Subject Nursing

Topic     Health Statistics and Populations

Type      Essay

Level     High School

Style      APA

Sources                5

Language             English(U.S.)


This Assignment requires you to select 1) a population of interest (e.g. older adults, women of reproductive age) and 2) a health condition or event (e.g. hysterectomy, breastfeeding, unintended pregnancy), and then locate health statistics for your selections. Please search for data at the national, state, and local levels. Input your responses using a table similar to the one below. A

Word document version of this table is available in Doc Sharing.




Summarize your search process. Specify what sources of health statistics were searched to find relevant health statistics.


Provide the health information obtained in the search.


Interpret your findings and determine if there is any evidence of health disparities based on the population examined.



























DUE: to Dropbox on end of Day 7 of Unit 6.

To view the Grading Rubric for this Assignment, please visit the Grading Rubrics

section of the Course Home.

Spacing Double

Pages    1

Subject Law

Topic     Writer’s choice

Type      Essay

Level     University

Style      Harvard

Sources                13

Language             English(U.K.)


IMPORTANT! These notes provide guidance on how to write this assignment. Please ensure you READ ALL of this information right through UNTIL THE END. Please use attached materials as the main resources for this work and only to support it it you can use resources from where ever you like. For example 70% of this work must be based on the resources and materials i attached and the rest 30% you can take from where ever you want. This is very important. Previous writers failed just because did not read all notes and guidance. Please find attachments for materials and etc and please read previous TMA 01 and TMA 02 TMA 03 TMA 04 and results notes and do not do the same mistakes in this work. YOU NEED TO CHOOSE OPTION A FOR ESSAY! ================================= Part 1: Essay Choose ONE of the following two options Option A (Weeks 21 and 22): Evaluate the view that it is just for states to control their borders. Option B (Weeks 23 and 24): Evaluate why debates about noise and unfair trade are difficult to resolve, drawing on ideas about justice. Word limit: 1200 words Part 2: Pr?cis (15 per cent of the mark for this assignment) Write a pr?cis of the essay you wrote for Part 1 of TMA 05. Word limit: 200 words Part 3: Self-reflection (5 per cent of the mark for this assignment) Write a short reflective statement or a few bullet points on the following: Having completed TMA 04 and 05, identify two or three key areas that you would like support on from your tutor for the EMA. Word limit: 100 words What to submit for TMA 05 (in one file): 1 A 1200-word essay (80 per cent of the mark) 2 A 200-word pr?cis (15 per cent of the mark) 3 A 100-word reflection (5 per cent of the mark) ================================= Student notes for Part 1 (Option A) Student notes for Part 1 Option A In Option A, you are being asked to evaluate the view that it is just for states to control their borders. The process word in this question is ‘evaluate’. This means that you need to provide an account of the strengths and weaknesses of the view presented in the question. In your conclusion you will then need to summarise your findings and state the degree to which you think this view is a viable one. In Week 13, you were introduced to PROMPT as a way of guiding your approach to evaluation. You can apply the PROMPT criteria to the view that it is just for states to control their borders in order to help you weigh up the strengths and weaknesses of this view. In order to successfully evaluate the view in the question, you will first need to consider why states have historically controlled their borders and provide some examples of the sorts of controls that have been put into place and their consequences, drawing on material in Weeks 21 and 22 relating to issues of immigration policies and forms of border control. It will also be important to think about what is meant by the term ‘just’ in the question. In Week 21, you explored why immigration has become a target for social policy in different historical periods and places. You were introduced to different case studies of immigration policy in practice – for example the border crossings between the USA and Mexico/Canada, the migration of Polish people to the UK, the Arizona SB 1070 Law which aimed to address ‘illegal immigration’, and how entry to the UK is controlled according to different categories of migrants. You may find it useful to explore some of these different examples of states attempting to control their borders and reflect on why border controls were introduced and what their consequences have been. Week 22 focused in on the experiences of asylum seekers in Europe and how states have increasingly resorted to the use of detention as a way of controlling their borders. You considered the implications of the Schengen Agreement, which enables the free movement of people between European borders, and the Dublin II regulation which ensure that asylum seekers are returned to the country in which they first claim asylum. You learnt about immigration removal centres in different European countries (Sweden, Denmark and the UK) and the experiences of migrants within them. You may find it helpful to consider why such differences are evident when all countries follow the same European legislation. The introductory and review weeks of Block 4 (Weeks 20 and 25) provide some useful material relating to ideas about justice and boundaries, which will help to guide your evaluation of the view presented in the question. For example, Fraser talks about ‘parity of participation’ and the difficulty of administering justice across national borders, while Rawls’ notion of a ‘veil of ignorance’ highlights the possibilities of imagining a fairer society when starting from a position of ignorance of one’s current position. Borders were introduced as a particular kind of boundary in Week 20, and it will be useful for you to think about the nature of state boundaries and how they are maintained through physical and symbolic means. While you are not expected to draw on material from Weeks 21 and 22 in equal proportion, it is important that you do draw on material from both weeks in order to fulfil the task set for this assignment. Failure do to so will result in a fail grade for Part 1 of this assignment. You should aim for no more than two or three main examples of strengths and weaknesses when evaluating the view in the question. It is better to choose a few examples and look at them in detail than to try and include too many examples and not be able to cover them in sufficient depth. Information sources The main sources of information for Part 1 of TMA 05 (Option A) are summarised in the table below. Information source Summary Week 21 This week sets the context of state border control, including the development of social policy as a form of border management. It introduces a number of different case studies of immigration policies in action and gives examples of how immigration policy can affect different groups of people in different ways. The usefulness and effectiveness of border control are also discussed, as well as the role of public opinion in shaping attitudes to immigration policy. Week 22 The content for this week extends the coverage of immigration policy by providing case studies of how the state addresses asylum-seeking and how it uses detention. It also considers the perspectives of migrants themselves and their experiences of the various policies involved in filtering them, passing them into different parts of the justice system and/or into detention. It highlights some sites of contestation in the use of Immigration Removal Centres, and thus draws us back to a consideration of the concept of justice in relation to detention. Weeks 20 and 25 The introductory and review weeks of Block 4 offer an explanation and examples of boundaries and some useful content related to the development of contemporary thinking about borders and justice. The Block 3 skills material