Open the attached article, read it and summarize the paper. If you think that you’ve perceived any flaws, overstatements/unsupported conclusions, or if you were simply left wondering about experiments that could have been done but weren’t – go ahead and speak your mind (it can’t hurt, it can only help).

I picked this article because it deals with the topic that we’ve been discussing in class (epigenetics), touches on various aspects of gene function regulation and techniques.

You only have so much space, so you’ll obviously have to summarize to a large extent. But do not simply re-phrase the abstract – you’ll fall short. So make sure that you end up with a document that nicely describes the bulk of the work, mentioning some of the major techniques. If abstracts summarize the work for a mostly expert audience, think of this exercise as a summary for someone who has a firm basic understanding of genetics and cell and molecular biologist, but not an expert in either neuroepigenetics.

Please, just answer the questions but make sure to provide all the answers in order to gain full credits.This work cannot have a delay, otherwise it will affect drastically my grade. Please take note of that. Than you.
Here is the assignment and instructions as well. Please make sure to do it on time. This is extremely important. Thank you! Assignment 6: Non-Parametrics Chi-Square Test of Association (Independence) A school system is concerned about the low graduation rate among their high school students. The superintendent assigned a task force to research possible reasons that could explain the low graduation rate. The task force decided to conduct a preliminary literature review about current graduation rate research. The literature review signaled that among several key factors that are related to completion of high school is the development and execution of a school guidance intervention plan. The task force decided to investigate if such is the case in the high school with the highest dropout rate in their district. The following data was collected: (7.5 points) Valenti High School Data Guidance Intervention Plan Students obtaining a high school diploma No Yes No 577 46 Yes 381 492 In order to run the chi-square test of association (aka, chi-square test of independence), open the file named: assign 6 prob 1 data.sav Under View > Value labels you can toggle between the variable category label (no, yes) or the dummy codes (numeric representation) for the category label (0 = no, 1 = yes) Make sure you review both the “Data view” and “Variable view” so you understand the variable types and other properties – and how the variables were created and entered. Go to Analyze > Descriptive statistics > Frequencies, and move the two variables to the “Variables” box, then click “ok” This gives you the frequencies and percents of each of the variables To run the chi-square of association test, go to Analyze > Descriptive statistics > Crosstabs, then move High School Diploma (HSD) to the “Row” box, and Guidance Intervention Plan (GIP) to the “Column” box Select “Statistics” then select the “Chi square” and “Phi and Cramer’s V” boxes Click “Continue” Select “Cells” then select “Observed” and “Expected” under “Counts” (“Round cell counts” is selected by default) Click “Continue” then “ok” You will use the output for questions 1-3. You were asked to analyze the data and present the findings in the upcoming school board meeting. Your report must include the following: 1. A short explanation about the • Chi-Square Test of Association • The Case Processing Summary table • Cross tabulation table • Chi-square Tests table • Clustered Bar Chart 2. Write down the value of the Pearson chi-square and its associated tail probability (p-value). Is it significant? (Use the Morgan text pp. 36-38, for the APA style writeup) 3. In terms of the experimental hypothesis, what has this test shown? Chi-Square Goodness of Fit Test Following are the cumulative number of AIDS cases reported for Neptune County through December 31, 2008, broken down by ethnicity: (7.5 points) Ethnicity Actual Number of AIDS Cases White 751 Hispanic 225 African-American 100 Asian, Pacific Islander 36 Native American 5 Total = 1117 Ethnicity Percentage of total county population Expected cases by population 1 = White 51 570 2 = Hispanic 23 257 3 = African-American 4 45 4 = Asian, Pacific Islander 21 235 5 = Native American 1.0 10 Total = 100% Total = 1117 In order to run the chi-square goodness of fit test, open the file named: assign 6 prob 2 data.sav Under View > Value labels you can toggle between the variable category label (White, Hispanic, African American, Asian Pacific Islander, Native American) or the dummy codes (numeric representation) for the category label (1 = White, 2 = Hispanic, 3 = African American, 4 = Asian Pacific Islander, 5 = Native American). For this test, we want to compares the observed (actual) AIDS cases to the expected cases (frequencies, based on county population). Go to Analyze > Nonparametric tests > Chi square Move the AIDS variable to the “Test variable list” box Using the “Expected cases by population” numbers that correspond to each ethnic group in the table above, under “Expected values” select, “Values” then add the 5 population percentages that correspond with the frequency in the sample, using “Add” for each (570 > Add, 257 > Add, 45 > Add, 235 > Add, 10 > Add) Select “Descriptive” > Continue under “Options” Click “ok” You will use the output for questions 1-3. Perform a goodness-of-fit test to determine whether the make-up of AIDS cases follows the ethnicity of the general population of Neptune County. State the following: (7.5 points) 1. Null Hypothesis 2. Decision 3. Reason for the Decision 4. Does it appear that the pattern of AIDS cases in Neptune County corresponds to the distribution of ethnic groups in this county? Why or why not? 5. You are asked to report your findings along with recommendations for prioritizing interventions by ethnic group to the County Health Commission. Write a one paragraph handout summarizing the findings and your recommendations. Also include the results, in APA style (Use the Morgan text pp. 36-38, for the APA style writeup). Total Points Earned: /15 Points Possible

