
Is Colin Kaepernick’s form of social protest appropriate?
Be sure that YOUR ARGUMENT is central and that the sources only support you. Do not let the sources
drive your essay. One way to ensure that this is the case is to make sure that you have a strong thesis
statement and that your topic sentences are each mini-thesis statements, or specific arguments about
a sub-topic. DO NOT let your topic sentences summarize your sources.
When you utilize sources to support your argument, remember that you cannot take something that
an author says out of context. Whatever evidence you utilize, be sure that you are reflecting the
argument that the author originally made.


In this essay, you will also be expected to:
adhere to MLA format•
cite your sources according to MLA format•
create and attach a works cited page according to MLA format•
demonstrate at least one example each of summarizing, paraphrasing and direct quoting•
use a minimum of three sources, but no more than four•
Your essay should be typed, double-spaced, in 12-point font with one-inch margins, in MLA format, no
fewer than 600 words, and proofread prior to submission. Please rely on class notes and your
textbooks for

Go to this website for a test similar to the NEO PI-R:

Take this simulated NEO PI-R inventory or have a friend take it and save the results. Explain what the scores mean, using what you’ve read about the Big Five and McCrae and Costa’s theory. Tests of certain Big Five factors may appear among selection tests for some jobs. Which of these factors would be most useful for choosing job applicants to hire in the career that you or your friend (whoever took the test) plan to pursue? Why?

Discuss with your group and comment on another student’s post ….
This is what the students said
After taking the NEO PI-R inventory it was interesting to see that how I perceived myself in all of these categories are in fact accurate for the most part. As for extraversion, I never believed that I was one that was all out there, leading the party, but at the same time I wasn’t one to not go. I enjoy having a good time and being around people, but I also like my quiet time. The extraversion aspect showed this exactly. My cheerfulness and friendliness and activity level scored pretty high, but my excitement seeking was low. I like to do fun things, but I do not necessarily go out of my way to find excitement. My agreeableness scored very high overall. Although I prefer things to go my way, I am not opposed to finding a solution that benefits everyone. I am very cooperative and trustworthy, however when it comes to sympathy I scored very low. This is something that I knew from the beginning. I am good at helping people who are going through an emotional time, but I personally do not have a tender heart who can sympathize with everything. My conscientiousness was very high, and that was predictable. I am one that puts a lot of pressure on myself to succeed. I have goals set high so that I push myself to reach them. I know exactly what I want to do in my life and the path to get there, so I do everything I can above and beyond so that my life goals are met. The test showed exactly this. My neuroticism score was not exactly what I expected. I knew going in that everyone had some level of neurosis, and mine was mainly in anxiety, but I did not feel that I would score average. I honestly felt that I would score below average. It was interesting to see that my anger and vulnerability were very high. I did not think that I panicked under pressure and felt helplessness, however putting the pieces together my anxiety under stress would make my vulnerability much higher. When seeing my openness to experience score, I immediately laughed. I am more of a schedule type of person, not so much go with the flow. However, seeing my scores, I scored a 1 in many places. Although I do not initiate adventure, I am always done for one. So seeing the score of 1, really confused me. However I do agree with the fact that I am more down-to-earth and practical but the scores were MUCH lower than expected.

Costa and McCrae did a great job utilizing personality to create 5 factors that help determine the type of person that someone entails. After taking this test and reading into each category of personality that Costa and McCrae used, it is very interesting to see how much our personality influences who we are, even if we do not believe so. This theory is able to predict our behaviors very well. Costa and McCrae came up with the idea that individuality, origin, development, and structure all make up who we are today. It is also interesting to see that although some people may think that who we are is due to biological factors solely, the environment that we grow up in plays just as big of a role. The type of person that we are as a young child can easily change across our life span. Our personality can become more stable as we settle down in life.

