(1) How is the media, biased, more towards progressive-liberal values, conservative values or in both directions depending on the specific media outlets you may access? Explain your response.
(2) Describe in detail the different types of bias that the different types of media uses.
(3) Find two or more examples of media bias (video clip, article, images) and explain in detail how these example/s represent media bias and the impact that it has on public opinion.
Writing Guidelines:
4-5 FULL double-spaced pages of text. This does not include your title page or reference page.
Please introduce your topic, explain about it, then conclude your topic. Focus on the structure of your paper.
Write in complete sentences and paragraphs. Bullet points or lists will not be accepted.

1) Read the research paper assignment ( see Week 9 module).

2) Choose a theme based on 2 of the works in the DiYanni text.

3) Use the TCC library databases to find ONE piece of criticism for each of the works you have chosen for your research paper. ( must be a combination of short story, poem, or drama)

4) Write a summary* of each piece of criticism. ( So, you will have two summaries.)

5) Provide a CORRECT MLA citation at the end of each summary
——————————————————————–You can find any sources as you like and ignore “TCC library database.”
I will take care of it.
Please make sure originality and GRAMMAR. My professor deducts points from the grammar and spelling.
Please let me know if you have any question

I need a five-page satirical paper about the NCAA and how they use student-athletes for insane monetary gain. Use verbal irony and sarcasm to make it funny and witty. I also need you to use non-rational persuasion techniques such as Argumentum ad populum, ad misericordium, ad baculum or ad se rem.  It needs to have some research including 3 good sources and cited in MLA format. Talk about how the NCAA exploits student-athletes.

Post your draft of the war essay here (it must be a minimum of 500 words to count as a draft – the final essay should be a minimum of 750 words). Be sure to include quotationsPreview the document from the poetry and format using MLA guidelinesPreview the document. Research is not required for this essay, but if you use outside sources, include a Works Cited pagePreview the document.

Write One full paragraph on each page!

Page One Requirements

– Use the these two links:


– Write a critical paragraph describing the connections between these texts

-Provide MLA references at the BOTTOM of this page

Page Two Requirements:

– Use this link: https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=luke+1-7&version=NRSV

– Share some of your observations about the themes of this text

– Provide MLA reference at the BOTTOM of this page

1. Which of these models of the doctor-patient relationship would you accept? Why?

Paternalism (physician knows best and patients should defer to physicians judgment);

Partnership (physician and patient should work together collaboratively towards the common goal of patient health);

Contract (patient contracts with the physician for certain services and each have their respective duties);

Friendship (Physician and patient are special-purpose friends with respect to the patients health);

Technical model (The physician is a technician whom the patient hires to perform health-related services)

2. Are physicians ever justified in lying to their patients? If so, under what conditions? If not, why not?

3. Do you think that physicians should be involved in physician assisted executions? It is sometimes said that such a role is inconsistent with their role as health care providers. Do you agree?

4. Do you think that health care providers such as nurses and physicians should be free to get involved sexually with their current patients? With their former patients? Why or why not?

A full book review may concern only one book. Its length is about 1500-2000 words. It should give readers an engaging, informative, and critical discussion of the work. The review should follow the Guidelines below.

The review should consider (please use as your outline):

    The intended audience for the book and who would find it useful
    The background of the author(s)
    The main ideas and major objectives of the book and how effectively these are accomplished
    The context or impetus for the book – – political controversy, implications of the book for research, policy, practice, or theory
    A comparison with other works on this subject
    Constructive comments about the strength and weaknesses of the book

    Your first and last name
    Your student id
    Author(s) or editor(s) first and last name(s) (please indicate if it is an edited book)
    Title of book
    Year of publication
    Place of publication
    Number of pages
    Price (please indicate paperback or hard cover) if available

Your book report must be on a book, it cannot be on an article, report, etc. And of course, this book must be related to this course.
You MUST include a work cited page at the end of your report. Note that although this isn’t in the requirements listed on the syllabus, it is mandatory. Since you will have to compare your book to other works and books, you must cite all of the resources you have used. Failure to do so will result in a 20 point grade deduction.

What is the thesis of Hayes’ argument in Twilight of the Elites, as explained in Chapter 1?  Remember that we are treating Hayes’ first chapter as if it were the introductory paragraph of an academic essay, so once we have read the chapter, we should know what his thesis, his argument, will be that he is trying to prove in the course of his book-length argument.

Your Task:
Describe one element of Hayes’ writing in Chapter 1 that you think is a strong example of either logos, ethos, pathos, not all three, and explain why you think it is a strong example.  Be sure to add a third level of significance to your thesis: what can we learn from your rhetorical analysis about how we can better use the rhetorical triangle to structure our own arguments?
The Details:
”    Essay should be approximately 750-1000 words (maximum).
”    Essay has introductory paragraph with a hook, roadmap, and thesis.
”    Essay should contain 3-4 MLA formatted in-text citations (quotes) from Chapter 1 of Twilight of the Elites.
”    Includes an MLA works cited at the end of the essay
”    Body paragraphs use TEA structure (topic sentence, evidence, analysis).
”    Quotes follow quote sandwich structure.
”    Essay must be submitted as an MS Word document.


90-100%. This essay shows strong understanding of the Unit topic and learning outcomes. The essay clearly demonstrates an excellent sense of the structure and argument of an academic essay. Essay is 750-1000 words and shows a clear understanding both of Hayes’ thesis (as described in Chapter 1) and of the rhetorical triangle.  Essay has introductory paragraph (with hook, roadmap, and three stage thesis), body paragraphs (using TEA), and a conclusion.  Essay shows ability to apply rhetorical triangle to analysis and evaluation of Hayes’ argument. MLA formatted in-text citations and MLA works cited are clear and accurate (must be 3-4 quotes).

850 word poetry essay and my teacher didn’t assign a question but gave us a format to follow of stuff the essay should have in it! I can send the poem i want to do it on later!

This is how my teacher wants it structured which is easier then a normal formatted essay!

-G.C. > T.V.
-General Claim > True and Verifiable
-Introduce the object of study
-Thesis: is an If-then Statement (If one looks at dotted with a view of ethnicity, THEN .
-Reword the questions
-Introduce the theme early on.
-Methodology: Specifically what and how you re going to be looking at it
Statement of Purpose (what you hope your essay will show): Tell readers what they are gonna read and what I hope to show or do for the reader
– Reveal something about the poem!!

Body Paragraph:
1. Topic Sentence
2. Examples:
3. Analysis of examples
– While there are many figurative devices that are used in this poem,
-No personal eye in body paragraphs (as one can see) <- don’t use this
-A paragraph is a coherent unit of meaning 
Quotations: _____ / _____ / _____ means three lines of poetry
          (eliot, lines 17-21)
-Havent looked in the various ways how metaphors…

Is about your essay and dont restate your thesis
1. What did my essay do?
2. What did my essay find?
3. What does it mean? (implications): what does it reveal about the poem (even though it seems to be about it shows more then that
Discover and show something about the poem! not about life or morality, strictly the poem