TopicModule Discussion


600 words 450words post and 75 words reply for each”2 replies”


need reference 

Module 10 Discussion

Please read the article “Changing the Way Employees Interact With Guests With Disabilities.”

Link to article (NID login required): to an external site.

Write a FORMAL discussion post answering ONE of the following questions:

1. Theme parks must be prepared to accommodate guests with varying abilities and disabilities across all lines of business.  Choose two lines of business from the following list and discuss the accommodations you would expect them to make for guests with disabilities, as well as any other ideas that you think might help in providing a consistent experience for all guests regardless of ability/disability.  Lines of business to choose from:  Attractions, Merchandise, Food and Beverage, Entertainment, Ticketing/Guest Relations, Transportation

2. Disability awareness and accommodations are not only an important issue for guests, but also for employees as well.  Answer question 1 as it would apply to employees with disabilities instead of guests.

Write an INFORMAL (1-2 paragraph) discussion post about the following:

Describe an experience you have had assisting a guest with a disability in your current or previous job.  How well was your company prepared to accommodate all guests?  What could you or the company have done better/differently to enhance the experience for your guest?  Please do not mention the company by name. 

Required elements (formal post only):

Post a 1-2 paragraph response by the assignment due date.

Cite at least one outside source that adds relevant information to the response.

Use APA format, including in-text citations and references (the assigned article as well as outside sources need to be cited properly and included in your references).

Ask an open-ended question at the end of your response to promote discussion.

Required elements (informal post):

Post a 1-2 paragraph information answer to the question/prompt given

Submit both your formal and informal posts in the same submission.


Reply to at least two students’ posts within 1 week from the assignment due date.

Replies must be substantial and contribute to the ongoing discussion.

Outside sources are not required in your replies, however if you do use an outside source you must cite it properly in APA format.

See rubric for grading details.  The rubric can be found by clicking on “show rubric” at the top right corner of this page.

80% of your grade for this assignment is based on your initial post, and 20% is based on your replies.  Late work is not accepted.  If your initial post is submitted after the webcourse due date, you will receive a zero for that portion of the grade.



Read the case study. Write a paper between 700 and 1,000 words addressing the following:

Part 1, Sections 1-2: Provide calculations and a solution for total variable costs, break even in sales volume (number of members), break even in sales (in dollars), and margin of safety.

Part 1, Section 3: Respond to the questions included with the case study.

Part 1, Section 4: Assume you decide to invest in the franchise. Provide a description and estimates in dollars for monthly sales, variable and fixed expenses. Explain how you determined each number and provide a written list of assumptions.       

Format the paper consistent with APA guidelines. Deliverables: Paper (MS Word) and Excel File (optional). Review your Originality Report generated from SafeAssign. A new originality report is created with each attempt. Your last attempt is used for grading. 

Case Study: In addition to regular gyms, nontraditional workout concepts and centers such as Kosama are increasing in popularity. Kosama is a franchise opportunity that offers members the opportunity to improve their health and fitness level. To learn more about the company visit 

Part 1, Section 1: Assume the following revenue and cost break-down.


-Monthly membership fee = $28.


-General fixed operating expenses = $3,975 per month.

-Equipment Lease = $410 per month.

-Towel service = $.50 per member based on volume.

-Mixed costs are equal to $275 per/month (fixed) plus $1.10 per membership sale (variable). 

-Total variable costs are not known.  

-Estimated number of members required to break even is between 255 and 275 members per month.  

Using the information provided estimate the amount of variable costs. When performing your analysis, assume that the only fixed costs are the estimated monthly operating expenses, equipment lease and the fixed part of mixed costs. Show your work and all calculations.

Part 1, Section 2: Using the information from section 1. What would monthly sales in members and dollars have to be to achieve a target net income of $14,500 for the month? What is the margin of safety in dollars? Show your work and all calculations. 

Part 1, Section 3: Discuss how cost structure, relevant range, margin of safety, cost behaviors, and CVP apply to an investment in the franchise. How do you plan to use this in order to manage the business and plan for profitability? What type of internal accounting reports would you prepare? Why?

Part 1, Section 4: Assume you decide to invest in the franchise. Provide a description and estimates in dollars for sales, variable and fixed expenses. Explain how you determined each number and provide a written list of assumptions.

The following is additional explanations and resources.

Part 1, Section 1: Use the following formula in order to determine total variable costs.  

