15 pages of content.  Ensure it is written in APA format 1 margins all around and 12 Times New Roman font.  Credit must be given to your sources throughout the paper and listed on the reference page.  If it is not your original thought cite, it

Here are the topics for Law Enforcement:
-Intro to Law Enforcement
-Community Oriented Policing
-Criminal Investigations

*evaluate the subject matter of the paper topic and determine how you can add a research component. 

The written case assignment is to be prepared on an individual basis. It is expected that the content of your written case will reflect your thoughts and analysis rather than the work of others.

Suggestions regarding the preparation of written case assignments are discussed in A Guide to Case Analysis posted in the Student Center at www.mhhe.com/thompson.  The criteria for grading written case presentations include:

1.Identification of key problems/strategic issues.
2.Use of appropriate analytical tools techniques, including the use of charts and tables where appropriate. You are expected to demonstrate that you can use the tools and techniques of strategic analysis presented in the chapters. Both breadth and depth of analysis will be evaluated.
3.Presenting realistic, workable, well-supported recommendations for action.
4.Use of good communication skillsfailure to use good grammar, spelling, and other written communication skills will result in a full one-letter grade reduction.
5.Evidence of adequate preparation, pride of workmanship, and display of professional attitude and approach.

I want to elaborate on the financial analysis I am expecting in your papers. This must get done.

1) Identify all sources of revenue example Iidentify all revenue segments ( Revenue and profit are not the same)

2) Identify which segment has the greatest growth vs prior year and prior 5 years

3) Identify why is the segment growing or not growing

4) Identify the most profitable segment vs prior year and 5 years prior

5) Identify major expense compare to prior year ( Are these expense growth reasonable? Why?

6)  Vertical Analysis for the last three years on the Income Statement – Anything noticeable?

7 How does any latest balance sheet  change impact Company’s Strategy?

8 How is the company financed? Any major changes in Balance sheet if so where? How does this impact the company’s strategy?

9 Is the stock price rising?

10 Financial ratios that must accompany you paper- 5 years of data- Please observe the trends from these ratios

1) Current Ratio-

2) Quick Ratio

3) Average Collection period

4) Debt Ratio

5) Gross Profit margin

6) Net Profit Margin

7)Return on Assets

8 Return in Equity

Marx and Engels wrote their Communist Manifesto in late 1847 (published in February 1848). They were not only attempting to create a call to action for the working class, but also address the rising importance of the role of the people in the European state. The 19th century gave birth to the defining type of those states: the nation-state. Forging together the ideas of the state with the ideas of Nationalism, the nation-state defines the makeup of Europe to this day, and lead to both the triumph of liberal principles and the embracing of such principle by their conservative rivals.

The Revolutions of 1848 were the key hinge point for these ideas in the history of Europe. Though the first of these revolutions technically occurred in Naples (leading to limited constitutional reform), the major catalyst for this series of revolutions, not surprisingly, will be France. Soon revolutions occurred all across Europe, calling for constitutional reform and major political and social changes. However, despite this initial success, the revolutionaries were not united. Fear of radicals among moderates lead to the collapse of the revolutions and the reestablishment of the old order throughout much of Europe.

While the Revolutions of 1848, with the expectation of France, were largely a failure, in the ashes of the revolution rose a variation of the nationalist traditions that had been pushed forward by the middle-class liberals of Europe: Conservative Nationalism. While conservative nationalism did come from the major states which had pushed through constitutional reform in 1848, namely Prussia and Piedmont-Sardinia, the manner in which nationalism was forged in these countries followed a far different pattern imagined by the liberal revolutionaries of 1848.

Large, monarchical states, such as Prussia and Piedmont-Sardinia, used nationalism as a tool to create a unified nation-state. This is evident in Germany Unification in 1871 and Italian Unification in 1861. While liberal ideas of representation would eventually exist within these nation-states, including the formation of the Reichstag in the German empire, the nature of nationalism had changed considerably post 1870.

Nationalism will fundamentally alter the relationships between the people and the state. No longer are states simply governments that rule over the masses, but now the people have an active role in the identity of a state. Such a relationship leads to greater demands from these masses to take part in government, but will also fundamentally lead to nations and people defining themselves as different from others. This, of course, will be at the center of later racism and imperialism across the globe (more on that next week).

Write a 5-page paper centering on the film, Devils Playground. To complete this assignment, you will need to summarize the film briefly. However, the main crux of the assignment is to focus on different cultural taxonomies identified in Chapter five. You will need to select and research cultural taxonomies you feel are present within the film. It is appropriate and encouraged to use outside materials to explore the concepts more completely; you are required to have a minimum of six sources. A Works Cited or Reference page must be turned in as part of the assignment.

Paper instructions
Choose your course & Major

Determine your interest
(stage 1): here you present information about your values, personality, interests and skills in one paragraph.

Discover your career
(Stage 2): here you will present the information you have collected about the career you are pursuing or your dream job in the second paragraph.
(i choose opening my own hair nail & make up salon)

Plan your career goals
(stage 3): here you will describe your career goal and its specific action steps to accomplish it. Making Good Decisions Think of one problem you are experiencing now or before and illustrate how you will solve it using the problem-solving process.

In your paragraph please include the following:
Identify the problem
Generate possible solutions
Evaluate possible solutions
Select and implement the best solution

Hint: a problem can be: time management, writing skill, Speaking (English), Math problem, examination problem, smoking, excessive sleeping, weight gain, etc.

