Assignment Task: Essay

“Actor Network theory is a suitable theory for describing how humans and technology connect” Discuss this statement by following the tasks below.

Select TWO computing news stories of your choice, published anytime between 01/09/2016 and 30/12/2016. Analyse these using Actor Network Theory.

Your analysis should be written as an essay, and include the following points:

• A definition of Actor Network Theory including the key terms actant, assemblage and network

? Name and categorise the main actants in your stories. Describe how they are connecting to and “acting” upon other actants in the assemblage. Include the connection between the hardware and software actants, as well as other types of actants.

? Describe how the actions of the software actants can enhance management functions for both computing news stories.

? Discuss some of advantages/disadvantages of the constant use of both computing and the internet in modern society. To do this, compare and contrast the viewpoints of a range of theorists and critics explored throughout the module.

? Conclude by summarising how your answers relate to the statement “Actor Network theory is a suitable theory for describing how humans and technology connect”.

? Add an appendix which includes definitions of at least four computing terms or concepts used in your assignment. One of these terms MUST be software.


Your content will follow the structure outlined on page 3.

Task 1 is worth 100% of the total marks for the module. The marking criteria is outlined on pages below.
Suggested essay structure

Cover Page
Assignment title, module code, student name, student number and submission date.

Table of Contents

A list of headings and page numbers.

How will you introduce your essay?
Tell your reader the aim of this assignment and how you intend to go about discussing or proving this aim. What else will you be telling your reader. No definitions here. Just describe in very general terms what you will be doing.

Main Body
Define Actor Network Theory
What type of theory is it? Who developed it? What does the term actant mean? What does the term assemblage mean? Here you will need to include in-text citations with your references properly laid out in your references section. The format you must follow is Harvard Referencing format.

Apply Actor Network Theory to Computing Story 1
Don’t retell your story. State your story in one or two sentences with in-text citations. Include the news story in your references section using correct Harvard Referencing format. You must apply Actor Network Theory to your story now. This means that you are describing the connections between actants and what happens as a result of these connections. To do this identify your actants, and categorise their scale, i.e. digital, software, hardware, human, cultural, structural and describe and analyse how some of these actants are acting on each other (the push/pull of actants – when an actant ‘acts’ on another actant, how does this change/modify the behaviour of the actant being ‘acted upon’)  How does this affect the network of actants? Are the actants both human and non-human?

State how management (the coordinated efforts of humans/technology in order to achieve goals efficiently) has been enhanced in the story by the software. This could be management of self or management of an uprising or management of the business etc.

Apply Actor Network Theory to Computing Story 2
Don’t retell your story. State your story in one or two sentences with in-text citations. Include the news story in your references section using correct Harvard Referencing format. You must apply Actor Network Theory to your story now. This means that you are describing the connections between actants and what happens as a result of these connections. To do this identify your actants, and categorise their scale, i.e. digital, software, hardware, human, cultural, structural and describe and analyse how some of these actants are acting on each other (the push/pull of actants – when an actant ‘acts’ on another actant, how does this change/modify the behaviour of the actant being ‘acted upon’)  How does this affect the network of actants? Are the actants both human and non-human?

State how management (the coordinated efforts of humans/technology in order to achieve goals efficiently) has been enhanced in the story by the software. This could be management of self or management of an uprising or management of the business etc.

Contemporary Debate
What are the theorists saying about computing in general?
Discuss both sides of the argument from both a techno-optimistic and techno-pessimistic point of view. Use key terms from the course to add value here.

Limitations of Knowledge
Do we really know the long term effect of computing? Is ANT a perfect theory? What problems did you encounter with it?

What did you learn? Did you prove the assignment task. Summarise your findings. No new knowledge here. Link your conclusions or recommendations back to your title.

Citations are listed in alphabetical order by the author’s surname (last name).

Include four definitions of key terms from this module. One of these MUST be software. The other three can be any three terms of your choice.

Further notes on the appendix for your guide: In your essay, you may have referred to an image or chart. Let’s say that in the main body, you have written something like “Appendix A shows that there are many actants connected in order to achieve the aims of the assemblage. This essay will focus on just a few of those actants” Now in your Appendix section, you include the image that you have drawn. Give it the title, for example, “Appendix A: A mind map showing how the actants are connected in the assemblage”
If you did not create the image/chart yourself, you will need to put a citation under the image/chart and include the original source in your references section.

