In his article Famine, Affluence, and Morality, (beginning on page 235), Peter Singer spoke about the distinction between duty and charity. He said that in our society, Because giving money is regarded as an act of charity, it is not thought that there is anything wrong with not giving. The charitable man may be praised, but the man who is not charitable is not condemned.
    Singer further explained how people do not feel in any way ashamed or guilty about spending money on new clothes or a new car instead of giving it to famine relief. Singer concluded, This way of looking at the matter cannot be justified. We ought to give the money away, and it is wrong not to do so.

Please answer the following question:
Does Peter Singers above view remain consistent with his main thesis from the article? Fully explain your answer and when doing so, be sure to clearly state Singers main thesis, in your explanation. (100 points)

Explore the Center for Responsive Politics  website. The Center for Responsive Politics tracks money in U.S. politics and its effect on elections and public policy. The center provides data and analytical reports on a number of topics (presidential elections, super pacs, political parties, 527 groups, etc.)

Research an area that interests you on the site. Submit a minimum one page summary and analysis of your findings on the topic. Include links to the pages you consulted for your assignment.

Each response should be paragraph should be a minimum of one full page written in full sentences  (minimum of 10 sentences)

In this discussion, please share insights into the policy analysis process you undertook during this course. This is a personal reflection, so it is unnecessary to tie the work to credible sources, but both the initial and response posts should reflect the depth of discussion identified in the Faculty Expectations. The focus of this discussion is on the lessons learned.

In your initial post, respond to the following:

What parts of the policy analysis went well?
What parts of the policy analysis might you do differently when conducting a policy analysis in the future?
What do you believe is the takeaway of greatest value to you as a result of conducting this comprehensive policy analysis?

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper that analyzes special considerations for case management in the correctional setting.

Include the following:

>Evaluate general case management duties and how they apply to the correctional population.

>Analyze the challenges faced by case managers related to multiculturalism and diversity within the various criminal justice settings.

>Explain how dynamic factors and static criminal history are used in case management.

>Describe the process of determining future services for inmates after completing their case management plan.

Include a minimum of 2 sources.

Position Paper Group Project: The group project requires the group to select a business issue affecting an organization you have or currently work for and determine how to address it using any of the HR approaches studied in the course.

**Business issue: Creating a Harassment Free Work Environment **

The project requires you to make specific recommendations about what HR policies are appropriate for your business. Write a position paper explaining how you would implement your approach and how it would address the problem.  (Whats the impact, how would you measure it?)

Covering the points:

1-The Issue That Needs to Be Resolved
2-Executive Summary: Background Information
3-Options That Are Available
4-Cost-benefit Analysis of Options
****5-Recommendation of the Best Option

As part of the group my points are 5 and 6, so those are the questions that you need work on.
(****5-Recommendation of the Best Option

* All references should be cited appropriately in APA standards.

Concept                                      Strategy to Teach the Concept





Connotation vs. Denotation

The goal is that you have the opportunity to cover a few topic areas without the basic research essay.

Research and explain an effective strategy for teaching your class about verbs. Be sure to include a link of the strategy if you found it online, or cite the strategy you reference

Please respond to 1 & 2. Please make sure that both have references>

This is what I wrote:

How SLU Core Values are connected to the Ethical Codes
There is a connection between SLU core values and ethical codes. One of the instances in which they are related is that both require one to show respect for others. The SLU core values require that one should value the unique talents of other individuals and respect their dignity (Saint Leo University, n.d). Similarly, ethical standards require that one should respect the beliefs and cultures of other individuals and groups (NOHS, 2015). In the second instance, the connection can be seen in the requirement for assisting ones community. The SLU core values require that one should be a responsible steward, who is resourceful, optimizes and applies resources with the intent of fulfilling community needs and goals (Saint Leo University, n.d). Similarly, the ethical standards require that an individual should use available mechanisms to assist, plan and advocate for addressing community and societal level needs (NOHS, 2015).
How a Practitioner can demonstrate respect for Professional Ethical Boundaries
A human services agent can demonstrate consideration for ethical boundaries using SLU and the Ethical Standards for Human Service Professionals. For instance, when engaging with a client, a practitioner will obtain informed consent from the individual so that the service can be delivered. The client will be told that they can at any point cancel the consent they provided initially and the practitioner respects the clients decision. Secondly, a human services agent can demonstrate consideration for ethical boundaries by observing a persons need for discretion and secrecy. The respect for confidentiality and privacy will be observed except when it may put the client’s safety art risk (NOHS, 2015).
Ethical Statement: The organization will treat all its stakeholders including clients, employees, employers and the society with dignity, courtesy, and respect.