Sales – Variable Costs – Fixed Costs = Net Income. 

Add the problem data to the formula and solve for the missing piece of the equation (i.e. variable costs).

1. Membership sales is equal to sales volume times the price per member.  

2. Total variable costs is not known. Enter X in the above formula.

3. Total fixed costs are provided with the problem. Enter fixed costs in the above formula.

4. Net income at the break even is equal to zero. Enter 0 in the above formula for net income.

5. Solve the equation. X = total variable costs.

The above formula determines total variable costs at the break-even.  

Part 1, Section 2: Use the solution from part 1, section 1 (i.e. variable costs) in order to calculate the contribution margin (i.e. sales – variable costs) on a per unit (member) basis. In addition to fixed costs, add targeted net income equal to $14,500.  

Contribution Margin:

Sales: membership sales times the price per member

Minus Variable Costs: See solution in part 1, section 1.

Equals: Contribution Margin in dollars

Contribution Margin in dollars / number of memberships = contribution margin per member. 

The next step is to determine what would monthly sales in members and dollars have to be to achieve a target net income equal to $14,500 for the month? Utilize the CVP formula (fixed costs / contribution margin per member) to finalize the problem. Compute the margin of safety.   

Resource – Enhance learning & understanding: For additional guidance regarding cost volume profit analysis and related cost concepts please review the following.

Cost Volume Profit

Franchise Agreement: As you review and analyze the franchise opportunity it is important to develop a thorough understanding of the franchise agreement prior to investing. The following is an article that explains the basic fundamentals of an agreement. 

Franchise Agreement

Part 1 Section 4: You need to estimate/project sales, variable, and fixed expenses for your business. The first step is to determine a physical location for your franchise (i.e. city & state). Once this is identified, begin researching what the average monthly fee is for comparable fitness clubs in your area. The monthly fee per customer will help you determine sales revenue. The next step is to estimate your expenses. Do you plan to buy a building or sign a lease? Real estate is typically leased based on square footage. How many square feet does your business require and what is the cost per square foot based on the location of your business? In addition to the lease expense, do you expect to incur additional fixed expenses such as the purchase of fitness equipment? Finally, you need to determine all of your variable expenses. This could include hourly wages, sales commissions, utilities, etc.  

Assumptions: Explain how you developed estimates for sales revenue and business expenses and list any assumptions. 


1. Explain how you developed your monthly fee and volume estimates.  

2. Discuss why you decided to rent or buy a building and the related costs such as rent per square foot based on, in part, the location of your business.

The key is to present the data in a professional manner so the end user (business owner, etc.) can review the numbers, understand it, and modify it in the future with little effort. If you use Excel add formulas so you can modify the data to account for changes in activity. This will help you manage your investment in the franchise. Example: What if sales volume is more or less than your original estimate? In this case you could change sale volume (number of members) and sales revenue and variable expenses automatically change based on formulas in the spreadsheet.


Watch video of Ted Talk about Social Media Analytics (Youtube link is provided),

stop the video at 4:27 and try to come up with the answer Dr. Golbeck is asking:

“How come liking a picture of curly fries could be indicative of how smart you are?”

First, try to come up with your predictions and post them here. Also, add overall your reflection on what you learned about Social Media Analytics after watching this video.

Section 5: National Protection and Preparedness

This week, you will provide a comprehensive summary of the specific elements of the National Southwest Border Counternarcotics (NSWBCN) Strategy, offering an executive overview of the 10 chapters. In your assignment, identify the relevant supporting ligaments of the policy that directly or indirectly support state-level protection and preparedness.

Building on your case study scenario, craft a 2-page memorandum to the governors of the border states that you have determined to have homeland security equities on the Southwest border (SWB). Be sure to include the following:

  • Page 1: You should outline the specific chapters of the NSWBCN Strategy.  
  • Page 2: You should explain how their contents and supporting language might support their state-level objectives and serve as potential justification for requesting federal grants or congressional appropriations. 

Include useful bibliographic references. 

Section 6: National Response and Resilience

This week, you will draw from your case study to explain the nexus of the SWB and the associated risks and vulnerabilities to a critical infrastructure (CI) protection plan. Identify what policies and procedures should be in place within the interagency to ensure the appropriate response and resilience given the multithreat environment that exists at the SWB.

