Topic: Select one industry of your choice in Europe. Identify and explain how the policies of the European Union have contributed to increase or decrease the profits of the businesses in that industry.

Industry: Transportation.

Format: the minimum length is 7 pages single-spaced and the maximum length is 15 pages single-spaced, font 12. Report all tables and figures at the end of the paper. The length does not consider the appendices with tables and figures. Use as many tables and figures as you need. Use the reference style that you prefer as long as you cite the sources both in the text and at the end of the paper in a reference list.

Evaluation Criteria:

    Evidence reported. Collect as much evidence as possible from articles, news, reports, databases, to provide rich data displaying the change in profitability of businesses and to validly and reliably support your arguments explaining how the policies of the European Union have impacted the profitability of the businesses in the industry. Report all the evidence in the reference pages at the end of the paper.

    Clarity of the arguments. The profitability of businesses could have increased or decreased for a multiplicity of reasons. You have to develop compelling and convincing arguments that establish a clear attribution of causality to the policies of the European Union and not to exogenous factors that could have exercised an influence.

    Originality of the arguments. You are tasked to develop your own critical perspective. If you find an article that already makes the analysis for you and you only report the ideas taken from this article, you will not have provided any critical thinking or personal contribution. Whenever you are relying on an argument developed by an external source, cite every time and clearly the source of the information. Never misattribute an argument, by making it appear as yours while, in fact, the thought was borrowed from an external source. Misattributing an argument is a serious flaw and will result in a significantly lower grade. 

    Primary data. Cite in the paper the primary sources of information clearly identifying who you have talked to and reporting the thoughts.

1) Select an artwork from the Romantic Period to discuss
2)Provide basic descriptive materials regarding the work
3)criticize the artwork specifically referring to the presentation of oppositions/dramatic contrasts in the work
NOTE: not all works of the period are well suited for this exercise
4) identify any reference materials used in the creation of this original assignment as appropriate and in proper citation format. NOTE : use at least one source.
5) complete the tasks herein in an original composition appropriate.

Step 1

You must develop a research question which is debatable.  You may pose your question as Should toy companies censor video games for players under 25. (weird example, I know!)

Motivation/ Problem statement:  What issue or problem is your paper going to address?  Why do you care about the problem/what is its significance?
What kinds of research did you conduct?
What did you discover about your research topic?
What are the larger implications of your findings?

After posing a question, find a minimum of five reliable sources for your topic.  These may include internet articles, magazine articles, journals, historical documents, books, interviews, etc.  Please use Pro Quest on the library site.  NO GALE!

My question:

Three to five facts in support of my question:


Facts which counter my argument/question:


Part II

Format of Research paper – MLA

5-7 pages
Typed, double spaced, 12 point, Times New Roman
Title Page
Works Cited Page (can create this with Noodle tools, check School Loop, Library Tab.

First paragraph development

HOOK: Your first paragraph will begin with a hook comprised of some statements about the issue. THis will be comprised of a few sentences/statements.

OVERVIEW OF PROBLEM:  The next part of your introductory paragraph should give the reader an overview of the issue/problem.

THESIS:  This thesis can be comprised of on statement or a few, it must include a statement which mentions the problem that is being debated.  You can even present your thesis with a sentence that begins with ALTHOUGH (COUNTER ARGUMENT) ..then YOUR ARGUMENT.

NOTE:  YOU CANNOT USE ANY PERSONAL PRONOUNS SUCH AS I, ME, or YOU.  You will not receive credit on the paper if these terms are used.

Body Paragraphs

You will have multiple body paragraphs that follow the format of Claim, Evidence, Analysis.

Evidence 2
Evidence 3
Concluding statement

ALL QUOTES MUST BE CITED CORRECTLY!!!!! The authors name is in parentheses, etc. 



sources need to be within 5 years


The essay prompt is:

The human face is, both stylistically and thematically, a fundamental trait of Bergman’s authorship. Discuss this statement in relation to specific scenes and sequences of your choice from the films discussed in class and with the support of your readings (you are encouraged to identify useful articles and book chapters beyond our weekly readings). You need to explain the ways in which meaning is articulated through close-up shots and in relation to a more symbolic meaning of the human face in Bergman’s films

Please try not to refer to The Seventh Seal or Wild Strawberries as much as possible as I referred to them in my previous essay

For this assignment, you will be writing a narrative essay on a personal epiphany. You will need to provide a personal story that illustrates this.  Please refer to the essay we discussed in class:  Salvation. It is a good model of a narrative essay where the author experiences an Ephiphany. You may also want to read: What Ive Learned from Men, Boxers Briefs & Books, and I Want A Wife in Chapter 9 as all of these authors experienced epiphanies and write about them eloquently.  They serve as good models of writing for this assignment.

