Pick any two chapters in the Stulberg-Fuhrman text that more or less address the same subjects. Explain the different perspectives of each author.

Adam N. Stulberg and Matthew Fuhrmann (Eds.): The Nuclear Renaissance and International Security: (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2013). ISBN 978-08047-8417 -7

PART I Drivers and Patterns of the Nuclear Renaissance

Adam N. Stulberg and Mathew Fuhrmann, Introduction: Understanding the Nuclear Renaissance, pp. 1-18
Chp. 1 Bernard Gourley and Adam N. Stulberg, “Correlates of Nuclear Energy: Back to the Future or Back to Basics, pp. 19-29
Chp. 2 Allison MacFarlane, Where, How and Will Nuclear Happen? Nuclear ‘Renaissance Discourses from Buyers and Suppliers”, pp. 50-72
Chp. 3 Mathew Fuhrmann, Nuclear Suppliers and the Renaissance in Nuclear Power, pp. 73-976

Chp. 4 Adam N. Stulberg, Internationalization of the Fuel Cycle and the Nuclear Energy Renaissance: Confronting the Credible Commitment Problem, pp. 97- 123

Chp. 5 Joshua William Busby, Vaunted Hopes: Climate Change and the Unlikely Nuclear Renaissance”, pp. 124-153

Chp. 6 Christopher Way, the Politics of the Nuclear Renaissance: A Comment, pp. 154-176

PART II the Nuclear Renaissance and Nuclear Weapons Proliferation

Chp. 7 Stop Helping Me: When Nuclear Assistance Impedes Nuclear Programs, pp. 177-202

Chp. 8 Mathew Kroenig, The Nuclear Renaissance, Sensitive Nuclear Assistance, and Nuclear Weapons Proliferation, pp. 203-222

Part 1: Consolidate your career wanderings for the semester into a series of four visuals. These visuals can contain collages, drawings, word art, etc. Your first visual represents where you have been; your second visual represents where you are now; your third visual should represent where you want to go; and your fourth visual should represent how you are going to get there. These visuals should be enhanced versions of wandering maps and contain pictures, symbols and other material, not just words.

Part 2: You will write a 2500-2750 word essay explaining your visuals in part three you will deliver a presentation where you display this series of wanderings maps and discuss your career journey. You are expected to use the sum of the knowledge and reflections (Yellowdig/other assignments) done in this course to write a well-informed and reflective essay. You may not answer “I don’t know” of any of these questions. Be creative and have fun with your visuals! You should include reflection on at least one activity you had to complete for/in this class for each question.

prior assignments done on your sites entitled yellow dig can also be used to help with this assignment

BOOK >Shafritz et al. (2013) note that Congress passed and President Barack Obama supported the 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, also known as the “Federal Stimulus,” in an effort to support the flagging US economy. After reviewing this section of your textbook, research the current level of the federal budget deficit. Compare this to Congressional Budget Office (CBO) projections. Given your findings, evaluate the success of the Federal Stimulus. Address the following questions in your blog:

Did the stimulus package pump enough money into the economy to prevent a complete failure of the economic system?
Would the government have reemerged from the recession without the stimulus?
Is the US better or worse off, economically speaking? If yes, why? If no, why not?
What government organization is best situated to assess and evaluate the impact and success of the “Federal Stimulus”?
What important lessons have been learned?

:Blog, please add pictures

PAD 6053 Current Events Blog Assessment Rubric for Session 12 Assignment – Fall 2016
Session 12 – PA Current Events Blog: Compare and contrast the leadership styles of John Puller and Julie Carson of The Forgotten. Apply (a minimum of) four theories/concepts from the leadership literature to your assessment of Puller and Carson. In your blog, incorporate an article from the popular press that discusses a public sector leader whose style is most similar to either Puller or Carson. Compare and contrast Baldacci’s (2012) portrayal of the selected character to your real-world example. Explore the usefulness of popular literature (like The Forgotten) for examining leadership in the public sector (worth 150 points).
Blackboard has a blogging feature that can be used to create your blog. Blogs created in the Blackboard can be viewed by your colleagues. It is also possible for viewers to comment on your blog contents.
If you are not familiar with the format for a blog, see this example – http://www.realtimeperformance.com/RealTimeLeadership/ – please note that blogging entries are usually posted over time. For this assignment I would recommend simulating this format, for example responding to this assignment with a minimum of four (4) posts. Please carefully review the rubric presented below.

