Moving forward all references should be scholarly articles easily obtained from

Discussion posts should reflect scholarly analysis and interpretation of the topic as well as supporting research; simple yes/no or great post responses are not

acceptable. Follow APA (latest edition) to cite all sources. Participate in the discussion by reading and responding to questions from the professor or others.

1. I’m particularly interested in the statements you’ve made in your  second paragraph. You wrote that “leaders can influence the values and  ethics of their followers as drawn from the principles of self-efficacy  and social cognitive theories. The leader can influence the follower  values and ethics through the moral disengagement process and ethical  efficacy beliefs.”

Please provide additional information to substantiate these  statements. For example, how do the principles of self-efficacy and  social cognition relate to values and ethics? How do leaders influence  followers through these constructs? How do the moral disengagement  process and ethical efficacy beliefs relate to our discussion?

2. A  good leader can influence the values and ethics of their followers by  way of their leadership style.  “Styles that focus on building strong  organizational values among employees contribute to shared standards of  conduct” (Ferrell, Fraedrich, & Ferrell, 2013. p. 139).  A leader  must gain the trust of its followers to be influential.  To influence  the values and ethics of others, a leader must perform morally and  ethically.  He/she cannot be a-do as I say, not as I do-leader.  A good  leader will exhibit awe-inspiring values and ethics in his or her  personal as well as professional life.  Six leadership styles that have  been found effective are:  The coercive leader, the authoritative  leader, the affiliative leader, the democratic leader, the pacesetting  leader, and the coaching leader.  These styles are based on emotional  intelligence (Ferrell, Fraedrich, & Ferrell, 2013).

We  must also assume that integrity, values, ethics, and morals can be  taught.  Look at our United States history.  We no longer have sweat  shops, nor do we work people in deplorable conditions.  We now have  worker’s compensation, OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health  Administration), labor laws, and more, and all of these changes came  from someone’s ethics and values that eventually helped change  legislation.

Working  conditions have improved over the last 100 years, but the lack of  ethics and values are still a problem as evidenced by the massive  scandals that have occurred such as Enron, WorldCom, Waste Management  and more.  There have been many studies performed that concluded  teaching ethics does improve students’ understanding of ethics, values,  and morals, and improves their ethical behavior (Haas, 2005).  The Haas  article suggests more business ethic courses in schools (colleges and  universities) could continue improvement.  Some states are requiring CPA  candidates to pass an ethics exam before licensing, and many are  pushing for more continuing education requirements to have an ethics  section.  With more education and better leadership, we could improve  the ethics problem.

Moving forward all references should be scholarly articles easily obtained from

Discussion posts should reflect scholarly analysis and interpretation of the topic as well as supporting research; simple yes/no or great post responses are not

acceptable. Follow APA (latest edition) to cite all sources. Participate in the discussion by reading and responding to questions from the professor or others.

1. I’m particularly interested in the statements you’ve made in your  second paragraph. You wrote that “leaders can influence the values and  ethics of their followers as drawn from the principles of self-efficacy  and social cognitive theories. The leader can influence the follower  values and ethics through the moral disengagement process and ethical  efficacy beliefs.”

Please provide additional information to substantiate these  statements. For example, how do the principles of self-efficacy and  social cognition relate to values and ethics? How do leaders influence  followers through these constructs? How do the moral disengagement  process and ethical efficacy beliefs relate to our discussion?

2. A  good leader can influence the values and ethics of their followers by  way of their leadership style.  “Styles that focus on building strong  organizational values among employees contribute to shared standards of  conduct” (Ferrell, Fraedrich, & Ferrell, 2013. p. 139).  A leader  must gain the trust of its followers to be influential.  To influence  the values and ethics of others, a leader must perform morally and  ethically.  He/she cannot be a-do as I say, not as I do-leader.  A good  leader will exhibit awe-inspiring values and ethics in his or her  personal as well as professional life.  Six leadership styles that have  been found effective are:  The coercive leader, the authoritative  leader, the affiliative leader, the democratic leader, the pacesetting  leader, and the coaching leader.  These styles are based on emotional  intelligence (Ferrell, Fraedrich, & Ferrell, 2013).

We  must also assume that integrity, values, ethics, and morals can be  taught.  Look at our United States history.  We no longer have sweat  shops, nor do we work people in deplorable conditions.  We now have  worker’s compensation, OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health  Administration), labor laws, and more, and all of these changes came  from someone’s ethics and values that eventually helped change  legislation.

Working  conditions have improved over the last 100 years, but the lack of  ethics and values are still a problem as evidenced by the massive  scandals that have occurred such as Enron, WorldCom, Waste Management  and more.  There have been many studies performed that concluded  teaching ethics does improve students’ understanding of ethics, values,  and morals, and improves their ethical behavior (Haas, 2005).  The Haas  article suggests more business ethic courses in schools (colleges and  universities) could continue improvement.  Some states are requiring CPA  candidates to pass an ethics exam before licensing, and many are  pushing for more continuing education requirements to have an ethics  section.  With more education and better leadership, we could improve  the ethics problem.

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