison with other works on this subject
    Constructive comments about the strength and weaknesses of the book

The front page of your review should include:

    Your first and last name
    Your student id
    Author(s) or editor(s) first and last name(s) (please indicate if it is an edited book)
    Title of book
    Year of publication
    Place of publication
    Number of pages
    Price (please indicate paperback or hard cover) if available

Doctor instructions:

You have been approached by a media house to write an essay 1000 words about the Internet is obviously a powerful medium it may turn out to be the most powerful in human history. It also is not perfect. What is the best thing about the Internet today? Explain. What is the worst thing about the Internet today? Explain. Are you generally optimistic about the Internets future role in our lives or pessimistic about the Internets future role? Explain.

My instruction need to work on it:
1.    The work needs to increase the depth of the idea and develop the content.
2.    Some words and sentences are linguistically weak and need to be reformulated to be linguistically stronger.
3.    Review my assignment and ensure that all aspects are covered after reviewing the instruction file
4.    Review the sources and ensure that they are correct, and amend them if there is a mistake
5.    Make sure all work followed guideline (Add an In-Text Citation, reference APA style

Learning Outcome(s):
The activity is to be an individual piece of work focused on LO 1 (Use different planning techniques, assess and evaluate the differing
tasks time, cost and quality requirements to produce a project delivery plan within a goal-oriented environment.
Introduction to Coursework:
Optimism bias has been proved to be accepted as a major cause of unrealistic scheduling, cost overrun and difficulties in developing
baseline plans.
Coursework Outline/Scenario:
You are required to define and discuss the above phenomena within the management of projects and their planning. Your discussion
should also highlight the effect of this bias and some of the mitigation methods used to eliminate or reduce its effect.
Coursework Format/Presentation:
The activity requires the production of an essay of 1000 words (+ or 10%) in length. The writing style should be concise (not
brief), and an appropriate structure should be adopted. The emphasis is on analysis and evaluation, not on describing. Images, tables,
etc. are considered as being graphic material in this context. This will free-up some space in terms of the maximumword count. The
essay should have clearly-stated connections with appropriate literature and these should be consistently referenced (preferably using
the Harvard style of referencing). No executive summary or introduction is required.

For your final assignment in this course, you will be writing a reflection on physical science and how what you have learned this term relates to your studies outside of science.  You will start to work toward that assessment this week by reflecting on your understanding of what you have learned so far in the course. 
For this paper, please write a 12-page paper that answers the following questions:
1.    What are the most interesting or important things you have learned in Modules 1-3 of this course? Be sure to include 1-3 terms and concepts from each module.
2.    How do physical science and the scientific method relate to your major area of study IN PSYCHOLOGY? What scientific skills relate to your studies outside of science?
Be sure to provide at least 1-2 citations (go beyond the textbook!) using APA format to support your ideas.

For your written assignment, describe the process for early identification, including Child Find and screening.
different types of assessments and programs like iep vs ifsp and more…

This should be a 2-to-3-page essay and proper APA style and format. Include 2 citations from peer-reviewed articles and the assigned readings.

Paper Requirements
    2-3 pages in length
    Double-spaced, 12-point font, 1-inch margins
    APA Format
    Abstract 50-100 words
    Please do not exceed 3 pages of content title page, abstract, and references NOT included

Reading: https://www.kff.org/medicare/issue-brief/the-facts-on-medicare-spending-and-financing/

Based on the article:
In your own words what are 2-3 factors resulting in the growth rate of Medicare per capita spending shrinking from 2010-2018 vs. 2000-2010?
Evaluate the Figure 4 & Figure 5 graphs: Actual and Projected Annual Growth Rates in Medicare and Private Health Insurance Spending, 1990-2028 and Actual and Projected Average Annual Growth in Medicare Beneficiary Costs for Part A, Part B and Part D, 1990-2028. Based on the graphs, bullet out what you think are the 2-3 key takeaways
When the article states for example that 72% of Medical Part B is financed through general revenue — what is meant by general revenue?
What is the Medicare Hospital Insurance Trust Fund? Briefly summarize why the actuaries have projected that the Part A Trust Fund will be depleted by 2026

Essay 2

On the basis of class lectures and assigned and recommended readings thus far, please present an argument based on the following statement:

The emergence of states represents an extraordinary revolution in human social organization and in the technologies of social control available to rulers. 

Your answer should define what a state is, should be cognizant of the range of hypotheses that scholars have put forth to explain the emergence of states, should discuss the relationship between urbanism and state formation, should discuss the significance of the principal changes in human social organization and technologies of social control (labour) that states entail, and should assess how revolutionary those changes and technologies were in terms of the human career as a whole.

Your essay should make use of, and incorporate, pertinent materials from class lectures and from relevant assigned class readings.

Required Reading List:

Week 4.  Urbanism in Ancient Civilizations (January 25, 27, 29)

Perspectives from urban civilizations in the Old and New Worlds.  Mesopotamia, Indus Valley, China, Mesoamerica and the Andes.  High density vs. Low-Density settlement clusters.

Readings: Ashmore and Sabloff 2002; Cowgill 2007; Smith 2002.

Recommended Readings: Algaze 2013; Smith 2007, Flad 2018.

Readings: I Say, They Say: Chap 11.

Week 5: Technologies of Social Organization: The Rise of the State (February 1, 3, 5)

The Birth of Tyranny.  The institutionalization of class and social hierarchies. 

Theories of the Origin of the State.

J.C. Scott: Cereals and Civilization.

Readings: Haas 1982, pp. 34-85; Scott 2017, pp. 116-149; Hariri 2015, chap. 6.

Recommended Readings: Hariri 2015, Chapter 11.

Readings: I Say, They Say: Chap 5.

PAPER DUE: Final version of Essay 1 due on Friday, Feb 7.

Week: 6: Art as Propaganda: The representation of the King

(February 8, 10, 12)

Ideologies and Iconographies of Kingship in the Early States:

The Case of Mesopotamia

The Warka Vase as Weltsanshauung (Vision of the World)

Propaganda: The Exaltation of Sumerian Kings: The Standard of Ur.

Readings: Winter 2007; Schmandt Besserat 1993.

Recommended Reading: Brisch 2013.

Readings: I Say, They Say: Chap 8.

Happy St. Valentines day!

Week 7: The Labor Revolution (February 17, 19; Holiday: Feb 15)

Labour in Ancient Civilizations: The Mesopotamian and Incan Examples

Breaking the bonds of kinship in the organization of labour: Slavery in the Ancient Near East.

Readings: Hariri 2015, Chapter 8; Mendelsohn 1948; Snell 2011; Steinkeller 2015, pp. 1-35.

Readings: I Say, They Say: Chap 9.

PAPER DUE: the first draft of Essay 2 due on Friday, Feb 19.

Reading: https://www.healthsystemtracker.org/brief/measuring-the-quality-of-healthcare-in-the-u-s/

Explain how the article is critical of the scores of quality measures developed by accreditation organizations, regulators, payers, and healthcare providers.
The article states, In addition to looking at health outcomes, another way to measure healthcare system quality is to focus on what happens in clinical settings: In this sense the article is focusing on the measurement of process measures Can you think of 1-2 process measures that could allow us to understand whether or not clinical care is effective?
What current measures do you think do an effective job in measuring quality?