Information Literacy Discuss some of the things we should consider when using material for academic purposes. Which of the Boolean operators you normally use for academic search? Why do you think plagiarism is a crime? And How can we avoid plagiarism.
(provide references for this third part)

The objective of assignment is to provide a power point presentation about vaccines including the Flu vaccine in the pediatric population. Your primary goal as an FNP is to educate parents about the importance of vaccination, and understanding their beliefs and preference by being cultural sensitive in regards this controversial topic.  This is an individual presentation and must include a minimum of 8 slides with a maximum of 10 slides. This presentation must include a Voice Presentation and the following headings: (you don’t have to record anything if you don’t want to but send me the writing portion)
Introduction, Clinical Guidelines EBP per CDC, Population and Risk Factors, Education, Conclusion.  ** Rubric for this assignment is at the end of the course syllabus and posted on Blackboard.

You must read the Turnitin Policy prior to submitting this PPT presentation.


Watch the “Tata-Pricing Strategies” video clip, then answer the following questions.

1.    What type of pricing is Tata using for the Nano?
2.    What should be the company’s pricing policy for Europe?
3.    Should the car meet the European safety standards?
4.    What are the drawbacks of charging such a low price?

think of a time you traveled with a team or group and describe how the economic impact survey would look for your group. Does the survey cover everything needed to fully understand the economic impact of your travel group? What could be added to gather more information?

2. How  is the economic impact of sport tourism defined and what are the economic costs, benefits, and methods to estimate ecnomic impact in sport tourism?

3. What is the multiplier effect and its relationship to sport tourism economic impacts? Think of two multipliers in the city and/or state you are located and describe how they are part of the sport tourism industry.

4. Imagine hosting a youth volleyball tournament at the Phoenix Convention Center. What potential key players exist in the community that may be of interest to this group? Imagining this same event, identify the strengths, weakness, opportunities, and threats of hosting a youth volleyball tournament in Downtown Phoenix.

Overview of Prompt 2:  After reading about a study conducted on concussed student-athletes, you think you’ve identified a possible problem in the setup of the concussion study. In order to confirm your intuition, you use two datasets available to you.  After exploring the data, and performing the appropriate statistical analysis using RStudio, you are asked to write a letter to the editor of the concussion study that clearly explains your statistical findings.

Background (Motivation): Recovery curve after concussion for student athletes

The (fictitious) Midwest Journal of Medicine recently published a study of the recovery curve after concussions for student athletes.  Student athletes complete a computer-based neurocognitive assessment when they first enter their university and are given a baseline concussion score.  If a student athlete becomes concussed, they are asked to perform the assessments again and again until their neurocognitive assessment score returns to their baseline score.

You believe that hand dominance may have an impact on the study results and observe that this wasnt controlled for in the original study.  To show the importance of controlling for hand dominance when performing computer-based evaluations, you decide to conduct your own study among undergraduate students at UM.

Your Study: Effects of hand dominance on various computer-based activities for undergraduate students at UM.

You have two different datasets available to you coming from a random sample of undergraduate students at UM.  Each student was asked to perform a series of two computer-based activities that measure reaction time (Links to an external site.) and memory (Links to an external site.).  Each student performed each activity twice; first using their dominant hand and again using their non dominant hand. You will be using these study results to evaluate if hand dominance has an effect on reaction time and memory when measured through these two computer based activities.

Below is a summary of the data collected for each activity:

It is attached below

Your Task

Write a 500 – 700 word letter to the editor of the concussion study published in the Midwest Journal of Medicine (according to these two guidelines, guideline 1 (Links to an external site.) and guideline 2 (Links to an external site.)).  Your letter to the editor should clearly explain your concern with the original concussion study, your experiments, and the findings from your experiments. Using your statistical findings comment on the impact of hand dominance on both reaction time and memory assessment.

Be sure to include the following:

The motivation for your letter.  Specifically, state the concern with the original concussion study.
An introduction to the outline of your experiment including:
The type of experimental design
The type and role for each of the experimental variables: hand used (dominant versus non-dominant) and completion time
Explain how we use dependent data when evaluating how hand dominance affects reaction time and memory assessment through the two computer based activities
Should randomness have been used in the hand dominance experimental design? If so, at what point? Refer to the screenshots  of the survey questions.
For one of the experiments (reaction time or memory assessment), perform a hypothesis test to assess whether there is a difference in completion time, on average, when undergraduate students at UM use their dominant vs. non-dominant hand, using a 5% significance level. Be sure to include:
Definition of the parameter of interest in context
Your hypotheses and results of your test.  You can include either a screenshot from R or a table of important values (test statistic, distribution, and p-value) calculated by hand.
An evaluation of the p-value and conclusion in context
Define alpha and power in context
Explain two ways in which you could increase the power of this test
For the other experiment, compute the 95% confidence interval to estimate the mean difference in completion time for all undergraduate students at UM when they use their dominant vs. non-dominant hand. Be sure to include:
Definition of the parameter of interest in context
Your confidence interval.
An explanation to the editor regarding whether or not the method for creating a confidence interval is reliable. This explanation shouldnt depend on your specific sample, but is for the method in general.
A clear explanation of how the confidence interval can be used to assess if hand dominance has an effect on completion time, on average, for all undergraduate students at UM 
An explanation to the editor about how you would make your interval more precise
A brief conclusion including:
A summary about whether there is a difference in performance, on average, when undergraduate students at UM use their dominant vs. non-dominant hands during reaction time and memory tests
Recommendations to the original concussion researchers about how they can adjust a similar future study on concussions.

The two data files are attached as well memory and reaction time.

The table data is attached as well

The format of the letter should follow these two guidelines from the two links