My goal in life is to become an Occupational Therapist for children with special needs in particular. This is a job that I have had set in my mind forever. Children with special needs hold a huge part in my heart, and I have always wanted to do something to give back to them. No matter how bad of a day I am having, they can make me smile instantly. With that being said, I think that most important factor that is taken into consideration when hiring someone for this career would be Agreeableness. When it comes to working in the special needs community it takes a certain someone. You must be calm and understanding, because frustration can easily take over. You must have trust in these kids that they will succeed, it may just take some time. You must have high morals, these kids need to be able to relate to you and gain your trust and understanding. Altruistic people enjoy helping others, and working in the special needs community is exactly that. Helping gives these kids a more enjoyable life. Cooperation is also key. When a kid first comes to therapy, there is a reason they are they. That is something that an OT must truly understand. It is going to take the kid some time to adjust to a new environment and learn why they are there. Cooperation between the kid and the therapist is ideal for success. Modesty is also very important, we cannot think that we are better than anyone else. As an OT, you are there to help the child and family, instead of being there just to make money. Some of the kids that attend OT are suffering in life. They have disabilities that range from very high functioning to in a wheelchair and nonverbal. It is important to be able to sympathize with the child, while still maintaining professionalism while helping them!

The use of technology is deeply embedded in many organizations. Items such as intranets, cloud computing, and smart phones have changed the very nature of how work is completed for many.

Write an essay in APA format describing what does it mean to be a “Digital Firm”? Additionally, discuss in detail how technology is utilized in various areas within an organization that you are familiar with, and describe why information systems/technology is so important in organizations today. A minimum of one reference besides the textbook should be utilized.

All assignments should be completed in a Word document using correct APA formatting (Headers, one inch margins and double spacing, title page and References page, etc.). Points will be deducted for incorrect grammar, punctuation and spelling errors. All assignments should be uploaded in the Assignment area. Essays that are pasted into the Assignments area will not be accepted.

Rubric Detail


Excellent – A

Effective – B

Competent – C

Not Effective – D

Unacceptable – F

Content Synthesis and Ideas

35 to 40 points .
Excels in responding to assignment. Interesting, demonstrates sophistication of thought. Central idea/thesis is clearly communicated, worth developing; limited enough to be manageable. Paper recognizes some complexity of its thesis: may acknowledge its contradictions, qualifications, or limits and follow out their logical implications. Understands and critically evaluates its sources, appropriately limits and defines terms.
29 to 34 points .
A solid paper, responding appropriately to assignment. Clearly states a thesis/central idea, but may have minor lapses in development. Begins to acknowledge the complexity of central idea and the possibility of other points of view. Shows careful reading of sources, but may not evaluate them critically. Attempts to define terms, not always successfully.
24 to 28 points .
Adequate but weaker and less effective, possibly responding less well to assignment. Presents central idea in general terms, often depending on platitudes or cliches. Usually does not acknowledge other views. Shows basic comprehension of sources, perhaps with lapses in understanding. If it defines terms, often depends on dictionary definitions.
20 to 23 points .
Does not have a clear central idea or does not respond appropriately to the assignment. Thesis may be too vague or obvious to be developed effectively. Paper may misunderstand sources.
0 to 19 points .
Does not respond to the assignment, lacks a thesis or central idea, and may neglect to use sources where necessary.

Organization & Coherence

23 to 25 points .
Uses a logical structure appropriate to paper’s subject, purpose, audience, thesis, and disciplinary field. Sophisticated transitional sentences often develop one idea from the previous one or identify their logical relations. It guides the reader through the chain of reasoning or progression of ideas.
20 to 22 points .
Shows a logical progression of ideas and uses fairly sophisticated transitional devices; e.g., may move from least to more important idea. Some logical links may be faulty, but each paragraph clearly relates to paper’s central idea.
18 to 19 points .
May list ideas or arrange them randomly rather than using any evident logical structure. May use transitions, but they are likely to be sequential (first, second, third) rather than logic-based. While each paragraph may relate to central idea, logic is not always clear. Paragraphs have topic sentences but may be overly general, and arrangement of sentences within paragraphs may lack coherence.
15 to 17 points .
May have random organization, lacking internal paragraph coherence and using few or inappropriate transitions. Paragraphs may lack topic sentences or main ideas, or may be too general or too specific to be effective. Paragraphs may not all relate to paper’s thesis.
0 to 14 points .
No appreciable organization; lacks transitions and coherence.