Drawing from the case study and relevant themes in the NSWBCN Strategy, draft a 2-page policy proposal that includes the following:

  • Page 1: Explain how SWB-related critical infrastructure protection (CIP), response, and resilience imperatives should be fully integrated into future versions of Department of Homeland Security (DHS) strategies and policies.  
  • Page 2: Make general recommendations that would be appropriate for DHS planners to consider when updating these documents. 

Include useful bibliographic references. 

Review the Key Assignment description in the Week 1 Individual Project.

For assistance, listen to the Infrastructure Protection Webinar that is available in this Phase’s M.U.S.E.Section 5: National Protection and Preparedness

This week, you will provide a comprehensive summary of the specific elements of the National Southwest Border Counternarcotics (NSWBCN) Strategy, offering an executive overview of the 10 chapters. In your assignment, identify the relevant supporting ligaments of the policy that directly or indirectly support state-level protection and preparedness.

Building on your case study scenario, craft a 2-page memorandum to the governors of the border states that you have determined to have homeland security equities on the Southwest border (SWB). Be sure to include the following:

  • Page 1: You should outline the specific chapters of the NSWBCN Strategy.  
  • Page 2: You should explain how their contents and supporting language might support their state-level objectives and serve as potential justification for requesting federal grants or congressional appropriations. 

Include useful bibliographic references. 

Section 6: National Response and Resilience

This week, you will draw from your case study to explain the nexus of the SWB and the associated risks and vulnerabilities to a critical infrastructure (CI) protection plan. Identify what policies and procedures should be in place within the interagency to ensure the appropriate response and resilience given the multithreat environment that exists at the SWB.

Drawing from the case study and relevant themes in the NSWBCN Strategy, draft a 2-page policy proposal that includes the following:

  • Page 1: Explain how SWB-related critical infrastructure protection (CIP), response, and resilience imperatives should be fully integrated into future versions of Department of Homeland Security (DHS) strategies and policies.  
  • Page 2: Make general recommendations that would be appropriate for DHS planners to consider when updating these documents. 

Include useful bibliographic references. 

Review the Key Assignment description in the Week 1 Individual Project.

For assistance, listen to the Infrastructure Protection Webinar that is available in this Phase’s M.U.S.E.

 150 words or more. Please use and site at least two references below.

  1. What are the basic instruction (statement) categories in programming languages?
  2. What are the functions? Where do you get them and how do you use them


Downey, A. (2014). Think Python: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist. Retrieved August 6, 2014, from

Swaroop, C. (2005). A Byte of Python. Retrieved from August 6, 2014, from (

Hetland, M. (n.d.). Instant Python. Retrieved August 6, 2014, from

Hetland, M. (n.d.) Instant Hacking. Retrieved August 6, 2014, from (


Read Chapter 8 through Chapter 14 of Think Python: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist from Or get the pdf file of the book at the same site.

  1. Finish running all the examples in Chapter 814 of Think Python: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist by yourself in Python shell interactive command mode or IDLE editor window. Collect all output of your running examples and submit them in one text file named CSC111-SLP3-Examples-YourFirstNameLastname(BREONN STEPHENS)
  2. Finish coding the following exercises in Python, run them and collect the running results into a file named CSC111-SLP3-Exercises-YourFirstNameLastName(BREONN STEPHENS) and submit it.
    1. Exercise 8.10
    2. Exercise 8.12
    3. Exercise 9.4
    4. Exercise 10.3
    5. Exercise 10.7
    6. Exercise 10.12
    7. Exercise 11.10
    8. Exercise 12.3 

Note: When you program the exercises you can name them whatever you want, such as or but the submitted file should provide name of the exercise, source code, and running results.

Finally, write a summary document named CSC111-SLP3Summary-YourFirstNameLastName  which presents what you have learned from this Case Assignment and any other learning experience.  

SLP Assignment Expectations

Your ability to consolidate ideas from the reading material and apply what you have learned to the assignment will be assessed.

Assignment-Driven Criteria (20 points): Demonstrate mastery covering all key elements of the assignment. 

Critical Thinking (10 points): Demonstrate mastery conceptualizing the problem. Solution is efficient, and easy to understand and maintain.

Documentation (7 points): Demonstrate clear and effective documentation and comments including descriptions of all variables, program logic, purpose of each function, control structure, input requirements, and output results.

Runtime and Syntax (7 points): Demonstrate mastery and proficiency in program execution with no syntax and run time errors. 

Assignment Organization (6 points): Demonstrate mastery and proficiency following the required structure and organization of the assignment.

