
Chapter 5 I Situational Approach 111
Steve Lynch is the manager of production and has been with the com-
pany since its inception. Steve started out with the company just out of
high school,working on the line. and moved up in the company as a result
of his hard work. His goal is to streamline production and decrease costs
by lo%. He knows production backward and forward but is a bit appre-
hensive about his new role as production manager. In fact, Steve is afraid
he might fail as manager. He does not know whether he is ready to have
others depend on him when he has always been the one depending on
others. The owner. Bruce, has great faith in Steve and has had several
meetings with him to clarify his role and reassure him that he can do the
work. He is certain that Steve will be an outstanding production manager.
Bruce meets weekly with each of his managers to talk about how their
groups are fitting in with the overall company goals. In his upcoming
weekly conference, he wants to discuss with them what new procedures
they could implement within their departments to improve their long-
term performance. Bruce is wondering how he should approach each of
his managers.



I. According to the basic assumptions of situational leadership, where
would you place the three managers in regard to levels of develop-
ment in the SLll model (see Figure SJ)?
2. If you were Bruce, would you act the same toward each of the three
3. Which conference would be the hardest for you, and which would be
the easiest? Why?
C A S E 5 . 2
Why Aren’t They Listening?
jim Anderson is a training specialist in the human resource department of
a large pharmaceutical company. In response to a recent companywide
survey,jim specifically designed a 6-week training program on listening and
communication skills to encourage effective management in the company.



Jim’s goals for the seminar are twofold: for participants to learn new com-

munication behaviors and for participants to enjoy the seminar so they will

want to attend future seminars.
The first group to be offered the program was middle-level managers in
research and developmentThis group consisted of about 25 people, nearly
all of whom had advanced degrees. Most of this group had attended several
in-house training programs in the past, so they had a sense of how the
seminar would be designed and run. Because the previous seminars had not
always been very productive, many of the managers felt a little disillusioned
about coming to the seminar.As one of the managers said, “Here we go
again: a fancy in-house training program from which we will gain nothing.”
Because Jim recognized that the managers were very experienced, he
did not put many restrictions on attendance and participation. He used a
variety of presentation methods and actively solicited involvement from
the managers in the seminar. Throughout the first two sessions, he went
out of his way to be friendly with the group. He gave them frequent cof-
fee breaks during the sessions; during these breaks, he promoted social-
izing and networking.
During the third session, Jim became aware of some difficulties with
the seminar. Rather than the full complement of 25 managers, attendance
had dropped to about only I5 managers. Although the starting time was
established at 8:30, attendees had been arriving as late as lO:00. During
the afternoon sessions, some of the managers were leaving the sessions
to return to their offices at the company.



As he approached the fourth session, Jim was apprehensive about
why things had been going poorly. He had become quite uncertain about
how he should approach the group. Many questions were running
through his mind: Had he treated the managers in the wrong way? Had
he been too easy regarding attendance at the sessions? Should he have
said something about the managers skipping out in the afternoon? Were
the participants taking the seminar seriously? Jim was certain that the
content of the seminars was innovative and substantive, but he could not
figure out what he could change to make the program more successful.
He sensed that his style was not working for this group, but he didn’t
have a clue as to how he should change what he was doing to make the

