
Topic     PACE Intervention

Type      Essay

Level     College

Style      APA

Sources                2

Language             English(U.S.)


Using peer reviewed journals from the field of speech language pathology, research locate two of the most current research articles you can locate that provide specific evidence about Promoting Aphasics’ Communicative Effectiveness (PACE) treatment. Do not use metanalyses or review papers as a major source.



Summarize and synthesize the information you learned about your treatment approach in a paper using your best academic writing and APA style. Do the following:


Describe Promoting Aphasics’ Communicative Effectiveness in detail including what type of aphasia or impairment of language it targets.

  1. What is the background and/or need for the PACE? Who is it intended for?
  2. What is the theoretical foundation for PACE and how does this treatment work?
  3. Combining information from both studies, what kinds of patients have received the treatment? (e.g., aphasia type, severity, types of language impairments reported)
  4. Describe any differences in specific use of the approach between the two studies you selected.
  5. Discuss the frequency and duration of treatment provided across the two studies you selected.
  6. Discuss the main ways that progress or change was measured across the two studies you read. What types of improvements were the researchers hoping to find? Did the researchers use comparisons of specific pre/post diagnostic speech and language tests? Which ones? Was neuroimaging used to make comparisons pre and post? Describe what changes were studied and documented.
  7. Discuss the results of treatment from your two studies for this approach. Overall, what does the data from the two studies you read indicate about how effective your treatment approach is for patients with aphasia?

Spacing Double

Pages    3

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