You are a Senior Trainer at your company. Your boss, the Training Manager has tasked you with the following.

Design and facilitate a one-day (eight-hour long) classroom experience in which you need to help develop a group of engineers and software programmers to become project managers.

After training, they will have to manage some significant projects. Discuss the instructional characteristics and activities you will use to ensure that the engineers and software programmers acquire at least a fundamental understanding of project management.

Due to this situation it will be important that learning is transferred to the actual work that engineers will have to implement.  With that job application expectation there is also an expectation that the ROI will visible to management.   They want to know that the training is paying for itself…at least….with the transfer of learned skills to the job application.

How will you build a training budget to meet the requirements of designing a training session what might include gaming, simulations, and other training technology….it all costs?

How will you know if the engineers actually apply the learning?  What is the measure?

What are the components that make up a training budget?

What type of formula might you apply to determine the ROI?

Provide your initial response in an audio format or a video format. Use Kaltura or Canvas Media….Then, your remaining two responses may be text-based. Remember, your remaining responses must be on different days in order to earn full credit.

Adapted from: Noe, R.A. (2020). Employee Training & Development. [VitalSource Bookshelf]. Retrieved from


Compare and contrast two difference cloud computing services (Amazon Web Service and Microsoft Azure). Explain the differences and the similarities and select your choice of providers if you had to make the decision for your business. Write up a comparison on the services offered (2 pages maximum). Once again, it is essential that you use your own words (do not just copy and paste from the Internet).

These two links may offer some additional information for this assignment but you are encouraged to use additional sources for your project/assignment.

Even though technology has shifted HRM to strategic partner, has this change resulted in HRM losing sight of its role towards employee resource and support? While companies are seeing the value in moving to a technological based business, how might HRM technology impact the “human” side of “human resource”?

Visit a science museum, observatory, research institution, etc., or any other place of scientific educational value that is related to physics, and write a report about your field trip. Here are some suggested local venues:  Griffith Observatory (

The format of the report is as follows: MS Word document or PDF, saved as YournameFieldtrip.doc. It MUST have a minimum length of THREE full pages of text in times font (size 12 pt), single line space with margin no more than 1″ on the top, bottom, right and left. Please discuss what you have learned from the trip (you may want to concentrate on one or two topics that are of the most interest to you).

Hello, I need this task completed by a competent writer. I need the paper to be in APA, one page, and double spaced; no need for sources. Please review the attached instructions and bid if you can complete an excellent paper

Explain how sex and gender work through each other to create a system of communication of identity.

How do we value the meanings attached to sex/gender within our culture?

Name the three prominent ways in which sex/gender has been theorized, provide an example, and explain your thoughts about the ethics of this type of theory. 

Our class takes a critical cultural approach to sex/gender.  It assumes that identity is created in relation to others through communication and power.  Can you explain a way in which you have actively constructed your sex/gender in conversation with someone? 

  4 pages in length minimumNarrative Essay


Caitlin Yoshiko Kandil: After 50 Years of Asian American 

Paulo Freire: Pedagogy of the Oppressed, Banking Concept of Education.

Beverly Tatum: Why are all the black kids sitting together in the cafeteria? The Complexities 

of Identity.

Russell Jeung: Mountain Movers, Introduction.

Jennifer Ho: Keywords, Identity. 


Tatum explains that all people possess multiple identities which are shaped by and embedded in our social, cultural, and historic contexts. She also notes that our consciousness of these identities and their meanings develop through self-reflection over time. Through Freire, we learned that critical consciousness entails not only the emergence of consciousness but also a critical intervention in reality.

On a parallel track, we learned from Kandil and Jeung that the term Asian American can be traced back to a specific political, cultural, and social intersection in U.S. history. The Asian American identity, then, was created by people who found it necessary to assert an autonomous identity against oppressive forces. 

Essay question: 

Reflect on your journey in coming into identity-consciousness, specifically your racial and ethnic identities. In a narrative essay answer the following perennial question: Who am I? 

You must apply at least five of the concepts from at least two readings, three of which should be quoted passages. 

There are countless ways you can answer this question, so you must frame or guide your response based on one or two of the following questions: 

Framing questions: 

1. Who are you now? Who were you before? And who will you become? In other words, how has your identity consciousness developed over time?


4 pages in length minimum (no upper limit)

MLA format

12 pt font, Times New Roman, 1 inch margins all around, 100% double spaced

Relevant and creative title (not Essay #1 or My narrative

Essay question 2: 

In an argument-based (i.e., thesis-driven) essay answer the following question: In your opinion, what was the most significant cause and most significant consequence of the creation of an Asian American identity? You must build your argument on the unit readings and provide at least two passages from at least two different readings (total of four passages, at least).

 What should Mark have done if Jack still was not able to resolve the problem?

Would it make sense for Mark to assign this problem to someone else now after Jack could not solve the problem the second time around?

350 words with 4 journal references

 Step 1: Pull out your food journal Using your own diet analysis, set up a dietary consultation as if you were with a client. The client may be fictional or yourself Create a goal for your “client”. It can be a made up goal or one that you have for yourself. Analyze your diet by looking at the diet and exercise as a whole over the duration of your journal Some things to include: Determine any dietary suggestions that may be necessary to meet the client’s goal Does the client (or you) eat more over the weekend? Does the client (or you) eat more during the week? Do your exercise patterns change during the week compared to the weekend? Does your macronutrient (Fat, Protein, and Carbohydrates) break out work towards the overall goal for yourself or your “client? If yes, Explain why. If no, How can you improve to meet the nutritional goal? Based on your Food log, clients body composition, and overall health goal- determine if the goal was realistic to achieve. If yes, explain why. If not, how would you help them to create a realistic goal Your food recommendations paper should be a minimum of 2-3 pages in length, APA formatted, properly cited reference page, 12 point font