Instructions: Watch the film The Grammar of Happiness on the Smithsonian website (URL below), and answer the questions below.  The film lasts about 45 minutes, but you may need some extra time to pause the film and write down answers. The questions are in the order that the answers appear in the film. The total points possible on this assignment are 15, which will be added to your final exam grade.
  1. In what four ways can the Piraha language be communicated? (1)
  1. What was Daniel Everett’s original reason for going to live with the Piraha? (1)
  • …….
  1. How did he begin to learn Piraha when he shared no common language with the speakers?(1)
  1. What are three common language features that the Piraha language does not have?(1)
  1. Whose ideas did Everett’s first controversial paper challenge?(1)
  1. What is recursion? (2)
  1. What is Universal Grammar? (2)
  1. Which of Everett’s claims created the most controversy? (2)
  1. Why was Everett prevented from doing research with the Piraha? (1)
  1. Why were there no members of the linguistics department of the University of Brasilia present at Everett’s talk? (1)
  1. What were some of the changes to the Piraha village that the film crew encountered upon their return? (1)
  1. What were the results of the research on the Piraha language conducted by the two linguists from MIT? (1)
  • …….

Examine the passages in which Milton discusses the nature of women as compared to men in Paradise Lost. Do you think it is correct to label Milton a misogynist?


Examine the passages in which Milton discusses the nature of women as compared to men in Paradise Lost. Do you think it is correct to label Milton a misogynist?



Paradise Lost by John Milton


– Avoid trying to address too much at once.


– Avoid sweeping generalizations about men, women, human nature, or the way things were back then. It’s an easy way to stumble into making claims that your can’t back up, and nothing

undermines a paper so effectively as unsupportable claims.


– Directly cite the text to support your points. Weave its language into your arguments. Pay close attention to particular words, images, meter, register, etc.

– Secondary sources, whether from the syllabus or elsewhere, are not required, but use them if you like. Whenever you directly quote or paraphrase another text you will need to include a



– What you are not doing is simply summarizing the text. Your paper will be organized around a specific, original, and arguable claim: a thesis. Your thesis can take the form of an argument you

are making about how your chosen text should be read,


a claim about how the ideas in the text could be applied or expanded toward an area the text does not explicitly address, or an

argument in support of or in opposition to the text’s arguments. A good thesis does not necessarily have to address the whole text, but finds some small and specific aspect of it and uses that

aspect to make an interesting argument.


This short writing is expected to be in your words or paraphrasing of other resources. The use of direct phrases and sentences from resources, even with quotes and in-text citation, is not encouraged, but accepted if appropriately cited.  When saving, use your last name at the beginning of the file name.

Remember to use the written paper guidelines: Name, course, and date. Use 1″ margins, double spacing, font size 12 and a sans-serif font, such as Arial, Tahoma, or Verdana. Apply the Four-C’s of writing: Correct, complete, clear, and concise.  Need a brief refresher?  The 4 C’s(PowerPoint in PDF)

Short Writing:  Extended Learning Module B: Read the Module and response to Short-answer Questions (pg. 367) 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 and 8.

This paper will be less than one page.  Longer does not equal better.  This assignment has 15 possible points.

Extended Learning Module B Exercise: Web 2.0 Technology

Using the Internet, search for a specific video, audio, traning piece, etc. that is using a Web 2.0 technology that could be used as supplemental to the content in Chapter 1 or 2 of the textbook.  Or find an item that describes or explains Web 2.0. An article is normally not a Web 2.0 technology; however, an article posted that allows for interaction via comments is implementing a Web 2.0 technology.  Add this information at the bottom of the paper with Short Answers.  Write a shortparagraph in your own words explaining why it would be a usable source and provide the URL.

Submit your document(s) to the Dropbox for Week 2.

The writing assignment (Module B questions) and the Exercise: Web 2.0 Technology can be put in one document. Please use Word’s page break (found under Insert) to begin on a new page.

This Exercise has 15 possible points. 

Main points of video 13

The video highlights the sleeping pattern in the human life cycle. This is closely studied from the perspective of the functioning of the brain. It has been scientifically proven that the human brain remains active even when one is asleep. In the process of dreaming, these appear as reflections and flashbacks of once interactions with nature and other human beings.

Most interesting episode

From the video, we find a scientist who investigates the operations of the brain by living inside a cave. He had no watch neither any information on the seasonal changes. He found out that his brains were tuned into normal operations as if there was sunlight in a normal daylight. He felt asleep when it was time to and woke up when the sleep was over. He also discovered that his system was adapted to 25 hours. When he went back to the normal daylight living, he found the same happening with a monitoring of time checking with the watch.

Lesson learnt from the video

From this video, I have learnt that the human brain has its internal clock that triggers activities in the normal circumstances. This has set the system to run activities without control of time checking devices like the watches or even knowing the different seasons. If one is subjected to abnormal living situations, the system will automatically control itself.

Main points from video 14

This video is giving an explanation on how the human brains functions when asleep. The human brain remains to be active even when one is in deep sleep. There are stages that categorize the sleep patterns and these happen in intervals as characterized by various changes in the body.

