Click on the link for ART 21 PBS; here, you will find a contemporary artist menu. You will then choose an artist to view and post to the discussion board information regarding;  Link  (Links to an external site.) :

a. name of artist & background

b. media

c. work process

d. ideas relating to the nature of their work

e., your own subjective viewpoints and thoughts relating to the artist.

The character I was assigned was Georges Petit who is an Art dealer from france. questions can be answered to best of ability/assumption.

Reflective essay (900-1200 words)
–How well did your character meet his/her objectives?
—What did you do in the game to try and meet these objectives?
—What research did you do to help you understand your character and the historical time period?
—What would you do differently if you had the chance to play the game again?
—Was the game an interesting and effective way to learn about Modern Art in the late 19th-century? and how well did this game address the inquiries of your theme?
—After following the prompts above. please feel free to share anything you learn from this class activity or any suggestions you may have.

When summarizing, you will need to distinguish between key ideas presented in the design readings and less important details and to restate the key ideas in your own words without distorting their meaning.

-Write a summary of 300 to 400 words for each chosen article.
-The total word count (of all three summaries) must be between 1000 to 1200 words.
-You are required to paraphrase when writing – do not rely on lengthy direct quotes.
-Ensure that your summaries are making the same points as the original articles –
without missing important details. Write with clarity and coherence in mind.
-Follow the MLA referencing style for your in-text citations and reference list.

-Typeset in 10-pt Arial with 1.5 line spacing
-In-text citations and reference list in MLA referencing style

Hi, in short, you will need to write 3 summaries of 300-400 words for the articles provided.

1) Oh Youngjoung summaries will be from page 355-361
2) Walker, John summaries will be everything
3)Huppatz summaries will be page 82-85 only

Livestream one of the shows on the Youtube channel showing National Theatre performances National Theatre Live  (Links to an external site.)and write a 1,000-1,400 word essay reviewing the performance. Use terminology and knowledge gained from your readings to support your essay.


Attach your essay into the assignment section with a title page showing a screenshot of the performance.

Livestream one of the shows on the Youtube channel showing National Theatre performances National Theatre Live  (Links to an external site.)and write a 1,000-1,400 word essay reviewing the performance. Use terminology and knowledge gained from your readings to support your essay.


Attach your essay into the assignment section with a title page showing a screenshot of the performance.

Write a report about the  concert performance following guidelines in the “Guide to Writing a Concert Report” and standards listed in the Concert Report Rubric.

Include the following:

Concert performer(s) and program content, including title and composer as performed in sequence (10%)
Details of the performance venue, including venue, arrangement of musicians and instruments, descriptions of instruments,and audience responses (20%)
Musical elements for each of the four movements (listed below) following the “Guide to Writing a Concert Report” – use time marks (00:00) as a reference in the narrative (70%)

Show that youve learned something in this course. Use your newly developed musical vocabulary. Dont say, for example, The instruments moved the melody around. Rather, say specifically, The violins convincingly effected a modulation of the theme through different keys from 0:45-1:24. (Which keys doesnt matter; youd have to have perfect pitch to know that, and only 1 person in 10,000 has perfect pitch.)

Use correct vocabulary. Please dont call an overture or a set of instrumental variations a song. This will drive your instructor berserk. It is a piece, composition, work, symphonic movement, and so on. Unless there is a text and your piece is sung, it is not a song.

During the Renaissance, beauty was given priority and buildings were often treated as works of art. Symmetry was important. Rhythm was accomplished through the use of repetitive forms, such as columns, pilasters, windows, or even niches that were directly referenced from ancient Greek and Roman examples.  Humanism and the role of the individual became increasingly important.

Choose one Renaissance architect, artist or designer (Leonard Da Vince) Create a visual timeline providing important works in chronological order by your chosen person; select a minimum of 6 examples of their work to include.

Provide the following for each example:

Dates of creation
Item type (cathedral, basilica, painting, sculpture)
Medium/materials used
Dimensions (if artwork or decorative object)
One important fact for each (what did you find most interesting?)

Accompany your timeline with a three-paragraph minimum description of why you selected your particular examples, how your chosen artist/architect/designers work reflects the classicism of ancient Greece and Rome and how the examples also encompass the idea of Humanism.

I’ve attached an example for reference.

Part 1 assignment for photography class discussion board
Assignment for discussion board- final project
1-You are to read the Bold part (what I wrote in big font size, what I am planning to do but rewrite, erase, and add more stuff to it. What I wrote  below is just so you have an idea what IS MY FINAL PAPER TOPIC, ETC.) and then answer the question below for the discussion board
What are you going to write about for your final paper?
Write about 10 to 12 or so sentences about what are your plans for this final project.
2- Then read the 2 classmates’ discussion board (attached) and reply to each separately of the two classmates- a few sentences for each classmate is good. Keep simple
Dont write formal like a paper because is just a discussion for discussion board online class so its not a paper just classwork so keeps simple and use simple wording easy to understand.
For my final project, I am planning to write a research paper about Henry Cartier Bresson because not only I was fascinated with a little we learned from this class about him but I think he was one of the greatest photographers from the 20th centuries. He influenced many new generation photographers    (looked up why he was so famous and how he contributes to photojournalism and photography in general, the decisive moment etc.

