Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) is a sequence of queries created to evaluate the depth, severity, and intensity of depression facing patients with psychiatric ailments. The patient answers 21 questions during the assessment that helps to identify particular symptoms common with individuals with depression.

A brief assessment is repeatedly used during the process of treatment to collect data. According to Bringmann, Lemmens, Huibers, Borsboom & Tuerlinckx (2015), the repetition also assists a therapist to improve his sense of differences and similarities among patients. The standard examination of the mental condition of a patient can help to gather data on health symptoms. However, repeated assessment ensures that the counselor gets a complete understanding of the patient’s problem. It also reduces the risk of misdiagnosis and improves the quality of counseling.

Repetition can increase issues of duplication of efforts. The repeating test should ensure that there are strategies that minimize redundancy. The question of duplication reduces the effect of the trial by increasing costs and time while getting similar results. The counselor should consult with the patients to get the most value out of the testing process. There are factors such as employment status, housing needs, criminal justice, health status, and family history that can make a person fall into depression. Therefore, accessing such issues helps to increase value in the process of collecting information.


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