The model below is for an APT (arbitrage pricing theory)-type multiple regression analysis and it investigates what influences the rate of return on a company’s shares.
ERCOMPANYt = ?+?1ERSFTSEt+ ?2TERMt + ?3EXCHANGEt+ ?4INFLATIONt + ?5DMONEYt+ ?6OILt +?t (1) The dependent variable (ERCOMPANY) is the company’s excess return based on its
share price {labelled as COMPANY in the Excel data spreadsheet}. Note that you are expected to construct this variable yourself, knowing that excess return means the additional return on top of risk-free rate proxy, i.e., TBILLSHORT as explained below.
The explanatory variables are: I. ERSFTSE: excess rate of return based on the FTSE ALL SHARE index in
London Stock Exchange {labelled as FTSE in the Excel data spreadsheet}. II. TERM: The difference between annual returns on 20-year government bonds and 3-month treasury bills {labelled as TBILLLONG and TBILLSHORT,
respectively, in the Excel data spreadsheet}.
III. EXCHANGE: exchange rate between US dollar and UK sterling {labelled as
EXCHANGE in the Excel data spreadsheet}.IV. INFLATION: inflation rate based on producer price index {labelled as PPI in the
Excel data spreadsheet}. V. MONEY: narrow definition of money supply, i.e., M1, in billion £ {labelled as MONEY in the Excel data spreadsheet}. VI. OIL: crude oil price in $US (labelled as OILPRICE in the Excel data

In order to employ a set of regression analyses, the dataset is provided in Canvas (file name: Data for Assignment 2016.xlsx). The dataset is real data, with monthlyfrequency for the period September 1986 to August 2013. The explanatory variables on the right hand side are the same for all students. However, each student is allocated a different company; hence, the dependent variable of each assignment will be different. Check your student number to find out which company is allocated to you in the ‘company share price’ spreadsheet. Then, copy/paste the share price of the company allocated to you in column B of the spreadsheet named ‘Macroeconomic data’ in the same file.

APT assumes that it is the unexpected changes in financial and macroeconomic factors that exert influence on company returns. Therefore, before analysing data with regressions, you are advised to read the core textbook and module notes to identify how to use the raw data to transform series into variables that will eventually be included in the regression model.