sessions better.
Chapter 5 l Situational Approach 1
I. According to the SLll model (see Figure 5. I). what style of leadership
is Jim using to run the seminars?
2. At what level are the managers?
3. From a leadership perspective, what is Jim doing wrong?
l 4. What specific changes could Jim implement to improve the seminars?
(15 E 5 . 3
Getting the Message Across
Am Caldera is the program director of a college campus radio station
(WCBA) that is supported by the university. WCBA has a long history
ad is viewed favorably by students, faculty, the board of trustees, and the
pople in the community.
Ann does not have a problem getting students to work at WCBA. In
it is one of the most sought-after university-related activities.The few
fidents who are accepted to work atWCBA are always highly motivated
se they value the opportunity to get hands-on media experience. In
n, those who are accepted tend to be highly confident (sometimes
so) of their own radio ability. Despite their eagerness, most of them
a full understanding of the legal responsibilities of being on the air.
One of the biggest problems that confronts Ann every semester is how
train new students to follow the rules and procedures of WCBA when
are doing on-air announcing for news. sports, music, and other radio
s. It seems as if every semester numerous incidents arise in which
znouncer violates in no small way the FCC rules for appropriate airtime
nication. For example, rumor has it that one year a first-year student
jockey on the evening shift announced that a new band was playing in
7 the cover was $l 0, and everyone should go to hear the group. Making
anouncement such as this is a clear violation of FCC rules: It is illegal.
Am is frustrated with her predicament but cannot seem to figure out
i keeps occurring. She puts a lot of time and effort into helping new Djs,



International trade

Project description
Should answer all questions given in the coursework task.

EC2009 International Trade
Resit c
rk assignment academic year 2013

The word limit for this assignment is
1000 words maximum
. There is no minimum word
limit. Equations and diagrams will not count towards the word limit.
Answer the following
questions completely and accurately. Each question carries 25


Question 1:
In your own words, explain the concept of offer curves. Using an original
example (
the one in the textbook) describe the way in which they are
derived. Use
diagrams and equations to complement your answer.
(25 points)
Question 2
me there are two nations: Colombia and Ecuador
that produce two
commodities: coconuts and passion fruits. The table below depicts the number of labour
hours requ
ired for the production of 1 Kg of commodity in each nation:
passion fruits
a) Calculate the relative prices for both commodities in both nations.
(5 points)
b) Calculate the opportunity cost of coconuts in t
of passion fruits in Colombia
(5 points)
c) Suppose fruits are exchanged internationally at a rate of 1 coconut/passion fruit. Which
country will export passion fruits and why?
(5 points)
d) Assume each nation has a total workforce of 20000 labour
hours and that they employ
half of that workforce to produce each one of the two commodities. Determine the levels of
production of each commodity in each nation in autarky.
(5 points)
e) Using the information provided above and carrying out the necessary calculations, draw
the diagrams depicting the equilibrium


relative commodity prices with supply and demand.
(5 points)
Question 3
Assume there are two nations, nation 1 and nation 2. Each nation produces one
commodity: Nation 1 produces commodity X and nation 2 produces commodity Y. Both
commodities are equally capital/ labour intensive. Each nation is able to produce a
maximum of
000 units of commodity X and 8
000 units of commodity Y if they specialize
completely in the production of either commodities. In both nations, the production
possibilities frontier shows the same marginal rate of transformation and increasing
opportunity c
ost. Using graphical analysis and making assumptions about consumption
patterns of commodities X and Y in nations 1 and 2, determine under which conditions the
two nations would be able to trade with each other. Justify your answer.
(25 points)
n 4:
In a factor market characterized by perfect competition, there are two factors:
capital (K) and labour (L) with their respective prices: Price of labour (w) and price of
capital (r). There are two firms in the market of commodities: Firm 1 produces co
X , and firm 2 commodity Y. The break

even point for the firm producing commodity X is
at 200 units of output hiring 40 units of labour and 4
0 units of capital. The price of
commodity X is £2. The break

even point for the firm producing commod
ity Y
is at 200
units of output hiring 20 units of labour and 4
0 units of capital. The price of commodity Y
is £3.
a) Find the values for the factor prices w and r and state the reasons why they are the same
for firms X and Y.
(6 points)
b) Assume
the price of commodity X increases to £4. Determine whether or not firm 1 is
still breaking even, given constant factor prices. Justify your answer with calculations.
(6 points)
c) Calculate the capital/ labour ratio for each commodity. By refe
rring to the theories
studied in the course so far, analyze the implications of a rise in the price of commodity X
on the outputs of commodities X and Y and on the factor prices w and r. (13 points)



Purpose and Description

We’ve discussed some ways in which the self is shaped through our participation in social structures and our interactions with technologies. Much of our participation in society, however, is technologically mediated to some extent. This doesn’t necessarily refer only to thecontent of media – that is, the representations we see and hear in print, film, etc. Rather, what this means is that we rarely experience the world without the use of some sort of technological assistance, interface, or interpretation. Rarely are we alone with only our thoughts. Think about what is going on when you are by yourself. Is the television usually on? Are you often using your phone to communicate with others or listen to music? If you’re in a car, is the radio playing?

