Essay 4: Analysis of Rhetorical Strategies
Tattoos on the Heart is Gregory Boyle’s memoir of running Homeboy Industries and working with gang members to help them change their lives. Boyle uses various rhetorical strategies to connect with his readers to convey his major themes of kinship and redemption and the power of “boundless compassion.”
Assignment: What examples of logos, pathos or ethos can be found in Tattoos on the Heart? How does Boyle make use of these strategies, and are they effective? Why or why not? You will provide a close reading and analysis of Boyle’s appeals to the reader displayed anywhere in the book.
Criteria for evaluation:
? introduce Boyle’s book and project.
? identify three moments in the book where he uses either logos, pathos or ethos (your thesis).
provide clear and specific evidence that he does, indeed, use those strategies. (You can choose three passages where he uses logos, for example; or you can
discuss three different passages where he uses logos, pathos and ethos.) analyze the effect of those rhetorical strategies. How do they affect the audience? In what ways do they advance or harm his ability to persuade the reader of his overall argument?
? your conclusion should provide a discussion of the significance of the strategies and his book as a whole. What would happen if any one of those discussed strategies were not selected to be used in the book (how would this have made the argument different)?
For a successful paper, make sure to:
? Have a clear thesis that signals your argument to the reader.
? Topic sentences must map out your organization.
? Write the paper as if addressing an educated reader who is unfamiliar with Boyle’s book.
? Edit your paper thoroughly so that sentences are easy to read and error-free.
? Use MLA format. Include a works cited page that lists Boyle and his book. No outside sources are necessary.

null hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis for main effects
Paper details:

Craft up to a one page double-spaced write up of the statistical results (include any additional pages needed for any APA tables or graphs and the SPSS syntax and output) in which you do the following:
?State the statistical assumptions of this test.
?Select an independent variable with three or more levels and a dependent variable.
?Develop the null hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis for main effects.
?Using SPSS, calculate an ANOVA. Include a post hoc test.
?Report on the p value and the confidence interval.
?Interpret the confidence interval.
?Decide whether to reject or retain the null hypothesis based on main effects and/or post-hoc statistical tests.
?Generate syntax and output files in SPSS. You will need to copy and paste these into your Application document.
?Based on your SPSS analysis, report the results using correct APA format. Include results for post hoc tests where appropriate. Your report should include the following:
?SPSS syntax and output files
?ANOVA table

Bachelors Capstone in Healthcare Administration Assignment 1
Details of complete assignment content, deliverables and rubric
Introduction to Evidence Based Practice Tutorial
This tutorial below is intended for any health care practitioner or student who needs a basic introduction to the principles of Evidence-Based Practice.
Upon completion of this self-paced tutorial, you will be able to:
define Evidence-Based Practice (EBP)
identify the parts of a well-built clinical question
identify EBP searching strategies that could improve PubMed retrieval
identify key issues that help determine the validity of the results of a study
The purpose of this exercise is to practice the steps in the EBP process. You are to read and participate in the tutorial.
To access the Evidence-Based Practice Tutorial:
Select the UNC link for the Unit 1 Assignment Tutorial:


Select the “Tutorials” link from the list on the page second from the bottom
Type Introduction to Evidence based practice into the search field
Select the Introduction to Evidence based Practice: Home at the top of the search list

This is the link that the assignment is based on

You are now in the EBP Tutorial. Select the “Next” button at the bottom of each page to advance the Tutorial.
Written Assignment:
You are to then research and read an article on evidence-based practice (EBP) and write a 500-word summary of the article you chose.

Systems Analysis and Design: Requirements Document InstructionsSystems Analysis and Design
Stage 01: Requirements Document Instructions


Before you begin this assignment, be sure you have read the Udo, Marian, &Uduak Corporation Case Study. Also, you should review your Stages 2 – 5 individual assignments to get an understanding of the future projects that build on this initial stage.
Purpose of this Assignment

This assignment gives you the opportunity to apply the course concepts to document system requirements. This assignment specifically addresses the following course outcomes to enable you to:

• Achieve successful systems design, development, and implementation by effectively applying the role of systems engineering and integrating with project management

• Effectively communicate with stakeholders to determine, manage, and document business requirements throughout the SDLC

• Perform modeling to assist with analysis and decision making

• Translate business requirements into systems by applying appropriate SDLC methodologies and incorporating industry best practices
The Deliverable

Using the Udo, Marian, &Uduak Corporation Case Study, develop and deliver a Requirements Document for a new billing and payment system. The document will include a high-level description of the current information system that handles some of the company’s administrative and financial tasks and identify the requirements for the new system (as is/to be). It will also provide a high-level functional decomposition diagram (FDD) of the new system. And, it will include a systems requirements checklist for the new billing and payment system that includes five (5) key parameters for output, input, process, performance, and control.