on evaluation is also a key resource for this TMA. Week 18, Section 6 ‘The Investigative toolkit in Block 3: Evaluating arguments’ and Section 7 ‘Evaluating arguments: an audio guide’ will help you to review your understanding of how to critically evaluate an argument. It is important that you work through this material in preparation for TMA 05. You will also find it helpful to review Week 25, Section 5 ‘The Investigative toolkit in Block 4: communication and debate’, which offers useful guidance on how arguments are constructed. Writing tips Part 1 (Option A) of TMA 05 requires you to write an academic essay. Although there is no one right way of approaching this essay, we suggest that you bear the following points in mind. Before you begin the assignment you should ensure that you have a clear understanding of the module theme of justice and that you have worked through the relevant skills activities, particularly those related to the skill of evaluation. Read the essay question several times so that you are clear about what you are being asked to do. Remember, if you are not sure, you can always contact your tutor to help you work through the requirements of the essay question. Identify the material you need to use, including page numbers or web links for any study materials that you will need to reference. Identify the arguments that relate to the TMA question. Create a plan to help you organise the ideas in your essay. It should have a clear structure that includes: a brief introduction in which you outline what you will do in the essay. This should be about 10 per cent of the word count for the essay. Ensure that you have worked through the relevant sections of the skills material ‘Writing effective introductions and conclusions’ in Week 6, Section 9. a main body in which you present the view that it is just for states to control their borders and then outline the strengths and weaknesses of this view. The body of your essay must be written in clear paragraphs; Week 7, Section 11 contains advice on writing effective paragraphs. a conclusion in which you summarise your findings and present your assessment of the view given in the question. Ensure that you have worked through the relevant sections of the skills material ‘Writing effective introductions and conclusions’ in Week 6, Section 9. Ensure that you write in your own words. The skills activity ‘Writing in your own words using audio and video material’ in Week 3, Section 7 contains advice on this key skill. Remember to reference all the module materials you draw on, both in the essay itself and in a reference list at the end of the essay. You can find guidance on referencing audio, video and online module materials in Week 3, Section 7.1 and guidance on referencing the module textbooks in Week 10, Section 11. Remember to include a word count. The reference list at the end of your assignment is excluded from the word count. In Part 1 (Option A) of TMA 05, your tutor will be looking for you to: provide a clear introduction to your essay, setting out what it will do present and evaluate the view that it is just for states to control their borders demonstrate an understanding of the module theme of justice as it applies to issues around state border control demonstrate your understanding of Block 3, Weeks 21 and 22 conclude your essay by stating your own position on the issues discussed and explaining why you have come to this position cite sources within the body of the essay and provide a full reference list at the end of the essay. ================================= Student notes for Part 1 (Option B) In this essay, you are being asked to evaluate why debates about complex social problems are difficult to resolve, drawing on ideas about justice. The process word in this question is ‘evaluate’. This means that you need to provide an account of the strengths and weaknesses of why debates about noise and unfair trade are difficult to resolve. In Week 13, you were introduced to PROMPT as a way of guiding your approach to evaluation. You can apply the PROMPT criteria to evaluate why debates about noise and unfair trade are difficult to resolve. However, you should not apply it in a rigid and systematic way by proceeding through each of the criteria in turn as this will not make for a very engaging essay. Instead, try to use PROMPT as a way of scrutinising and questioning the view in more detail at the planning stages of your essay. In order to answer this essay question successfully, you will need to explain the two main concerns that are contained within it. These are: debates about noise and unfair trade and why they are difficult to resolve ideas about justice. For this question, you will need to write an evaluative account of debates about noise and unfair trade, drawing on evidence from the reading and activities you have done in Weeks 23 and 24. In these weeks, you learnt about a variety of perspectives on the problems of noise and unfair trade and these were discussed in relation to issues of management, regulation and control as well as ideas about justice. In Week 23 you looked at the ways ‘unwanted sound’ is governed in terms of the right to peace and quiet. You focused on a number of different examples, including noisy neighbours and the experience of noise in particular places including around airports, in the countryside and in hospitals. You looked at the control strategies of ‘zoning’ and ‘individualisation’ as a way of managing problem sounds and explored how they relate to questions of environmental and social justice. An important element of this week’s discussion was how ideas about noise are not fixed but are subject to change according to the social context and historical period in which they are experienced. In Week 24 you explored arguments about different pathways to trade justice, with a focus on fair trade, free trade and government-supported agricultural practices in Vietnam. You learnt how different institutions have different ideas about the best way to tackle unfair trade and you spent some time learning about the fair trade movement. You saw how Fairtrade Towns and Fairtrade products are promoted as a way of tackling unfair trade and considered some of the difficulties of making the consumer a key agent of social change. As you develop your argument, remember that you need to evaluate why such debates are difficult to resolve, drawing on ideas about justice. The introductory and review weeks of Block 4 (Weeks 20 and 25) provide some useful material relating to ideas about justice. For example, in Week 20 Fraser talks about ‘parity of participation’ and the difficulty of administering justice across national borders, while Rawls’ notion of a ‘veil of ignorance’ highlights the possibilities of imagining a fairer society when starting from a position of ignorance of one’s current position. While you are not expected to draw on material from Weeks 23 and 24 in equal proportion, it is important that you do draw on material from both weeks in order to fulfil the task set for this assignment. Failure do to so will result in a fail grade for Part 1 of this assignment. You should aim for no more than two or three main examples when evaluating why debates about noise and unfair trade are difficult to resolve. It is better to choose a few examples, and look at them in detail than to try and include too many examples and not be able to cover them in sufficient depth. Information sources The main sources of information for Part 1 of TMA 05 (Option B) are summarised in the table below. Information source Summary Week 23 This week’s material looks at how sound can be a physical and a symbolic boundary, as well as its place in everyday life. Tranquillity, sound out of place and ‘noisy neighbours’ are presented as case studies of the right to peace and quiet and developed as instances of how environmental justice is sought after, negotiated and achieved in relation to sound and the law. ‘Zoning’ and ‘individualisation’ are explored as distinct strategies for managing sound. This week also provides useful skills activities around debating issues of sound. Week 24 The week’s material looks at the difficulties of achieving trade justice and explores how the fair trade movement, governments and think tanks