WRIT 1700A: Media Paper
Write a critical essay on an aspect of media culture as reflected in ONE of the following: a music video, an article in a newspaper or magazine, a single episode of a television program, or a specific advertising campaign (not a single advertisement). Your critique should be a focused, in‐depth analysis of the media piece, including its goals and effectiveness, and its implicit assumptions.
This is not a research assignment; outside sources are permitted but most essays will not require them. You are expected to use the course readings to support your own, original, analysis. Do not let outside material distract you; your paper should clearly demonstrate your familiarity with the relevant course readings.
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Your Works Cited page must have a reference for your media object and for any other source you use, including course readings and readings you find yourself.
Your paper should be in MLA style. Please note that this includes general formatting, Works Cited AND in‐text citations. Resources on MLA style and referencing are linked to the Writing Department web page.
Length: 4‐5 pages, double‐spaced, Times New Roman or other standard font 12, one‐inch margins.
Peer Editing:
The assignment has a peer editing component which affects your tutorial grade. You must complete each stage on time in order to fully participate. It is important to attend and participate in all relevant tutorials.
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1. Your topic is due in tutorial during the week of March 10th., 2014 – a draft topic is fine.
2. Your two‐page draft is due at the beginning of your peer editing session, which is your tutorial during the week of March 17th., 2014. It is important that you bring hard copies to share with your group and that you also circulate your draft to your group overe‐mail, copying your tutorial instructor, 24 hours before your tutorial starts. Come prepared to fill out hard copies or electronic copies of the peer editing sheet in this tutorial. Give copies to your peers and keep copies to submit with your own assignment.
Check with your own tutorial instructor about submission and schedule details for peer editing.
Final Submission:
Your final paper is due in your tutorial during the week of March 31st. Your submission should include: the final paper (including a Works Cited page), copies of the peer editing sheets you gave other people and the sheets that other people gave you.
The due date is the final class, so extensions will not ordinarily be granted without a deferred standing agreement – plan to submit on time.
Peer Editing Sheet
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Peer Editor:
1. Identify one particular strength of this work and describe why this aspect of the piece is effective.
2. Does this piece focus on a media text?
4. Are you persuaded by the paper’s argument, or arguments? Why/why not?
5. Are there any passages, sentences or words that you find confusing? Pick one or two (only) and make suggestions for revision.
6. Do you have any other suggestions or comments?