Scenario: Abbe Willsby and Randall Keene are co-leaders of a 15-employee team in a retail/fashion company. Soon after Randall separated from his wife, the two began an affair. Six months later, Abbe broke off the relationship after hearing rumors that Randall still has an intimate relationship with his wife. She sent an email to the manager, Bill Schule, with complaints of sexual harassment and insisted something be done. Abbe contended that her former boyfriend and co-leader was flirtatious, inappropriate, and constantly discussing past intimate encounters they’d shared while they worked together. Prompted by the email sent by Abbe, Randall met with Bill to ask for help with the situation.
Bill Schule has been working in a managerial capacity for over 22 years at various companies. Presently, Bill is a Senior Sales Executive at HypeTec, managing a sales force of 40 people. He has 15 teams, each led by a pair of highly experienced sales people.
Randall Keene has worked for HypeTec for 6 years and has been one of Bill’s team leaders for the past 3 years. Together, he and Abbe Willsby have excelled within the department.
Back History: Unknown to Schule, Willsby and Keene had been engaged in a serious office romance for the past 6 months. Their romance had little effect on the office environment – the pair had gone from productive team leaders to productive team leaders in love without any disruption…until the affair ended. A week of hostility and anger permeated the Willsby-Keene team, with a huge drop in productivity reported at the end of a two-week period. Willsby had broken off the affair because Keene was still involved with the wife from whom he had supposedly separated.
Willsby was adamant that the breakup was not the problem. She was a professional woman, and any woes of heartbreak or betrayal were not going to interrupt her performance in any way. The problem was that Keene was harassing her throughout the workday with lots of sexual innuendo, reference to their past intimacies, sexually charged emails, and veiled threats that if she didn’t “go back to him,” he would toss her out of their department.
Willsby sent an email to Keene, with a copy to Schule, that annotated and listed the instances of harassment, excerpts from emails, etc. She insisted that Keene relocate to another team or she will be filing a sexual harassment suit against Keene and a hostile environment suit agains

Paper instructions below

Is this situation an example of programmed or non-programmed decision making? Why?

What would be an example of a satisfying decision in this scenario? What consequences/benefits would this approach have?

Assume you are Bill and you decide to use an analytical (or rational) decision making strategy to handle this situation. The analytical decision making approach involves the following steps:
Recognize the need for a decision.
Define the problem.
Generate alternatives.
Evaluate the alternatives.
Implement a solution.
Get feedback.
Describe, in detail, the specific actions you would take for each step. Be sure to address the following questions in your answer:
Who would you talk to?
Where would go for more information?
What policies, procedures, or laws are relevant?


Consumer Behaviour

Write a report demonstrating how an understanding of internal influences could assist your chosen organisation in developing their
marketing strategy. 

In your answer you should choose a company you have worked for (or admire and would like to work for) and use this as
the context for your discussion (lfthey have more than one product or service, please choose one to focus on).

In your response please

referto the internal influence chosen forAssessment 2

This is a 5 step process

Step 1: Re-read the relevant chapters of your

textbook and the sources collected in assignment 2 about your chosen internal influence.

Step 2: Do some additional research on your

focal business and find academic evidence to support your response /argument. You are expected to have at least6 academic referencesfor
the assignment.

Step 3: Make a list of pointsthat you want to discuss. These will form the basis ofthe headings within your


Remember reports have a distinct style. You must use yourfocal organisation and theoryto illustrate your claims (this will
demonstrate a working understanding ofthe theory you are discussing).

NB: You can find more information about writing reports


Step 4: Create a reference list using APA6th style (a short guide to APA referencing is provided in your resources folder on
interact) and make sure all ofthe articlesthat you have cited in the report are included in the list.

Step 5: Submit the report via



The objective ofthis assessment is for studentsto demonstrate their abilityto:

Describe the theoretical concept

of one internal influence on consumer behaviour

Apply thattheoretical concept to the context oftheir chosen organisation, i.e. a real

world example 

Engage in online search activity to find appropriate sources

Review and evaluate sourcesto develop a theoretical


Understand the factors (internal) that influence the consumer decision process

Use the knowledge they have gained to make

effective decisions as a marketer

Marking criteria:

Excellent overview ofthe organisation: concise, clear and shows a


understanding of current marketing strategy,well supported by chosen sources.

Sets the_ stage well for the discussion to follow.