N.B. For good academic practice, please ensure that the same font of the same size and colour is used throughout your essay, and that your document has the same line spacing throughout.

Assessment Criteria

Explanatory comments on the assessment criteria
Maximum marks for each section
Knowledge & Understanding

Clear definition of Actor Network Theory
Two relevant news stories outlined
Clear explanation provided of how management is enhanced by the software
Well written appendix with clear definitions of required terms

Intellectual & Cognitive Skills

Actor Network Theory well applied and connections between actants discussed
Contemporary debate uses relevant arguments from the techno-optimists and techno-pessimists to provide a balanced and well-formed argument that demonstrates understanding of how contemporary computing fits into the knowledge economy.
Correct use of key terms from the module

Graduate Skills

Demonstrates an understanding of limitations of knowledge
Essay format
Use of business English Use of Harvard referencing


Learning outcomes
• Collect, analyse, present and comment upon business
to be examined in
this assessment

• Identify the relationship between computer hardware

and software.

• Describe the most common types of software

programmes and explain how they may be used to

enhance management functions.

Choose two of the UK’S largest supermarket chains companies from the list provided (Tesco, Sainsbury’s and Morrisons) and download the companies’ annual reports from their website. Produce the 2013, 2014 and 2015 ratio table for the companies you have chosen from the list above (Profitability, Liquidity and Efficiency ratios as performed in class.) Choose two ratios from each category. Based on these ratios and any other additional information available from the annual reports, compile a report comparing the performance of the companies selected.

Learning outcomes to be examined in this assessment :
• Describe and analyse the role of accounting information in a business context.
• Analyse a set of financial statements including balance sheet, profit and loss accounts and cash flow statements.
• Demonstrate the relationship between accounting data and financial planning and resource allocation decisions.

Please write up your comments in no more than 2500 words (Times New Roman, 11 font, single spaced).
Demonstrate the ability to relate theory to the real world.

For this assessment you produce a document presented using digital or multi-media. This document should be an infographic which visually documents the content as per the assignment guideline below. You can produce a short video or an A1 sized infographic sheet.

The infographic will highlight the ‘Emergence of new economies and the decline within Europe: using examples of BRIC, MINT, PIIGS, BREXIT.

Graphics, images, statistics, tables etc. should all be used to engage the reader and show how the trading economies of the world have changed. The decline of the EU and the rise of economies in India, China, Brazil etc. Brief explanations should be provided either in text or diagrammatic format.
Overall the key learning outcomes assessed include:

13. Demonstrate a clear ability to source information and to present this using correct acknowledgements and referencing of all sources

P1 Carry out research into issues relevant to trends in globalisation.
T1 Communicate effectively using a variety of media and formats
T2 Apply a range of Information technology skills when researching and presenting information

To Prepare:
Use the Walden Library to identify an early childhood dissertation, written within the last 5 years, that focuses on positive and caring learning environments. The dissertation you read should include in its literature review (Chapter 2) a discussion of how cultural and family influences play a part in establishing supportive learning environments through positive cultures and classroom communities.
• You may need to read/skim a number of dissertations before you find the one you choose to use as the basis for this Assignment.
• Additional information needed to complete this Assignment should be available in Chapters 1 and 5 of the dissertation you choose.
After reading the dissertation, and in particular Chapters 1, 2, and 5, create a post for your blog summarizing the following:
• The title of the dissertation
• The early childhood problem researched in the dissertation along with a brief explanation of the study—study purpose, population/participants, methodology, data sources, and conclusions
• 3 resources used by the author, and why each was relevant to the study
• How the information gleaned from this dissertation may further your work related to fostering supportive learning environments through positive classroom cultures and classroom communities
Please paste this post into your blog. Be sure to read through your peers’ blogs and note any resources that might inform your current and/or future early childhood practice and areas of possible research.