1. Conduct the OLS regression analysis and comment on the results. Do the
estimates give any direct or indirect support to the APT?
(25 marks)
2. Refer to the OLS assumptions and conduct the diagnostic tests with respect to heteroscedasticity, normality, and autocorrelation. If there is any violation of the OLS assumptions, what can be done as remedies to these misspecifications? Namely, explain how to address regression models that fail these diagnostic tests in your analysis. (35 marks) 3. Is the functional form of the model actually linear as suggested by equation (1) and does it suffer from the multicollinearity problem? Provide the necessary tests.
(15 marks)
4. Test for the parameters’ stability by considering two or more sub-samples, e.g., the time between September 1986 and December 1999; and the time between January 2000 and August 2013. You can think of other periods such as the 2007-08 financial crisis. (15 marks) 5. Are there any other diagnostic tests that you might have considered? Provide them if the answer is ‘yes’.(10 marks)

– Word limit: 2,500 to 3,000 words (excluding references and appendices)
– Submission deadline: 15 December 2016, by 4 p.m. (It is suggested that students should submit by around 3 p.m. to avoid the possibility of late submissions due to technical reasons. See Canvas, module handbook for
further details).- You are expected to refer to and use academic journal articles for any section above. – You may have sections in your assignment. e.g., section 1 introduction; section 2 background about APT; section 3 Diagnostics tests,…. etc. Then, the last
section can be conclusion.

The banks are having a bit of trouble with debt at the moment. They have lent lots of money to people who promised to pay it back, and then didn’t. In the future, they would like to avoid lending to the kind of person who won’t pay back the loan, and that is where you come in. We have got some data from a bank describing 1000 of its loan customers. The data also tells us whether or not each customer repaid the loan (good or bad credit rating).

The question is simple – Is there a difference between the people who repay the loans and those who don’t?

You should use the Weka data mining package, which is installed in the university computers and also available to download from:

The data ‘credit-g’ in ARFF format is available on the Blackboard. It is also provided in the Excel format ‘German credit’, which contains the interpretation of variables.

You should hand in a report covering the following:

Select a suitable tree building algorithm and build a model. Describe how you split the data for training and testing purposes. Interpret the output results (what predictions have you obtained, which attributes were used to make the predictions, how many nodes and leaves you obtained).
Give a detailed technical description of the classification model (which algorithm is used, and what tree induction method is utilised). Include a diagram showing the structure of the model that you built.
If you vary the model parameters, show how this impacts the results:
Change the confidence factor to 35%, report any change in the model accuracy, explaining reasons behind the change.
Set the ‘REP’ parameter (Reduced Error Pruning) to ‘TRUE’. Explain the meaning of this operation. Report and explain any change in the model accuracy.
Set the parameter ‘unpruned’ to ‘TRUE’, Report and explain any change in the model accuracy and in the tree structure. Explain which pruning method for this algorithm is used.
Report on the model’s comparative ability to any base model of your choice (for example, logistic regression model), to predict a defaulted loan, and also on how easy it would be for the insurance company to understand the model.
Analyse and describe the level of accuracy the model achieves and the errors your model makes. Show a confusion matrix for the model and interpret it. Show a ROC curve for the decision as to whether or not a loan will be repaid.

I require the use of the WEKA tool software.
I would like the coursework to be in report structure. And the question of the uploaded file answered with headings.

III. Risk and Return

To understand the risk profile of the company, estimate risk parameters and the hurdle
rates for the firm, try answering the following questions:
ng Historical Risk Parameters (Top Down Betas)
Run a regression of returns on your firm’s stock against returns on a market index, preferably
using monthly data and 5 years of observations (or)
If you have access to Bloomberg, go into the beta calculat
ion page and print off the page (after
setting return intervals to monthly and using 5 years of data)

What is the intercept of the regression? What does it tell you about the performance of
this company’s stock during the period of the regression?

is the slope of the regression?

What does it tell you about the risk of the stock?

How precise is this estimate of risk? (Provide a range for the estimate.)

What portion of this firm’s risk can be attributed to market factors? What portion to

specific factors? Why is this important?

How much of the risk for this firm is due to business factors? How much of it is due to
financial leverage?
Comparing to Sector Betas (Bottom up Betas)

Break down your firm by business components, and estimate a business beta for
each component

Attach reasonable weights to each component and estimate an unlevered beta for
the business.

Using the current leverage of the company, estimate a levered beta f
or each
Choosing Between Betas

Which of the betas that you have estimated for the firm (top down or bottom up)
would you view as more reliable? Why?