Appropriate ength.

lnsightful recommendations, well supported by literature. Feasible and related to appropriate aspects of marketing

strategy and relevant for chosen organisation. lmaginative application to theoryto the internal influence chosen.
Professionally presented

Irzeplorrti /SH key elements evident, each used effectively to enhance report and of a consistently high standard. Creative approach.

document showing attention to detail. Logically organised. Well developed academic writing style, clear line of argument throughout, good
use of signposts- headings etc, linking language and seamless linksto the question.Present, accurate in text citations. Attention to
detail. Detailed reference list. Significant research apparent. Correct APA6th format.

Used more than six references.


Report- You are expected to present this report in correct report style including executive summary, table of content,
headings etc, see interact for a reportwriting style guide

Full Justify 1.5 line spacing with 12 point font

Use in text referencing and a

reference listformatted using APA 6th referencing 

This assignment continues on from the journals you produced earlier. You are expected to write a thoroughly analysed report on the following:

The organization you have selected for journals 1 and 2 will be used to complete assignments 1 and 2. Assume that you have been hired as a management consultant to the selected organization. The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) requested you to investigate the issues identified in journal 1 to further explore how such issues would adversely affect the organisation if the organisation existed to continue its operations. Further, the CEO is specifically interested in understanding the current development in the industry in terms of digital innovations and how these innovations would influence strategic planning processes in the organization. Your task is to provide a comprehensive discussion as to how these digital innovations may improve the organisation’s their strategic planning processes, especially in offering services to their customers, in the current global climate. For this purpose you will focus on advantages.
Need a Professional Writer to Work on this Paper and Give you an A+ 100 % Original Paper? 
The CEO of the selected business/organization is keen to see the following key elements investigated and reported:
1. Brief background of the selected organisation
2. Synthesis of digital innovation for the selected organization
3. Critical analysis of positive influences these innovations can bring to their customers
4. How these positive influences would influence strategic planning of the organization

For the purposes of this assignment, you may choose innovative processes or innovative digital technologies or a combination of both. Your scope is to identify various elements of strategic planning processes applicable to the chosen organization (you will need to search very specific literature in this domain), and then discuss how the innovative processes and innovative technologies will impact the strategic planning processes.
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For this assignment, you MUST use a plagiarism application to ensure that the assignment is plagiarism-free. Please note that the report generation can take time through TURNITIN and you are asked to submit your assignment through TURNITIN well in advance to avoid last minute delays. Normally, it is hard to put the percentage number correctly as it all depends on the actual report contents produced by the TRUNITIN application. As a general rule, less than 15% is acceptable. It is the student’s responsibility to have the report ready before the due date. (If you do not provide this you will lose marks)

Digital file naming convention
For all assessment items digital file naming convention: When you have an assessment item you need to upload digitally, please use the following naming convention when saving your digital document: (If you do not follow this you will lose marks)

Student last name_assignment #_CIS8011_Student USQ ID

For example, the first assignment for CIS8011 submitted by John Smith, student #005890420163. If I (Mr. John Smith) were uploading this assessment item, the file would be named as follows:


File format and submission
Only PDF or ZIP format of the final report is accepted through EASE system. Other formats such as .rar are not acceptable as our markers have difficulties in opening these formats or we have difficulties in downloading these from EASE.

Need a Professional Writer to Work on this Paper and Give you an A+ 100 % Original Paper? 

Brown V. Board of Education

Paper instructions:
Your task is to find a 10 great scholarly questions from history books, reliable college internet academic databases, and or articles – only. once you find the 10

great scholarly question put brackets around to form a quote. And defined what that means to you in term of a famous United States Court cases Brown V. Board of

Education.  Your argument and quotes you like extracted from books, article, and academic database book or article must support Brown V. Board of education.

The quotes that you picked extracted from a sentences of an article or book must be appropriate that it geared towards Brown V. Board of Education.

This is an example of format how question I want to be answered examples of format and questions:

#1 first you will put the quotes you find here first line etc on first line here” How I love cheese burger….” (Appropriate quote first line)
*You will interpret and explain in your opinion and base on your knowledge areas in United States History of providing your educated opinion on what that quote is

trying to say then*  (Explain what that quote means to you educated way)
(This paragraph) Base on how your reasoning what you think the quote is saying base on your comprehension and knowledge in history provide a valid arguments – in

3-4 paragraphs.