This assignment is intended to provide you with the opportunity to reflect upon, and critically examine, the influence of technological mediation on the shaping of the human self. In particular, the focus here is technology’s effects on the capacity for solitude.


·         Your assignment is to be outdoors by yourself for 30 uninterrupted minutes.

o   Set aside 30 minutes of time at some point during your day – particularly some point during the day when no one expects you to be available, or when no one usually contacts you.

o   Be by yourself. If people are in the area, that’s fine; but the intention is for you to be alone with your thoughts. If you choose an area where people are, make sure it is one where you are unlikely to be bothered.

o   No use of electronic technologies or print media of any kind, and no recording technology of any kind. This means no phones, books, computers, music, magazines, etc. Do not write, paint, draw, take pictures, etc.All you are allowed to do is be outside by yourself.

o   You may walk around if you’d like, but don’t make this assignment follow your normal exercise routine (i.e. jogging, or outdoor exercises). Just be outside. 

o   If you can, choose an area with fewer buildings or other human-made structures.

o   If you need to set an alarm to signal the end of your 30 minutes, use a watch or set your phone on airplane mode. Do not allow your phone to receive any calls or messages that may distract you.

·         At the end of the half-hour, answer the three questions below:
1.      Describe your experience, and describe what you noticed about the natural world.
a.       Some possible things to consider when describing your experience: Did the half-hour seem longer or shorter than you thought? Did it take a long time for you to stop thinking about ongoing conversations, or tasks you needed to complete, or things you needed to check on? Were you able to put these worries aside? What was your mood like at the beginning of the half-hour versus the end?
2.      In what ways does your everyday use of technology interfere with your experience of the world? In what ways does it improve or enhance your experience of the world?

3.      Consider the following: most people in our society these days are in constant communication with others. This trend seems to be on the rise. Some intellectuals have argued that this increased ease of communication, while positive in many ways, impairs our capacity for solitude. This is not the same thing as loneliness, which is something people generally fear and try to avoid. Rather, solitude is the capacity to gain positive reward from being alone at times. Solitude, some argue, is required for self-growth and self-improvement. Do you agree? Why or why not?
·         Follow the requirements below for formatting and submitting this assignment.
Formatting Requirements

1.      Papers must be typed and double-spaced with 1-inch margins and 12-pt. Times New Roman font.

2.      Title this assignment “Technology and Solitude”

3.      Clearly indicate which sections of your paper answer which questions.

4.      Answer the questions above fully and carefully. If you do so, then your assignment should be between 2-2½ full pages. If your paper is less than 2 pages, you are probably not answering the questions adequately, and can expect your grade to reflect as much.

5.      Submit this assignment by 5 pm on Friday, December 13th, through the appropriate TurnItIn link in the “Extra Credit” folder within the “Course Content” folder on BlackBoard.