Research Support

5 to 5 points .
Uses evidence appropriately and effectively, providing sufficient evidence and explanation to convince. APA style is used throughout and in the correct manner.
4 to 4 points .
Begins to offer reasons to support its points, perhaps using varied kinds of evidence. Begins to interpret the evidence and explain connections between evidence and main ideas. Its examples bear some relevance.
3 to 3 points .
Often uses generalizations to support its points. May use examples, but they may be obvious or not relevant. Often depends on unsupported opinion or personal experience, or assumes that evidence speaks for itself and needs no application to the point being discussed. Often has lapses in logic.
2 to 2 points .
Depends on cliches or overgeneralizations for support, or offers little evidence of any kind. May be personal narrative rather than essay, or summary rather than analysis.
0 to 1 points .
Uses irrelevant details or lacks supporting evidence entirely. May be unduly brief.

Grammar and Writing Mechanics

5 to 5 points .
Almost entirely free of spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors.
4 to 4 points .
May contain a few errors, which may annoy the reader but not impede understanding.
3 to 3 points .
Usually contains several mechanical errors, which may temporarily confuse the reader but not impede the overall understanding.
2 to 2 points .
Usually contains either many mechanical errors or a few important errors that block the reader’s understanding and ability to see connections between thoughts.
0 to 1 points .
Usually contains so many mechanical errors that it is impossible for the reader to follow the thinking from sentence to sentence.


Develop an idea for a product (or service) and imagine that you are the business owner trying to convince a local retail outlet to carry (or use) it. Use the Internet and other resources if necessary to gather information about similar products or services. For example: If you’re interested in marketing a new energy drink, research existing companies for ideas to make your product realistic. Do NOT use an existing brand for your product/service; be creative and come up with your own idea.

Your task is to write an unsolicited informal sales proposal in letter format to the owner (or manager) of the business proposing that the item be stocked or that your service be used.
[In Ch 11 pay close attention to the section “Planning Proposal.” Note the discussion of unsolicited proposals.]

Use the information you gathered to describe some of the product’s (or service’s) features and benefits to the business. Then make up some reasonable figures, highlighting what the item costs, what it can be sold for, and what services your company provides (return of unsold items, free replacement of unsatisfactory items, necessary repairs, and related issues). If you’re proposing a specific service also provide figures and contract terms.

Remember the specific purpose of your proposal is to convince a business to carry a particular product or use a particular service. To do this, you will want to consider the interests and concerns of your audience. Although your audience may not have an initial interest in your product, they are interested in marketing products that sell in sufficient volume and with sufficient markup to contribute to the store’s profit. If you’re proposing a service, then the audience will want to know how it will benefit their business in specific ways.

Prepare your proposal carefully. If readers approve the proposal, it forms the basis of a contract, so be certain to spell out precisely what your company will provide under specific terms and conditions.

Develop a product or service idea that you are truly interested in since your passion for what you have to offer will be apparent in your proposal. Proposing something that you really care about will make it both more enjoyable to write and more convincing to your audience.

The completed proposal should range from 3-4 pages in length in letter format, using single-spaced block paragraphs with double-spacing between each paragraph; also use subheadings to guide your reader through the proposal. This assignment is considered an informal proposal and so should NOT include prefatory or supplementary materials (title page, executive summary, appendices, etc.).


Is Colin Kaepernick’s form of social protest appropriate?
Be sure that YOUR ARGUMENT is central and that the sources only support you. Do not let the sources
drive your essay. One way to ensure that this is the case is to make sure that you have a strong thesis
statement and that your topic sentences are each mini-thesis statements, or specific arguments about
a sub-topic. DO NOT let your topic sentences summarize your sources.
When you utilize sources to support your argument, remember that you cannot take something that
an author says out of context. Whatever evidence you utilize, be sure that you are reflecting the
argument that the author originally made.