have different ideas about how it can be achieved. It identifies a range of different perspectives on fair trade, including those of consumers. You saw how symbolic boundaries (socio-economic, cultural and moral boundaries) between consumers are drawn which may have important consequences for debates about the citizen-consumer. Weeks 20 and 25 The introductory and review weeks of Block 4 offer a detailed explanation and examples of ideas about justice. The Block 3 skills material on evaluation is also a key resource for this TMA. Week 18, Section 6 ‘The Investigative toolkit in Block 3: Evaluating arguments’ and Section 7 ‘Evaluating arguments: an audio guide’ will help you to review your understanding of how to critically evaluate an argument. It is important that you work through this material in preparation for TMA 05. You will also find it helpful to review Week 25, Section 5 ‘The Investigative toolkit in Block 4: communication and debate’, which offers useful guidance on how arguments are constructed. Writing tips Part 1 (Option B) of TMA 05 requires you to write an academic essay. Although there is no one right way of approaching this essay, we suggest that you bear the following points in mind. Before you start writing you should ensure that you have a clear understanding of the module theme of justice and that you have worked through the relevant skills activities, particularly those related to the skills of evaluation and debate. Read the essay question several times so that you are clear about what you are being asked to do. Remember, if you are not sure, you can always contact your tutor to help you work through the requirements of the essay question. Identify the material you need to use, including page numbers or web links for any study materials that you will need to reference. Identify the arguments that relate to the TMA question Create a plan to help you organise the ideas in your essay. It should have a clear structure that includes: a brief introduction in which you outline what you will do in the essay. This should be about 10 per cent of the word count for the essay. Ensure that you have worked through the relevant sections of the skills material ‘Writing effective introductions and conclusions’ in Week 6, Section 9. a main body in which you evaluate why debates around noise and fair trade are difficult to resolve. The body of your essay must be written in clear paragraphs; Week 7, Section 11 contains advice on writing effective paragraphs. a conclusion in which you summarise why debates about noise and unfair trade are difficult to resolve. Ensure that you have worked through the relevant sections of the skills material ‘Writing effective introductions and conclusions’ in Week 6, Section 9. Ensure that you write in your own words. The skills activity ‘Writing in your own words using audio and video material’ in Week 3, Section 7 contains advice on this key skill. Remember to reference all the module materials you draw on, both in the essay itself and in a reference list at the end of the essay. You can find guidance on referencing audio, video and online module materials in Week 3, Section 7.1 and guidance on referencing the module textbooks in Week 10, Section 11. Remember to include a word count. The reference list at the end of your assignment is excluded from the word count. In Part 1 (Option B) of TMA 05, your tutor will be looking for you to: provide a clear introduction to your essay, setting out what it will do evaluate why debates about noise and unfair trade are difficult to resolve demonstrate an understanding of the module theme of justice as it applies to debates about noise and unfair trade demonstrate your understanding of Block 3, Weeks 23 and 24 conclude your essay by stating your position on the issues discussed and explaining why you have come to this position cite sources within the body of the essay and provide a full reference list at the end of the essay. ================================= Student notes for Part 2 Part 2 of TMA 05 asks you to write a pr?cis of the essay you have written for Part 1. A pr?cis is a summary of the original text, which presents the original’s key points but in a much shorter format. It is very important to remember that a pr?cis does not include your own thoughts or comments on the original text, but is there to give a sense of the main ideas of the text. Your essay has 1200 words. Your task is to write a 200 word pr?cis. We suggest that you read through your essay again, doing two things: listing the main points you made setting out the argument contained in your essay. Once you have done this, see whether you think some points are more important than others to the overall argument. You should then prioritise those in your pr?cis. You will need to support each of these main points with examples, as you did in the essay, although more briefly and concisely. Before beginning this part of TMA 05, ensure that you have worked the skills material in Week 24, Section 6, which explains how to write a good pr?cis, and gives you the chance to practise writing one. In Part 2 of TMA 05, your tutor will be looking for you to: provide a succinct pr?cis that communicates the main points of your essay and reflects your effective use of the Block 4 module material retain the clear and well-supported argument made in your essay. ================================= Student notes for Part 3 Part 3 of TMA 05 asks you to identify a few key areas where you would like your tutor’s support in preparation for the EMA. You can present this as a paragraph or as bullet points. Reflecting on your learning and identifying where you need more help or guidance is a key skill that will assist you in becoming a more independent learner as you progress on to future modules at levels 2 and 3. For this reflective exercise you are asked to specifically reflect on your learning from TMAs 04 and 05. On the basis of your self-evaluation, decide what you now need more help with, given that the EMA is an essay that will build on the work you have done in either TMA 04 or TMA 05. There is no ‘right’ way of approaching this reflective task. The most important thing is to identify where you feel you need additional support from your tutor, for example in terms of essay-writing skills, in order to ensure that you have the best chance of doing well in the EMA. In Part 3 of TMA 05, your tutor will be looking for you to: reflect on your learning on TMAs 04 and 05 and identify two or three areas that you would like support on, in preparation for the EMA. ================================= Learning outcomes Each TMA is designed to help you to develop particular skills and knowledge. These are referred to as learning outcomes. Elements of the following module learning outcomes are addressed by TMA 05: Knowledge and understanding An understanding of the social sciences and their development through processes of evaluating questions and data, leading to readiness for study at level 2 An understanding of selected concepts, theories and debates within the social sciences generally, and within the specialised fields of international studies, environmental studies, politics and economics, and social policy and criminology in particular Cognitive skills An ability to construct and present social science arguments using appropriate concepts, models, theories and evidence An ability to use examples, illustrations and case studies in presenting and assessing an argument, recognising the use of abstraction and empirical investigation in this task An ability to compare and evaluate different theoretical positions or arguments and to apply social science concepts to real world examples and cases Key skills An ability to access, and make notes on, information from a range of sources including written, audio-visual and ICT An ability to effectively communicate information accurately and appropriately to the subject, purpose and context An ability to use skills developed through ICT for study through structured activities Practical and professional skills An ability to plan, study and manage a sequence of work that meets a deadline An ability to engage with feedback received from previous work and reflect on own learning processes =================================