The Requirements Document must include the following:

• The paper should be 2 – 4 pages in length, plus diagrams and a checklist, responding to the bulleted items below. The diagrams and checklist are not included in the page count.

• Cover and a Works Cited page are also required. These are not included in the page count.

• The Cover page must include an appropriate title and your name.
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Systems Analysis and Design
Stage 01: Requirements Document Instructions

• Use the Works Cited page to correctly cite and reference any sources you use with APA format.

• Use the Grading Rubric to be sure you have covered everything.

• Submit your paper via your Assignment Folder as a Microsoft Word document with your last name included in the filename.

• “As-Is” Process

o “As-Is” refers to the current system as described in the case study that does not meet the company’s administrative needs

o This should include a brief commentary describing the existing information system and its shortcomings.

o This should include a process diagram. (See example in Helpful Resources, below)

• “To-Be” process

o “To-Be” refers to the new billing and payment system that meets the company’s administrative needs as described in the case study

o This should include a brief commentary describing the proposed billing and payment system.

o This should include a process diagram.

• Functional Decomposition Diagram (FDD) of the new billing and payment system

o The FDD should be broken down to three levels as shown in the following link”:

• System Requirements Checklist for the new billing and payment system

o You should have a complete statement for each requirement in each of the following categories of the new system:

Process Output Input

Performance Control

o Each requirement should be individually numbered within the category.

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Systems Analysis and Design
Stage 01: Requirements Document Instructions
Helpful Resources

• “As-Is” and “To-Be” Business Process Modeling

• Functional Decomposition Diagram (FDD)
• Textbook “Systems Analysis and Design,” Chapter 4, Requirements Modeling
Tools that can assist you in developing the graphics for this project:

• The file “Graphics That Can be Used for Drawing Diagrams” in the Course Content section of WebTycho has symbols you may be able to copy and paste

• “As-Is” and “To-Be” graphics
o Microsoft Visio

• Functional Decomposition Diagram (FDD)
o Microsoft Visio

o The file “Graphics That Can be Used for Drawing Diagrams” in the Course Content section of WebTycho has symbols you may be able to copy and paste

• Systems Requirements Checklist
o Microsoft Excel

o Microsoft Word
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Systems Analysis and Design
Stage 01: Requirements Document Instructions

Stage 1: Requirements Document Rubric

Criteria Superior to Substandard to Good Inadequate Points
“As-Is” Process The “As-Is” or current The “As-Is” or current The “As-Is” or 2
information system is information system is not current information
described in a high-level described in sufficient system is not
detail. Process diagram detail or may be unclear; described.
is included and and/or may be lacking
accurately reflects the process diagram.
current process.
Sufficient detail is
provided to demonstrate
difference from “to-be”
“To-Be” Process The “To-Be” or proposed The “To-Be” or proposed The “To-Be” or 2
new billing and payment new billing and payment proposed system
system is described in a system is not described is not described.
high-level of detail. in a high-level detail or
Process diagram is may be unclear, and/or
included and accurately may be lacking process
reflects the new diagram.
process. Sufficient
detail is provided to
demonstrate difference
from “as-is” process.
FDD of the The high-level functional The high-level functional FDD not included 2.5
New System decomposition diagram decomposition diagram
(FDD) of the new billing (FDD) of the new billing
and payment system and payment system
covers all required does not contain all
system functions and is required system –
accurately decomposed functions and/or may not
to three levels. be (correctly)
decomposed to three
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Systems Analysis and Design
Stage 01: Requirements Document Instructions