NOHS. (2015). Ethical Standards for Human Services Professionals. Retrieved 16 March 2021 from
Saint Leo University. (n.d). Core Values at Saint Leo University: Florida’s First Catholic University. Retrieved 16 March 2021 from

1. Estelle
How the SLU core values are connected to the NOHS ethical standards

The Saint Leo University core values are connected to that of NOHS ethical standards. It guides how individuals should conduct themselves and outlines the individuals responsibility to others and themselves. Saint Leo models the fundamental values of the human services profession and includes respecting the dignity and welfare of all people; promoting self-determination; honoring cultural diversity; advocating for social justice; and acting with integrity, honesty, genuineness, and objectivity (National Organization for Human Services, 2015, para. 2). Saint Leo uses its core values to promote and encourage human service values by creating a community of like-minded individuals with integrity and ethics. This is accomplished by modifying individual beliefs through repetition and application of the core values in coursework. According to Naagarazan (2006), modifying beliefs through repetition and positive affirmation can modify or create new beliefs about a persons identity and/or what is important to him (values) (p. 3).

How a practitioner can demonstrate respect for professional ethical boundaries

A practitioner can demonstrate respect for professional ethical boundaries by learning the standards, requirements, and procedures for human services professionals and the organization they belong to. Policies and procedures are embedded with an organizations values and carry normative assumptions that influence ethical reasoning and behavior, impacting how decisions are rationalized and what behaviors are deemed appropriate and fitting in a particular setting (Nielsen & Lockwood, 2018, p. 45). This will enable the professional to interact ethically with colleagues, to effectively coordinate with other departments, to interact cordially with suppliers as well as the customers, and to maintain all these friendly interactions (Naagarazan, 2006, p. 7).

Ethical Statement

We respect our community’s diversity and uphold our core values in our mission and promote them in our work by acting with integrity, honesty, genuineness, and objectivity.


Naagarazan, R.S. (2006). Textbook on professional ethics and human values [eBook edition]. New Age International Ltd.

National Organization for Human Services. (2015). Ethical standards for human services


Nielsen, R. P., & Lockwood, C. (2018). Varieties of transformational solutions to institutional ethics logic conflicts. Journal of Business Ethics, 149(1), 45-55.

Saint Leo University. (n.d.). Mission and Core Values.

2. Wendy

SLU CV connection to ESHS

SLUs mission statement clearly indicates its perspective with regard to education for people of all faiths, through creation of student centered environment noting the importance of learning as a prime factor.  The core values that SLU adopted include excellence, community, respect, personal development, responsible stewardship and integrity with each core value representing the manner in which SLU operates.  The following are examples of SLU connections to the relationship framework outlined in the Ethical Standards of Human Services Professionals:

I find SLU core value Community – connection to ESHS Responsibility to the Public & Society is reflected in STANDARD 10 Human service professionals provide services without discrimination or preference in regards to age, ethnicity, culture, race, ability, gender, language preference, religion, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, nationality, or other historically oppressed groups.  Clearly identified, these values and standards are demonstrated in student acceptance to admissions to a variety of degreed programs without regard to their individual differences or preferences.  Excellence  is implemented through its educational enterprise employing individuals who committed to its mission, providing students with tools necessary to gaining essential knowledge.  I find this is reflective of STANDARDs 36/37 Human service professionals hold a commitment to lifelong learning and continually advance their knowledge and skills to serve clients more effectively; (37) Human service educators develop and implement culturally sensitive knowledge, awareness, and teaching methodologies.  Being attentive to these are manners in which excellence is promoted, not only to staff’s self awareness but in the ability to continue to promote excellence amongst student success through exchange in academic instructions, leadership and guidance by professors.

I find SLU CV Respect in relationship to ESHS directly connected to the Preamble’s fundamental values of the human services profession include respecting the dignity and welfare of all people; promoting self-determination; honoring cultural diversity; advocating for social justice; and acting with integrity, honesty, genuineness and objectivity. I’ve found this in the onset of learning through mere genuine welcoming from professors via online introductions, interactions and expressing accessibility.

