write a 2500-word (max.) essay based around a central topic/theme/issue from your chosen book. Your essay must be based around a strong thesis statement and in depth research (both verified/approved by an earlier assignment). Contextualise the subject matter in the global history of medicine. Link the book to broader course themes. Remember, you should express a clear opinion and create an organised, argumentative essay.

I have already done the provisional thesis as well as the citations that are to be used in the paper, so those must be used

1)Explain BEST BUY FROM THE LAST 4 years business level strategy USING THE VALUE CREATION FRONTIER.
2)Which generic strategy is your company using?

3)What are the drivers of that strategy (WHICH BUILDING BLOCKS)?  Have you discussed strategic drivers as strengths or weaknesses?
4)Do the strengths support the strategy or is the strategy impacted by the weaknesses?
For example, if Google lost its ability to innovate could it be a successful differentiator? 

5) 35 Points: Is the business level strategy working? You can prove whether it is or not with the industry-Company ROIC trend graph.
6)If it is working, ROIC will be above the industry and above 10% (Note: The average return (1928 2014) for the S&P is approximately 8% to10%). This is not a discussion of Competitive Advantage.

Paper 3: The Type of Monument
At this point, your Renaissance patron is ready to conceive a suitable monument to him or herself. ART class addresses many types of potential monuments that should inspire you. There are secular monuments, primarily in the form of palaces commissioned by merchants and churchmen (cardinals and popes), but also in the form of infrastructure: bridges, roads, piazzas, aqueducts, fountains. We also discuss ecclesiastical monuments (churches and chapels) and we see in many cases that the boundaries between secular and ecclesiastical are not distinct (a sacristy also used as a family mausoleum; a papal chapel that celebrates a particular dynasty). Remember that your monument should be appropriate to the identity and goals of your patron. For this assignment you must describe the type of monument and its location, provide a detailed description of the layout and a drawing of a floor plan, and describe all relevant architectural features and their significance (i.e., does it have a dome or a particular facade design? is it made from a significant type of stone, etc.?). Because you need to provide considerable detail, this assignment must be two to three pages in length (typed, double-spaced text in a 12-point font with one-inch margins), not counting illustrations.

at least 700 words.

1. Please read the proposal I uploaded first. this paper is a continuation of the proposal.
2. You need to invent and complete the info of the fictional pope Joseph V.
3. You must be based on the feature and culture of the Renaissance to invent all the info/events to form the paper. Your idea should be reasonable.
4.!!!!!!! Do not change the real historical event. But you can invent a non-
5. You can change some info from the proposal related to pope Joseph V. But the patron must be pope Joseph V.
6. Do not copy a real historical figure/people/event and just change his name and part info.
7. You can say some real historical people/events influence your invented patron/events.
    you can create a social relationship between famous historical people(such as real famous painters) with your patron.
8. Please change some info according to the instruction from paper 2 in your paper 3. I will upload it later.


Write a brief 4-5 page (1,000-1,250 word) essay revising and expanding upon the response already written.

Your essay should be at least five paragraphs long, but may be longer. Your essay must have a thesis statement and must make a clear and specific argument in response to the question. Each body paragraph should begin with a topic sentence and provide some kind of evidence (contextual information, logical development of your ideas, quotes, or details from the text) that supports and develops your topic statement.

Recommended Outline:

Introduction (1 paragraph)
Introduce the subject of your essay and the reason you are writing. In other words, be sure to explain to your reader what the essay is about and why the question you are examining matters. Note: you should not include the actual question anywhere in your essay, but you should phrase it in your own words so that the reader has some sort of context for the conversation you are involved in.

Be sure to end your introduction with your thesis statement or main argument. Your thesis should tell your reader what your argument or claim is in one sentence.

Body (3-5 Paragraphs)

The body of your essay should more or less range from 3 to 5 paragraphs in length. Each paragraph must begin with a topic statement that is followed by relevant examples and quotes from the poetry that support and prove the topic statement. To figure out what your topic statements should be, go back to your thesis and ask yourself, what ideas do I need to explore or explain in order to prove my thesis statement? If you are writing about a particular poem, be sure that you explain both what it means, as well as how it achieves its meaning


Wrap up your essay by summarizing your arguments, re-capping how you’ve proven your thesis and why your argument matters.

This is the question I had to answer. Both “A New Song” and “Open Letter to the South” or written by Langston Hughes:

2. One of the central themes of A New Song is the relationship between race and class and the importance of the mutual struggle of black and white workers together. Look at the two poems: A New Song and Open Letter to the South. In what ways do these two poems address the relationship between race and class? Be sure to use specific examples from the texts as support.  Response should directly respond to the question, and offer an answer in the form of an argument that is supported with details and facts form the text or outside sources.

****I will attach the response that I have already written. I just need to improve and expand the paper to an 1100 word complete essay with conclusion and everything.****

Select a criminal justice related topic and use the University of North Florida Library to find one qualitative article and one quantitative article on this topic. Ensure that these are peer-reviewed journal articles. Introduce your topic and state why it is important.  Provide APA reference information for each of the two articles (one qualitative, one quantitative). In your own words, provide a summary of the methodology, findings, and limitations of each of the two articles.  Each summary of methodology should include information such as the sample size, sampling method, description of the subjects included in the sample, where the study took place, if the study is cross-sectional or longitudinal, and how the data were collected. Generally speaking, describe the strengths and weaknesses of qualitative research.  Next, describe the strengths and weaknesses of quantitative research. Finally, if you were going to conduct your own research study on this topic, which methodological approach (qualitative or quantitative) would you choose?  Justify your response.  Your justification should take into account information such as time, resources, the population you are trying to describe, validity, generalizability, and how your study would contribute to the existing literature on this topic.