Interesting thing from the video

It sounds interesting to realise that the human beings are the only creatures that experience a normal sleep. The sleep occurs in four stages with constant changes observed in the pulse rates, eye movements and the level of metabolism in the body. The sleeping durations appear to vary from 6-8 hours for most adults to be fully rested and relaxed. The sleeping stages were investigated and found out to start from stage one to four when one slowly starts to gain consciousness.

Lessons learnt from the video

Sleeping is healthy to any human being although there are some disorders associated with it like the insomnia, experiencing strange things when asleep which is common to the children and the par insomnia situations. The brain is the only part of human body that remains conscious all through. 


Important facts about sleep

Mental health

Problems related to the mental health have a negative significance to the normal sleep in a human being. One needs to be free from mental stressors in order to experience a   relaxing sleep.  One should be relaxed to help switch off silently.

Establishing regular routines to induce sleep

The sleeping scale designed by Epworth helps to identify various situations that lead one to fall asleep. These relate to the nature of activities and how one fills fatigue in the mind such as reading, watching television, driving, sitting idle. These can be applied to induce sleep and encourage it.

Vitality of sleep

A sleep doctor explained that sleep is as important to any human being in a similar way such as eating or drinking and breathing. This applies to both adults and children (Pantley, 2009).

Setting a sleeping environment

One should ensure that any threatening physical problem like pain is treated to ensure a resting environment. Events like waking up to empty the blunder should be regulated by taking fewer fluids, avoiding alcohol as it interferes with sleep and also avoiding stimulants at night hours.

Healthy eating

Eating healthy meals contributes to good sleeping. This ensures that the body metabolism rate is normal and therefore the body receives energy for its internal processes.


Pantley, E. (2009). The no cry Sleep solution. United States of America: Library of Congress. 


“The Orientation” by Daniel Orozco and “Sarah Cole: A Type of Love Story” by Russell Banks. Below are the links to both stories.
“Orientation” by Daniel Orozco
“Sarah Cole: A Type of Love Story”
The Specifics:
Write one 300-400 word reading response to the short stories assigned. Use Times New Roman, 12-point font, double-spaced.
• Analyze the story’s plot, character development, use of metaphor, pacing, structure, prose, style, etc.
• Explain what the story can teach someone about writing fiction
• Explain what you learned from the story (related to writing)
• Reference the text (quotes, lines, words, etc)
• Provide details and specifics

Assignment 2: RA 2: Cultural Influences in Development
In this assignment, you will apply your knowledge of cultural influences on development to create psychosocial workshops for a specific population.
As a human services administrator at a local agency, one of your duties is to write descriptions of the agency’s community workshops to publish in the community’s resource guide delivered free of charge to all residents. These are the titles of the workshops:
•    Single Moms: A workshop for working mothers to help them balance work and home
•    Community Living: A workshop for those transitioning from incarceration to society
•    Caregiver Parents: A workshop for those taking care of aging parents, while also raising a young family
•    Parenting Teens: A workshop to enable parents to help their teenage children transition to young adulthood
Your community largely comprises blue-collar workers, many of whom are working on either visas or green cards; thus, there are pockets of immigrant communities. Some of the workers are those who were reintegrated into society after prolonged incarceration (more than three years). The median age of the area is thirty-five years, and multigenerational households are commonplace. The public school system is underresourced, and truancy is a big problem. Many students do not complete high school, and standardized test scores are well below what is federally mandated for funding.
1.    For each of the four workshops, write a 100- to 200-word description on the basis of the following:
•    Utilize what you have learned throughout the course to describe specific services that each workshop will include.
•    Tailor each description to the community and the target audience for the workshop.
•    Apply cultural and multicultural sensitivity within and across all descriptions. Remember, a single mother may also read the description for community living. Craft your descriptions to be readable and sensitive to all.
•    Account for individual differences and environmental contexts that will influence developmental changes.
•    Account for the role of culture in shaping attitudes, values, and behaviors.
2.    For each description, write a two-page rationale. Use at least three references from scholarly sources to demonstrate how you determined which services to offer for each workshop.
Write in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and use accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
Submission Details:
Write your paper in a Microsoft Word document.
By Wednesday, August 7, 2013, save your paper as M6_A2_lastname_firstinitial.doc and submit it to the M6: Assignment 2 RA 2 Dropbox.
This RA is worth 360 points and will be graded according to the following rubric.

Assignment Component    Proficiency    Score
Workshop Descriptions: 
Utilize what you’ve learned throughout the course to describe specific services that the workshop will include. 
CO 1 and 2    Specific services that the workshop will include are developmentally and culturally appropriate for the workshop audience description includes specific goals of the workshop, explanation of delivery of services, and other pertinent information. The workshop is tailored to the demographics of the community and the potential attendees.    84
Apply cultural and multi-cultural sensitivity within and across all descriptions. Remember, the single mom may also read the description for Community Living. Craft your descriptions to be readable and sensitive to all. 
CO 1 and 2    Rationale for cultural and multi-cultural sensitivity is clear and appropriate for all targets audiences and other community members. Scholarly evidence is used to support ideas.     120
Account for individual difference and environmental contexts that will influence developmental changes. 
CO 4    Theories of individual differences, environmental contexts, and role of culture are applied to develop workshop descriptions that account for individuals, contexts, and cultures of the community. Scholarly evidence is used to support ideas.    120
Write in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources (i.e. APA); and display accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.    Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.    36
Maximum Score    360

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Using an existing homeland security-related policy, present a four- to six-page executive briefing presenting the legal basis for the policy. The format should comply with APA (6th) using the executive briefing template.