Criteria Superior to Substandard to Good Inadequate Points
Systems The systems The systems The systems 2.5
Requirements requirements checklist requirements checklist requirements
Checklist for the new system – is for the new system does checklist is not
complete and includes not contain a complete included.
requirements for output, list of requirements and/
input, process, does not include
performance, and requirements for output,
control, with each input, process,
requirement numbered. performance, control
Requirements are and/or each requirement
appropriate to the is not numbered.
UMUC Case Study. Requirements may not
be appropriate to UMUC
Case Study.
Report and Report and diagrams Report and Diagrams Report and 1
Diagram Format reflect effective are not well organized, Diagrams are
organization; correct and/or contains grammar extremely poorly
sentence structure, and/or spelling errors; constructed and
grammar, and spelling; and/or do not follow APA do not convey the
presented in a style for any references information.
professional format; any used and citations.
references used are
incorporated and cited
using APA style.
Total Points: 10

Wi-Fi analysis programs listen to nearby access points (and sometimes wireless hosts) to determine such things as how strong their signals are, what types of security they use, what their SSIDs are, and sometimes the directions of the individual access points.There are many Wi-Fi analysis programs for mobile devices. Many have “stumbler” in their names in homage to one of the first examples, NetStumbler. This chapter looks at Wi-Fi Inspector from Xirrus, which runs on Microsoft Windows and which is available as a free download from Xirrus. A comparable Windows Widget that always remains on the desktop is also available from Xirrus.
Activities – Go to at least two locations. At each location, record the information in the networks window. Also, do a connection and speed test. Write a brief report and Make sure to intersperse your screen shots (use the Windows Snipping Tool) to capture what you learned about Wi-Fi service in the building, referring to the data you collected to answer the questions below:
1. Why is the radar window’s image of a radar scope misleading?
2. How would you locate an access point despite the limitations of the radar window? This will take one to two paragraphs. SSID, Signal level in either dBM or percentage network mode, default encryption, default authentication, vendor, BSSID, channel, frequency, network type, graph.
3. If there is a value of -44 dBm for signal strength. How good is this?
4. How can you sort the networks window?
5. What information does the Connection Test give you?
6. What information does the Speed Test give you?
7. What information does the Quality Test give you?
Xirrus Dropbox – In the drop box under assignment, turn in your answer via a pdf document with your last name and page number at the bottom-right of each page. Use an appropriate filename: yourlastname-xirrus.pdf (for example, Yorkman-xirrus.pdf).
This assignment is due November, 7, 2015 at Noon.

Prepare Essay Please
Order Description
Writing Assignment 2: Research

Topics and Requirements

This assignment is a continuation of the Writing Assignment 1; you are to revise and rebuild. Consider your topic question in relation to all the authors studied so far. You may keep the authors your already discussed or not; you may choose to keep one or two and delete others, but you are to improve your content and add at least one, new primary source. The research component means that you will research the works by your authors and incorporate ideas or words (citations) from three or more literary critics who are commenting on your selections in relation to your topic. As a final result, you should be covering an assigned selection from at least three different authors (one of which you did not cover in the first assignment), and you will include citations from a minimum of three literary critics.


1. MLA format and documentation (See Information in virtual classroom for link to Purdue OWL with information on MLA.)
2. Standard theme structure: Introduction with thesis, body paragraphs, conclusion with restated thesis; five paragraph minimum. Your introduction should make clear which literary works you are analyzing; include the titles and the authors. Thesis should be in blueprint format. If you need a refresher, see Lesson 4.
3. Remember that the literary works about which you are writing are your primary sources or most important sources for your evidence. You may keep one or more of your original selections from the first assignment, but you are to add at least one selection from an author assigned since the first assignment (assigned selections from Robinson, Frost, Eliot, Faulkner, and/or Hughes). As such, there should be two to three citations from the literary work(s) used as evidence to prove your thesis in each body paragraph in your paper. Failure to do so will lower the content.
4. Three to five different critics (which must be obtained through a library, online or traditional) should be cited in addition to the primary sources. Note also that if your critics are not obtained from a library, this will impact your ratings because sources not obtained through a library will not be counted towards the three-critic minimum. The Jefferson State online library and the Alabama Virtual Library may be used to obtain your sources. Also, while such sources as Sparknotes, Grade Saver, Cliff Notes, and Monarch Notes can be very helpful in understanding the literature, they do not replace reading the works, and they are not acceptable as one of your three minimum sources. Neither is Wikipedia.
5. Citations within the paper are handled differently, depending on whether your source is online or print. The works cited entry you include for each source indicates whether the source is print or Web. What your works cited entry indicates should determine correct format within the paper. The MLA link in Information, as well as material in Lesson 8 will provide guidance. Citations should be included for all sources. Online sources can be cited by either page (if the source is printed out) or paragraph, if the paragraphs are numbered, or by page if the pages are numbered, as in a pdf file. If there are no numbered pages or paragraphs, and you are not working from a printed copy, then you will credit the source by including his or her full name either in your sentence or paragraph or his or her last name in parentheses at the end of the material to be cited.
9. Works cited page with an entry for each primary source; each critic cited should have a bibliographical entry. Note that with sources obtained through Jefferson State’s online library, the correct bibliographical entry is often included at the end of the article so that you can copy and paste this entry into your works cited page.
10. 500-800 words
11. Style should be formal: Avoid first and second person, contractions, and slang.
12. Use present tense consistently.


