Paper details:
Doctor Philos( PHD) Thesis of about 500 pages. Children Psychiatry.
Please use as start whats relevant from the thesis done for order 111230 (will be attached) and the PhD project I wills end to you, its has to be based on literature review of at least 30 scientific articles with an appropriate method, analysis, and interpretation method ( but it has to be qualitative method and analysis, else if the writer believes its better to do a quantitative study then its Ok)
do not have any research problem or questions, so the writer has to start a dialog in order to find something relevant.
The dead line is one and half year.
wish to have a payment agreement in order to be able to pay. We need to start a dialog and agree for everything before your best writer can start working…. Your writer need to look at and read the documents ( the last updated version of the thesis nr 111230 and my PhD proposal, and read about doctor philos in Norway) the writer has to read the 3 Internet link I posted in the dialog box.
Attached is also a start of thesis proposal ( project) of 5 pages in order to have a general idea about the content of the thesis.