Grades are based on the following:

Identification of the legal basis for the policy 
Fully performing the task assigned 
Offering creative and/or critical opinions 
Expressing yourself clearly and concisely 
Forming logical arguments and conclusions 
Use of the executive briefing template 
Grammar and compliance to APA (6th)

Click Here To Get More On This Paper!!!!

Understanding crop N requirements, and the dynamics of N within the soil, is an important skill for anyone involved in cropping. This assignment will give you the chance to improve your understanding of N within our farming systems.

Part 1

Choose Gunnedah paddock where you have access to 2 years of cropping history – especially yield (and hopefully protein) for last year (and maybe the previous year), possibly soil test N values, and N fertiliser used.

Paddock history for Gunnedah: 2 years ago, sorghum yielding 5t/ha at 12% protein from 150kg/ha urea and long fallowed from barley

Last year, barley 4.25t/ha at 10% protein, from 150kg Urea

This year, into barley again – target yield around 5t/ha

The paddock is black soil, low-mod fertility from long term cropping with little N inputs until

recently, and zero tilled.

Use any one of the N decision support tools available*, and estimate how much N should have  been applied to this year’s crop (either this winters crop, or the next summer crop). Show enough of your calculations so that we can understand what you are doing, or describe/show the set up values you use in the computer models. Ideally, you would also discuss how well thepredictions matched the yield and protein results at harvest, but trimester timing doesn’t let us do this, so you will have to check the accuracy yourselves in December.

·      the simple N budgeting approach from the Qld and NSW DPI’s (which is described in files and a podcast on Moodle), and in “Soil Matters” at  ers/Default.htm

·      the N budget in Howwet, a fallow modelling program based on the DPI approach and available at,

·      Yield Prophet (by inputting soil test values, and looking at N response for this year),

·       CSIRO’s Yield and N calculator for southern regions found at

·      Whopper cropper – a modelling program based on ‘typical’ soils, crops and N rates for each part of a region. It is easier to use, but much less specific than Yield Prophet, and doesn’t include the ‘real time’ updates. Whopper has only been available on CD due to the huge amount of data it contains, but it should be available on-line by the end of the year.

·      Commercially available programs from Back Paddock, or Nutrient Advantage – these appear to be similar N budgeting approaches to most of the rest, but based on soil test values.

Something you may want to consider with the different models is how much they rely on soil test information. If the information is available (and enough cores were taken to be accurate), then these models can be very useful. However, most paddocks aren’t sampled each year, so another method which estimates N availability may have more impact across the industry as it could be used more frequently, and by more growers. David Herridge’s Nbudget, and the DPI N budget approach, are both able to estimate N for their calculations.

The “Managing Legume and Fertiliser N” booklet which is part of “Nbudget” is a good source of information for this assignment, and it has a great list of references which may be of use as well. Other references which may be of use include

Answer the following questions below (the discussion question and the challenge question). Grades will be based on the originality of your content, your demonstration of mastery of the textbook material, and relevance to the topic of the forum. You are expected to use proper grammar and spelling, and APA format if you are referencing outside sources. Essentially, your assignment should be a short essay (4-7 paragraphs long) that focuses on explaining the weekly topic in a highly detailed, content-based way. Your essay needs to summarize the issue, take a definitive position, and present an argument for that position based on evidence covered in the textbook. You are required to mention the counter-arguments from the reading, which means that your argument must be balanced in its approach and present/discuss the research that both supports *and argues against* your position. Additionally, you must also the challenge question at the end of your essay. Your essay should be 3-5 paragraphs in length, and your response to the challenge question should be an additional 1-2 paragraphs. 
These are not merely ‘reflection essays’ where you just express your opinion about the given issue; instead you are to explain the book content, demonstrate your knowledge and mastery of that content, and provide your own original thoughts and analysis on the issue. While it is appropriate to relate the course material to your personal life, your posts should try to strike a balance between opinion and research-based evidence. If you are going to refer to an online article or any other source, you MUST provide a citation in APA format at the end of your post otherwise it will be considered plagiarism.
** ONLY reference to be used is from the book**

Discussion Question: Can sex be addictive?
Discussion Question: What is involved in a 12-step program? How well do these programs address the specific issues involved in sex addiction? What might the Siegels criticize about the application of the alcoholic anonymous model to sex?

Book used for the course: Title: Taking Sides: Psychology Issues Author: Slife, Brent
Edition: 18TH
ISBN 13: 978-0-07-813961-1
Publisher: Dushkin Publishing Group, Inc.