…..                             2 points

prepare a report addressed to the Board of an organisation of your choice.
The report should outline what you believe the organisation should be addressing with regard to climate change. The assignment’s purpose is to further develop – and allow you to demonstrate – your ability to think strategically and to apply the concepts and tools learned in the course to an actual organisation.
The report will be assessed on the insight, cogency, clarity and quality of the strategic logic underlying your analysis. An important aspect of strategic thinking is the ability to ask the right questions and to bring clarity and structure to ambiguous situations.
The Organisation: You can choose any organisation, including one that you are working in or have worked for. The organisation may be large or small, a for-profit, not–for–profit, or public sector organisation (e.g., universities, government departments etc).
Give The Report:
Situational analysis:
Identification of the key issues relevant to the organisation, as are important for concepts this course covers, from a ?�where are we now’ perspective.
Consideration of the implications of these issues for the organisation itself – why do they matter and why is it important for the organisation to address them? Present arguments as to why change is needed – what will inspire the organisation to act and change the situation for the better?Click Here To Get More On This Paper!!!!
Identification of the outcomes/goals that you believe are desirable for the organisation to achieve and present arguments as to why these outcomes are desirable.
Make recommendations as to what the organisation should do to address the key issues you have identified and achieve the desired outcomes you have set. Support your recommendations with arguments as to why your proposals are a believable and credible way forward and ones that the organisation should feel inspired to act on.
Note that this report needs to be framed as a broad organisational analysis on issues relating to climate change, incorporating the full scope of issues covered in the course that are relevant to the organisational setting.
The audience for the report is the Board of the organisation you are reviewing.
Click Here To Get More On This Paper!!!!

The portfolio project is designed to require you to expand your knowledge and capabilities through combining knowledge and application of content with your own interpretation and judgment. For the final portfolio project, you will write a research paper about Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart, supplementing your own interpretation with information from three to five other sources. Again, remember that your interpretation of this novel should reflect an international perspective. Information about planning your research paper and conducting your research can be found in the lecture material for Module 5. The portfolio project is due in Week 8.
Research paper requirements:

•1,500-1,750 words (5-7 pages).
•Minimum of three sources (excluding the novel) – must be credible, authored sources; anonymous Websites or sites like Wikipedia are not acceptable as one of your three main sources.
•Double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12-pt font.
•Title Page: for an explanation of how to formulate a title page in APA, see this link: http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/(scroll down to “Title Page”).
•Insert page numbers in the top right hand corner.
•Include a Reference Page.
•Use correct APA formatting in the paper and on the reference page.
•Submit final portfolio project no later than 11:59 p.m., MT, on Sunday of Module 8, the final day of the course.
Your final paper will be graded not only based on content but also based upon the quality of your writing, syntax, and grammar. Please be sure to pay special attention to the quality of your written work. It is highly recommended that you closely proofread your assignment prior to submission. In addition, you are again expected to provide support for your arguments based upon both the required and recommended readings for the course, as well as to incorporate any relevant points culled from the discussion boards. Review the Portfolio Rubric, located in Course Information.


Resolved Question:

1. The convention of consistency refers to consistent use of accounting principles:

among firms

within industries

among accounting periods

throughout the accounting period

2. Jayadev Athreya has started his first job. He will invest $5,000 at the end of each year for the next 45 years in a fund that will earn a return of 10 percent. How much will Jayadev have at the end of 45 years?





3. Variance reports are:

SEC financial reports

internal reports for management

external financial reports

all of these

4. Horizontal analysis is also known as:

linear analysis

vertical analysis

common size analysis

trend analysis

5. Turnbull Corp. had an EBIT of $247 million in the last fiscal year. Its depreciation and amortization expenses amounted to $84 million. The firm has 135 million shares outstanding and a share price of $12.80. A competing firm that is very similar to Turnbull has an enterprise value/EBITDA multiple of 5.40.

What is the enterprise value of Turnbull Corp.? Round to the nearest million dollars.

$1,787 million

$1,344 million

$1,315 million

$453.6 million

6. Regatta, Inc., has six-year bonds outstanding that pay a 8.25 percent coupon rate. Investors buying the bond today can expect to earn a yield to maturity of 6.875 percent. What should the company’s bonds be priced at today? Assume annual coupon payments. (Round to the nearest dollar.)





7. How firms estimate their cost of capital: The WACC for a firm is 13.00 percent. You know that the firm’s cost of debt capital is 10 percent and the cost of equity capital is 20% What proportion of the firm is financed with debt?





