Data Analysis Project 1
For this project each student will learn and demonstrate competency in researching economics; that is, creatively designing a research question, locating pertinent and credible data to support an answer, and presenting results in a professional and articulate manner. The skill set practiced in this project is highly valued in business and government occupations. Follow these steps to complete the project:
1. Using the data covered in the Demography and Housing slides, generate five research questions to study (e.g. “Have home prices in the U.S. increased since 2010?”, “What is the racial composition of U.S. males?”). You are to create two research questions from Demography, two from Housing, and one from either category. You are to use at least 3 different data sources (e.g. census, CDC, NAR, etc.) in the overall project.
2. Excel File: For each research question create an Excel sheet with your data set and one graph. You are to use each of the following graphs once in the overall project:
ü Bar chart (horizontal or vertical)
ü Pie chart
ü Histogram
ü Frequency table,
ü Scatterplot (lined or unlined).
3. PowerPoint Presentation: For each question, create a PowerPoint slide containing one graph, up to three bullet points (optional), and hyperlinks to your data source website (make sure the links work and ). The PowerPoint should also contain an introduction slide (e.g. name, project #, and class).
4. Submission: Upload the Excel and PowerPoint file into the link provided in Blackboard by the due date (no e-mailed copies).
5. Grading: Project grade is weighted 50/50 for Excel/PowerPoint; however, both must be submitted to receive a score. Excel graphs must be derived from the data input in Excel. The PowerPoint is graded subjectively as a presentation to your fellow classmates so cosmetics, spelling, character size, color, creativity all matter.
6. Academic Integrity: Do not copy graphs from websites nor replicate another student’s work.