The model below is for an APT (arbitrage pricing theory)-type multiple regression analysis and it investigates what influences the rate of return on a company’s shares.
ERCOMPANYt = ?+?1ERSFTSEt+ ?2TERMt + ?3EXCHANGEt+ ?4INFLATIONt + ?5DMONEYt+ ?6OILt +?t (1) The dependent variable (ERCOMPANY) is the company’s excess return based on its
share price {labelled as COMPANY in the Excel data spreadsheet}. Note that you are expected to construct this variable yourself, knowing that excess return means the additional return on top of risk-free rate proxy, i.e., TBILLSHORT as explained below.
The explanatory variables are: I. ERSFTSE: excess rate of return based on the FTSE ALL SHARE index in
London Stock Exchange {labelled as FTSE in the Excel data spreadsheet}. II. TERM: The difference between annual returns on 20-year government bonds and 3-month treasury bills {labelled as TBILLLONG and TBILLSHORT,
respectively, in the Excel data spreadsheet}.
III. EXCHANGE: exchange rate between US dollar and UK sterling {labelled as
EXCHANGE in the Excel data spreadsheet}.IV. INFLATION: inflation rate based on producer price index {labelled as PPI in the
Excel data spreadsheet}. V. MONEY: narrow definition of money supply, i.e., M1, in billion £ {labelled as MONEY in the Excel data spreadsheet}. VI. OIL: crude oil price in $US (labelled as OILPRICE in the Excel data

In order to employ a set of regression analyses, the dataset is provided in Canvas (file name: Data for Assignment 2016.xlsx). The dataset is real data, with monthlyfrequency for the period September 1986 to August 2013. The explanatory variables on the right hand side are the same for all students. However, each student is allocated a different company; hence, the dependent variable of each assignment will be different. Check your student number to find out which company is allocated to you in the ‘company share price’ spreadsheet. Then, copy/paste the share price of the company allocated to you in column B of the spreadsheet named ‘Macroeconomic data’ in the same file.

APT assumes that it is the unexpected changes in financial and macroeconomic factors that exert influence on company returns. Therefore, before analysing data with regressions, you are advised to read the core textbook and module notes to identify how to use the raw data to transform series into variables that will eventually be included in the regression model.

1. Conduct the OLS regression analysis and comment on the results. Do the
estimates give any direct or indirect support to the APT?
(25 marks)
2. Refer to the OLS assumptions and conduct the diagnostic tests with respect to heteroscedasticity, normality, and autocorrelation. If there is any violation of the OLS assumptions, what can be done as remedies to these misspecifications? Namely, explain how to address regression models that fail these diagnostic tests in your analysis. (35 marks) 3. Is the functional form of the model actually linear as suggested by equation (1) and does it suffer from the multicollinearity problem? Provide the necessary tests.
(15 marks)
4. Test for the parameters’ stability by considering two or more sub-samples, e.g., the time between September 1986 and December 1999; and the time between January 2000 and August 2013. You can think of other periods such as the 2007-08 financial crisis. (15 marks) 5. Are there any other diagnostic tests that you might have considered? Provide them if the answer is ‘yes’.(10 marks)

– Word limit: 2,500 to 3,000 words (excluding references and appendices)
– Submission deadline: 15 December 2016, by 4 p.m. (It is suggested that students should submit by around 3 p.m. to avoid the possibility of late submissions due to technical reasons. See Canvas, module handbook for
further details).- You are expected to refer to and use academic journal articles for any section above. – You may have sections in your assignment. e.g., section 1 introduction; section 2 background about APT; section 3 Diagnostics tests,…. etc. Then, the last
section can be conclusion.


literature review
CPP/Bioportide technologies have the capcity to reach intracellular sites that may be intractable targets for conventional drugs. Moreover, it is likely that many bioportides achieve a biological influence by a dominant-negative action upon protein-proitein interactions (PPIs).
Your next task is to choose a protein or a PPI interface that might be a useful target for therapeutic manipulation. There are of course many possibilities and I am keen for you to choose your own! Now imgaine you are tasked by a pharmaceutical company to develop a strategy, employing CPPs/Bioportides, to manipulate that intracellular target. You will need to produde a report to pass on to the peptide synthesis team highlighting sequences of peptides that can be screened as potential therapeutics. These might be inert CPPs attached to a bioactive peptide seuquence or a bioportide that is predicted to be both cell penetrant and bioactive. Your project write-up is essentially that report. The results section will contain the sequences and stratagies that you design to influence the activity of your intracellular protein or process. Theoretically, I could pass on your project to next year’s students and ask them to manufacture the peptides you design.

