
Assignment Instructions: For this assignment, you will act as a consultant for your employer or the company of your choice. Your assignment is to prepare a slide presentation with three to five change recommendations for addressing customer needs and building an ecosystem for innovation.

To do this, you will need to answer the following questions for your recommendations.

  • Where will your innovations take the company in the future?
  • How will the changes help the company to reach consumers and the right time?
  • How will these recommendations for innovation affect the company’s competitive advantage?

Your answers should be brief and provide a well-developed recommendation. Please keep in mind, this is a presentation, and you will need to include notes for your slides to share the key details that you are not able to include in the bullets on your slides.

Length:  Your slide presentation should be 8-12 slides. This will include a title slide and a reference slide.

References: Include at least 3-5 scholarly resources.

Your presentation should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards. Be sure to adhere to Northcentral University’s Academic Integrity Policy. 

Upload your document and click the Submit to Dropbox button.



One type of change to consider is disruptive change or innovation. Disruptive innovation is a relatively new term coined in 1995 by Bower and Christenson. In essence, this is any new or different approach to a product or services that radically change the market. This kind of radical change is hard to predict from your competition, but just the type of internal innovation that change managers want to develop their competitive advantage in the market. Organizations that empower employees to create innovative, disruptive technologies, products, or services are the hallmark of pioneering industry leaders.

The companies who are the disruptive innovators are companies that compete in the market differently, serving an underserved or unserved customer base, and do so in typically at a lower price. One example of this kind of disruptive innovation was the emergence of Amazon into the retail space. Amazon was one of the first companies to consider e-commerce as the primary method of product distribution. This disruptive approach to business has by its growth affected the retail so much that historical physical or brick and mortar companies are weakening or closing. Retailers that were once the largest retailer in U.S. cities no longer exist or are failing because of the disruptive innovation of companies like Amazon and its largest competitor, Walmart. The disruptive innovation and efficiencies of both of these companies have an impact not only in retail, but logistics, technology, and public buying trends.

For this assignment, you may choose to represent either Amazon or Walmart. If you selected Walmart as your company, you would assess Amazon’s practices. If you selected Amazon, you would assess the practices of Walmart. As the representative of your chosen company, you have been asked to identify the three most impactful, disruptive technologies that your competitor is using to secure market share. You will then address how that disruptive innovation should be treated in your selected company at each of the three identified change management tiers (i.e., enterprise, organizational, and individual). If you choose to include graphs or figures, they should be included in an appendix. Your audience for this paper is the executive leadership of your selected company. However, you are expected to write in an appropriate academic voice.

Length: Your assignment is to write a paper of 5-7 pages, not including a cover page, references, or appendices.

Please consider that those holding doctorates in business are often hired for their professional and academic expertise to offer solutions to businesses in need. This assignment is geared toward helping you discover how you might respond if asked to act in this role.

References:  Include at least 4 references in your selected company.

Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards. Be sure to adhere to Northcentral University’s Academic Integrity Policy. 

Upload your document and click the Submit to Dropbox button.

  • Review this week’s Learning Resources.
  • Review the Psychoanalytic Case Conceptualization      Example found in this week’s Learning Resources and use this document to prepare your initial Discussion post.
  • Use case study below and answer the following points as if you were using a cognitive behavioral, rational emotive      behavioral, or reality therapy approach.  Include the following:
    • Presenting Problem
    • Treatment Goals
    • Identification and explanation of at least two       techniques and interventions from your chosen theory (i.e., cognitive-behavioral or reality therapy)
    • Expected Outcome


Deidre is a 22-year-old African American and Latina female who was raised as an only child near New York City. At age 19, Deidre moved to Kansas to attend college. She is currently a senior majoring in sociology and works part-time to pay for school and living expenses. Deidre was referred by her medical doctor who noted that she was anxious and tense, and suggested she see a counselor. Deidre says that although she does not identify with a religion, she has “dabbled in Buddhism” as a way to relax and find comfort. 