In this essay, you will also be expected to:
adhere to MLA format•
cite your sources according to MLA format•
create and attach a works cited page according to MLA format•
demonstrate at least one example each of summarizing, paraphrasing and direct quoting•
use a minimum of three sources, but no more than four•
Your essay should be typed, double-spaced, in 12-point font with one-inch margins, in MLA format, no
fewer than 600 words, and proofread prior to submission. Please rely on class notes and your
textbooks for appropriate MLA citation information and incorporation of quotes into sentences.

Go to this website for a test similar to the NEO PI-R:

Take this simulated NEO PI-R inventory or have a friend take it and save the results. Explain what the scores mean, using what you’ve read about the Big Five and McCrae and Costa’s theory. Tests of certain Big Five factors may appear among selection tests for some jobs. Which of these factors would be most useful for choosing job applicants to hire in the career that you or your friend (whoever took the test) plan to pursue? Why?

Discuss with your group and comment on another student’s post ….
This is what the students said
After taking the NEO PI-R inventory it was interesting to see that how I perceived myself in all of these categories are in fact accurate for the most part. As for extraversion, I never believed that I was one that was all out there, leading the party, but at the same time I wasn’t one to not go. I enjoy having a good time and being around people, but I also like my quiet time. The extraversion aspect showed this exactly. My cheerfulness and friendliness and activity level scored pretty high, but my excitement seeking was low. I like to do fun things, but I do not necessarily go out of my way to find excitement. My agreeableness scored very high overall. Although I prefer things to go my way, I am not opposed to finding a solution that benefits everyone. I am very cooperative and trustworthy, however when it comes to sympathy I scored very low. This is something that I knew from the beginning. I am good at helping people who are going through an emotional time, but I personally do not have a tender heart who can sympathize with everything. My conscientiousness was very high, and that was predictable. I am one that puts a lot of pressure on myself to succeed. I have goals set high so that I push myself to reach them. I know exactly what I want to do in my life and the path to get there, so I do everything I can above and beyond so that my life goals are met. The test showed exactly this. My neuroticism score was not exactly what I expected. I knew going in that everyone had some level of neurosis, and mine was mainly in anxiety, but I did not feel that I would score average. I honestly felt that I would score below average. It was interesting to see that my anger and vulnerability were very high. I did not think that I panicked under pressure and felt helplessness, however putting the pieces together my anxiety under stress would make my vulnerability much higher. When seeing my openness to experience score, I immediately laughed. I am more of a schedule type of person, not so much go with the flow. However, seeing my scores, I scored a 1 in many places. Although I do not initiate adventure, I am always done for one. So seeing the score of 1, really confused me. However I do agree with the fact that I am more down-to-earth and practical but the scores were MUCH lower than expected.

Costa and McCrae did a great job utilizing personality to create 5 factors that help determine the type of person that someone entails. After taking this test and reading into each category of personality that Costa and McCrae used, it is very interesting to see how much our personality influences who we are, even if we do not believe so. This theory is able to predict our behaviors very well. Costa and McCrae came up with the idea that individuality, origin, development, and structure all make up who we are today. It is also interesting to see that although some people may think that who we are is due to biological factors solely, the environment that we grow up in plays just as big of a role. The type of person that we are as a young child can easily change across our life span. Our personality can become more stable as we settle down in life.

My goal in life is to become an Occupational Therapist for children with special needs in particular. This is a job that I have had set in my mind forever. Children with special needs hold a huge part in my heart, and I have always wanted to do something to give back to them. No matter how bad of a day I am having, they can make me smile instantly. With that being said, I think that most important factor that is taken into consideration when hiring someone for this career would be Agreeableness. When it comes to working in the special needs community it takes a certain someone. You must be calm and understanding, because frustration can easily take over. You must have trust in these kids that they will succeed, it may just take some time. You must have high morals, these kids need to be able to relate to you and gain your trust and understanding. Altruistic people enjoy helping others, and working in the special needs community is exactly that. Helping gives these kids a more enjoyable life. Cooperation is also key. When a kid first comes to therapy, there is a reason they are they. That is something that an OT must truly understand. It is going to take the kid some time to adjust to a new environment and learn why they are there. Cooperation between the kid and the therapist is ideal for success. Modesty is also very important, we cannot think that we are better than anyone else. As an OT, you are there to help the child and family, instead of being there just to make money. Some of the kids that attend OT are suffering in life. They have disabilities that range from very high functioning to in a wheelchair and nonverbal. It is important to be able to sympathize with the child, while still maintaining professionalism while helping them!