For those of you who decide to embark upon the DRY Project, your literature review should focus on Cell Penetrating Peptides, Bioportides and Protein-Protein Interactions

Please use the grading rubric to create an outline of your assignment. Each section of the rubric should be a section of your final paper and could become the headings. Your assignment will be graded based on each element of the rubric. Compare each section of your paper with the rubric to ensure all elements are covered. Then, include an introduction and conclusion to tie the paper together. If you have any questions regarding the assignment please contact your instructor using the Course Help forum.
Do you have additional questions about this assignment or would you like more guidance?   Professor IQTM may be able to help you.  Type in any questions you may have about the assignment or select the questions that are present.  Keep in mind that if Mary doesn’t know the answer she will become smarter with each question she is asked and your instructor will be able to help you if Mary cannot.
Analyze the position statement from the International Council of Nurses chosen in week 1. This position statement is the foundation for this final project.
In a 12 to 15 slide PowerPoint presentation, not including the title slide and reference slide, address the following:
Present the Position Statement.
Describe why this issue is important to professional nursing practice.
Analyze at least three scholarly nursing articles related to this subject, including what the articles add to the understanding of this issue.
Describe legal and ethical implications of the issue using the ANA Code of Ethics (2001) as framework.
Summarize how this position statement can be utilized to improve the health of the population.
Use bullet points on the content slides and include speaker’s notes to discuss the content.  Remember to use APA 6th edition formatting for slide references and review the link on How to make an APA formatted PPT slide presentation.
The standard of performance required for undergraduate nursing programs is C+ (77%) or higher in all nursing courses. Students who earn a grade of less than C+ in any nursing course must repeat the course and earn at least a C+ in order to complete the program of study. If a student’s GPA falls below 2.0 he or she may be placed on academic probation.
Final Project Rubric
18 Points
12 Points
6 Points
0 Points
Present the Position Statement
Presents the Position Statement
Presents the title of the Position Statement but does not include any additional information
Does not present the Position Statement
No paper submitted or content missing
Describe why this issue is important to professional nursing practice
Describes why this issue is important to professional nursing practice
Superficially describes why this issue is important to professional nursing practice
Does not describe why this issue is important to professional nursing practice
No paper submitted or content missing
Analyze at least three scholarly nursing articles related to this subject, including what the articles add to the understanding of this issue
Analyzes at least three scholarly nursing articles related to this subject, including what the articles add to the understanding of this issue
Analyzes at two scholarly nursing articles related to this subject, including what the articles add to the understanding of this issue
Analyzes at one scholarly nursing articles related to this subject, including what the articles add to the understanding of this issue
No paper submitted or content missing
Describe legal and ethical implications of the issue using the ANA Code of Ethics (2001) as framework
Describes legal and ethical implications of the issue using the ANA Code of Ethics (2001) as framework
Describes legal or ethical implications of the issue using the ANA Code of Ethics (2001) as framework
Describes legal and ethical implications of the issue but does not use the ANA Code of Ethics (2001) as framework
No paper submitted or content missing
Summarize how this position statement can be utilized to improve the health of the population
Summarizes how this position statement can be utilized to improve the health of the population
Superficially  summarizes how this position statement can be utilized to improve the health of the population
Does not summarize how this position statement can be utilized to improve the health of the population
No paper submitted or content missing
2.5 Points
2 Points
1 Point
0 Points
Organization excellent, ideas clear and arranged logically, transitions smooth, no flaws in logic.
Organization good; ideas usually clear and arranged in acceptable sequence; transitions usually smooth, good support
Organization minimally effective; problems in approach, sequence, support and transitions
Organization does not meet requirements
Grammar, punctuation, mechanics, and usage correct and idiomatic, consistent with Standard American English
Grammar, punctuation, mechanics, and usage good mostly consistent with Standard American English; errors do not interfere with meaning or understanding
Grammar, punctuation, mechanics and usage distracting  and often interfere with meaning or understanding
Grammar, punctuation, mechanics, and usage interfere with understanding
APA Format
Demonstrates competent use of mechanics and APA
Minimal APA errors
Many APA errors
Complete lack of understanding
References are relevant, authoritative and contemporary
Adequate references
Minimal use of appropriate references
Poor use and/or selection of references not relevant
Academic integrity: Sources not cited and/or word-for-word (verbatim) content used from another source without the use of quotation marks earns a 0 for the paper.