1. Consider how would you define an “unlived life.” Then answer the following question: Based on your reading of the assigned selections, what obstacles are there to living a full life? Keep in mind that obstacles don’t have to be just physical, but can be mental, emotional, etc.
2. Based on ideas the stories suggest, how can a person truly live life to the fullest?

Using Minitab
This week, you learned about the statistical software applications used to analyze data for research analysis. For this week’s discussion, you will use Minitab to run descriptive statistics, create graphs and respond to the following:
• How could you use Minitab descriptive statistics for data analysis research?
• What are your plans for learning more about Minitab and how will the information you learned about this software be of benefit in your future analysis of research data?
Refer to this week’s readings and video tutorials before starting this two part discussion question assignment. You will also have access to the Assignment Resources Step-by-Step Guide, accessed through the Assignment Resources Icon located to the right of the grading criteria above.

Step 1: Entering Data

Open Minitab

You will now use Minitab to enter a sample dataset by following the steps below and referring to the examples in the Assignment Step-by-Step guide. Begin by opening Minitab. Once open, you will see two windows. The Session Window is in the top half of the screen and the Worksheet is below. Only one window is active at a time.

Dataset Options

In many cases, researchers may have the data from their study in another software package like Microsoft Excel. However, if the data is not available in a software spreadsheet you can manually enter the data. You may now choose to populate your Minitab worksheet using the provided Excel worksheet in Option 1 or try Manual Data Entry by following the instructions in Option 2.

Option 1: Using Excel to populate Minitab

To access the Excel worksheet populated with data, go to the Data Set Icon located to the right of the grading criteria above. You can copy and paste the data set directly from Excel into Minitab.


Option 2: Manual Data Entry

In the Worksheet window, type “Age” in C1. Enter the numbers as shown in the dataset below. Enter the remaining data as shown below (set up your column labels i.e., variable). The measure reflects math anxiety and the study variables (cringe, uneasy, afraid, worried, understand) the math anxiety range is from 1–5 with low being the least and 5 the highest.

A ge Cringe Uneasy Afraid Worried Understand
28 5 3 4 4 3
34 2 5 3 2 1
25 4 4 4 2 5
56 3 4 3 1 2
23 5 4 3 3 4
29 1 5 3 2 3
30 3 3 5 2 5
59 2 5 5 1 2
45 4 2 5 3 3
38 1 2 4 1 1
33 3 2 4 3 2
47 4 2 3 4 5
24 1 5 3 4 4
29 5 4 2 1 3
53 3 1 5 2 1
48 4 4 1 5 3
27 2 5 4 3 4
34 4 4 3 2 5
26 4 5 2 3 2
36 5 5 5 4 3