Paper #2

Crisis Communications


Your second paper will be based on an exchange between Edison and Westinghouse in response to Western Union lineman John Feeks’ death as well as on Jonnes’ account of the case and contemporary press accounts. You will do a preliminary prewriting discussion board post based on your reading in Jonnes. You will then read what Edison and Westinghouse wrote after Feeks’ death in the North American Review and write a revised draft due for peer review on October 25.

Crisis Communications

Finally, you will write a revised 3 to 4 page letter (typed and double spaced with in-text cites and a works cited page) taking a historically informed position on the case based on what you have learned from Jonnes, the Edison/Westinghouse exchange, and the New York Times article “Death in the Wires” from October 12, 1889.

Crisis Communications

You have three options in writing the paper:

  • One option is to write a letter supporting either Westinghouse’s or Edison’s position. If you take this approach, imagine you are either Westinghouse or Edison–or one of their associates–and write a supporting letter to a paper or journal defending your technical choices and business interests.
  • A second option is to imagine that you are an “objective” observer from a group like the New York City Board of Electrical Control trying to sort through both Edison’s and Westinghouse’s positions and come up with an analysis of what happened and recommendations for future action.
  • Finally, you have the option of writing from the future; if you take this approach, base your analysis and recommendations on subsequent history as well as the other sources listed above.


In each case, you can use the essays by Edison and Westinghouse as a model. Remember that you are not writing for engineers or business associates, so will need to explain the technical issues you cover. You should discuss the advantages and dangers of Alternating and Direct Current as well as the events that provoked the exchange. Crisis Communications
You must cite all of the following: Empires of Light, Edison’s letter, Westinghouse’s response, and The New York Times article “Death in Wires.” Not doing so will result in the return of your paper without a grade. Crisis Communications


The first draft of your paper is due on Tuesday, October 25 for peer review. It should be at least three pages double spaced and include a reference page. The final draft of your paper is due over Blackboard by the time class starts on Tuesday, 11/1 (change from syllabus).

Topic: A comparison and contrast the behavior of nonhuman primates with that of humans. Follow these steps:

Step 1: Select a behavior that has been observed in humans and nonhuman primates.
• Do not narrow your topic too much otherwise it will be difficult to compare/contrast the behaviors. Try to keep the category broad and narrow it when appropriate. (This might require you to do some preliminary research since we are just beginning to discuss nonhuman primate behaviors).
• Keep in mind that the behavior is the focus. Do not select a specific nonhuman primate group and give all the background details for that group.
• Let me know if you need assistance with selecting a topic.

Step 2: Explain the importance of this behavior. (For example, why would it be favored by natural selection? How does it contribute to increasing survival and reproductive success? Does it reveal information about cognitive ability? )

Step 3: Write a paper comparing and contrasting the behavior of humans and nonhuman primates.
• For the information on humans, do not limit your search to humans living in Westernized populations. There is a tremendous amount of human variation in the world that makes for a wonderful comparison. Also, do not use information based on personal experience. This information should be based on scientific research from peer-reviewed articles.
• For nonhuman primates, do not limit your information to one specific species. Nonhuman primates demonstrate variation within and between species, which should be discussed in your paper. This information should also be based on scientific research from peer-reviewed articles.
• At minimum, you should include three human cultures from various regions of the world and three nonhuman primate species.

In addition to including the appropriate number of nonhuman primate species and human cultures in the paper, you are also required to do the following:

1. Resources/Citations: You are required to use 5 articles from peer-reviewed journals as references. Sources must be cited in the body of the text and on a reference page (MLA or APA format). After you have your 5 peer-reviewed articles, you are welcome to use information from additional sources. Please do not use sources that: 1) do not have an author listed, 2) “Anonymous” as the author (this includes websites), 3) videos, 4) newspapers, or 5) lecture notes. Peer-reviewed articles can be accessed through the libraries database—don’t pay for an article. If an article is not available, then have it sent to you by using the Interlibrary Loan option.

