This is a group presentation. Each group will consist of four students. Groups can formed by the lecturer or by the students
themselves. Each group will select a topic from the topic list provided below. Inform your lecturer about the topic you
selected at least a week before your presentation date.
The presentation is meant to be brief (10 minutes), but formal — demonstrating skills in presenting to a business or
management audience. It should concisely and effectively convey the theme of the topic for an audience that does not have
any special expertise in your chosen topic. Each student should employ the best techniques they find available to reach
their audience.
Each presentation must include:
? 10 minutes of presentation time
? Visual aids, such as presentation software like PowerPoint, Prezi, Keynote, PowToon etc.
? Participation in roughly equal measure by each group member
? Well-supported argument interpreting the significance of the topic presented
? APA (6th version) referencing style
? Succinct presentation of in-depth research of the topic
? Attention to questions raised by audience about any subject matter of the topic
Guidelines for Presentations

Equal Participation
Each team member should contribute equally. Teams will compile a list of major areas to be covered in their presentation,
and assign one to each member to research and present. Each member should speak for approximately two and a half
minutes. The presentation can reflect the diversity of viewpoints of the presenters. Designate one team member as the
team leader. This person will be responsible for introducing the presentation as a whole, and each presenter. The team
leader will also summarize the presentation at its conclusion, and lead a class discussion.
Some students may elect to use PowerPoint. There are numerous types of presentation software available, and a group
may use any one of them.

Class Presentation
Talk to the class, don’t read. You may use notes when you make your presentation, but you may not read from a fully
written out text.

Here is one way to make a successful presentation:
1 Do plenty of reading and research. Explore the topic as fully as possible. Make notes.
2 Read over your notes, and think over the results of your reading.
3 Discuss your results with your team members. Tentatively plan the presentation in its general outline.
4 On your own again, and setting notes aside, brainstorm and write down all the interesting ideas that you have come
up with.
5 Organise these ideas into a coherent sequence. Return to your notes and add any information relevant to your major
ideas which will illustrate or explain them.
6 Add an introduction, which tells what you will talk about, and a conclusion which sums up what you have discussed
and learned. Cut out any irrelevant or uninteresting materials.
7 Meet with your team members to organize and streamline the presentation.
8 Visualise yourself giving a talk to the class, going through all these ideas, in a comfortable and relaxed fashion. If you
wish, practice talking about your subject to a mirror.
9 Using only brief notes, give your presentation in the class and have fun!

Topic list:
? Classroom of the future
? Visible light communication
? Transmedia storytelling
? Mobile virtual reality service
? The future wallet
? Role of ICT (Information Communication Technology) in business communication
? Social media for business communication
? Negative impact of miscommunication
? The Three Mile Island Disaster: An organisational communication study
? Non-verbal communications and facilitation
? Intercultural communication
? IoT: fearful or fearless?
? The Social benefits of mass communication
This assessment item is designed to develop your ability to select an appropriate communication style and technique when
delivering a message in different settings and to different audiences. Presentations enable students to practice their verbal
communication skills and further develop understanding about the impact of non-verbal communication. The planning
phase will also develop your ability to practise, develop, refine and demonstrate written language skills so you are able to
communicate clearly, correctly and concisely.
Marking criteria
Marks will be awarded based on both individual and group performance. Please see the following marking rubrics for
details. Since a portion of grading is based on the presentation as a whole, team members should notify the lecturer before
the date of the presentation if any member does not do their share.

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