Current Events Blog Assignments:

The template/rubric presented below will be used to assess the Current Events Blog. Current Events Blogs are expected to demonstrate the following indicators: subject content knowledge, critical thinking and assessment, organization and development of ideas and arguments, language and vocabulary (needed to discuss the theme presented in the assignment), and conventions (style and grammar). Please note the expectations for assignments ranked at the level of Exemplary or higher:

An Exemplary (.98 and higher) demonstration of expected indicators for this assignment would offer an outstanding mastery of the important elements of the assignment –
ВВ· makes multiple [minimum 7 or more] important theoretical connections (for example – Follett’s (1925) “law of the situation”) and linkages across the course literature and beyond;
ВВ· addresses all important components of the assignment (that is –applies leadership theories, incorporates an article from the popular news-related press that discusses a public sector leader whose style is similar to the Carson or Puller characters, offers a compare and contrast of the real-world leader and either Carson or Puller, discusses the usefulness of popular literature for examining leadership in the public sector);
ВВ· demonstrates familiarity with the course materials and the subjects presented;
ВВ· demonstrates the ability to critically engage the literature (CTA);
ВВ· incorporates and applies relevant and useful external literature and electronic resources;
ВВ· presents a blog post that is multi-media with external links that elevate the breadth and depth of the exploration of the leadership theme by incorporating relevant Youtube videos [see this one as an example – , https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oubh57URFaE ] electronic articles – for example – http://www.governing.com/columns/mgmt-insights/What-Transformational-Leaders-Do.html , includes images – see image on this page as an example http://www.c2econsulting.co.uk/services_transformational.asp;
ВВ· incorporates quotations from Shafritz et al. (2013), The Forgotten, leadership theorists, leadership gurus, iconic leaders;
ВВ· incorporates other media where useful and engaging; and
ВВ· incorporates engaging audio content.

Assignment reflects organization and development of relevant arguments from the course literature and other useful resources. Clarity of thoughts, ideas, and arguments reflected in blog post. Offers an exemplary demonstration of the ability to use the language and vocabulary needed to present the blog theme. Post reflects a proficient use of all conventions, including spelling, grammar, sentence structure, and proper citation style where needed.

A Proficient (.94 – .96) demonstration of the expected indicators reflecting mastery of the important elements of the assignment (makes important theoretical connections and linkages [5 to 6], demonstrates familiarity with the subjects and themes presented (SCK); demonstrates the ability to critically engage the literature but not at an exemplary level (CTA); incorporates and applies relevant and useful external literature and electronic resources; post is multi-media and external links elevate the breadth and depth of the response (CTA). Arguments and ideas are clearly presented (ODIA); Offers a proficient demonstration of the ability to use the language and vocabulary needed to present the blog theme (LAV). Blog post reflects a proficient use of all conventions, including spelling, grammar, sentence structure, and proper citation style where needed (CSG). Demonstrates a proficient attempt to engage the viewer.

A Very Good – Good (.90 – .92) demonstration of the expected indicators – a very good grasp of the important aspects of the course reading materials, makes some important theoretical connections and linkages [3 to 4] demonstrating competent use of important and relevant terminology and ideas, but does not reflect outstanding mastery; Overall – blog post is organized but additional minor tweaking is needed with the organization and development of arguments presented. While minor tweaking is needed with conventions, a competent knowledge and use of conventions are demonstrated in the blog assignment. Demonstrates a very good to good attempt to engage the viewer with written, visual, and audio content but not at a proficient and exemplary level. Blog post offers a greater proportion of written content.

A Satisfactory (.84 – .88) demonstration of the expected indicators –reflecting a satisfactory grasp of the important aspects of the course reading materials, but does not reflect what is expected in a good to very good demonstration; Assignment tasks are addressed however the post only repeats and summarizes and does not offer critical theoretical connections and linkages of useful external literature or relevant terminology and ideas. Some additional work is needed to enhance the organization and development of ideas and arguments. Some additional work is needed to enhance the use of conventions. Demonstrates a satisfactory attempt to engage the viewer.

A Limited (.80 – 82) demonstration of the expected indicators –reflecting an incomplete grasp of the important aspects of the course reading materials and theories, and or any useful and relevant external literature. Offers a very limited summary of relevant reading material but does not demonstrate the ability to offer a critical assessment and analysis of the literature to address the issues/tasks presented in the assignment. Arguments are not clearly presented. Additional work is needed to enhance the use of conventions. Demonstrates a limited attempt to engage the viewer.