?Write a 10 page with out the appendix , double spaced paper addressing your case study. Charts and graphs should be placed in an Appendix and are not part of your page count.

? Write your paper from the perspective of a consultant who has been hired by the company to provide recommendations to solve the problem(s) laid out in the case study.

? As part of this paper, you must apply multiple concepts that have been covered during this class and apply them to your chosen case study.
So for example, a recommendation based on supply chain management would be appropriate for the paper; a recommendation based on a new marketing plan would not.

? Use Times New Roman, 12-point font.

Identification of Operations Issues (20%)
Identify operations issues that we have discussed during the course of the semester that the company in your case is facing.
Analysis and Evaluation of OM Issues (30%)
Discuss how the identified issues are affecting the company and what options the company has to address the issues from an operations perspective.
Recommendations – Application of theory & analysis and utilizing OM Strategies (40%)
Provide clear and actionable recommendations for how the company should address the issues facing them. These recommendations should be based in Operation Management strategies that we have discussed during the course of the semester.
Form and Presentation (10%)
Your paper should be organized in a clear and professional manner.

The reference is:
Heizer, Render. (2013). Operations Management. Prentice Hall. 11th edition

Throughout the semester, we have extensively learned about different types of money and how they are woven together by a system of dealers consisting of the central bank, banks, and security dealers to form a hierarchy of money. Our journey so far has focused on the functioning of the hierarch from the perspective of the system of dealers. The goal of this assignment is to take our journey one step further by delving into how different types of liquidity risks arise in the hierarchy, how they are interlinked, and how the central bank can manage them. In answering the following essay questions, try to use your own words to convey the main piece of information and the key line of reasoning. Quoting too heavily or failing to quote properly will result in little or no credit.

1. Definitions. Define and explain three main types of liquidity, namely, the central bank liquidity, funding liquidity, and market liquidity.
2. Liquidity linkages in normal times. Explain how the three types of liquidity are interconnected in normal times.
3. Liquidity linkages in turbulent times. Funding liquidity risk is intrinsic to banking. Explain.
4. Liquidity linkages in turbulent times. Explain the transmission mechanism from funding liquidity risk to market liquidity risk.
5. Liquidity linkages in turbulent times. Explain the feedback mechanism from market liquidity risk back to funding liquidity risk.
6. Liquidity linkages in turbulent times. Explain how the liquidity of the central bank together with its supervision and regulation can stabilize the financial system.

Assignment Remit
You will base your design plans on:
• An iconic historical character from the 1960’s wearing a beehive.

You are required to produce a design plan on the iconic historical character of your choosing. This research will eventually support your practical recreation and historically correct portrayal of your period character. Thorough research is essential using a wide range of visual and literary sources. You will need to consider the internal and external factors that your character influenced or was influenced by which helped to shape their style.
You need to contextualise your character within the fashions of the time, linking them wherever possible with any relevant information surrounding the era when they were most prominent.
Your model’s features must be taken into account when finalizing your designs.

Design plan elements to be considered, all of the below will be supported by your historical research:
• Hairstyles/postiche- sets/dress out
• Make-up styles and materials- face charts/tracing overlays/model characteristics and considerations.
• Products available then and now to best recreate the hair and make-up accurately.
• Price of materials.
• Millenary (hats/headwear)
• Fashion and adornment
• Fashion trends
• A4 Mood board (you can add texture and creativity to this)

Only Historical images can be used for your final practical recreation image. Images from films/TV/Theatre are not a suitable source of historical research. You can however contrast your research to images from media productions if you wish and reflect on their historical accuracy.
This must show historically correct details and reference pictures of your chosen period image. A full sized A4 colour print of your chosen image is a mandatory requirement of this assignment. You must also include visual references of the back of your chosen hairstyle.
Please note, as many of your research pictures may be portraits it may not be possible for you to find back of head reference pictures of your chosen image. In this case you may use a suitably styled reference picture that would complement your historical Icon/ image from a style, period and date perspective.