Step 2: Run Descriptive Statistics??Now that your data is in Minitab, you will look at the descriptive statistics for this dataset. Select the Ribbon at the top titled “Statistics,” and then select “Descriptive Statistics”. Under the “Data tab” select a variable, under the “Statistics tab” check all the boxes, then click “OK”.
Discussion Question Part 1:
How could you use Minitab descriptive statistics for data analysis research? Write about your experience running descriptive statistics. Use the results in the Session Window to support your response. Then add to your discussion with the information you learn when completing Step 3.
Step 3: Minitab and Graphs
You will now look at graphing. Select the Ribbon at the top titled “Graph,” then select “Histogram,” and then select “Simple.” Choose one of the variables and select “Ok”. You can create other Histogram graphs by choosing different variables. You can also choose from the other ten graph choices shown on the Graph ribbon. Remember you can use the left navigation column to access your work.
Discussion Question Part 2: ?What are your plans for learning more about Minitab and how will the information you learned about this software be of benefit in your future analysis of research data? Copy and paste your graph(s) in a Word document and attach to your discussion response.

. Improving ELL Student Learning Outcomes; Part IFor this assignment student candidates will demonstrate knowledge and application of participation in school-wide activities that contribute to English language learner (ELL) student improvement.

The assignment includes the following steps:

1. Review of School Improvement Plan: Read your school’s School Improvement Plan (SIP), or choose to read a SIP from a K -12 school with a high percentage of ELL students.
You may go to the Florida Department of Education to find school improvement plans by school district. Go to Click on Public Access to Plans, go to your school district, and look for published SIP plans, click, and download. Please note that all schools do not have a published SIP plan.
2. Click this link to access the approved plans for specific districts and schools, as well as any prior year plans that have been made available
3. Within the context of the SIP, review the school wide assessment results for ELLs. Link the SIP goals and objectives to the ELL student assessment results, (e.g., a goal of the School Improvement Plan may be to improve ELL reading scores). (TESOL 4.a)
4. Attend a K-12 SIP meeting. Attend a SIP meeting and summarize the discussion. Summarize the key ELL elements of the SIP. (TESOL 4.a)
Review the results; did the most recent assessment results show an improvement in the ELL reading scores? (TESOL 5.b) Alternative to attending a SIP meeting: View the Video clip of a SIP meeting:
5. Analyze the outcomes of the School Improvement Team meeting for support of the ELL assessment needs, and how each outcome supported the overall mission of the school. (TESOL 5.b)
6. Describe and propose activities that can be completed by the School Improvement Team to improve ELL student learning outcomes. (TESOL 5.c)
7. Propose activities based on the ELL assessment results that you can complete to contribute to the overall improvement of the school. (TESOL 4.c)

Follow the rubric closely in order to be successful on this assignment.
Use the bolded subheadings in steps (1 – 5) to organize the writing of the assignment.
Assignment #1 Improving English Language Learners (ELL) Student Learning Outcomes: (NCATE TESOL 4.a). Candidates understand various issues of assessment (e.g. cultural and linguistic bias, political, social, and psychological factors) in assessment, IQ, and special education testing (including gifted and talented); the importance of standards; and the difference between language proficiency and other types of assessment (e.g. standardized achievement tests of overall mastery), as they affect ESOL student learning.
(NCATE TESOL 5.b). Candidates know and use a variety of standards-based language proficiency instruments to inform their instruction and understand their uses for identification, placement, and demonstration of language growth of ESOL students.
(NCATE TESOL 4.c). Candidates know and use a variety of performance-based assessment tools and techniques to inform instruction.
(NCATE TESOL 5.b). Candidates serve as professional resources, advocate for ESOL students, and build partnerships with students’ families.
(NCATE TESOL 5.c). Candidates collaborate with and are prepared to serve as a resource to all staff, including paraprofessionals, to improve learning for all ESL students. (LO 2, 3) (FLESOL Domain 4: ESOL Curriculum and Materials Development, Standard 1: a,b,c,d,e)

Assignment #1 Improving ELL Student Learning Outcomes (25 points)

