
Go to the Freakonomics website: (Links to an external site.)
Find an episode of interest.
Make sure that the topic you choose is related to Macroeconomics.  Most of the episodes are micro rather than macro, but there are still many to choose from such as;
Does anyone really know what Socialism is? (#408)
America’s hidden duopoly (the Democrats and Republicans) (#356)
Is economic growth the wrong goal? (#429)
The simple economics of saving the Amazon rainforest (#428)
Remembrance of economic crises past (#425)
How to prevent another Great Depression (#421)
so many more.  If you’re not sure if one is suitable for macro, send me the title and description to request approval
Listen (this is an audio podcast)
Write your analysis. Include the following in your paper:
Episode Title, with link
Why did you choose this topic?
What was this episode about (brief overview)?
What was something of significance from the episode?
What concepts from this class (micro or macro) relate to the episode? Explain with examples from the episode.
Write a 2-page typewritten double-spaced paper (about 1,000 words) describing how the episode topic relates to the subject of Macroeconomics.
Find another source (article, podcast, website) about this same topic
Include the title, source, and link
How does this source compare with what was said about the topic in Freakonomics? Are there any areas of agreement or disagreement?
Grading: see syllabus for details about format, points, due dates, etc.


The Simulation Checkpoint Assignment in this course directly supports your success on the course project. You will play the simulation game, create the image file of your simulation report, and discuss learned concepts and experiences in your submission.

For this assignment, you will play the first run of the Macroeconomics Simulation: Econland from Harvard Business Review, in which you will act as policy adviser for the fictional country of Econland. Select the Base Case scenario for this practice run. You may play the simulation as many times as you like. This will directly support your success in your course project, due in Module Eight.

In your submission, remember to include the image of your simulation report. For help with this, see How to Submit an Image File of Your Report. Then, reflect on the decisions you made in the simulation and address the following government intervention options in your submission:

    Macroeconomic Indicators: During the simulation, you made decisions concerning government spending. Discuss the impact of your decisions on key macroeconomic indicators such as real GDP growth and unemployment. Refer to the graphs Real GDP Growth and Unemployment Rate from your simulation results to illustrate the impact.

    Interest Rates: Describe how your changes in interest rates impacted inflation and other key macroeconomic indicators used in the simulation. Refer to the Inflation Rate graph from your simulation results.

1. What is the top product imported into your state? What is the top product exported by your state?
-Indiana is my state and please use the links below as a reference


2. Using the important verbiage of comparative advantage and absolute advantage, why are these 25 products the ones that made the list?

3. Write a paragraph to summarize your findings and explain why the U.S. wants to import and export these products. Be sure to apply the concepts of opportunity costs, comparative advantage, and absolute advantage.

Please use 1 reference material. Thank you.

The outline intends to prepare you for your final research paper. It will develop your ability to pursue library research. It must show that you have selected an appropriate topic (based upon your interest and relevant to class readings and topics) and have begun to organize your thoughts and to write logically. The outline must have phases, complete sentences, paragraphs, etc. Word count: at least 600 words.

The outline intends to prepare you for your final research paper. It will develop your ability to pursue library research. It must show that you have selected an appropriate topic (based upon your interest and relevant to class readings and topics) and have begun to organize your thoughts and to write logically. The outline must have phases, complete sentences, paragraphs, etc. Word count: at least 600 words.

While you may find academic sources on the web, the logic of internet search engines (which is driven by advertising and thus different from the logic of library catalogs) makes it difficult to get a comprehensive sense of the “state of research” on a particular topic.