Spacing Double

Pages    5

Type      Research paper

Level     University

Style      Harvard

Sources                15

Language             English(U.K.)



The introduction will set the aims of the project and give the reader a brief summary of the main findings.

CONTEXT OF RESEARCH (with a few references)

Using a few academic references, this section will have to set the context and background of the research question you have chosen to address. Example: if the question you chose is on ‘selfies’, you will need to contextualise, using academic resorces, what is a ‘selfie’ and what we know / don’t know yet about this phenomenon.


This section will discuss more in detail what is the question you have chosen and what are you expecting to find out with your project.


Using appropriate methodological references, this section will have to give reasons why you chose a certain method and what strengths and weaknesses this brings to the project.


In this section you will outline the practicalities and details of your data collection process.


Here you will outline the findings of your project.


Here you offer an interpretation of your findings in relation to the context of the research and, particularly, of the research question.


In the final section you will have to reflect (using methodological references) on the shortcomings of the method you used for your project and any eventual biases you might have incurred in the execution of your work.

Spacing Single

Pages    4


Topic     Creating workflow chart/Workflow Analysis

Type      Essay

Level     College

Style      APA

Sources                8

Language             English(U.S.)




Creating workflow chart/Workflow Analysis


Workflow analysis aims to determine workflow patterns that maximize the effective use of resources and minimize activities that do not add value. There are a variety of tools that can be used to analyze the workflow of processes and clarify potential avenues for eliminating waste. Flowcharts are a basic and commonly used workflow analysis method that can help highlight areas in need of streamlining.



The Purpose of this assignment is to:


  1. Understand the benefits of nurse workflow analysis in improving clinical and administrative performance using standard flowcharting symbols and rules.


  1. Compare and contrast the benefits of information technology and process improvement to enable nurse workflow and improve clinical and administrative outcomes.




  1. Review the brief description of the workflow in primary care clinic for a typical patient visit using electronic medical record.


  1. Review standard flowchart symbols at the following website:


  1. Using the flow chart symbols in Word (Insert => Shapes => Flowchart Symbols) develop a flowchart of a typical patient visit from the time the patient schedules an appointment, completes the visit, and leaves the clinic using the format in Figure 1 (remember this is just an example):


  1. Review the Key Workflow Problems listed after the Description of the Workflow for a Primary Care Clinic.


  1. Write a narrative summary (no longer than 3 pages, 12 point font, double spaced excluding references and title page) that describes how information technology could address each of the workflow problems. For example; clinical decision support systems integrated into an electronic health record can alert users to potential drug allergies or e-prescription can eliminate the need for paper prescription pads. Make sure to not only identify what the information technology is, but how it will improve workflow and clinical or administrative outcomes.