Element Exceeded

1. Review of School Improvement Plan
(TESOL 4.a)
The candidate read, summarized, and referenced the ELL elements of the current School Improvement Plan. The summary was well developed and included multiple references to the School Improvement Plan.
2. Linkage of School Improvement Plan to School Assessment Results
(TESOL 4.a) The candidate linked the goals and objectives of the current School Improvement Plan to the most recent ELL assessment scores and explained how each goal and objective was evidence in the school ELL assessment results, noting the areas that improved, or declined, based on recent school efforts.
3.Attendance at School Improvement Team Committee Meeting
(TESOL 5.b) The candidate attended a School Improvement Team Committee meeting and summarized the discussion, based on the linkages of the activities to the school’s ELL assessment results. A description of how the linkages apply to the candidate’s position is provided.
4. Analysis of School Improvement Team Committee Outcomes
(4 points)
(TESOL 5.b) The candidate analyzed the outcomes of the School Improvement Team meeting for support of the ELL assessment needs. The candidate described how each outcome supported the overall mission of the school.
5. Description of activities to improve ELL student learning outcomes.
(TESOL 5.c) The candidate described activities that can be completed by the School Improvement Team to improve ELL student learning outcomes. A timeline was provided for these activities.
6. Propose activities based on SIP assessment results.
(TESOL 4.c) The candidate proposed activities that s/he can complete to contribute to the overall improvement of the school, based on ELL assessment results. A detailed explanation of how each activity was linked to the ELL assessment results was provided. Research was cited that supported the proposed activities. Assignment is submitted on time.

Assignment #1 is a designated NCATE assessment for the TESOL Master’s Degree program.

Adolescent Psychology

If you complete Topic 3, you should be able to

acquire knowledge about a specific topic or issue related to adolescence that is of interest to you.
complete a literature review.
analyze and synthesize information about your chosen topic.
write a research paper.

You are required to submit a research paper of 10-15 pages (2500-3750 words), excluding the title page and References list. The paper should be double-spaced and written in APA style (6th ed.). You must choose from the four topic themes detailed below. The treatment of your topic must reflect the purpose of the course; that is, your paper must address the psychological ramifications of the developmental changes that occur throughout adolescence and emerging adulthood.

Contact Your Tutor

You are advised to discuss your choice of topic with your tutor before proceeding. Your tutor can help you refine your topic, recommend resources for your research, and provide assistance with any problems you may encounter in the various stages of your work. For example, you may need help in staying focused on the main topic, organizing your theme, narrowing/broadening the scope of research, or selecting a thesis.

Identifying Your Topic

After you have identified your area of interest, you might need to do some reading before deciding on the actual topic. As a general rule, while survey texts such as Arnett’s provide good starting places for research, they do not provide sufficient detail to be acceptable sources for a research paper. For your research you must use 6-10 sources. Of these, 6-8 should be primary source materials. Primary sources are original research articles that have been published in peer-reviewed scientific journals. At least two of these primary sources must have been published in the past two years. In addition, you may use secondary sources—books or articles written by someone with appropriate academic credentials that criticize a piece of original research or compare several pieces of research on a single issue. These types of source materials should be supplemental to those describing original research. All of your sources should have been published within the past 5-10 years. Websites should only be used if they are from electronically published journals. Wikipedia, newspapers, or popular magazines are NOT acceptable sources.

Topics should relate to one of the following themes reviewed in the course:

social problems and adolescent delinquency
adolescent cognitive development
adolescent family relationships
the role of culture in adolescent development

A scholarly paper always consists of three major segments: the introduction, the body, and the conclusion. Begin writing by making an outline, to sketch out the parts of your paper. The outline demonstrates that your arguments are logical and that they follow from the introductory section (which defines the issue) and lead to your conclusion. The outline should also indicate any future research needs or practical applications that you have identified.


The introduction to your paper addresses the following questions in a scholarly manner:

What do you intend to do?
What issue(s) will you discuss, and from what point of view?
Be specific, mentioning not only the theme of your paper but also any unique aspects of that theme that you plan to address.

Why is it worth doing?
What is the importance of this issue?
How does this issue fit into a developmental framework?
How will you go about it?
What approach to your topic will you take?
Here, you explain your strategy; for example, your strategy may be to examine a particular theory or body of research, to compare several theories, or to consider the relevance of some particular theory or body of research to everyday reality.

What will be the limitations of your research and your discussion?
The length of your paper will most likely limit the extent of your work.

The introduction should define what you will and will not cover. Be sure to note any obvious relevant variables that you will have to omit.

You must acknowledge your sources in a scholarly manner throughout your paper, using APA style. The introduction of the paper is worth 15% of the grade.