To get started, you may want to brainstorm events in your life.  Think about major life changes.  Think about what has made you who you are today.  Consider what has shaped your personality and identity and the moments or events that brought about an epiphany.

You will not be able to write about everything so, after brainstorming, choose one that allows you to tell a narrative tale like the essays above. 

Be sure to include your three required vocabulary terms and italicize them in your essay

1. Do you think Macbeths downfall is a result of fate the witches predictions – or did his ambitious nature and
other characteristics bring about his downfall? Discuss whether or not Macbeths personality or character
caused him to commit such tragic acts and describe the traits that made him susceptible to the witches
influence. Cite specific details/examples* from the play to support your opinion/response.

Write a clear, coherent, well-organized, well-supported paper
stating and proving a specific, focused thesis about some aspect of one or two of
the visual texts (films, movies, painting, photographs) that have been discussed
in class so far, or about some other US visual text of your choice. If you choose a
text or texts that have been discussed in class, be advised that your paper must
not simply repeat or summarize class discussion. If you choose a text not
discussed in class, you must have your choice approved by one of the instructors
before you submit your paper. Also, whatever text(s) you choose, be sure that
your paper deals in some way with the visual aspects of your subject. These
instructions apply to both papers (short, midterm and long, final).

1) Analyze a particular scene in terms of how it visually (and otherwise, if you
wish), reflects or contributes to or comments on a particular US cultural myth,
theme, or ideological formation.
2) Compare and contrast two images in terms of how they relate to such a myth,
theme, or ideological formation.
3) Analyze how the visual portrayal of a character or landscape contributes to the
overall meaning(s) of the text in which it appears.

Write a clear, coherent, well-organized, well-supported paper
stating and proving a specific, focused thesis about some aspect of one or two of
the visual texts (films, movies, painting, photographs) that have been discussed
in class so far, or about some other US visual text of your choice. If you choose a
text or texts that have been discussed in class, be advised that your paper must
not simply repeat or summarize class discussion. If you choose a text not
discussed in class, you must have your choice approved by one of the instructors
before you submit your paper. Also, whatever text(s) you choose, be sure that
your paper deals in some way with the visual aspects of your subject. These
instructions apply to both papers (short, midterm and long, final).

1) Analyze a particular scene in terms of how it visually (and otherwise, if you
wish), reflects or contributes to or comments on a particular US cultural myth,
theme, or ideological formation.
2) Compare and contrast two images in terms of how they relate to such a myth,
theme, or ideological formation.
3) Analyze how the visual portrayal of a character or landscape contributes to the
overall meaning(s) of the text in which it appears.

                      The Use and Abuse of Social Media
Today, being on social media to connect with friends and one’s entire circle is common, especially among the youths, this trend is continuously resulting in a variety of negative effects. Social media allows users to insult, bully, and threaten others without any fear of punishment these actions have caused an uproar in our society. Social media has become an easy target to create fake social media profiles, lack face to face communication among others in which can make it easier to communicate hurtful messages, and share images, blackmail others, and take screenshots without consent.


Instructions: Your first essay the critical evaluation essay is due at the end of week three. In this essay, you will be critically evaluating a classic argument.

Choose one argument from the historic American works listed in the Supplemental Readings section of the course lessons. Decide whether this argument is successful or not. If you decide this essay is successful, discuss why. You may use the structure of the argument, the tone, and the various types of support (ethos, pathos, and logos) as proof of the arguments success. Make sure that your thesis has an introduction that contains a hook and a thesis, body paragraphs that discuss one proof at a time (one paragraph per example), and a conclusion. If you decide that the essay is not successful, then discuss the fallacies that the argument makes. You are still required to have a strong introduction (hook and thesis), body paragraphs that discuss one fallacy at a time, and a conclusion. You may also discuss how the essay is successful with reservations. In this case, point to both the support and the fallacies you have found in the work.

You are not offering personal or historical commentary, or responding to the ideas in the argument; you are evaluating the argument itself, in rhetorical terms.

This paper should be at least 700 words, but no more than 850. The paper should be formatted correctly MLA style and written in third person (do not use the words I, me, us, we, or you).  The essay should also contain citations and a works cited list based on your selected essay in the assigned readings.  Formulate the structured response from your own close reading of the text. Do not use outside sources (open Web) without explicit permission from the instructor.

Historic American Works
Catt, Carrie Chapman. “Address to the Congress on Women’s Suffrage”
King, Martin Luther, Jr. “I Have a Dream”
Jefferson, Thomas. The Unanimous Declaration of the Thirteen United States of America Lincoln, Abraham. “Gettysburg Address”
Weisel, Elie. “Indifference”