Ultimately, a volunteer coordinator or manager strives to produce a successful event by making the best use of what is available to his or her organization. Mobilizing volunteers to assist existing staff is only one part of the equation. Planning where and when the event will take place, who will participate including staff, volunteers, and vendors, and providing positive, confident direction is the key to seeing the event successfully materialize.

Review Chapters 9-10 in the textbook by McKee & McKee, “The New Breed”

Choose a pseudo-event. Event choices can include the following options below:

Weekend Revival Meeting
Full-Day Seminar or Training Session
Summer Fund Raiser Full-Day
Ladies or Mens Retreat
Wedding at the Church

Develop a schedule to express how you would achieve a successful event using volunteers based on your choice from above. Be sure your plan has enough details to navigate the event from beginning to end.

Scholarly academic resources, textbooks, or other sources provided. 
Use of APA format is required.

Preparing for a sponsored event so that it can be successfully executed is the primary focus for a volunteer coordinator.  Every aspect of the event and where volunteer versus paid staff would best fit and serve must be examined. Additionally, based on the level of participation, the number of participants, and skill sets, a projected time-line must be developed with an acceptable deviation.

Develop a pseudo-event for the organization of your choice and prepare a template on how you will mobilize volunteers and staff to complete the event. The following items must be included.

The event
The purpose
Dates and times
Responsibilities need for paid staff versus volunteers
Pre and onsite training and communication
Leadership strategy
Transportation if needed
Set up
Venders, if present or needed
Foodservice if offered
Clean up

Scholarly academic resources, textbooks, or other sources provided. 
Use of APA format is required.


Write a ten-page paper on the topic: A Contemporary Model for Christian Education In My Context. This model, derived from your personal ministry/educational context should be usable and doable. The model should be one that is relevant for the 21st century. At a minimum the paper should:

1.    Briefly describe your present ministry/educational context.

2.    See attached PowerPoint for ministry drawings to include in the paper.

3.    Provided is a previous paper that can be used to assist in this paper.

4.    Include a mission statement, goals, and SMART objectives of your Christian Education model. 

5.    Attached is a potential mission statement to can be used to assist in creating a mission statement.

6.    Include strategies, a comprehensive implementation process, and an evaluation process.

7.    Integrate some of the concepts, theories, models, etc. that you have been exposed to from the class discussions and/or the assigned readings from:
    Teaching Todays Teachers to Teach by Donald L. Griggs 
    The Church As Learning community by Norma Cook Everist

8.    Follow Turabians manual for writing papers.

9.    Have a flow that utilizes appropriate grammar, sentence structure, spelling and transition sentences.

10.    Utilize footnotes. AT LEAST 7 from the assigned readings, from:
    Teaching Todays Teachers to Teach by Donald L. Griggs
    The Church as a Learning Community by Norma Cook Everist

11.    Be double-spaced utilizing a 12pt. font.


1.    Charts, graphs, and other handouts may be used to enhance your educational model, however, there must be at least ten written pages.

2.    Do not write a paper that regurgitates information from the assigned readings or other books.

3.    Remember, THIS IS NOT A RESEARCH PAPER. You are to use concepts, theories, from class discussions and readings to SUPPORT your Christian Education Model. This requires that you do some examination of your present ministry situation, contemplate how Christian Education could/should be, and create a model that can be utilized in your context.

4.    Avoid using multiple lists or bullet points.

Annotated Bibliography (20 points): Six sources (at least 2 of 6 must be websites), correctly formatted, with insightful assessment and critique of the sources. Generally, an annotated bibliography is 6-8 sentences / 150-200 words in length. Students must be physically present in class to complete the next part of the project.


I have attached all required reading for the assignment. Please follow. Thank you!

Based on our course readings, define worldview in your own words.
1.How does worldview affect cultural, political, economic, and industrial aspects of society?
2.Why is it important to consider worldview when sharing the gospel with someone from a different cultural background than your own?