Using the beta that you have chosen, estimate the expected return on an equity
investment i
n this company to
a short term investor
a long term investor

As a manager in this firm, how would you use this expected return?
Estimating Default Risk and Cost of Debt
If your company is rated,

What is the most recent rating for the firm?

What is the default spread and interest rate associated with this rating?

If your company has bonds outstanding, estimate the yield to maturity on a long
term bond? Why might this be different from the rate es
timated in the last step?

What is the company’s marginal tax rate?
If your company is not rated,

Does it have any recent borrowings? If yes, what interest rate did the
company pay on these borrowing?

Can you estimate a synthetic rating? I
f yes, what interest rate would
correspond to this rating?)
Estimating Cost of Capital
Weights for Debt and Equity

What is the market value of equity?

Estimate a market value for debt. (To do this you might have to collect
information on the average maturity of the debt, the interest expenses in the
most recent period and the book value of the debt)

What are the weights of debt and equity?
ost of Capital

What is the cost of capital for the firm?

Abudhabi National Energy Company (Taqa)
Dubai Financial Market

My sport is Rugby

The second assignment will involve an evaluation of the potential nutrition requirements for a chosen sport. This will involve completion of a 1500 word essay report covering aspects of energy demands for the chosen sport, review of the literature on potential macronutrient distributions during training, and selected micronutrient demands. The report should summarise an example meal plan (2 days) providing guidelines for nutritional intake specific to the sport.

At the beginning of semester 1 you will be asked to consider two sports that you are interested in. One of these will be randomly selected by the module leader. Over the course of semester 1, whilst you learn more about macro and micronutrients, you should undertake a basic literature review of the nutritional demands for rugby, which will form the basis of your sports nutrition report. The following marking criteria will be used for this assignment:
Title page/ Introduction (5%) – adhering to the checklist for this assignment (which should be submitted as a front page when you submit to Turnitin, and respective boxes ticked), you should provide a clear title page for your report clearly identifying which sport you are reviewing. You should also provide a brief introduction to the general importance of nutrition for this sport both in terms of training and performance. Suggested word count: 100 words.
Overview of chosen sport (15%) – in this section, making reference to scientific and textbook literature, you should provide a clear insight into the energy demands of the selected sport in relation to caloric needs. The focus here should be more on training demands than specific performance ie: day to day training demands instead of single match play or competition. Suggested word count: 300 words.
Section 1: Macronutrient distribution (30%) – in this section you should provide a concise account of the macronutrient demands of your sport with reference to pertinent literature (journals, textbooks). You could provide recommendations for general nutritional intake (daily calories, carbohydrates, fats, proteins, hydration) at selected points of the annual training season for your selected sport as example. You should pay particular attention to macronutrient amounts (including units) when presenting recommendations. Suggested word count: 500 words.
Section 2: Micronutrient needs (30%) – this section should comprise a concise evaluation of the importance of 2 selected micronutrients in relation to your sport. You should provide a brief evidence-based rationale for both micronutrients in relation to the training demands of that sport. You should pay particular attention to micronutrient amounts in relation to reference nutrient intakes. Suggested word count: 500 words.
Section 3: Example meal plan (10%) – in this section you should provide an example menu plan for a 2 day period based on your findings from the previous sections. This should include key foods (with amounts) to demonstrate your understanding of nutritional needs pertinent to your selected sport. For both days, provide a simple table underneath each meal plan to demonstrate the total intake of calories, carbohydrates, fats and proteins in relation to your previous recommendations from section 1. Suggest producing this as a table – not included in word count.
Summary (5%) – in this section provide a short summary of the nutritional needs for your selected sport based on your evidence-based findings. This should focus on training demands mainly, but could make reference to performance needs as well. Suggested word count: 100 words.
References/ word count (5%) – you will be graded on both range of literature references (ie: wide variety and current references) and concise writing skills. You should provide a word count for the essay (reference list not included in word count) which should be presented before the reference list.
Your report should be word processed in font arial (size 11), 1.5 spaced, justified margins. It is imperative that personal tense is avoided throughout. All references used must be correctly sourced in the reference list at the end of your work. The maximum word limit for the report is 1500 words (with suggested word counts for each section provided above).