  • Consider how you would design a flowchart to represent the current workflow.
  • Consider what metrics you would use to determine the effectiveness of the current workflow and identify areas of waste.
  • Next, in the paper:

o             Explain the process you have diagrammed.

o             For each step or decision point in the process, identify the following:

?              Who does this step? (It can be several people.)

?              What technology is used?

?              What policies and rules are involved in determining how, when, why, or where the step is executed?

?              What information is needed for the execution of this step?

o             Describe the metric that is currently used to measure the soundness of the workflow. Is it effective?

o             Describe any areas where improvements could occur and propose changes that could bring about these improvements in the workflow.

o             Summarize why it is important to be aware of the flow of an activity.



  1. Revise your current flowchart to integrate the new information technology and new process flow. An excellent resource for this project is listed at the Office of the National Coordinators website at questions/411#id80 . These include two PowerPoint presentations entitled, “Workflow Process Mapping for Electronic Health Records” and “Workflow Redesign Templates”.








Figure 1

Example of Clinic Flowchart Format





Appointment Scheduling Workflow Template

Clerk or Provider


Patient needs appointment




New Patient?






Create new record in system







Appointment Scheduled






Search for patient in system (MRN, Name, DOB, etc.)






Enter patient information


Select provider and Open appointment schedule













Summarize appointment verbally or give appointment card



Select Reason or Type of Appointment





Search for specific date or next available appointment





Select appointment slot(s) and save




Office Visit Workflow Template



Arrives &

checks in



Views EHR schedule & patient “arrived” status


Greets patient and escorts to clinic area

Obtains patient’s weight, height, blood pressure, temp., etc.

Escorts patient to exam room & logs into EHR





Secures workstation and leaves room


Select & open patient’s electronic record





Record history: past medical, social, family, substance (smoking history), etc.

Enters vitals        MU Objective:

& chief  Record and chart

complaint            changes in vital signs





Verify &               MU Objective:

record   Maintain active

allergies &           medication &

current medication allergy list



MU Objective: Record smoking status for patients 13 years old

or older



Performs chart review before entering exam room





Closes the encounter in EHR


Enters the room, greets patient, and logs onto workstation


Consults with patient and records HPI





Provides patient with instructions/ materials


Performs physical exam





Assigns Level of Service (LOS)


Documents review of systems & physical exam into EHR




Places orders as necessary (see Orders workflow)


Updates problem list & triggers CDS rules if needed





MU Objective: Maintain problem list of current and active diagnoses & implement relevant CDS rules







The typical workflow for a patient visit at this primary care clinic begins with the patient intake portion which includes the request for appointment, patient registration, history taking and beginning the clinical exam. The patient contacts the clinic for an appointment via phone call or in-person for a walk-in appointment, taken as available. In both instances, the receptionist collects demographic data from the patient, including date of birth, age, address, social security number, emergency contacts and insurance

provider information. This information is entered into the demographic and insurance component of the clinic’s electronic registration system.

New patients are scheduled for a forty-five minute appointment and receive a unique patient identification number (ptID). This number remains the same for the life of the patient at the clinic. A returning patient’s information is retrieved, including the ptID, and is scheduled for a twenty minute appointment.

After the patient is scheduled and registration is complete, a new paper chart is developed by the file clerk and the registration information is printed and placed in the chart. If the patient is a returning patient the file clerk pulls the existing paper record from the file room, updates the demographic information and then places the chart in the pending charts bin. The day before the patient arrives for their appointment, the file clerk places the paper chart at the front desk so that it is available when the patient arrives for their appointment.

Upon the patient’s arrival, the receptionist queries the patient’s social security number and verifies the patient’s identity with their last and first name. Demographic information is validated or updated in the registration system. The patient then receives a paper encounter form, requesting information on past medical history, current health concerns and reasons for visit, to be completed while waiting to be placed in an exam room. In the meantime, the nurse is alerted that the patient has arrived and when available, rooms the patient in an exam room in the clinic.

The second portion of the workflow includes: the physician’s physical exam, patient laboratory, radiologic and other testing, and patient discharge. Once the patient is in the exam room, the nurse reviews t

Subject Nursing

Topic     Professional roles

Type      Essay

Level     High School

Style      APA

Sources                3

Language             English(U.S.)


Task 1: Professional Nursing Practice



The purpose of this task is to develop a working knowledge of nursing theory, nursing ethics, and professional accountability and apply these concepts to your professional clinical practice. You will be required to think about real-life scenarios and how they relate to nursing codes in your professional practice.




Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of 30% of the submission and no more than a 10% match to any one individual source can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. Use the Turnitin Originality Report available in Taskstream as a guide for this measure of originality.


You must use the rubric to direct the creation of your submission because it provides detailed criteria that will be used to evaluate your work. Each requirement below may be evaluated by more than one rubric aspect. The rubric aspect titles may contain hyperlinks to relevant portions of the course.

  1. Compare the differences between registered nursing license requirements in a compact state versus a non-compact state.


  1. Describe the implications associated with two regulatory agencies (e.g., FDA, CMS) when a patient requests an alternative therapy.


  1. Compare the standards and scope of nursing practive for RNs, LPN/LVN, and unlicensed assistive personnel in Florida and Ohio
  2. Distinguish the advocacy of a registered nurse, a licensed practical nurse/licensed vocational nurse, and a nursing assistant/unlicensed assistant personnel in the following roles:
  • a scientist
  • a detective
  • a healing environment manager


  1. Identify two provisions from the American Nurses Association (ANA) Code of Ethics (available in the web links section below).
  2. Analyze how the two provisions identified in part G influence your professional nursing practice.
  3. Using an example from your clinical practice, (e.g., skills lab, simulation, or clinical), describe a time when you made a nursing error.
  4. Explain how ANA provisions can be applied to the error identified in part G2.