How a Practitioner

SLU CV Personal Development – STANDARD 35 Human service professionals strive to develop and maintain healthy personal growth to ensure that they are capable of giving optimal services to clients.  SLU employment of individuals bolstering highest academic achievements definitely attests to personal development values.

CV – Responsible Stewardship STANDARD 37 Human service educators develop and implement culturally sensitive knowledge, awareness, and teaching methodologies. STANDARD 26 Human service professionals seek the training, experience, education and supervision necessary to ensure their effectiveness in working with culturally diverse individuals based on age, ethnicity, culture, race, ability, gender, language preference, religion, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, nationality, or other historically oppressive groups. In addition, they will strive to increase their competence in methods which are known to be the best fit for the population(s) with whom they work.  Being aligned, knowledgeable and competent addresses the obligation to provision and taking actions to foster the responsibility of stewardship towards SLU’s mission.

SLU CV- Integrity- Directly stated and found in ESHS Preamble, the fundamental values of the human services profession include respecting the dignity and welfare of all people; promoting self-determination; honoring cultural diversity; advocating for social justice; and acting with integrity, honesty, genuineness and objectivity.  This value is reflected in SLU’s mission through offering on campus and worldwide learning  where availability to learning expands beyond the physicality of on campus.

Practitioner Demonstrate Respect for Professional/Ethical Boundaries

ESHS fundamentals values include respecting dignity and welfare of all while honoring diversity.  Respecting the professional relationship without crossing personal boundaries also denotes respect and ethical boundaries. Another facet would be to not impose personal biases upon clients. Client confidentiality as well as respect for clients time (2015).  A practitioner can demonstrate respect for professional and ethical boundaries merely by adherence to the outlined core values and mission statement set forth and clearly stated in the SLU CV and its Mission Statement.  Also by having a clearly defined set of values, principles and morals in regard to personal standards to live by, which should closely align with the SLU CV and MS.


National Organization for Human Services (2015). Ethical Standards for Human   

        Services Professionals. Responsibility to the Public and Society.

You can keep it simple and use our textbooks for your selected artworks. 35,000 B.C.E. to 500 C.E. Paleolithic art through the Early Medieval period will be covered in the course materials, and therefore, your selected art works should be within this time frame. Please do not pick a Renaissance art work or anything contemporary. If you have questions, you can look at all chapters in our syllabus, and select works from those chapters. That is a good, guaranteed approach to finding acceptable images.

You may also mix it up and use some internet researched art images (artists must be fairly well-known so that you can research them more easily). Each week, in our discussions, we will be completing skills that can be applied to your Final Projects. For example, your first impressions and theme, research, and describing art (Elements of Art and Principles of Design).

In order to successfully complete the virtual art exhibit, you should create something (a video in your preferred format, Prezi or GoogleSlides, a virtual guided tour in ArtSteps, a Voicethread collection of images and text, a PDF, etc.) that contains two (2) art works AND a 1 page Exhibit Statement.

Step 1: Write an Exhibition Statement first.
Exhibit Statements discuss the inspiration for the exhibition. Discuss topics that give the viewer information about why you chose these works of art, and why you think they “belong” together. What is your inspiration for this exhibition?

An Exhibition Statement also introduces the works of art to the audience before they enter the exhibition. The Exhibition Statement is a great place to write about your first impressions and the theme or themes that connect to your 2 works of art.

Formatting requirements for your Exhibition Statement:

The Exhibition Statement needs to be one page in length, double-spaced. And it needs to be in 11 or 12 point font. Use paragraphs, please.
Must include any sources used to write paragraphs’ information — add in-text citations. Research them if you haven’t used them before.
A Bibliography should be added also. It is on its own slide, page, or section after the essay or exhibition itself.
The Bibliography should include a total of 3-4 academic resources.
Step 2: Create your presentation and write some awesome descriptions.

Start that slide show or ArtSteps guided tour, for example. Don’t forget to use MLA StyleLinks to an external site. format for your citations and sources listed at the end of presentation.

Please address these basic properties when you write about in paragraphs that you write. Use all terminology that is used below in the list. I am using bullet points in order to clearly format the instructions but this bullet list would not be appropriate for a professional Arts article or essay, for example.