Preliminary Report
Our research question is the influence of organizational culture conflict on the performance of enterprise in the early stage after M&A.

You need set two or three objectives about this research question. And have a deep analysis about them, and in this research report you just use the secondary data to write, and you need to select one case to analysis. this case is about the merger and acquisition.

Details to be included in the report:
¥ A short executive summary highlighting what the report is about and the main issues that are raised by the report. The research question/objective that is selected to investigate in this preliminary report need to be spelled out.
¥ Background to the selected company/database. Why this specific company(s)/database(s) has been selected
¥ Presentation of key findings and interpretation of the results in relation to the study question/objective. Include theoretical and empirical evidence to support the arguments that are made.
¥ Explain how the research informs the theory/practice/policy that is considered in the proposal. The explanation given should be derived from the analysis conducted in the sections of the report but should be in relation to the academic literature on theory and evidence on factors relevant to this case and in the context of the background information provided in the proposal.

The Structure of an Preliminary Report:
1. Outline of the research problem (125 words)
? What is/are the research objective(s)/question(s) – what are you trying to find out?
? Research methods (What data is being used and how this data helps to answer research questions)
2. Critical reflection on research based on secondary data (250 words)
? What are the strengths/weaknesses of secondary data in research (as opposed to primary data)?
? A description of the data source, nature of data, sample etc.
3. Data Analysis (1000-1250 words)
? Explain the data analysis strategy – What would you do to your data?
? Provide an analytical framework to guide the data analysis (perhaps from the proposal)
? Analyse data and present findings
4. Critical discussion of findings (750-1000 words)
? Discuss your findings in light of the literature review
? Discuss the implications for the following groups:
Practising managers
Academic – implications for research and teaching
5. Concluding statement (125 words)

(The text, “NISA: The Life and Words of a !Kung Woman,” is available on SparkNotes)

Paper Topic

Marjorie Shostak’s ethnography, Nisa: The Life and Words of a !Kung Woman, is guided by the narrative of the stories of Nisa’s life. About her stories, Nisa tells Shostak, “I’ll tell you another one now. I’ll break open the story and tell you what is there. Then, like the others that have fallen out onto the sand, I will finish with it, and the wind will take it away.” (36)

In this course, we learn about the stories of many people of many different cultures. At first glance, some of their stories may seem completely different from the events of our own lives. Upon closer examination, we can find many themes that run through the lives of the !Kung also run through our own.

Another major theme of our course is cultural adaptation. From your new anthropologist’s perspective, you should be able to examine a cultural practice in an objective way. For example, does the !Kung practice of sharing meat hurt or enhance their survival as a group? Does it support their health or well-being? A practice can be evaluated in this way even if it is not part of our own cultural norms.


Compare and contrast the aspects of !Kung life with your own. Choose at least three aspects to discuss. These may be rites of passage (such as birth, marriage, divorce, death) or other aspects of !Kung life (choosing a partner, healing the sick, securing food for consumption), etc.

For each aspect, first describe the practice in !Kung life. (You may rely solely on the Shostak text for this section, or use one of the required outside scholarly sources.)

Second, compare and/or contrast it with the practice in your own culture. Note the similarities or differences. (You may bring in outside scholarly sources in this section.)

Third, evaluate the practice based on its adaptability for the !Kung. Do you think the way the !Kung behave in this situation is adaptive for their health and well-being (even if it is unlike the way we behave in this situation)? Does it aid their success as a group? Give your opinion (analysis) based on evidence from the text or from scholarly sources.


Your paper must be 4-5 pages long, double-spaced with 0.8” to 1.0” margins with 10 or 12 point traditional font. The minimum length is 4 full pages. Please provide a References page at the end of the document using APA formatting.

Two scholarly sources are required for this assignment beyond the Shostak text. Scholarly sources come from academic journals or books from a university press. You will need to use the library’s databases (such as ProQuest) or physically check out books from the library to meet this requirement. Please see the TIPS FOR FINDING SCHOLARLY SOURCES handout in the Assignments section of the course.

