Imagine that you are the asset manager for a major northern European Hub Airport. The airport is under strong competition from Amsterdam, Frankfurt, London, Madrid & Paris.
The probability of a winter snow closure is 0.333 per year. The downtime cost for the airport is 1m / day. In addition, the marketing department has estimated that reputation damage costs an additional 1m per closure.
With existing equipment it takes on average three days to clear snow during which time the airport has to be closed and penalties are incurred.
There is an option to buy new state of the art snow clearing equipment.
This equipment has been successfully used at Denver airport in the USA. It would cost 3m to buy and it would last 30 years if properly looked after and maintained. It is estimated that annual storage, upkeep, painting, maintenance and running costs for this equipment would be 50,000 per year. Training for drivers would be 10,000 initially and 500 / year thereafter. The snow clearance time with this equipment would be reduced from the current three days to one day.
Another option would be to lease the snow clearing equipment for 400,000 per year for a 30 year period. Under this option, the lease company would keep the equipment at the airport and undertake all maintenance and upkeep activities at their expense. You would still have to provide the drivers.
The airport finance department requires that all new investments have to make at least a 10% / year internal rate of return. It also states that a 5% discount rate has to be used in all financial calculations (this takes into account potential future inflation and the cost of raising capital).
Your task in this assignment is to consider the three available options:
1.    The status quo where no additional investment is made
2.    The purchase and upkeep of new snow clearing equipment
3.    The lease of new snow clearing equipment.
Fully discuss each of these three options. Consider all benefits, costs and risks associated with each one. Then state which would be your preferred option giving reasons. If you have to make any assumptions to complete your answer, then please state what these assumptions are and why you have made them.
For your information, the airport risk matrix is made available as a separate file: risk matrix.pdf.
As always report presentation and content are both important. Good diagrams and relevant photos always add impact. Make sure that your report has an abstract, contents page and section headings. Detailed descriptions of methodologies can be put in appendices so that the main report reads smoothly.
At least 5,000 words will be needed to adequately describe your analysis and recommendations. You will not be penalised if you feel that you need to use more words than the minimum.

2. Write a VBA Procedure that, assuming uniform historical scenario weights, calculates
– Historical VaR,
– Expected Shortfall
– and EVT Tail VaR of DFL Bank’s Trading Portfolio while at the same time…

A) Give user flexibility to choose confidence interval and time horizon (max=5 days) as number of days; as well as critical cut point required by EVT

Assume DFL Bank’s total trading portfolio consists of derivatives, stocks and bond instruments and only considers risk arising from FX, IR and EQ risk factors and reporting Currency is in USD.

The worksheet: RFSeries contains historical riskfactor scenario time series of all risk factors, including IR, EQ, FX risk factors (risk factor symbols are consistent to my class notes). In the worksheet: RFSeries, the 3rd row contains Base scenario (i.e. risk factors’ values as of today), 4th row contains the past one day historical observations, 5th row contains the past two days historical observations, etc. There are 76 historical observations in total. IR series are returns per annual.

Groups should answer the questions provided by the instructor in the case in a PowerPoint presentation of 10-15 slides.  Summarize the case first and then proceed with the answers to the questions at the end of the case. The questions should be answered directly and comprehensively. Names should be displayed on the first slide. Finally wrap up your presentation with some concluding comments of the point of the case and what you learned (takeaways). Be sure to show the tables with your calculations for asset allocation. Be sure to discuss the answers to the questions in detail. You will not be presenting, the PowerPoint is just to turn in to me (emailed on CANVAS). Please use slide numbers on each slide.

This is my dissertation. I am required to use python to use data data from the NSPL website and clean and sort out the data to analyse. I will be using geospatial analysis. I want 3 projects of analysing uk companies and 40 page reporting.

Those projects are about data analysis. One can download data on UK companies from and perform statisti- cal analysis on the quality of companies.
In order to learn from data, one should ask questions and then answer them by using statistical tools. But before one can ask questions, one of the first challenges is to visualise the data in a suitable way in order to be able to pose a question. For example, one can visualise companies according to their geographical location, or to their industry, or to the age of the company.
In this project one can learn the practical data analysis and discover patterns in UK companies data. This will be done in R or Python, unless the student has a strong preference and existing familiarity with other software. Learning R or Python will be part of the projects.