Here below is the final project paper that this discussion board assignment is about, I posted this just so you know what my instructor is talking about. Again, this assignment is just a discussion board brainstorm about my chosen topic and reply to two classmates 9 some people chosen to take pictures instead of writing a paper since she gave us the option to write a research paper or do submit photos plus write about the photos. But I choose to write a 4 pages research paper)
Option # 1.) Final Paper Prompt:
Generate your own topic. You must research a photographic artist or photographic art movement and render a thesis topic that incorporates your own opinion. Make an argument about your topic and support/prove this argument with data taken from library books, scholarly articles, and the opinions of theorists and critics. Cite all sources in your paper as well as in your bibliography.

This assignment is ONLY an outline. An essay will be due at a later date so the writer who takes this on will be requested for the 2nd part.
I have included instructions for the assignment. Aditionally, i have attached 3 pictures from the text.  the writer can choose 1 to write about.
This is for an intro art appreciation cass so please stay on par with level of class.

Pick a work of art from any time period. It must be a work of art in NYC such as the MOMA, Guggenheim, the Met, or Brooklyn Museum that you could potentially go see after the pandemic. Some research is required for this project. Include a short bibliography or footnote about any research material you have used and make sure any research is properly cited.

You must (50 points):

Upload a digital file to Turnitin in .doc, .docx, or .pdf format. (-5)

Email me or include in your paper proof of museum visit. (-10)

List pertinent information such as artist, date, time period, medium, etc. (-10)

Include a copy of all images you are discussing in your paper and proof of your museum visit in your .doc, .docx, or .pdf file submitted through Turnitin. If you are unable to submit the file with images included, please email the images and proof of visit to me. (-5)

Clearly state your artists biography, time period they are working in, medium, formal elements, composition, purpose, and any derived meaning.

Talk about the work of art in its historical context (when it was created, why it was created, how it was created, where it was created, patronage)

Spell check your paper. Significant credit will be deducted for capitalization, spelling, and grammatical errors.

It must be at least 650 words. Any less and credit will be deducted. (-10 or more)

Do not use any larger than 12-point type, do not add more than double spacing, and no fancy fonts; Times New Roman or Arial only.

Use the Common Art History Paper Mistakes handout to properly italicize and capitalize works of art in your paper. Also, your paper will require dates, this handout shows you how to properly date artwork and artists.

Do not put your name, class, my name etc, at the top of the paper, it is not necessary. Do not add extra spacing between paragraphs and your title. It does not make your paper longer. Turnitin records all of this information and attaches it to your paper for you.

Title your paper with the name of your artwork. Underline it and make it bold and italic.

Submit all papers through Turnitin.

Properly cite your sources, no excuses. If you are not familiar how to write a bibliography or how to cite a specific work, visit the NCC Library website. If you used any reference material e.g. websites, museum information cards, books or other material, you must list it in a bibliography or footnote it. (-5)

A note about using websites: You must properly cite the website you use and include a full URL pointing to the specific page you used for your research. I need to be able to copy and paste it and go directly to your research.  Some websites are less credible than others. Sites like Wikipedia and Artble often contain inaccurate information and when you use this for your paper, your paper becomes wrong. I would suggest using only books, journal articles, and scholarly websites for your research if you want the best grade possible.

You should (50 points):

Discuss the artwork in the context of other works of art the artist has created.

Discuss one other similar work of art to the one you have chosen. For example, if you chose a Madonna and Child, pick one of the same time (within 10-15 years or from the same area) and compare and contrast it. Why it is similar or different.

Discuss how this image may have been/was seen during the period it was created (e.g. was it in a private chapel, church, home). If there is no research about where the image was originally located, use your imagination and based on what you know, recreate where it would possibly have been.

Organize your work logically. Start with an introductory paragraph introducing the historical facts about the work of art. The second paragraph can give a description of the work of art. The third paragraph can introduce another similar work of art by another artist. The fourth paragraph can address how a work was seen. The final paragraph can be combined with the fifth or stand alone to give your opinion.

For extra credit (up to 10 points):

Use the main artwork discussed in your paper and write an extra paragraph about how seeing it in real life in the context of a museum is different then how you would have seen in when it was created. Use historical and artist biographical details to support this. This must be at least 5 sentences and is in addition to the required word count.