Please use citations (or quotes) to support your arguments. To cite passages from a text, put quotation marks around a passage followed immediately by the author’s last name and page number in parentheses. Quotes should be brief, under four lines.

For example:

“My heart was so happy I moved around like a little dog, wagging my tail and running around. Really! I was so happy, I shouted out what I saw: ‘The rainy season has come today! Yea! Yea!'”(Shostak: 89)

If you must use a longer quote than four lines, eliminate the quotation marks, single space, and indent the entire quote several tabs from the left margin.

Be sure to explain why you are using a particular quote. A quote by itself does not prove a point. It only provides evidence for your argument. You must make an argument preceding or following the quote.

Using other people’s words constitutes plagiarism. Provide quotes and a reference including the author’s name, title and page number for more than three words in a row that are not your own. Please use APA formatting to provide a reference for the Nisa text and any other texts that you may have used at the end of the document.

Please spell-check your paper (check for typos, mistakes, etc.), organize it into indented paragraphs, and write in a clear and simple style

Please, just answer the questions but make sure to provide all the answers in order to gain full credits.This work cannot have a delay, otherwise it will affect drastically my grade. Please take note of that. Than you.
Here is the assignment and instructions as well. Please make sure to do it on time. This is extremely important. Thank you! Assignment 6: Non-Parametrics Chi-Square Test of Association (Independence) A school system is concerned about the low graduation rate among their high school students. The superintendent assigned a task force to research possible reasons that could explain the low graduation rate. The task force decided to conduct a preliminary literature review about current graduation rate research. The literature review signaled that among several key factors that are related to completion of high school is the development and execution of a school guidance intervention plan. The task force decided to investigate if such is the case in the high school with the highest dropout rate in their district. The following data was collected: (7.5 points) Valenti High School Data Guidance Intervention Plan Students obtaining a high school diploma No Yes No 577 46 Yes 381 492 In order to run the chi-square test of association (aka, chi-square test of independence), open the file named: assign 6 prob 1 data.sav Under View > Value labels you can toggle between the variable category label (no, yes) or the dummy codes (numeric representation) for the category label (0 = no, 1 = yes) Make sure you review both the “Data view” and “Variable view” so you understand the variable types and other properties – and how the variables were created and entered. Go to Analyze > Descriptive statistics > Frequencies, and move the two variables to the “Variables” box, then click “ok” This gives you the frequencies and percents of each of the variables To run the chi-square of association test, go to Analyze > Descriptive statistics > Crosstabs, then move High School Diploma (HSD) to the “Row” box, and Guidance Intervention Plan (GIP) to the “Column” box Select “Statistics” then select the “Chi square” and “Phi and Cramer’s V” boxes Click “Continue” Select “Cells” then select “Observed” and “Expected” under “Counts” (“Round cell counts” is selected by default) Click “Continue” then “ok” You will use the output for questions 1-3. You were asked to analyze the data and present the findings in the upcoming school board meeting. Your report must include the following: 1. A short explanation about the • Chi-Square Test of Association • The Case Processing Summary table • Cross tabulation table • Chi-square Tests table • Clustered Bar Chart 2. Write down the value of the Pearson chi-square and its associated tail probability (p-value). Is it significant? (Use the Morgan text pp. 36-38, for the APA style writeup) 3. In terms of the experimental hypothesis, what has this test shown? Chi-Square Goodness of Fit Test Following are the cumulative number of AIDS cases reported for Neptune County through December 31, 2008, broken down by ethnicity: (7.5 points) Ethnicity Actual Number of AIDS Cases White 751 Hispanic 225 African-American 100 Asian, Pacific Islander 36 Native American 5 Total = 1117 Ethnicity Percentage of total county population Expected cases by population 1 = White 51 570 2 = Hispanic 23 257 3 = African-American 4 45 4 = Asian, Pacific Islander 21 235 5 = Native American 1.0 10 Total = 100% Total = 1117 In order to run the chi-square goodness of fit test, open the file named: assign 6 prob 2 data.sav Under View > Value labels you can toggle between the variable category label (White, Hispanic, African American, Asian Pacific Islander, Native American) or the dummy codes (numeric representation) for the category label (1 = White, 2 = Hispanic, 3 = African American, 4 = Asian Pacific Islander, 5 = Native American). For this test, we want to compares the observed (actual) AIDS cases to the expected cases (frequencies, based on county population). Go to Analyze > Nonparametric tests > Chi square Move the AIDS variable to the “Test variable list” box Using the “Expected cases by population” numbers that correspond to each ethnic group in the table above, under “Expected values” select, “Values” then add the 5 population percentages that correspond with the frequency in the sample, using “Add” for each (570 > Add, 257 > Add, 45 > Add, 235 > Add, 10 > Add) Select “Descriptive” > Continue under “Options” Click “ok” You will use the output for questions 1-3. Perform a goodness-of-fit test to determine whether the make-up of AIDS cases follows the ethnicity of the general population of Neptune County. State the following: (7.5 points) 1. Null Hypothesis 2. Decision 3. Reason for the Decision 4. Does it appear that the pattern of AIDS cases in Neptune County corresponds to the distribution of ethnic groups in this county? Why or why not? 5. You are asked to report your findings along with recommendations for prioritizing interventions by ethnic group to the County Health Commission. Write a one paragraph handout summarizing the findings and your recommendations. Also include the results, in APA style (Use the Morgan text pp. 36-38, for the APA style writeup). Total Points Earned: /15 Points Possible