Here’s a visual example:

“It is often said that no theory of constitutional interpretation is sound if it cannot explain and justify Brown v. Board of Education.”(Balkin, x-xi) “Finally,

Brown has become a symbol of the role of courts in democracy.” (Balkin, xi)

Balkin is saying that most cases have to somehow include Brown v. Board of education as an evidence for the case to be sound. It can be seen as a democracy

where an equality in people is. In this book Balkin illustrates the different ways that the case Brown v Board of Education has impacted many courts and the

constitution. He also uses severe example to show the importance of this case.
Depending on your chosen quotes extracted from a book or article from a college academic research database. You can bring some creatively, uniqueness, and

different to stand out from other people.

Be thoughtful, unique, and different when writing and interpreting this.

sample: “I have a dream” – Martin Luther King Jr. This quotes has (history surrounding the quote) And then relating it to past and how it still continue in the

present and so on. This is a sample. Pleased do not used this. 

Justify applying ofa selected principle or principles of effective teaching and learning to each ofthe four macroskills of listening and
speaking, reading and writing.
Due to the importance of using the four macro skills listening, speaking, reading and writing in teaching and learning students, the teacher has to focus on these skills and prepare in advance the lesson plans for each skill. Also, choose an appropriate principle or principles that match with these macro skills achieve the teaching goals. This essay will discuss these four macros
kill and the principles that will use in teaching them. In listening skill, the focus will be on sufficient and authentic input. Build students’ self-confidence will the principle in teaching speaking. ln teaching reading, students will encourage being strategic through
learning them to skim and scan the reading text. Helping students to write in a good and accepted way and be familiarwith writing process
will be one ofthe principles to teach writing.
Listening is the first skill that people acquire. It is an active process during it the
listeners make a link between what they hear and what they already know (schema) in orderto understand what they hear easily. According
to Howatt and Dakin (1974), listening is the ability to identify and understand what others are saying. Rost, 2002 cited in Vandergrift,
(2002) defines listening, in its broadest sense, “as a process of receiving what the speaker actually says (receptive orientation);
constructing and representing meaning (constructive orientation); negotiating meaning with the speaker and responding (collaborative
orientation); and, creating meaning through involvement, imagination and empathy (transformative orientation)”. This process involves from
the listenerto do more than one strategies to understand the meaning such as the focus on the speaker accent, vocabulary, pronunciation and
grammar. Listening is an important skill because people through it can understand the information, the world, human affairs, and what have
to do in certain situations.
People do listening according to do something specific they need some information about it to do. During
listening, people do both bottom- up processing (linguistic knowledge) ortop- down processing (prior knowledge).These are the two processes
for listening. They are fundamental and they are happening at the same time in natural listening. According to Nunan (1999,200),”the
Bottom – up processing model assumes that listening is a process of decoding the sounds that one hears in a linearfashion, from the
smallest meaningful units (or phonemes) to complete texts. Whereas, top-down processing refers to that “the listener in actively
constructing meaning based on expectations, inferences, intentions, and other relevant prior knowledge”. (Richard 8. Renandya, 2002, p.
Listening is significant in developing language comprehension. ln teaching a language input is an essential skill that learners need
to acquire any language. Krashen (1985) argues that people acquire language by understanding the linguistic information they hear. To
teaching listening in classroom, teacher can encourage students to access to authentic input and build their schema. This teacher’s
principles can be achieved through focusing on some specific procedures and format forteaching listening which involves three main stages
in a listening activity: pre- listening stage, listening stage and post- listening stage. These stages help learners understand the
listening process, and achieve the learning goals, improve their listening skill and be a good listener. ln pre- listening activities, the
teacher can introduce the topic (e.g. telling time) to the learners through giving some information about it and try to ask them some
questions to check ifthey are familiarwith the topic or not. For example, the teacher may bring a clock and ask students to show him/her
the time and pronounce it in front of class through repeating the numbers after him/her. The learners will try to activate the prior
knowledge to make a link between what they know and hear. Also, the teacher can help learners to make predictions on what they will hear.
Then, the teacher asks them some questions about time to help them interact between each other. In listening exercise, the learners listen
to the audio and choose the correct answerto each statement. During listening to the audio with teacher’s voice and authentic materials
refiect students’ culture, the teacher may stop the audio if he/she feels some students are late and restart it if students ready. After
listening, the teacher and the learner can check and discuss the responses together orthe teacher asks them to make peer- correction. ln
post listening stage, Students are able to ask and answertime in different ways.
Another skill closely related to listening skill is
speaking. It almost the most necessary skill the learners need to acquire to be able to communicate with other. To speak means to give
output from they already have in their input. Ellis (2003, p. 4) states that, ‘output where the learner is stretched to express messages
clearly and explicitly”. Giving useful and understandable output, it may be necessary to have communicative competence which plays an
essential role in helping students in speaking a language. In methodology’ study book (2011, p. 24) points out, “Communicative competence
is expression, interpretation and negotiating recognized as grammatical, sociolinguistic and strategic competence”. This definition means
to be able to communicate effectively with other learners, it necessary to be aware of grammar
Students can have communicative competence
on their speaking ifthey have self-confidence. Building students’ confidence is an important principle that teacher may use in class to
help students speak fluently and do not be hesitate during their speaking with others. The teacher can help his/her students to speak,