Write a three-part proposal document that provides the following information:

A one-sentence description of your subject and topic.
A tentative thesis statement that indicates your main claim, reasons for it, and its significance.
Submit two annotated references that
Cite each source according to your chosen citation style
Briefly summarize each source
Evaluate their credibility and usefulness
Describes their relevance to your topic/essay.
Annotations should be no more than three or four sentences total, including summary, evaluation, and relevance.

In this assignment, students draw upon content and knowledge gained through the course, to interpret real or fictional life experiences in sport, exercise, or health. Students have the choice to base this assignment on one of three options:


If choosing a personal experience, students may choose any personal experience that is related to sport or physical activity such that students are able to connect it to class content. If you are unsure then please check with the course director.

The assignment should be typed, double spaced, 4 pages in length (excluding title page and reference page(s), and use APA format (7th Edition).

The written assignment should consist of 3 key sections. Students should refer to the marking key on the next page to further comprehend how the assignment will be graded.

1.    Section 1 should offer a brief introduction and description of the experience, Section 1 should be no more than 1 page in length.
(Section 1 of the marking key).

2.    In Section 2 students should engage in an in-depth discussion of one of the sport, exercise, or health psychology concepts discussed in class (e.g., motivation, mental health, talent development) which is presented in the personal experience. Students should include specific examples from the experience, and relate these examples to theoretical and/or practical material discussed in class. This section should be approximately 3 pages in length, including no more than 1 page describing the course concept being discussed. Students should use the remaining space to describe how the concept is embedded in their own experience. (Section 2 of the marking key).

3.    In Section 3, students should offer brief comments outlining their personal insight. This section should be no more than a half page. (Section 3 of the marking key).
    For personal experience: Was your experience consistent with what you have learned in the course? Why or why not?

Book assigned for the course: “Meditations on First Philosophy”, Descartes (Hackett)

To achieve clarity in writing, you must ask yourself three questions: (a) Are all of the terms (used by the author or myself) clear in their meaning? (b) Are all of the propositions (used by the author or myself) necessarily true or perhaps dubitable in some way? (c) Are all of the arguments (given by the author or myself) both valid and sound?3.  To achieve writing that is concise, you must constantly ask yourself: (a) Are some of my sentences repetitive? (b) Am I relying on quotes more than I am explaining, when possible, in my own words? (c) Does each sentence build upon those before it, and does my writing attempt to move efficiently towards a conclusion?a.  On citations: quote if necessary, but try to formulate ideas in your own words. If you are discussing an authors ideas, you should always cite the source of these ideas by giving page numbers or Bekker numbers (the citation format for Aristotles texts). The aim of these papers is to practice your writing and thinking, rather than your ability to quote and cite material correctly.b.  For citations: your preferred style (e.g., MLA or Chicago) is fine. The important point here is simply to be consistent and complete.

The historical record bears witness to the fact that there have been people with significant addictions who have functioned at very high levels and accomplished brilliant things.  This week’s exploration of cocaine reminds us that that Sigmund Freud, the creator of the “talking cure – psychoanalysis –  was a cocaine user.  Freud is reputed to have remarked that cocaine made him feel the way he thought he ought to feel.  He recommended cocaine use to his friends.  The fictional character Sherlock Holmes is portrayed as a cocaine user.  The makers of the film “The Seven Per Cent Solution” put these two coincidences to good use and created a fictional encounter between Freud and Holmes, who seeks Freud out to save him from his overwhelming addiction.  It makes for good fun and adventure and a happy intersection of historical fact and creative imagination.

The question this raises is, to what degree is drug dependence inherently disabling?  Often, reading the biography of a famous person, surprising details emerge.  We know of the drinking behaviours of Canada’s first Prime Minister, John A. Macdonald, and Britain’s war-time PM, Winston Churchill.  But substance use and related problems are part of the biographies of people such as Jean Paul Sartre and Jean Cocteau.  In the fiction of John Irving we encounter an ether-using doctor in The Cider House Rules.  William Burroughs, author of Naked Lunch, was a heroin user and a methadone patient.  Recently, I learned of a baseball player who pitched a perfect game while under the influence of LSD.  His name was Doc Ellis.  A documentary on his life played  at the Rendezvous With Madness Film Festival at the TIFF Light Box in 2014.  Have a look at this short film to get Doc’s version of events.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_vUhSYLRw14&t=1s

YOUR JOB IS to add to the list of successful people who have had substance use problems.  Draw from historical figures, contemporary figures, and even from fictional characters. Come up with at least 4-6 people!!

Watch the following History Channel documentary about the history of radio. (This is one of the few that is lengthy at around 45min) Follow the outline for your written portion.
1-Origins of Radio technology. Pick one person that is part of the technological development of radio and discuss their contribution and importance.
2- First applications of radio. Select one of the first events in radio transmission that stuck out to you and discuss its importance.
3 – Business of Radio. Select one person, invention, or event from the era of radio as big business and discuss how you think it impacted society.
4. Stars of Radio. Pick one of the first stars of radio that had a popular culture impact then discuss how it changed peoples lives.