2. Similarity Index (a.k.a Originality Report): This is generated by Turnitin. The similarity index should be at or below 10%. The excessive use of direct quotes can increase the percentage; therefore, you should paraphrase the material and cite the source.

3. Pages: The paper should be 5-6 pages full of text. The use of visual aids (images, graphs, tables, etc…) does not excuse you from meeting this requirement. Do not add these to fill the pages because they will be deleted to check the page count. The reference page, title page, and appendix (if one is needed) are not included in the page count.

4. Text: Times New Roman
5. Font: 12
6. Spacing: Double space
7. Margins: 1 in
8. Insert page numbers

write 4 pages. double space. one inch all around and use in-text citations for your references.

According to Aquino, Latina feminist theology requires five preconditions “entering Nepantla, fostering la facultad , honestly with the real, empapamiento of hope , and an evolving truth” (149-150). In your own words, clarify each of the five preconditions by defining and explaining what Aquino means. Find evidence for the preconditions in the work of Gonzales-Crussi, Mairs, Gomez-Pena, and Trujillo. Use Loya for your conclusion. ( Loya is from chapter 11(pg217-238) from book title ” A reader in Latina Feminist Theology” <- I uploaded the cover of the book. please write name, course and date on the author page. author page follows the text on a separate page. this rule allows teacher to grade blind and without bias. I will upload particular chapters from the book and other pdf . please read all the text I uploaded since the paper is based on that. please use from the materials I uploaded and limit outside sources to 2

General Directions:

Your responses should be written in Word files, which are compatible with the Blackboard system. Be sure to save electronic files on your computer and a flash drive so as not to lose your work. Responses should be double-spaced using 12-point font and 1 inch margins. For full credit you must follow the directions in terms of format, length and content. You are welcome to include photographs or other creative elements.

The title page should include your name and title of the course. Beyond that, the design of the cover page (graphics or photos) is up to you. If you do include graphics within the project those materials will not count as space toward your writing page limits. The overall design of your Portfolio should be attractive and professional looking.
Include a table of contents and remember to number the pages. A sample table of contents is provided at the end of this document.


Go to

This online project is associated with fascinating research about attitudes toward various aspects of nondominant cultures. It is well known that people don’t always “speak their minds” and it is suspected that people don’t always “know their minds.” Understanding such divergences is important to scientific psychology and for our purposes concerning cross-cultural perspectives. The Project Implicit web site presents a method that demonstrates the conscious-unconscious divergences much more convincingly than has been possible with previous methods. Research using this new method has been conducted at the University of Washington, University of Virginia, Harvard, and Yale.

On the Project Implicit web site you will find a Demonstration Site and a Research Site. Choose the Demonstration Site. There you will find preliminary information and an “important disclaimer.” Read over this material carefully before you proceed, knowing there is a possibility of encountering interpretations of your test performances with which you may not agree. If you opt not to proceed please talk with me about an alternative assignment. (Over the past five years, not a single student has opted out!)

As you continue you can choose from about 15 possible tests that interpret your responses to various aspects of nondominant perspectives, cultures, views and traditions (such as Asian-European American, African-European American, Arab Muslim-Other People, and Native-White American).

Choose any five of the tests (of the 15 or so, the categories vary over time) and complete them. In other words, you can choose the tests according to your personal reasons.

Copy the results of your tests to be included in the Portfolio as explained for this section under the menu item “Online Work.” With reference to the results from the tests, analyze your findings. You must provide a copy (screen shot) of your results. The copies of test results should follow your discussion of these questions:

Interpretation of Results
1) Explain to what extent you agree or disagree with the interpretations provided.

Relevance to Cultural Diversity
2) What does this entire assignment have to do with a general education course with the “cultural diversity” distinction?

Relevance to Cross-Cultural Perspectives of Tourism
3) What does this assignment have to do with cross-cultural perspectives of tourism?

please include a screenshot of the results at the end of the project.