The title of the work of art in MLA Style format. Links to an external site.
The date or general time period (for example, during prehistoric times, there are general time periods, such as Neolithic and Paleolithic
Medium (the materials that are used in order to create the artwork)
Dimensions (size) — is it small-scale? Or is this a large-scale work and about the size of a human being? Is it monumental, which means that it is many times the size of a human being?
What is the subject matter presented in the work of art?
Once you properly introduce a work of art, discuss the work of art in terms of one Element of Art and one Principle of Design.

Step 3: Complete the first impressions and connect them to a theme.

Pick a theme and do research based on this topic. Tell us what you have learned in your exhibition statement that you started earlier.

Examples of Research:

Articles – online magazines, newspapers, art magazines (Juxtapoz)
Podcasts – there’s lots of art podcasts
Our textbook – stick to the chapters that we cover in the syllabus
Online museum events (Asian Art Museum, for example)
YouTube (a lot of museums, universities, and artists have their own channels)
Online search in our library database
Don’t be afraid to Ask a Librarian – they can find sources for you while you work on other stuff!
Step 4: Design an Element of Art and a Principle of Design.

Finally, it’s very important to demonstrate that you understand how to identify at least one Element of Art in the work of art. Describe it in your own words, and then do the same for at least one Principle of Design.

Antecedents, Behavior, and Consequences

For this assignment, use the case study about James on page 263-276 in your Functional Assessment text. Create a blank Functional Analysis Observation Form (FAOF) using page 264-265 in your Functional Assessment text as a guide to document the behaviors of James.

The disruptive target behaviors for this analysis include James’:

Hits and kicks adults when confronted for inappropriate behavior.
Noncompliant behavior.
Off-task behavior.
Disruptive Behavior.
Property Destruction.
You will also target his cooperative behavior.

Use the table you have created to record:

The antecedents (A) that trigger the behavior.
The consequences (C) that follow the behavior.
The setting events (SE) that may be affecting behavior.
Remember that there may not be setting events for each instance of behavior, but they may be present throughout the activity. Antecedents and consequences may also occur across paragraphs.

Once you have completed the table:

Use the space below the table to list the patterns or consistencies in antecedents and consequences that appear to be related to the disruptive behaviors.
Develop a summary statement concerning antecedents, disruptive behaviors, and consequences. Then develop a summary statement concerning antecedents, cooperative behavior, and consequences.
Explain the importance of conducting assessments prior to the implementation of intervention. How does this ensure effective treatment?
Assignment Requirements

Your assignment should meet the following requirements:

Written communication: Should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
APA formatting: References and citations are formatted according to current APA style guidelines.
Resources: A sufficient number of scholarly or professional resources.
Length: 23 double-spaced pages.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12-point.

Please respond to the 2 people. Please make sure you have a reference for each.

How to Create Boundaries that Protect Client Confidentiality

Client confidentiality will be protected at all times by adhering to their right to privacy and secrecy. However, the right to privacy will be breached when and if the adhering to the right will put the client and others at risk. Also, the right to privacy will be breached if the guidelines of the agency state otherwise and or when there are stated conditions by the state or federal laws. Therefore, if it is anticipated that any form of harm may befall a client or other people as a consequence of the behavior of the client, a human services practitioner is justified for breaching confidentiality requirements if doing so will ensure the safety of those affected (NOHS, 2015). Before engaging with a client, a human service practitioner will inform the client of these boundaries to confidentiality and assure them that there will be no breach of confidentiality if the mentioned circumstances do not occur.
Three Ways to Protect Client Confidentiality
One of the ways client confidentiality can be protected is by storing confidential information in locked cabinet files. The approach means that a human services practitioner should never leave client files, which are often unsecured since any person can access them. Secondly, client confidentiality can be maintained by ensuring that computer monitors or home screens are not used to store client information. Instead, they should be stored within encrypted hard drives in the computer that can only be accessed using a password. Thirdly, client confidentiality can be protected by not discussing pertinent issues to a clients case in public spaces. Client information should only be discussed in a location where unauthorized persons cannot listen to the details of the conversation.

NOHS. (2015). Ethical Standards for Human Services Professionals. Retrieved 22nd October        2019 from

Please respond to 1&2: Angela

Confidentiality means keeping the information on the employer and clients as secrets (Naagarazan 2006). It is an essential ethical standard in which all individuals should be aware of and practice daily. Breaking confidentiality can ruin an organization’s reputation with trust from current and potential employers. Jane must get a handle on this situation immediately. After Jane and her team implement a solution, a follow-up should occur to ensure no repeats of employer and client confidentiality gaps.