The research paper outline must contain:

A list of three key terms (“subjects” and “keywords”) that you have used to find materials in the UF libraries catalog and in the journals and journal indexes that are collected in Find Journals  (Links to an external site.)system.
A bibliography list (at least five sources) directly relevant to the topic. Academic sources include texts that have followed academic research protocols and were reviewed by “peers” (i.e., other qualified researchers).
Thesis statement and preliminary discussion.
Additional instructions:

Use Arial or Times New Roman fonts, 12pt, double space.
Proper academic format for citations and bibliographies (APA Style; MLA; or Chicago Style)
Recommended journals: Geoforum, City, Environment and Planning A, Antipode, Human Geography, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, Global Development, Local Environment, etc.
Useful indexes and databases: JSTOR; Elsevier, Web of Sciences, Google Scholar.

Examples of Topics or Themes (feel free to choose one of these topics or another topic of your preference related to the course content)

Role of MNC in the process of globalization
The impact of colonialism on the societies and geographies of the colonies
The influence of population size on economic development
The importance of health system on economic development
The global economy and environmental consequences
Agricultural commodity in the global economy
Major world industrial problems and approaches to their solution
Technological advance and development
Winners and losers in the global economy
The influence of transport and communications in development
Comparing countries/cities/capitals in a developed and developing country
Major urban problems today, their causes and solutions
Factories shut down in the US – causes and solutions
Food chains
Agricultural chains
Fashion industry issues
The effect of the coronavirus crisis on the global economy
Global COVID vaccine disparities
the list goes on….

Which of the proteins listed above are plant-based? Beans are the winner here, and they are an amazing addition to any meal. Have you ever had beans at breakfast?

Today, you’ll be researching other plant-based proteins (especially those that you may not be familiar with) that you can add to breakfast.  Plant-based proteins are lower in saturated fat and cholesterol, and they’re often rich in fiber and other vitamins and minerals too.

Today, take about 45 minutes to research plant-based proteins. Then, write a paragraph in which you tell me about at least five different food items that contain plant-based proteins that you think would be suitable for breakfast and that you might like to try. Briefly describe each of these and how they may be used at breakfast.  Finally, search online for a delicious-looking breakfast recipe that contains one of these plant-based protein ingredients, and include the link with your paragraph.

Here’s how you will be graded:
– Structure (5 pts) – Contains introductory sentence, supporting details, and concluding sentence.
– Content (10 pts) – Contains at least five different plant-based proteins and describes each, explaining how they may be used at breakfast.
– Link (5 pts) – Breakfast recipe contains plant-based protein

Students are required to write a short paper (3 to 4 pages) summarizing an economic article (of their choice) on a topic related to those covered in class (fiscal policy, monetary policy, business cycle fluctuations,). 

The goal of the assignment is to read the paper and try to understand its (research) question and its conclusion (how they got to these conclusions what approach/methodology they used). You should write a summary of those question and findings. Importantly, a significant part of you paper should focus on relating the article to what we discussed in class i.e. to the models we covered, their assumptions, their implications

Select a recent (within the last 6 months or so) article that describes or can be related to one of the topics covered in microeconomics (such as supply and demand, elasticity, externalities, ext..). Choose an article of sufficient length and depth of topic to support a review. The article may be from a newspaper, an academic journal, an online library, or the current business press, such as the Wall Street Journal, Business Week, or similar publications. USA Today, Yahoo News and similar publications and websites are discouraged; the articles are generally too short. Do not use someone’s blog.

In the review identify why you chose that article, provide a brief summary of the article contents, explain how the article relates to the economic concepts covered in class, and identify the strengths and weaknesses of the article. Use your own words, do not use a lot of quotations.

The evaluation of strengths and weaknesses relates to the article itself, not the subject matter. What did the author do well? What could or should have been included to improve the article?

The review must be typed in an easily readable font (example: Arial 12pt), double spaced.

APA style citations are required for all sources used in the review.

A copy of the article must be included with the review; a hyperlink to the article is acceptable.

Fiscal Policy is another way to affect (or influence) the economy.  Functional finance proposes that governments should make spending and taxing decisions based on their effect on the economy (not on any other basis).  Give an example of a fiscal policy and the intended goal of the policy.  Do you agree that the government(s) should make taxing and spending decisions based on what the economy needs in terms of expansion or contraction? Explain.