Ephesians Word Study

Select a word from your Ephesians passage that you deem to be of significance to the interpretation of the passage. Base your determination of significance on Duvall & Hays Choose Your Words Carefully section in chapter 9, page 167 and a check for range of meaning in the concordance.  Be sure you understand range of meaning or semantic range and how to identify them. (Described in the Determine What the Word Could Mean section of Chapter 9, pages 170-172.)  A word may have great theological significance but, if it has no range of meaning, it is not a good choice for this assignment.

Using the steps outlined in Assignment 9-2, (steps 1-7) as a guide, do a complete word study of the word you have chosen. For instance, using your concordance, find the Greek word that translates the word you have chosen (step 1), write it out in transliterated form (step 2), make a list of the different ways this word is translated in the NIV (step 3), locate the verses that correspond to each translation (step 4)

In lieu of steps 5-7 create your own questions and answers (like steps 5-7) that will help you to identify the semantic range for your word based on its uses. If you have questions about this part, ask them in the Student Lounge or email your instructor.

If you have access to Verbrugge’s New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology, you may complete Step 8, otherwise this step is optional.