In the body of your paper you follow through on what you said you would do in the introduction. Pay attention to the clarity of interpretation and the relevance of the theories, concepts, and research findings to adolescent development. Any quoted material and any ideas attributable to someone else must be acknowledged in proper in-text citations, and listed in correct reference format at the end of the paper. This section is worth 50%.

The conclusion reviews the relevance of the topic to adolescent development. In it, you should summarize your arguments and include any suggestions about what should be done with your work or about what further research is needed. The conclusion is worth 15% of the mark.


The ideas in your paper should flow in a logical fashion; your ideas should be connected, and your paragraphs should be well constructed. Grammar, spelling, usage, and punctuation errors will be considered in the assessment. You should also ensure that you use APA style in writing the paper. Form is worth 10% of your mark.


Enclose a brief reflection with your paper (approximately 200-250 words), discussing your experience in writing it. This reflection should outline what you found interesting about your topic, the most important thing you learned from investigating this subject, and what aspect(s) of the paper represent your best work. What problems did you face, and how did you overcome them? What research strategy did you follow? In what way(s) does this topic relate to your experiences? What do you think are the implications of research findings in this area? What unexpected findings did you encounter? You could include a statement indicating to whom you are indebted or what sources suggested the topic and provided information. This section of your assignment is worth 10%.


Lester, J. D. (1999). The essential guide to writing research papers. New York: Longman.

Sterberg, R. J. (1993). The psychologist’s companion: A guide to scientific writing for students and researchers (3rd ed.). New York: Cambridge University Press.

Veit, R. (1998). Research: The student’s guide to writing research papers (2nd ed.). Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon.

Weidenborner, S. (2001). Writing research papers: A guide to the process (6th ed.). Boston, MA: Bedford.

Using the Epidemiologic Triangle
Paper details:

Using the Epidemiologic Triangle

The assigned readings this week outlined the basic concepts of epidemiology and discussed the concept of the Epidemiologic Triangle. Dr. Jacobs, in this week’s media presentation, also discussed how epidemiology helps a community to know itself. Dr. Guerra shared an example of how his community was able to effectively eliminate Hepatitis A infections through primary prevention strategies and the use of epidemiological assessment techniques.

To prepare for this Discussion, review Chapter 12 in the course textbook and the media program. Then, read the following case study:

This is Debbie’s first year working as a nurse at the local health department in a rural county. Most of her days are spent in the clinic seeing clients who often do not have health insurance.

Over the past month, Debbie has noticed that several young Hispanic men have come to the health department, each diagnosed with tuberculosis. Debbie is concerned about what the outbreak of tuberculosis among the migrant workers could mean for the community. Through a community health profile, Debbie identifies the group of migrant farm workers as being at highest risk for contracting tuberculosis.

Using the Epidemiologic Triangle concept, consider the relationship among causal agents, susceptible persons, and environmental factors. Then, respond to the following:

• As a BSN-prepared community health nurse, what steps should Debbie take next?

• How might information systems be used to support Debbie’s efforts?

Support your response with references from the professional nursing literature.

Discussion 1 – Week 2
Using the Epidemiologic Triangle

The assigned readings this week outlined the basic concepts of epidemiology and discussed the concept of the Epidemiologic Triangle. Dr. Jacobs, in this week’s media presentation, also discussed how epidemiology helps a community to know itself. Dr. Guerra shared an example of how his community was able to effectively eliminate Hepatitis A infections through primary prevention strategies and the use of epidemiological assessment techniques.

To prepare for this Discussion, review Chapter 12 in the course textbook and the media program. Then, read the following case study:
This is Debbie’s first year working as a nurse at the local health department in a rural county. Most of her days are spent in the clinic seeing clients who often do not have health insurance.

Over the past month, Debbie has noticed that several young Hispanic men have come to the health department, each diagnosed with tuberculosis. Debbie is concerned about what the outbreak of tuberculosis among the migrant workers could mean for the community. Through a community health profile, Debbie identifies the group of migrant farm workers as being at highest risk for contracting tuberculosis.

Using the Epidemiologic Triangle concept, consider the relationship among causal agents, susceptible persons, and environmental factors. Then, respond to the following:

• As a BSN-prepared community health nurse, what steps should Debbie take next?

• How might information systems be used to support Debbie’s efforts?
Support your response with references from the professional nursing literature.