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Peer1) Sara
Dewey-Chapter 3
This chapter presents an interesting discussion on educational experiences. Dewey supposes that the progressive movement appears to quite accord with the democratic model which individuals are committed to as compared to the traditional system perceived to be quite aristocratic. Dewey explains that even though democracy is preferred or valued for its enhancement or elevation of personal freedom and respects for assorted societies, its most basic defense is its ability to enrich the experiences of individuals.
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As Dewey asserts improved quality of experience, is highly creative and appealing. It has aspects of unity and development. Though aggregates the past while expanding the future. This implies that experience should be marked by an inference. This offers strong grounds to relate the principle of continuity of experience to discrimination; that is; segregation or discrimination is emerging out of innate ideals of different experiences.
Reflecting on the discussion, I find the notions of interactivity and continuity which Dewey put across as elements of enriched experience to be very essential, because they help in exploring the ways in which the quality experiences are developed, the ways in which enriched experience its meaning connections and significance. An understanding of the two dimensions of experience is attained, resulting in the implication that the acceptance of some moral values such as democracy and individualism has an impact on future experiences. In fact, every person in the society benefits from getting involved in social of family relations or partnerships founded on proper democratic values. The democratic ideals enable people to develop inherent values of value and judgment, permitting them to gain by learning, or gaining essential experiences.
Peer2) tom
I agree with statement that democratic social arrangement promotes a better quality of human experience, because democracy gives freedom of opinion and expression and interaction in society and that the most important a point in the learning process. Experience alone is not enough for learning because democracy to gain experience. Also must be be this democracy within the range of a particular border so that there is not the excesses of the name of democracy. Therefore, schools should that student learning principles of democracy, standards and rules used in society. And the progressive education promotes democracy more than the human experience so students prefer a more progressive education of traditional education because it is more appropriate to a democratic society variable. Also, education tradition not welcome the new changes that will help in the development of society. Should also not understand democracy only do it pleases without taking into account the traditions and customs of the community .In a conservative society like Saudi Arabia society my democracy within the religion, customs and traditions, however, uses a progressive education for to develop and build a modern society. And do not forget the role of education in promoting democratic principles and values education until there is an interaction of the individual with society built on the respect.
Peer3) samy
This chapter seemed to stump me a bit as well as the question he asked. I believe with regard to the question, Dewey is trying to get across that a democratic lifestyle will promote a better quality of experience. I think Dewey believes that if people have more of a choice about what they are learning and how they live their lives they can experience more things than if someone is telling them how to live like in a dictatorship or Monarchy lifestyle. The book states, “Progressive education is based on human methods.” It also states that “regardless of direction, growth is linked to education.” I believe that Dewey is trying to back up his points from Chapter 2, that progressive education is a fully based on experience and depending on the quality of your experience, it will determine what and how you learn. No matter the quality of the experience though, you will learn something, which is the growth portion he discusses. You may learn something “wrong” like his example of becoming a better burglar, but you are still growing
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