interact, share ideas and thinking if he/ she helps them to be confidence. Brown (1994) points out that ” learner’s beliefthat they
indeed are fully capable of accomplishing a task is at least partially a factor in their eventual success in attaining the task”.
Self-confidence is related to other important principle which is risk-taking. The teacher can work hard to help students be sure that they
are able to speak a language and give their opinions. There are many procedures through them the teacher can build students’ confidence to
speak a language and encourage risk- taking. For example, create an atmosphere in class that encourages students to speak, interact, gives
responses and be challenges to start speaking a language. Speaking activities may start with simple words and sentences at the beginning to
give the learner a confidence to speak. Also, teacher’s techniques may start from easierto difficult. This procedure will help the students
to sustain self-confidence where it already exists and tries to help them to build it where it does not. In addition, students can make a
small group and give students a topic to discuss and share ideas because there are some students feel shy even when talk with their
colleagues. This will give students more confident and gives them an opportunity to talk with their colleagues and start saying some
responses loudly to the teacher. Then and after some time, the teacher can help students to be more active and confidence in class through
helping them make conversations in front of class. This will enhance their ability to speak with others without shy. Then students will
speak inside and out the class because they have self-confidence and they believe that they are able to speak with others.
Reading is a third skill that needs more work from the teacherto help students read. Reading is a difficult and complex skill to teach because learners
have to interact with what they read and make a relationship with a text to create meaning and make sense of it. According to,” Unlike
speaking, reading is not something that every individual learns to do”. Also, during reading, learners will make a relation (schema)
between what they read and the prior knowledge about the topic. Nunan, (1999, p. 257) adds,” reading comprehension is thus an interactive
process between the reader orthe text, in that the reader is required to fit the clues provided in the text to his to her own background
knowledge”. People can do reading for different purposes. For example, they read to obtain some useful information about a certain topic,
to know howto do the task orworks, to know what happened in some places and enjoy themselves.
The teacher may encourage students to be
strategic when they read thought helping them to skim the passage orthe article to predict the purpose ofthe topic, the main idea,
supporting idea and scan to look for a certain piece ofinformation. These strategies for reading comprehension the teacher can use them for
teaching reading skill. Brown (2001, p. 308) points out, that, ‘the two most valuable reading strategies for learners are skimming and
scanning”. To help students do these techniques easily, the teacher needs to select appropriate texts that meet students’ needs and
suitable fortheir levels, varies the goals from reading and design useful reading tasks. Skimming is running quickly through the text to
obtain a general idea about it. Scanning is looking for a particular piece ofinformation in a text. The teacher can apply these strategies
easily in class by following some instructions. First, when the teacher starts a new lesson, he/she can give a limited time to students to
look quickly through the text to build a schema to predict what the text will be about and make a relation between it and their prior
knowledge. This will help them obtain the meaning ofthe text and have an idea about the lesson before starting. Then, students start
reading and finding out the purpose, the main idea and to knowthe meaning ofthe text, they can focus on the main interactive processes top
down and bottom up processing. Afterthat, the teacher may ask them some questions about the text and let the students tell the teacherwhat
they learned. In addition, to scan some information, the teacher may teach students to scan important information without reading the whole
text. He/she can ask students to look to a particular piece ofinformation in the passage ortext. For example, find the main characters,
definitions, key words, dates and what happen in the end ofa story to check ifthey followthese processes or not. Students can be
strategic in their reading through follow some strategies to be a good reader. Skimming and scanning are important because through them
students can learn howto read and obtain the important information quickly and accurately.
write in a good and accepted way and be familiarwith writing processes can be one ofteacher’s principles in teaching writing. This can be
done through focus on some basic writing steps to support students’writing. Seow in Richard and Renandya (2002, p. 306) points out that”
process writing as a classroom activity incorporates the four basic writing stages- planning, drafting (writing), revising, (redrafting) and
editing”. These processes the teacher may use them as a principle forteaching writing skill. To help students able to write affective and
understandable writing, the teacher can start by encouraging students to think about the topic, collecting some ideas and words about it
with the help of colleagues. The teacher may help students generate why, when, who, where and how questions about the topic. In drafting
stage, students start writing the main idea about the topic, the title, think about the supporting ideas and try to make a draft that
collects all these ideas. In this stage, the teacher may not focus on grammatical accuracy. After students write the first draft, the
teacher can respond to students’writing in oral or in writing. After responding stage, students start revising and correcting their drafts
depending on the feedback that obtains from the teacher in responding stage. At the final stage, the teacher may help students preparing the
final draft and try to edit theirworking. For example, the teacher checks for grammar, spelling, pronunciation, the structure and tense
with the sentences. By depending on these stages, students’writing will improve and they will be good writers.
To sum up, the essay was discussed the four macro skills listening, speaking, reading and writing and the principles that were used to teach these macro skills.
Building students’ schema and help them access to authentic input is an important principle that teacher used to teach listening. ln teaching speaking, building students’ self-confidence and helping them to be able to do the task was discussed. Then, the essay was described how students being strategic in their reading through doing some reading strategy which are skimming and scanning. Helping
students write in a good and accepted way to be good writers was explained