Deidre’s parents divorced when she was 9 and she lived primarily with her mom after the divorce. Deidre had a contentious relationship with her Latina mother, who was “moody” and emotionally unpredictable and tended to hoard things. Deidre reported that her mother “drove her father away” with her negative moods and that Deidre is concerned about her own moods and is worried about becoming like her mother. Deidre spent most of her childhood in her room, where she felt protected from her mother. Deidre was quiet and withdrawn during high school and had only a few close friends.

Deidre’s African American father died suddenly from a heart attack when she was 17. She described her father as being very quiet and calm. When her parents were married, Deidre remembers her father sitting in a chair reading and not reacting to her mother’s moods. When Deidre spent summers with her father, she reported feeling close to him even though they did not talk much, but she appreciated how “calm” his house was. 

After her dad’s passing, Deidre started using drugs and alcohol. She stated that she preferred marijuana, and that she was afraid of meth even though many of her friends were using it. She became pregnant at 18 after a party at a friend’s house, but she didn’t know who the baby’s father was. She had an abortion, and reports that she dreams about who her child might have been and how “different—in a good way” her life might be if she had carried the child full term. 

While in her first year at college, she joined an environmental group, where she met her boyfriend, Tom. Currently, Deirdre is living with Tom in a small apartment just off campus in the downtown area of Hays, Kansas. Deidre has been with Tom for nearly 4 years, and they are considering getting married. She reported feeling guilty that she has never shared with Tom that she had an abortion. She stated that Tom is very pro-life, and she is afraid he will leave her if she tells him. She expresses that she would like help sorting out her many issues and wonders if there is any hope for her to have a good life.   


Responding to the social problems that affect the populations you serve as a social worker is only one aspect of the professional responsibility you must undertake. The ability to be proactive by identifying disparities and gaps in policies is just as important. However, in order to be an effective advocate and to fully participate in the policy process, it is important that you be able to connect theory and research to policy-making decisions. Having the knowledge and skills to implement new policies and policy alternatives without creating new disparities is a skill all social workers need to possess.

For this Assignment, consider what you have learned about the possible causes of the social problem you selected.

By Monday Dec 31, 2019 (APA format)

Assignment (2–4 pages, APA format): Your paper should include:

  • A description of the known explanations or causes of the issue you selected in your Social Issues paper in Week 3
  • A description of the theoretical explanations and approaches scholars and policy analysts used to discuss this issue
  • A description of the policies that have resulted from these discussions and an explanation of whether they are effective at resolving the issue

A hate crime is a criminal offense that is motivated in whole or part by hatred, bias, or prejudice against a protected class. A hate crime may be committed against individuals or groups of people who are members of a protected population. Its effects, however, are not limited to victims and other members of their groups but are also felt on micro and macro levels by communities.


 For this Major Assessment, you will examine four real-life hate crime cases in order to determine what characteristics make each a hate crime. You will also examine the effects of each hate crime, potential community responses, and how criminal justice organizations can address the impact of hate crimes.


 The Assignment

 Define hate crimes, generally. (1 paragraph)


For each of the four hate crimes below, describe the specific factors in each case that made it a hate crime. (1–2 paragraphs each)


Matthew Shepard

Charleston church shooting

Private Barry Winchell

Yusor Mohammad Abu-Salha, Deah Shaddy Barakat, and Razan Mohammad Abu-Salha 


Choose one of the four cases, and imagine it occurred in your community. Describe the impact this hate crime might have had on your community. In your response, consider other members of the protected class as well as the community as a whole. Then explain how the community should respond (e.g., with gatherings, town halls, educational programming, volunteer work) and why. (3–4 paragraphs)


Still imagining the crime occurred in your community, how should the criminal justice organizations in your community address its impact? For instance, you may consider community partnerships, additional training for officers, or additional resources for these types of crimes (e.g., a task force). (2–4 paragraphs)


Identify three specific action items that could be planned or done to prevent further hate crimes. (1–2 paragraphs)