A Unsatisfactory (.76 – .78) demonstration of the expected indicators – reflecting an unsatisfactory and below average grasp of the important aspects of the course reading materials and related theoretical concepts. Fails to incorporate any useful relevant external literature. Current events blog post fails to demonstrate an understanding of the course reading materials or the ability to apply arguments from the reading material to the assigned tasks. Arguments are not clearly presented and conventions have not been followed. Demonstrates an unsatisfactory attempt to engage the viewer.

Please pick up a good article, about Retrieve a recent (i.e., 2010 – 2017) refereed peer-reviewed journal article related to some area of Computer Programming (e.g., C++, C#, Java/Javascript, MatLab programming, Python, ROS, etc.) only from websites like google scholar etc.

Remember Webpage articles (i.e., those from Google, Wikipedia, or other websites), encyclopedia &magazine articles, book chapters or book excerpts are NOT acceptable.

Also, I need the article attached with the order as pdf please.

However, please read the instruction bellow carefully!!

Retrieve a recent (i.e., 2010 – 2017) refereed peer-reviewed journal article related to
some area of Computer Programming (e.g., C++, C#, Java/Javascript, MatLab
programming, Python, ROS, etc.)

NOTE: Again, a “refereed” peer-reviewed article is one which has gone through a review
process of referees/judges and usually contains an abstract, introduction, methodology,
results, conclusions, etc. as well as show a few math equations, figures, tables, etc. For
the article you will seek for this assignment, the author(s) should be showing/discussing
how they used “computer programming” for solving some form of industrial engineering related
problem (or from another engineering field if necessary).

If you are not certain,
ask someone!

Webpage articles (i.e., those from Google, Wikipedia, or other websites), encyclopedia &
magazine articles, book chapters or book excerpts are NOT acceptable. However, the
use of Google Scholar and other sites which contain refereed articles are acceptable.

The literature critique is a brief summary of an article from a ‘refereed’ journal. Critiques must be
word-processed, single spaced and at most one page. Also, you must have a minimum margin size of 0.75 inch and a maximum margin size of 1inch on all sides (i.e., where the top, left and rights sides are basically even) of your submitted assignment. Occasionally, your article may not fully reach the bottom margin due to the writing of your summary; thus, if this occurs, you must not leave more than a 1.5” margin at the bottom in any case. If necessary, write a longer summary!

Minimum acceptable font size is 10 pt and the maximum is 12 pt. In the final paragraph, briefly
discuss one point or idea from the article that really made you think or really impressed you. Only
the last paragraph can be written from the first person point of view, but not in any other location of the literature critique should 1st or 3rd person be used. See my posted critique for an example of this.

A proper bibliographic reference MUST appear at the top of the paper. Although many reference
styles exist, the only style that will be accepted in this class is the APA-style as shown below:
First Author’s Last Name, First Initial. Middle Initial., & Second Author’s Last Name, First Initial.
Middle Initial. (year of publication). Title of the article with only the first letter of the first word in
title or sub-title as well as proper nouns and acronyms are capitalized. Name of Journal in Italics,
volume in italics (issue number in parenthesis and not in italics if known), first page number-last
page number.