  1. Acknowledge sources, using APA-formatted in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.


  1. Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.

Spacing Double

Pages    2

he completed encounter form, obtains the

patient’s vital signs and enters the patient’s chief complaint and other relevant data into the paper record. After the nurse completes these tasks, the physician begins his encounter with the patient and completes the exam. The physician documents the exam and writes orders, including medications, lab, radiology and referrals in the chart after the encounter is completed. If the physician writes an order for medication, she provides a written prescription to the patient before they leave the exam room. The physician then flags the chart (to indicate that the chart has orders) and then returns it to the nurse. Upon completion of the visit the patient stops at the clinic front desk and schedules any return visit. The nurse then executes the orders (facilitates scheduling of lab, radiology, medication prescriptions and so forth).

When lab and radiology results are ready, they are printed to the clinics printer and the nurse then places the printed results into the chart.     Patients are called with any abnormal lab and radiology results or sent a letter stating results are within normal limits. When patients need prescriptions refilled, they contact the receptionist who then places a hand written note at the nurse’s station in the clinic. The nurse then places the note in the patients chart and places it in a bin for the physician to review at the end of the day. Once the physician writes the refill prescription, she places the chart in the bin and the nurse contacts both the pharmacy and patient.



Key Workflow Problems


  1. Patients frequently complain about having to fill out and update the registration forms and health history in the waiting room when they first arrive at the clinic for their appointment.
  2. Paper charts occasionally become lost and staff spend a substantial amount of time searching for them.
  3. Nurses complain that it is difficult to read the physicians handwriting and have made errors in transcribing orders.
  4. It takes considerable time to sort through printed lab and radiology reports and place them in patients charts for the physician to review. It would be much easier to have all lab, radiology and other ready to go for each patient the day before.
  5. Nurses complain that they spend an enormous amount of time checking patient’s drug allergies and validating correct dosages on medication orders. They often use Google to look up drug information.
  6. Patients frequently lose their paper prescriptions written at the office and nurses spend a considerable amount of time having to call the pharmacy to validate them.
  7. Patients often ask for information regarding their disease condition and nurses spend a considerable amount of time searching for reliable information on the Web to educate them. Evidence based guidelines are changing all the time and it is difficult to keep up with best practices.
  8. Clinic physicians complain that there is not a good system of informing them if one of their patients has been admitted to the emergency room or admitted to the hospital. Emergency room staff complain that they do not have access to outpatient records and the patients past medical history when they are seen in the emergency room.
  9. Clinic physicians and nurses complain that it is difficult to piece together the “patients story” in the paper chart. Much of the information is fragmented and caregivers need to see key metrics (trended lab, weight, BMI, and other data) in one place.
  10. Patients would like to become more engaged in wellness and make less visits to the clinic for routine health monitoring such as tracking their weight, blood sugar, exercise program, adherence to a diet and so forth. Many also would like to become involved in various support groups but cannot leave their homes. And they would also like access to their own medical record so that they can review it at home.


Evaluation Criteria for Applications and Formal Papers


Levels of Achievement

Criteria Outstanding Performance           Excellent Performance Competent Performance              Proficient Performance                Room for Improvement


  1. The extent to which work meets the assigned criteria and work reflects graduate level critical and analytic thinking (0-30 Points) 30 to 30 points

Assignment exceeds expectations. All topics are addressed with a minimum of 75% containing exceptional breadth and depth about each of the assignment topics         25 to 29 points

Assignment exceeds expectations. All topics are addressed with a minimum of 75% containing exceptional breadth and depth about each of the assignment topics         20 to 24 points

Assignment meets expectations. All topics are addressed with a minimum of 50% containing good breadth and depth about each of the assignment topics.     16 to 19 points

Assignment meets most of the expectations. One required topic is either not addressed or inadequately addressed.     0 to 15 points

Assignment superficially meets some of the expectations. Two or more required topics are either not addressed or inadequately addressed.

QUALITY OF WORK SUBMITTED: Purpose of the paper is clear (0-5 Points)            5 to 5 points

A clear and comprehensive purpose statement is provided which delineates all required criteria.              5 to 5 points

A clear and comprehensive purpose statement is provided which delineates all required criteria.              4 to 4 points

Purpose of the assignment is stated, yet is brief and not descriptive.      1 to 3 points

Purpose of the assignment is vague.       0 to 0 points

No purpose statement was provided.


The extent to which the work reflects the student’s ability to-

  1. Understand and interpret the assignment’s key concepts (0-10 Points) 10 to 10 points

Demonstrates the ability to critically appraise and intellectually explore key concepts.    9 to 9 points

Demonstrates the ability to critically appraise and intellectually explore key concepts.    8 to 8 points

Demonstrates a clear understanding of key concepts.    5 to 7 points

Shows some degree of understanding of key concepts.                0 to 4 points

Shows a lack of understanding of key concepts, deviates from topics.