****Journal entry should total at least 450 words but no more than 750 (note that the questions themselves do not count towards your word count).
The assignment should be completed in Times New Roman, 12-point font, and double spaced.
DO NOT PLAGIARIZE!  You should submit your entry as a reflection of what you have learned, NOT a word for word copy of our readings or a compilation of citations from any source. DO NOT use dictionary or web definitions of worldview.
Support your thoughts/statements with the course material and the scriptures. Use Turabian style footnotes.****

The Concept of Love as Portrayed in Jonah, Ruth, and Song of Songs.

The Book that needs to be used as one of the sources is, “The Five Megilloth and Jonah” The Five Megilloth and Jonah, Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society, 1969 (ISBN: 978-0-8276-0-0454) and 2008 reedition (978-0-8276-0890-0).

The paper must include a bibliography of at least eight non-class sources and must use MLA, APA, Chicago, or SBL formatting.

* Reflect on several things that strike you in the chapter.  You may want to include an insight or an observation on the part of the author that you find interesting, thought-provoking, challenging, resonating, convicting, or even annoying and distressing. You may comment on things with which you agree or disagree.
* Your reflections need not be long, but they need to be specific enough to show that you have given the chapter a good read. A comment that reads, I like the chapter. It is interesting, does not count.
* Please indicate page numbers

Your reply must be 500600 words. You will be penalized for falling short or exceeding the word count. Any quotes or information used from sources other than yourself (including your classmates thread) must be cited using footnotes in current Turabian format and will not count towards the total word count.

Within this thread, I will discuss both the Social Contract Theory and the Revelational Christian Ethic. The goal is to define both terms and go in-depth about what is considered the good in each of these. The point I want to pursue, and describe is both the key differences and similarities.  I will close my thoughts up with what I feel is the strongest ethical theory.

The Social Contract Theory is an unspoken agreement amongst individuals in a community. Our text says, Social Contract Theory argues that our idea of what is moral is the result of an implicit agreement between the members of a society that facilitates the functioning of that society. Thomas Hobbes spoke about the Social Contract Theory in his book the Leviathan. He says that people are naturally feuding and contesting one another. The U.S. Constitution, in my eyes, is the best-known example of a Social Contract Theory. It sets forth what the government can and cannot do.

The text says that, each society has its own social contract, and that the contract of one society may differ significantly from that of another. Maybe, certain rules in California are unwritten rules that are not relatable to someone who lives in Alaska. Another relatable subject for me is each military service branch has rules and regulations that mirror one another and the wording within each is the same. Even though everyone is serving in the military we frequently see disagreements on how we conduct business, especially within the joint operational environment. It does not expound upon the location of the good in this theory.

The Revelational Christian Ethic can be found predominantly in the Bible. The text says, the best route to a satisfactory ethical system is a reasoned, intelligent study of the bible together with philosophical ethical theory in pursuit. God sent us his son Jesus so that we could learn from his ways. Jesus taught, showed, and revealed the power and wisdom of God while living in our sinful world. His ways and life gave us a living word that is still quite relevant today.

Both theories present various compelling arguments to both believers and non-believers.  The faith that I have in my Lord and Savior is great. By no means am I perfect or living without sin in any part of my life. The love God has for us shows through his son. John 3:16 sums that up completely, For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. The stronger ethical theory is Revelational Ethical theory. I say this because God has shown me many wonders and everyday miracles, that He has done not only for me but for others.

There are many other reasons I believe Revelational Christian Theory is stronger, one being the Historical truths that I have discovered from reading the Bible. I have seen those truths firsthand. The current world in which we live will continue to have evil in it. There have been multiple false prophets who have come and gone within my current life span. Daily Bible study and devotions will help everyone educate themselves on the meaning as well as the time that the text was written so that it can be put into perspective of where the world currently is. Rules and guidelines can and do work well within certain social areas but that same set of rules may not work well around other societies around the world.