International Business Interview (task1)
In many aspects, international business is similar to the national one; however, there also exist significant differences. The main problem is the divergence of the national cultures that influence the relations. An example is the family business model in the Eastern cultures. The paper investigates the key lessons and the possible difficulties in the work of a representative of Johnson & Johnson company.
The interviewee has been working in the company as the sales representative for about ten years. The interview provided me with an opportunity to learn certain aspects of international business and the possible problems of an international company in the markets abroad. One of the most important lessons that I received due to this interview is the knowledge of how the national divergences may influence the business and how to minimize the political and economic risks.
The company Johnson & Johnson is one of the best examples of the international marketing. The products of this company can be found in nearly every shop in the countries all over the world. The international expansion of the company started in 1910 with the opening of a department in Canada. In 1924, one more department appeared in Great Britain, and in the following years, the company starts the work in more than 50 countries. Nowadays, the company adds new products due to the purchase of different companies. Only in 1990th, the company bought 44 new companies to produce the new items.
There exist different reasons why an organization can start developing the strategy for international development. There exist two factors for a company to choose the model of international business. The first factor is the lack of opportunities for the business development on the local market due to the low prices of the products or the governmental limitations. Very often, this factor is the reason for the company to begin the investigation of the possible activity on the international markets. The other factor is the existence of better opportunities for business abroad, for example, low taxes or other factors. Many companies place the production in the Oriental countries where the labor force is relatively cheaper.
One of the most important features that have to be taken into consideration is the individualism or collectivism of the culture. The cultures are usually divided into individualist and collectivist according to the existing system of values. Everything depends on the priority of individual self-control or the social solidarity. The international business works in different cultures; that is why the same sources (the number of employees, production funds, methods of production stimulation) can give different results in different cultural environment.
The choice of international business strategy is connected with high risks. Among the typical difficulties of the international strategy there take place the problem in the choice of the products that would be interesting for the different international markets. Another problem is the political and legal risk that may have different forms in each country. The economic risk is not highly connected with a specific country. Its source is usually the activity of the rivaling companies, changes in the preferences of the customers or the technological factors. Despite this fact, there take place many cases when the changes in the political life of a country have a destructive effect on business. One of the examples if the collapse of the USSR that caused many of the American investors that had agreements with the government, to establish the new agreements with the independent republics. One more example is the civil war in Syria that totally destroyed the economy of the country.
The prohibition of a chain of western products after the revolution in Iran caused a high damage to the business of the American and European companies in the country. The majority of economic protests have an economic basis – people require to increase the salaries or improve the conditions of work. However, if such a strike has a national character, there take place the political factors. Sometimes, it is difficult to differentiate between the political and economic risk. Even an economic protest that claims to control inflation by controlling the prices may have a hidden political basis.
The political risk should be perceived as a part of country risk that may include the changes of taxation and monetary regulations, the demand for the government to use the local compounds or the employment of the local population, the discrimination of companies that belong to foreign investors, the limit of access to the local credit resources, etc. Also, the international business may be influenced by political processes. For example, the creation of the common European market in 1992 changed the conditions for the foreign investments. This unification created a certain political risk, and, at the same time, favorable conditions for big corporations. For example, Spain and Portugal were the sources of relatively cheap labor force. However, now the salaries in these countries are constantly increasing that may cause these countries to lose their attractiveness in this scope.
Among the main problems that would require hiring a consultant is the globalization. On the market, there constantly appear new rivaling companies. To resolve this problem, it is necessary to understand the international market and the local cultures. Thus, the best consultants in this sphere would be the citizens of the country where the company wants to create a department. Due to the analysis of this information, it is possible to satisfy the needs of the local population and to increase the production. Another problem is the creation of innovative products. This process is difficult for big corporations as in this case the company may lose the control of the processes. One more problem is the technological development. Due to the rapid development of technology, the capital investments in the technological basis may inhibit the company`s development as the rivaling organizations may easily wait for the development of a new generation of technology that may appear in a year. The solution of the problem lies in the development of long-term technological strategy together with keeping flexibility to be able to use the innovative products.
The interview with the representative of Johnson & Johnson company allowed me to determine the lessons and the possible difficulties in the work of international corporations. Johnson & Johnson is the company that managed to open more than 250 departments all over the globe, and its products may be found in nearly each store that sells means of hygiene or medicine. There exist two main reasons for a company to begin the expansion, however, the international business is connected with high political and economic risks. To minimize these risks, it is useful to hire the consultants that can give the recommendations on the company development. It is recommended to discuss such questions as the globalization, innovations, and technological development. The creation of a strategy for the business development allows avoiding these issues and creating a powerful company.

*** Note : For improvement in task 2, I suggest you provide more details about the interviewee’s work. The discussion was very general. So the sale representative is running a family business ? In an eastern culture ? A lot of key information was missing. It would be helpful to know what exactly the interviewee does. The support the argument, you need to provide evidence or examples based on the interviewee’s work experience.
Also you were required to propose a topic for your task 2. You touched upon several big issues in the essay. But it’s not clear which one you want to further explore. I would suggest you work on something that is directly related to the interviewee’s work. But since you did not specify the interviewee’s work, it’s hard for me to tell. Maybe J&J’s product/sales customization for a foreign market ?