In this project, you will develop a set of HR policies for a company of your choice, based on research and case studies. PROJECT PART 2 Description/Requirements of Project Part Create new HR policies. This could be an entirely new policy or an update to the existing policy. Identify why you chose to address these specific policies. Identify how these policies will improve the company not only from an HRM standpoint but also from the perspective of the overall firm strategy. Identify the pros and cons of implementing your strategies. Create a strategy for implementing your new policies. How will they be communicated? What will old employees think? Will they be “grandfathered” in? How realistic is this plan? Deliverables and Format: Submit your answer in a Microsoft Word document in not more than 4 pages or 2000 words. Font: Arial; 12 point Line Spacing: Double Assigned and Due Date: Assigned: Week 8 Due: Week 8 Grading Weight: 20% Evaluation Criteria It is crucial for the instructor to evaluate whether the student has acquired a realistic understanding of the subject matter. This is not simply a “cut and paste” situation. Students must understand what is contained in the HR policies and create new policies that will further the firm’s overall strategy. The focus should be on realistic and implementable changes to the current policy.

You will first need to research the housing market and compare the values of two similar homes in two different areas. The two homes must be extremely similar in structure size, land size, year built, and additions such as swimming pools or barns. Then, based upon your findings, you will select one of the homes to purchase, calculate a monthly payment on the mortgage note, compare this information with what you can potentially afford, and address additional questions related to home ownership.

House #1

House #2

  1. Go to the following website:

  2. Enter a ZIP code.

  3. Chose Homes for Sale.

  4. Enter your price range (the minimum and maximum amount you want to spend).

  5. Enter the specifications (number of bedrooms and number of baths).

  6. Hit Search.

  7. Find a home that you like or would consider.

  8. Go to the U.S. Census website:

  9. Click on the American Factfinder tab on the left of the screen.

  10. Under the Fact Access to Information title, enter the ZIP code of the house you found.

  11. You will get lots of data on demographics like age, gender, family size, education, income, and crime rates.

  12. Find out the price per square foot for the house you found.

The goal now is to find a very similar house (age, lot size, square footage, number of rooms, and number of bathrooms).

Repeat Steps 1 through 12.

In Step 2, pick another ZIP code 20+ miles away from the first ZIP code you picked for the first house.

In Step 5, pick the same specification and choose a house that was built in the same year or so as the first house. Also, try your best to find a house that has the same lot size and square footage as the first house.

Construct a table showing a comparison of data (including location, square footage, total price, price per square foot, and specifications), for both houses and then write a 3–4-page paper detailing the following:

  1. What is the logic for choosing your two ZIP codes? Is the selection based upon work location, family location, good schools, and so on?