8. The cash conversion cycle?

estimates how long it takes on average for the firm to collect its outstanding accounts receivables balance.

begins when the firm uses its cash to purchase raw materials and ends when the firm collects cash payments on its credit sales.

begins when the firm invests cash to purchase the raw materials that would be used to produce the goods that the firm manufactures.

shows how long the firm keeps its inventory before selling it.

9. The accumulation of accounting data on the basis of the individual manager who has the authority to make day-to-day decisions about activities in an area is called:

responsibility accounting

flexible accounting

master budgeting

static reporting

10. Which of the following financial statements is concerned with the company at a point in time?

balance sheet

statement of cash flows

income statement

retained earnings statement

11. The major element in budgetary control is:

the approval of the budget by the stockholders

the comparison of actual results with planned objectives.

the preparation of long-term plans

the valuation of inventories

12. The group of users of accounting information charged with achieving the goals of the business is its:





13. Which of the following is an advantage of corporations relative to partnerships and sole proprietorships?

most common form of organization

reduced legal liability for investors

lower taxes

harder to transfer ownership

14. Teakap, Inc. has current assets of $1,456,312 and total assets of $4,812,369 for the year ending September 30, 2006. It also has current liabilities of $1,041,012, common equity of $1,500,000 and retained earnings of $1,468,347. How much long-term debt does the firm have?





15. Gateway, Corp. has an inventory turnover of 5.6. What is the firm’s days’s sales in inventory?





16. An activity that has a direct cause-effect relationship with the resources consumed is a(n):

product activity

cost driver

cost pool

overhead rate

17. The process of evaluating financial data that change under alternative courses of action is called:

cost-benefit analysis

double entry analysis

contribution margin analysis

incremental analysis

18. An unrealistic budget is more likely to result when it:

is developed with performance appraisal usages in mind.

has been developed in a top down fashion.

has been developed by all levels of management.

has been developed in a bottom up fashion.

19. Serox stock was selling for $20 two years ago. The stock sold for $25 one year ago, and it is currently selling for $28. Serox pays a $1.10 dividend per year. What was the rate of return for owning Serox in the most recent year? (Round to the nearest percent.)





20. Which of the following is considered a hybrid organizational form?


sole proprietorship

limited liability partnership


21. A cost which remains constant per unit at various levels of activity is a:

manufacturing cost

mixed cost

fixed cost

variable cost

One-Variable Compound Inequalities

In this discussion, you will be demonstrating your understanding of compound inequalities and the effect that dividing by a negative has on an inequality. Read the following instructions in order and view the example to complete this discussion:

According to the first initial of your last name, find the pair of compound inequalities assigned to you in the table below.

If your first initial is Your “and† compound inequality is
Your “or† compound inequality is

Solve the compound inequalities as demonstrated in Elementary and Intermediate Algebra and the Instructor Guidance in the left navigation toolbar, being careful of how a negative x-term is handled in the solving process. Show all math work arriving at the solutions.

Show the solution sets written algebraically and as a union or intersection of intervals. Describe in words what the solution sets mean, and then display a simple line graph for each solution set as demonstrated in the Instructor Guidance in the left navigation toolbar.

Incorporate the following five math vocabulary words into your discussion. Use bold font to emphasize the words in your writing (Do not write definitions for the words; use them appropriately in sentences describing your math work.):
Compound inequalities


To prepare a master budget for January, February, and March of 2012, management gathers the following information.
a. Simid Sports’ single product is purchased for $30 per unit and resold for $55 per unit. The expected inventory level of 4,750 units on December 31, 2011, is more than management’s desired level for 2012, which is 20% of the next month’s expected sales (in units). Expected sales are: January, 6,750 units; February, 9,000 units; March, 11,000 units; and April, 10,500 units.