***you don’t need to actually interview the person but base on my task 1 you need to write down the interviewee’s name there you can talk about anything as long as it is connected with my task 1, needs to be make sense, and sounds like you really do the interview. My task 1 is base on the google search so for this task 2 you can also do the same thing but it’s need to be sound more like the real interview***

task 2 outline

Task 2: “Answer the Question” (2-3 pages, single-space)
Based on your Task 1 and feedback from the instructor, you will identify a specific topic for in-depth analysis. You are expected to apply course knowledge in this essay. You need to address:
(1) What is the issue? Why did you choose to study this issue?
(2) What are the causes of the issue?
(3) How does it affect international business?
(3) How would you resolve this issue? (provide suggestions and explain why they will work)

For the course knowledge it is about international business : (you can pick one of them)

International Trade
Political Economy
Cultural Differences
FOREX & Monetary System
Global and regional integration
Strategy and Entry Decisions
International Operations

***you don’t need to actually interview the person but base on my task 1 you need to write down the interviewee’s name there you can talk about anything as long as it is connected with my task 1, needs to be make sense, and sounds like you really do the interview. My task 1 is base on the google search so for this task 2 you can also do the same thing but it’s need to be sound more like the real interview***

In this class, you have been studying airport design including airside and landside portions of an airport. For your research report, you were to construct your own airport. Your paper should have: • a table of contents, • abstract, • description of the airport, • drawings of your final airport layout design, and • a summary. References and current APA format should be used. Follow closely the criteria provided. Your Research Report is worth 100 points and 20% of your final grade. Content Requirements: You have been designated by the FAA to come up with a plan for the development of a runway (or multiple runways) and corresponding taxiways for new traffic that will be starting soon in your metropolitan area. You have the following specifics required for design and development: Prevailing winds: 093 degrees 75% of time 140 degrees 20% of time Calm Rest of time Type of Aircraft: 767-300ER is the largest Obstructions: Compost 3 miles east of airport Elevation of Field – 832′

– Write a commentary on the passage of “The Jade Peony” that is attached – Use at least 15 quotes that justify your argument of why the author is doing what it’s doing – Each paragraph can be of a literary device: such as how the author uses diction in this passage, how she uses symbolism (only one symbol), how she uses imagery, etc. All of this has to refer back to a concept. For example “the author utilizes, setting, plot development, symbolism, and conflicting tones to characterize David and depict the themes of motivation and emotional isolationism” Do not use that thesis as it’s from another commentary. Be sure to answer, while writing the commentary what do you understand of the characters and the situation in this passage? As well as How does the writer effectively convey the context and the feelings of the narrating voice? – Use the rubric attached to make sure it scores a 5 in each column (3 picture attached)

Using ONLY the attached PDF documents as references write an annotated bibliography: Read the articles, SUMMARIZE them, succinctly, half of a page for each article. The annotated bibliography should not exceed 10 pages. SUMMARIZE, not critique the articles. Write bibliography in Microsoft Word. At the top of each page, type reference information for the article, in APA Manual format. Then provide a summary of the main points of the article. The order of annotations shall follow an alphabetical order, as found in reference lists. Under no circumstances shall the student quote any portion of a text from a source. Instead, the student shall use his own words in conveying the meaning of source material. The student should write in the third person and should avoid the use of “etc.” Annotated bibliographies must meet the following criteria: • Double-spaced, 12-point font, Name and topic focus listed at the top of the page in a header and cite sources in APA standards.

Plato’s Theory of Forms and Aristotle’s Theory of Happiness in the NE we are left with contradiction nonetheless, and Why is that? I’ve already completed the paper primarily but I didn’t pay attention to Aristotle’s theory of happiness and need to supply his theory in a paragraph or two… As well as the contradiction seen in the Nicomachean Ethics and Why in a paragraph or two. As well as a conclusion bring together the contradictions of each philosopher as it relates to my thesis I have 4 pages completed and I need 7 pages to complete the paper. When I say 7 the professor wants 7 full pages and a word or two or whatever on the 8th page. If the quote is longer the 4-5 sentences it has to be block quoted 10 font size. The book I am using is : Aristotle Introductory Readings by Irwin and Fine… And am allowed to cite from books I, II, III, VI, X… In book X I was going to use a quote in which he defines Happiness as being secondary to theoretical thought

Please answer the two following questions. Your essays should be 4 pages each and 1.5 or double spaced. Citation must be provided for every source you use, including chapters and articles from this course. References should be listed on a separate page at the end.
1. Do internal or external factors play a key role in the lag of development in developing countries? With reference to the Japanese and Indian cases we have covered, what is your assessment? You may consider some of the following (1) the type of stimulus for modernization, (2) the role of the state in modernization, (3) the social structure (i.e. classes) or (4) cultural factors. Use at least 4 readings from the following: Moore chs. 5-6 and Week 11 (historical factors); Week 9 and 12 (cultural factors); and Week 13 (political factors).

2. Compared with the Japanese (fascism) and Indian (peaceful change) paths to the modern world, did the Communist path have any advantages? Use at least four readings from Week 7, 8, 10 and 11.