Film Essay: This is a 500-word essay, which will focus on one of the documentaries we’ve watched so far.  The goal in this essay is not to summarize, but to analyze. a question, a topic, etc. Analyze it, and try (if possible) to incorporate readings or ideas that have been explored in class.


* Reflect on several things that strike you in the chapter.  You may want to include an insight or an observation on the part of the author that you find interesting, thought-provoking, challenging, resonating, convicting, or even annoying and distressing. You may comment on things with which you agree or disagree.
* Your reflections need not be long, but they need to be specific enough to show that you have given the chapter a good read. A comment that reads, I like the chapter. It is interesting, does not count.
* Please indicate page numbers

Read the book Church Unique by Mancini and write a review. The review should include key teachings of the book, a thorough review of its strengths and weaknesses, and conclude with three ways the student will apply this book in their leadership. This assignment is a 5-7 page paper of no particular format.
Safe Assign reviews your work for plagiarism. With that in mind, please cite all your information in accordance with proper Turabian standards.

Kouzes,    James    M.    &    Posner,    Barry Z.    The    Leadership    Challenge (5th Edition). San    Francisco,   
CA:    Jossey-Bass    Publishers,    2008. ISBN:    9780470651728

REQUIREMENTS1.Theology/Philosophy of Life Essay l write a Life Story (faith journey) essay that introduces how their own theology/philosophy of life has developed to this point of their life.Write an essay which describes your current worldview and/or theology/philosophy of life. Include key factors, persons, and experiences which have shaped you on your life journey, or have been instrumental in a change from one worldview to another.
Write an essay which describes your current worldview and/or theology/philosophy of life. Include key factors, persons, and experiences which have shaped you on your life journey, or have been instrumental in a change from one worldview to another

* Reflect on several things that strike you in the chapter.  You may want to include an insight or an observation on the part of the author that you find interesting, thought-provoking, challenging, resonating, convicting, or even annoying and distressing. You may comment on things with which you agree or disagree.
* Your reflections need not be long, but they need to be specific enough to show that you have given the chapter a good read. A comment that reads, I like the chapter. It is interesting, does not count.
* Please indicate page numbers

Read this weeks assigned verses. For your initial post, answer the following:  Why does the author advise us to listen to wise people? What is the benefit? What happens if we listen to fools instead? What does it mean to apply your heart to my knowledge”? Analyze King Rehoboams communication to people in the light of this verse in Proverbs.

Read the following from the Bible: 
Proverbs 22:17-18
1 Kings 12: 1-16

For each of the units of this course, you are asked to offer your analysis of the relationship of religion and media at stake by writing some component of a paper. Your paper component should be designed to offer a creative, thoughtful, and critical answer to the questions, what is the relationship of religion and media in this context? and why does it matter?

For this first paper, you are only writing the thesis statement. Your thesis statement should make an argument for the best way to understand or name the relationship between religion and media in this historical and geographical context. It should make an argument you should reasonably be able to support with 3 pieces of evidence in 3-5 pages.

These papers should draw on course texts. Write for an audience that has done the reading thoroughly and taken notes; do not summarize the reading.

Write in Times New Roman 12 pt font, 1 margins all around. Papers should be cited fully using The Chicago Manual of Style, 17th ed. The thinking must be rich and reflect serious engagement. Edit with care. You will be asked to bring drafts of different parts (e.g., outlines) to discussion sections.

1. a. What do we mean when we say the Civil War never ended?  [1 point]    b. What did the Reconstruction Plan demand of the Southerners? [2 points]    c.  Describe The Lost Cause. [2 points]2.  a. How does Jonathan Haidt describe the relationship between the rational mind and intuition?  [1 point]      b. How do liberals differ from conservatives in making moral judgments [2 points]      c. Would you describe yourself as liberal or conservative? [1 point]      d. Why do you describe yourself in this way?  [1 point]3. a. What does Lawrence LeShan mean by the mythic mind.[2 points]    b. How did each side use the Bible to defend its position on the issue of slavery?  [2 points]    c. What was Lincolns message to the American people in his Second Inaugural Address?                                                                                                                                                                                [1 point]Part TwoIt was the emergence of the Egalitarian HumanBond [Green] Level of consciousness that enabled the Second Great Awakening which eventually led to the Civil War.4. Describe What the Second Great Awakening was how if affected America and how it differed from the First Great Awakening.  [5 points]5. a. How did Harriet Beecher Stowes bestselling novel start the Civil War as Lincolns is said to have commented?  [2 points]    b. Name and give your impression of three of the characters in the novel.  [3 points]

discussing ONE point that stood out to you from EACH of the three assigned sources:

Elie Wiesel @ Auschwitz (film length is 45 minutes)
Paving the Way to Resistance by Oliner (pp.73-104)
Liberation Was Only for Others: Breaking the Silence in Germany Surrounding the Nazi Persecution of Homosexuals by Newsome (Canvas)
Your response is really up to you but you must relate your discussion back to each source.

Make sure to cite page numbers for each example.

Please keep your reflections for each example between 100-200 words.

Be sure to explain your reasoning for each example. Minimal and/or vague responses will be marked down.

In most organizations, the decision to sponsor an event comes from Boards, Committees, and/or combinations with upper management. The paid staff and volunteers execute the decisions of these entities and are interdependent upon mutual collaboration between both groups.  It is important that both groups maintain a unified vision of the event and respect each groups boundaries during the execution stages.

Research the ways Boards, staff, and volunteers might interact with each other and both positive and negative characteristics of these relationships.

Develop a chart depicting the levels of authority and intervention Boards, Committees, Management, staff, and volunteers must navigate through from commencement to completion. Include a 4-5 paragraph summary of your insights.

Scholarly academic resources, textbooks, or other sources provided. 
Use of APA format is required.