b. Cash sales and credit sales represent 20% and 80%, respectively, of total sales. Of the credit sales, 57% is collected in the first month after the month of sale and 43% in the second month after the month of sale. For the December 31, 2011, accounts receivable balance, $125,000 is collected in January and the remaining $395,000 is collected in February.
c. Merchandise purchases are paid for as follows: 20% in the first month after the month of purchase and 80% in the second month after the month of purchase. For the December 31, 2011, accounts payable balance, $85,000 is paid in January and the remaining $285,000 is paid in February.
d. Sales commissions equal to 20% of sales are paid each month. Sales salaries (excluding commissions) are $60,000 per year.
e. General and administrative salaries are $156,000 per year. Maintenance expense equals $2,100 per month and is paid in cash.
f. Equipment reported in the December 31, 2011, balance sheet was purchased in January 2011. It is being depreciated over eight years under the straight-line method with no salvage value. The following amounts for new equipment purchases are planned in the coming quarter: January, $36,000; February, $96,000; and March, $28,500. This equipment will be depreciated under the straight-line method over eight years with no salvage value. A full month’s depreciation is taken for the month in which equipment is purchased.
g. The company plans to acquire land at the end of March at a cost of $170,000, which will be paid with cash on the last day of the month.
h. Simid Sports has a working arrangement with its bank to obtain additional loans as needed. The interest rate is 12% per year, and interest is paid at each month-end based on the beginning balance. Partial or full payments on these loans can be made on the last day of the month. The company has agreed to maintain a minimum ending cash balance of $4,760 in each month.
i. The income tax rate for the company is 43%. Income taxes on the first quarter’s income will not be paid until April 15.


Week 9 reflection exercises

These are the exercises contained in Lesson 9 that you need to respond to for the
second assessment, the Course Engagement responses. As well as these exercises,
you can respond to some aspect of lesson 9, to the textbook readings or to what
other students have written. You can respond to as many exercises as you like, but
you only need to submit five (5) for assignment 2 in week 10. There is a research
and referencing component in the criteria. The responses do not need to be heavily
referenced; however, use references where appropriate to back up your arguments.
If you do use information from the lesson, textbook or others sources, it must be


Have you ever been part of a team? Your team may have been a sports team, a
committee or a work team. What were your experiences of team work? Could you
have achieved what you did as a team on your own?


Negotiation is something we all do on a regular basis. When did you last negotiate?
Was it successful? If not, why not? Do you usually get what you want or are you
usually the one to compromise? Write down the factors that you think influence the
results of your personal negotiation experiences.



Observe a group. Analyse the dynamics of the group.

Who is the leader? Is there more than one?

How well do members interact?

Do you sense tension? How?

Do conflicts arise? Are they resolved? How?

Do you see evidence of groupthink?

How does the group make decisions?

How does each member contribute?

Overall, how successful do you think the group is? Why? Could the group dynamics
be more competently handled? How?


Think of your last conflict. How did it start? Was it about the person or the issue?
Was the conflict resolved to everyone¡¯s satisfaction? If not, reflect on how you could
have handled it differently.


Question 4

Brad works for Quantum Financial Consultants Pty, Ltd, Brad has always been a employee of good character and has a history of good behaviour with the company. Brad was caught by Angelina, his manager, viewing pornographic websites during work hours on his company owned laptop in breach of the Internet and IT Usage Policy.


The Internet and IT Usage Policy was regularly breached by many of Brads co-workers with no disciplinary action taken by management, however Angelina felt the nature of his breach was serious and dismissed him immediately. Brad did not have an opportunity to respond to the allegation before he received a letter of termination of his employment with Quantum.

Advise Brad of whether or not he may have any cause of action under unfair dismissal laws

 Question 5

Carnage Meat Suppliers Pty Ltd has recently undergone a process of streamlining its business processes and now needs to make a redundancy within its operational team. After a period of consultation management choose to make Jennifer redundant. Jennifer has been with the company for 10 years and has a good work history, whilst there were others in her team that had less experience and had been disciplined previously for consistently arriving to work late. She feels that she was only chosen for redundancy because a week before receiving notice of her redundancy she told her manager that she was pregnant.

Advise Jennifer whether or not she has any cause of action under the general anti discrimination provisions of the Fair Work Act and any other relevant state legislation.