ASSIMILATION AND SYNTHESIS OF IDEAS 2. Apply and integrate material in course resources (i.e. video, required readings, and textbook) and credible outside resources (0-20 Points)         20 to 20 points

Demonstrates and applies exceptional support of major points and integrates 2 or more credible outside sources, in addition to 3-4 course resources to support point of view.            15 to 19 points

Demonstrates and applies exceptional support of major points and integrates 2 or more credible outside sources, in addition to 3-4 course resources to support point of view.            10 to 14 points

Integrates specific information from 1 credible outside resource and 3 to 4 course resources to support major points and point of view.    3 to 9 points

Minimally includes and integrates specific information from 2-3 resources to support major points and point of view.     0 to 2 points

Includes and integrates specific information from 0 to 1 resource to support major points and point of view.

ASSIMILATION AND SYNTHESIS OF IDEAS 3. Synthesize (combines various components or different ideas into a new whole) material in course resources (i.e. video, required readings, and textbook) by comparing different points of view and highlighting similarities, differences, and connections. (0-20 Points)         20 to 20 points

Synthesizes and justifies (defends, explains, validates, confirms) information gleaned from sources to support major points presented. Applies meaning to the field of advanced nursing practice.   18 to 19 points

Synthesizes and justifies (defends, explains, validates, confirms) information gleaned from sources to support major points presented. Applies meaning to the field of advanced nursing practice.   16 to 17 points

Summarizes information gleaned from sources to support major points, but does not synthesize.            14 to 15 points

Identifies but does not interpret or apply concepts, and/or strategies correctly; ideas unclear and/or underdeveloped. 0 to 13 points

Rarely or does not interpret, apply, and synthesize concepts, and/or strategies.

WRITTEN EXPRESSION AND FORMATTING 1. Paragraph and Sentence Structure: Paragraphs make clear points that support well developed ideas, flow logically, and demonstrate continuity of ideas. Sentences are clearly structured and carefully focused–neither long and rambling nor short and lacking substance. (0-5 Points)              5 to 5 points

Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards.        5 to 5 points

Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards.        4 to 4 points

Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards 80% of the time.       3 to 3 points

Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards 70% of the time.       0 to 2 points

Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards < 70% of the time.



WRITTEN EXPRESSION AND FORMATTING 2. English writing standards: Correct grammar, mechanics, and proper punctuation (0-5 Points)               5 to 5 points

Uses correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation with no errors.               5 to 5 points

Uses correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation with no errors.               4 to 4 points

Contains a few (1-2) grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.                3 to 3 points

Contains several (3-4) grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. 3         0 to 2 points

Contains many (? 5) grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors that interfere with the reader’s understanding.

WRITTEN EXPRESSION AND FORMATTING 3. The paper follows correct APA format for title page, headings, font, spacing, margins, indentations, page numbers, running head, parenthetical/in-text citations, and reference list (0-5 Points)          5 to 5 points

Uses correct APA format with no errors.               5 to 5 points

Uses correct APA format with no errors.               4 to 4 points

Contains a few (1-2) APA format errors.                3 to 3 points

Contains several (3-4) APA format errors.             0 to 2 points

Contains many (? 5) APA format errors.

Spacing Double

Pages    4

Subject Psychology

Topic     Are people perceived as more or less attractive when wearing makeup

Type      Research proposal

Level     University

Style      APA

Sources                5

Language             English(U.S.)


Hello, first thank you. I uploaded two files, they are the same but just in different formats. The file provides the guideline for the research proposal, please ignore the Title Page part and start from the introduction. The Research Proposal Must In APA format!

-Double spaced

-Times New Roman

-12 point font

-Proper formatting of headers

-Proper use of italics




-Paragraph structure

-Sentence structure       -Overall clarity   -Adherence to APA style


From the Method part you may need additional information from me.

For this question (Are people perceived as more or less attractive when wearing makeup), we decided to create a survey. In this survey, it will contain 10 pictures for 10 different persons (male and female) , each picture will present the person with and without make up. And we are asking 50 (n=50) persons to fill this survey, from the scale 1 to 7, (1 means not attractive after makeup, 4 means natural, 7means very attractive after makeup.). Gender for participants will be male and female, age from 18-22, all students. We are asking other lab’s class student to fill this survey, takes around 5 mins. I uploaded a sample picture for your reference. We have not yet conduct the survey yet, so everything in this method part should be future tense.


Please email ***

([email protected], 1 5174887686)




Spacing Double

Pages    8

Subject Anthropology

Topic     Essay #2

Type      Essay

Level     University

Style      APA

Sources                2

Language             English(U.S.)


Please see attached.

Spacing Double

Pages    1

Subject IT Project Management

Topic     Creating Business Value with Business Analytics and Information Technology Enablers

Type      Essay

Level     University

Style      APA

Sources                2

Language             English(U.S.)



Only need to do the part 2 below!!!!

need TABLEAU to analyze.

The ITM+209+Spring+2017+Team+Project is the whole homework and the background

The Sample_Coffee Chain(access).tde is the data that need to be analyzed

Those ppt files are examples





Part 2: Business Analytics Opportunity


Business intelligence or business analytics is a broad, general term describing information that people use to support their decision-making efforts. To execute your business strategy you should have full knowledge of your coffee shop strengths and weaknesses and full knowledge of the competitor strengths and weaknesses. Lack of either one might result in failure.



You understand that business analytics technology can dramatically improve your ability to analyze information and assist you in creating and analyzing your strategic plans for your coffee shop. You will utilize the Tableau business analytics software to assess your ideas to grow revenue and improve profits via a potential franchise deal for you to sell coffee and teas in bulk packages on-site and also on-line.