In order to meet the all the expectations the following work must be finished and submitted with good assignment organization:

Running Examples: Demonstrate that you have finished reading all the required chapters, running all examples in the chapters, and collecting all running results to submit.

Coding Exercises in Python: Demonstrate you have finished programming the exercises requested, running them, and collecting all the results to submit.

Summary Document: Demonstrate mastery of required Python programming statements and ability to conceptualize the problem.

Submit a well-written summary report to share what you have learned and experienced.

Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 400 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.

Library Research Assignment

Part 1  

Using your course materials and your own research, discuss the following topics:

  • What are the elements of an all-hazards approach to protection and preparedness at the national level of government, and what primary efforts have been taken to establish a culture of preparedness within American society?  
  • Has the U.S. government and society learned the lessons from the 9/11 terrorist attacks and from Hurricane Katrina? Explain your answer.  
  • Has this information been integrated into national- and state-level policies? If so, how has this been integrated? If not, how do you think this could happen? 

Your post should demonstrate an executive-level understanding of the challenges associated with critical infrastructure (CI) and emergency management preparations in place to anticipate and minimize the impact of natural or manmade disasters.

Part 2

Drawing from national-level documents, including the National Response Framework (NRF) and the Homeland Security Presidential Directives, respond to the following prompts:

  • Consider the debate among homeland security planners and the intelligence community regarding efforts to predict attacks and disasters so that they can be prevented, versus a focus on resilience and investments in recovery capabilities and redundancy. Although you may see importance in both efforts, state and defend 1 of the proposed strategies.  
  • On a national level, what steps have been taken in favor of your chosen stance?


Suppose there are 2 people, Ari and Immy. Last Friday night, both Ari and Immy spent 4 hours working in a soup kitchen. But when you ask them, they had very different motives. Ari loves helping people less fortunate and gets a lot of personal satisfaction from serving in this way. In fact, you could say that Ari was doing what he felt like doing. Immy, on the other hand, hates things like soup kitchens, and to make it worse, all of his friends are at a really fun party. But he knows that helping people less fortunate is the right thing to do, so he goes to the soup kitchen despite his feelings.

If you had to choose, who would you say had a more moral motivation – Ari or Immy?

**Write an one-paragraph answering the above question


Read Chapters 1, 2, 3, 5, and 7 of Think Python: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist from Or get the pdf file of the book at the same site.

  1. Finish running all the examples in Chapters 1, 2, 3, 5, and 7 of Think Python: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist by yourself in Python shell interactive command mode or IDLE editor window. Collect all output of your running examples and submit them in one text file named CSC111-Case3-Examples-YourFirstNameLastname
  2. Finish coding the following exercises in Python, run them and collect the running results into a file named CSC111-Case3-Exercises-YourFirstNameLastName and submit it.
    1. Exercise 1.3
    2. Exercise 2.3
    3. Exercise 3.3
    4. Exercise 3.4
    5. Exercise 5.4 
    6. Exercise 7.3

Note: When you program the exercises you can name them whatever you want, such as or but the submitted file should provide name of the exercise, source code, and running results.

  1. Finally, write a summary document named CSC111-Case3Summary-YourFirstNameLastName to report what you have learned from this Case Assignment or other learning experience.    

Assignment Expectations

Your ability to consolidate ideas from the reading material and apply what you have learned to the assignment will be assessed.

Assignment-Driven Criteria (20 points): Demonstrate mastery covering all key elements of the assignment. 

Critical Thinking (10 points): Demonstrate mastery conceptualizing the problem. Solution is efficient, and easy to understand and maintain.

Documentation (7 points): Demonstrate clear and effective documentation and comments including descriptions of all variables, program logic, purpose of each function, control structure, input requirements, and output results.

Runtime and Syntax (7 points): Demonstrate mastery and proficiency in program execution with no syntax and run time errors. 

Assignment Organization (6 points): Demonstrate mastery and proficiency following the required structure and organization of the assignment.

In order to meet the all the expectations the following work must be finished and submitted with good assignment organization:

Running Examples: Demonstrate that you have finished reading all the required chapters, running all examples in the chapters, and collecting all running results to submit.

Coding Exercises in Python: Demonstrate you have finished programming the exercises requested, running them, and collecting all the results to submit.

Summary Document: Demonstrate mastery of required Python programming statements and ability to conceptualize the problem.

Submit a well-written summary report to share what you have learned and experienced.