Confidentiality Agreement

I would advise Jane to establish a detailed confidentiality agreement for the employer and client to review, discuss and sign before any other conversation occurs. The agreement should provide the employer and the client’s responsibilities to ensure clarity, which will help keep all personnel honest and accountable. Safe and secure information is a priority for clients and can determine how much information is shared.

Types of Communication to Avoid

Communication methods are vital because they can accidentally be viewed or released by other people besides the intended client. I would advise Jane to avoid the following communication types while in the office or community to prevent unnecessary conflicts. Social workers should avoid communications with clients using technology (such as social networking sites, online chat, e-mail, text messages, telephone, and video) for personal or non-work-related purposes (Reamer 2018). Technology has made communication more convenient but not necessarily safe and secure. This further stress why both the employer and client should be mindful of the information they share and how it happens.

How to Properly Store Client Information

I would advise Jane to review the current storing client information methods and make adjustments to correct the current issues. The employers should have individual logins to access the organization system and use it only when needed and not for personal use. If not already in place, there should be random audits to review client’s records to see who viewed and when. Each record should only be accessed by the employer who signed the confidentiality agreement with the client and no other employers. The agreement aligns with Saint Leo’s standards 3, 8, and 9. Human service professionals protect the integrity, safety, and security of client’s records. Client information in written or electronic form that is shared with other professionals must have the client’s prior written consent except in the course of professional supervision or when legally obliged or permitted to share such information Client National Organization of Human Services. (2016). Properly stored client information prevents issues and lets the clients know that trust is not a factor with the organization. Broken trust causes the client to go elsewhere and potentially leave a bad review.


Naagarazan, R. (2006). Textbook on Professional Ethics and Human Values. ProQuest Ebook Central

National Organization of Human Services. (2016). Ethical Standards for Human Service Professionals. Retrieved from:

Reamer, F. (2018). Ethical Standards in Social Work. A Review of the NASW Code of Ethics.

2. Monica

The Importance of Client Confidentiality
As a human services practitioner, it is imperative the highest standards of ethical behaviors are being exercised, in particular, safeguarding client information and confidentiality. In the human services field, there may be an exchange of personal/private information from the client to the practitioner that has to be kept close hold to uphold the integrity of the professional relationship as well as to protect the client. The National Organization for Human Services outlines three standards that cover the topic of confidentiality:
STANDARD 3 Human service professionals protect the client’s right to privacy and confidentiality except when such confidentiality would cause serious harm to the client or others when agency guidelines state otherwise, or under other stated conditions
STANDARD 8 Human service professionals protect the integrity, safety, and security of client records.
STANDARD 9 When providing services through the use of technology, human service professionals take precautions to ensure and maintain confidentiality and comply with all relevant laws and requirements regarding storing, transmitting, and retrieving data.
Creating Boundaries
Practitioners in the field can create boundaries with other clients or coworkers by not discussing personal information with others who do not have a legal need to know. The bottom line, practitioners need to remain professional both inside and outside of the office and not divulge (verbally, written, or electronically) with others.

According to Moore-Kirkland and Irey (1981), confidentiality is regarded as essential to the process of change that takes place through the exclusive relationship between worker and client (p. 319). Therefore, this exclusive relationship (which is privileged), needs to be nurtured in order to not break the trust and respect created overtime.

Ways to Protect Client Confidentiality
As a leader, I would advise employees to always ensure they have informed consent from a client if information is requested about them. Employees should err on the side of caution and never assume it is okay to release or discuss private information regarding a client. I would also tell employees to always protect the client information by ensuring files and documents are kept safe; either in a locked filing cabinet or password protected electronically. In addition, I would ensure regular training (initial and refreshers) regarding the importance of client confidentiality and ways to protect information are administered on an ongoing basis. Also, the organization would have written policies in place that were briefed to the staff at onboarding as well as during regular monthly or quarterly meetings to keep the information on the forefront.


Council for Standards in Human Service Education. (n.d.). Council for Standards in Human Service Education.  Standards-Masters-Degree-Revised-July-2020.pdf
Moore-Kirkland, J., & Irey, K. V. (1981). A reappraisal of confidentiality. Social Work, 26(4),    319323.
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