The tasks associated with the business analytics opportunity outline your approach to the opportunity to enhance your business strategy:

%u0432%u0402%u045E Go to D2L and locate the CoffeChain.tde within the Team Project folder, download and open the file, and save it on your Desktop and P Drive.

%u0432%u0402%u045E Review the product types and products within the data set; these products are under consideration by you to put together a franchise deal whereby your coffee shop can sell coffee and teas in bulk packages, both on-site and for on-line sales

%u0432%u0402%u045E Use Tableau to analyze the correlation between marketing expenses and projected sales for each product, and incorporate your business analytics findings within your business strategy

%u0432%u0402%u045E Here is a Business Question that you need to explore to get started with your analysis: What Product type has 10 area codes that cost over $100 in marketing expenses while yielding below $500 in sales?

Hint and Directions for your initial Tableau analysis:

o             Hint: Create a scatter plot like question 6 from In-Class Practice II.

  1. Create a scatter plot that compares Marketing expenses with Sales values.
  2. Add Area Code to the worksheet%u0432%u0402%u2122s level of Detail
  3. Use Color to show the Product Type

%u0432%u0402%u045E Document your findings within your team project presentation and report. Be sure to describe the context of your analysis and your Tableau solutions, your interpretation and evaluation of solution results, and your corresponding conclusions and recommendations based on your evaluation. Include graphics of a Tableau dashboard within both documents.

Spacing Double

Pages    3



Type: Case study

Subject: Ethics

Topic: Case 4: Sustainability Challenges in the Gas and Oil Industry

Style: MLA

Number of pages: 4 pages/double spaced (1100 words)

PowerPoint slides: 0

Additional: None

Number of source/references: 2

Order instructions:

  1. The case analysis must be typed, double spaced, and approximately 3-5 pages in length.
  2. Format should include:


  1. A brief summary of the case (Tell me what it was about.) This should be no more than one (1) page.
  2. Answers to the first 3 questions at end of case; incorporating theories that you have learned thus far which relate to the case. (Include the question number, the questions, and follow it by your response.)
  3. Your opinion and the logic behind it incorporating at least one outside resource in your response. (This is the most important section of the paper. Make sure it is adequately developed. Make sure your outside resource is current and documented with appropriate referencing. This could include a current article or news report on the issue or the company of focus.)
  4. Evaluation will be made on your ability to write a clear, concise analysis that shows your current knowledge obtained from readings. Points will be deducted for errors in grammar, spelling,

punctuation and required format as stipulated in this document.


Type: Research paper

Subject: English 101

Topic: Poetry Research Essay

Style: MLA

Number of pages: 6 pages/double spaced (1650 words)

PowerPoint slides: 0

Additional: None

Number of source/references: 0

Order instructions:

I received an email with the code LOVE EARTH, so I can receive a free page, but it is not working in the promo code section…


Topic: Explicate a poem of 10-20 lines from our textbook. This means that you will analyze it line by line. Choose one from the list of poems provided at the end of this document. Ask yourself the following questions prior to writing your essay: What is enjoyable about the poem? What is confusing? Are there any figures of speech? Is there any irony or imagery? Are any words central to the meaning of the poem or are there words that have more than one meaning? Do you know the definitions of these words? How many speakers are there? Is there a transition from one speaker to the next? What symbolism can you detect? You may also choose any of the poems from “Poems for Further Reading” (816-887) in the textbook that we have not yet covered and that are 10-20 lines. Refrain from choosing poems that have already been analyzed in course materials.




Format and MLA: Type the poem at the beginning of your essay (single-spaced; flush left) and use it as a guide. Use Modern Language Association (MLA) guidelines to format your essay and cite sources; your grade will reflect your knowledge of this material – be merciless in your attention to detail. You must include a works cited page. Tip: Read several poems by the same poet.




Research Components:





Investigate and include definitions of words in a poem by looking them up in a dictionary, such as Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary or the American Heritage Dictionary. The Oxford English Dictionary will help you with the etymology of a word: “The history of a linguistic form (as a word) shown by tracing its development since its earliest recorded occurrence in the language where it is found” (“Etymology”). All dictionaries are located on the second floor of the library in the reference section. You may NOT use pocket dictionaries or as they are not extensive enough for this assignment. If you choose to use inappropriate resources, your grade will be reduced. You must include at least THREE definitions from the dictionary. Tip: Look up words you know as well.




Locate a biography of the author and examine how this information enhances your explication of the poem. When was the poem written? What was the poet doing at this time in his or her life? What are the cultural or historical implications of the time period? How does the biography provide additional insight into why and how the poem was written regarding the poet’s style? Choose a full-length critical biography from one of the literature-based databases, such as Literature Resource Center, MagillOn Literature Plus, or Artemis. If you choose to use inappropriate resources, your grade will be reduced. You must include at least TWO quotations from the poet’s biography. Tip: Read multiple biographies as each one will have different information.


  1. Academic article


Choose an academic article related to your poem in order to enhance your analysis. For example, you could locate an article from the Poetry for Students series in the Literature Resource Center database. The article must come from the library’s databases. See above.


The poem I chose is “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” by Robert Frost. I have attached sources for the Academic Article and Biography requirement. See instructions above for the dictionary requirement. Also, I attached a sample essay.