  2. What is the logic behind choosing the size and specifications of each house?

  3. Compare the total price of the two homes.

  4. Compare the price per square foot for each house.

  5. Compare the demographic data (referring to the location and ZIP code) of each house. Based upon these data, try to explain the similarities and differences in pricing for each home.

  6. Select the home that you will purchase and explain the reasoning behind your selection. Assume that at least a 20% down payment is required. How much money would you need to have saved? After the down payment, what would be the purchase price of the home?

  7. Assume the following:

  • Closing costs (including all potential loan origination, title, and closing fees) are $3,500.

  • You have been approved for a 30-year fixed-rate mortgage note at a rate of 5.0%. Calculate the monthly payment for this loan. (It is recommended that you show your calculation.)

  • Using your textbook readings this week as a resource, and based upon your monthly gross income and current additional debt payments, perform the calculations below (it is recommended that you show your calculations).

    • Your affordable monthly mortgage payment (assume your lender uses a guideline of 33% for monthly gross income or 38% if you have other debt payment obligations)

    • Your affordable mortgage amount (meaning the amount that can be financed; assume the loan terms under #7b)

    • Your affordable home purchase price (assume a 20% down payment). Compare these calculations to the previous data under #6 and #7. What are your conclusions? Discuss your findings, including any surprises!

    When purchasing a home, what additional considerations must you take into account? Discuss the parties that will be involved, what type of documentation will be required, home inspection requirements, any additional financing options that you would evaluate, and so on

    Present a general summary regarding home ownership. What are the advantages and disadvantages of home ownership, and how does your personal choice fit into your overall personal financial plan?

    1.Analyze the ways in which your life would change if you transistors and microchips were not a part of our everyday lives.


    Identify 10 objects in your home that use semiconductors. What other kinds of materials with special electrical properties are found in all of these 10 objects (list at least one per item)?


    Many question the ability of the Department of Energy to do the good science needed to ensure that Yucca Mountain is suitable and developed appropriately. Detail the “question” that many have.


    List three medical technologies that rely on the physics of elementary particles? What are the benefits of these noninvasive procedures?


    Describe the movement of the Earth based upon the perceived change in positions of the stars.


    How can we talk about the evolution of stars over billions of years when human beings have been observing stars for only a few thousand years?


    Some advances in our knowledge have been made possible through better equipment, such as Hubble’s discoveries using the 100-inch Hooker telescope at Mount Wilson. What other major discoveries in cosmology have relied on improvements in existing apparatus?


    Was the formation of Earth unique, or was it similar to the processes which created all the planets in the solar system?


    The temperature of Earth’s core is estimated to be > 5,000 degrees Celsius. Is the core temperature of a planet like Jupiter hotter or colder? Why? Does the distance from the Sun affect the core temperature?


    How does Clyde Tombaugh’s work fit into the scientific method?


    Describe the impact of adjustment to stress (strain) on the surface of the Earth.


    If there were a serious (8 on the Richter scale) earthquake in California, how might it effect Washington? How might that effect Idaho and Wyoming


    On what tectonic plate do you live? How many adjacent plates are there? What kinds of boundaries do you find to the north, south, east, and west? In which direction are these plates moving?



    Geology has been called an integrated science, because it calls on several scientific disciplines to help explain features and processes of Earth. Explain how geologists have used other sciences to answer the following questions:

    a. How old is a piece of rock?

    b. How is heat transferred from Earth’s deep interior to the surface?

    c. How does Earth’s magnetic field change over time?

    d. What is the structure of Earth’s interior?

    e. What is the topography of the seafloor?



    Describe three places where you might find volcanic rocks forming today.

    Describe three places where you could watch sedimentary rocks forming today.

    Where would you have to go to watch metamorphic rocks form?


    How would our weather patterns be affected if Earth stopped rotating?



    One of the problems of understanding the workings of ecosystems is that it is not possible to hold everything constant and change only one variable.

    Why is this true?

    What effects might this have on the interpretation of observations or experiments?



    How might the law of unintended consequences play a role in the effects of legislation to limit greenhouse gas emissions?

    What industries will be affected?

    How might this affect your daily life?



    What are the nonliving components of an ecosystem or environment?

    How do the nonliving components limit the living components?


    How might changes in climate affect the relative distribution of organisms in an ecosystem? Provide an example.