Your assignment is to compare 2 nation-states, both of these must be our case countries (U.K, Germany, China, Russia, Brazil, Mexico, Iran). Your paper should be 10-12 pages long and NO LONGER THAN 12 PAGES. A good answer must include materials from class readings and lectures; you are required to include 2 outside sources as well. The outside sources must be peer reviewed sources. You must properly cite this material using Chicago style (this means including parenthetical references and a bibliography). Failure to properly cite your sources is plagiarism, please use a writing guide for citing sources and your bibliography.

Your paper will be graded on the following criteria:
-You must answer all of the questions and provide reasons for your choices;
-You must demonstrate an understanding of the concepts and ideas we have covered throughout the course;
-You must support your arguments with evidence/examples

Good grammar and spelling will impact your grade. Likewise, the organization and clarity of your writing will impact your grade significantly. For each nation-state you should include the following information:

1) Political Culture: What kinds of political cultures do your nation-states have? Briefly explain the reasons behind these facts. Are the citizens participants, subjects or parochials? Do they adhere to any particular ideology more than another?

2) Managing Political Conflict: What kind of party and electoral systems do your countries have? How many, and what kind of parties? How are people able to organize and express their opinions?

3) Political Structures: Is there a presidential or parliamentary system? Is the political structure federal or unitary, how does this impact the citizenry?

4) Legitimacy: What kinds of cleavages and conflict exist in the nation-states? Are there problems with legitimacy as a result of any of these cleavages?

Once you have outlined the basic information about your states you should begin to make some comparisons.

5) Comparison: What kinds of similarities or differences have you noticed by examining these two nation-states? Do these similarities or differences speak to any of the major issues we have outlined in the course, including the relationship between legitimacy and force as well as level of democracy? How is the comparison between these two countries useful or illuminating?

A good answer will include the following:

1. An introduction in which you outline the way in which your paper will proceed.

2. A clear, concise statement of your basic arguments. State this in general terms, using concepts outlined in the question.

3. Examples from your issues and discussion should support your argument. These should be used to support and demonstrate your argument to the reader,

4. A conclusion in which you summarize the main points that you discussed in the body of your paper.

Focus on writing which is clear and concise; assume that you are writing for a reader that is unfamiliar with these concepts, therefore, clearly define the concepts which you use. Use subheadings when possible to break up the material and to assist in organizing your paper.

Your paper must be written in Times New Roman font style and include page numbers and top and bottom of page margins of 1 inch and right/left margins of 1.25 inches.