The title is very important. it should be several phrases(not sentences).It should include all variables studied Temp, pressure, substances).
Introducton define revelant terms to the experiment in the introduction. Do not use bullets or glossary format. Define the words as you use them in the paragraphs about the experiment. State the hypothesis in the introduction. a good hypothesis is testable. specific to the experiment conducted, should explain what you expect will happen to one variable when second variable is altered. 
Materials and methods, using lab tutor and ADInstruments(dont forget to cite) brifley explain what eqipment was used and the steps that you did.
results, this section include the graphs generated. yuo also write the other observations made that are not represented in the printouts. make a data table to summrize data all in one data.Remember to clearly label tables and graphs.
Discussion, where to analayze data. do the support or reject the hypothesis you stated in the introduction. this section shold discuss all problem. 
refrences list minimum 3 refrences, use cse format

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