ALA (P) – Personalized CLO – Applied Learning Assignment (ALA) Graduate

Each student is to choose one (1) Course Learning Outcome (CLO) listed in the course syllabus. Using your textbook, LIRN-based research,, the Internet, or any other electronic journal database, research a peer-reviewed article that applies to the CLO you selected AND facilitates answering part of your upcoming CLA1 assignment.

Subsequently, you will include in your CLA1 assignment paper, a separate and distinct heading titled “Personalized CLO Applied Learning Assignment. Under this heading, you will provide a minimum of two (2) paragraphs that should contain the following information and/or details:

Clearly state what the article is about and its purpose
How the article and/or author(s) support your argument(s)
Most important aspects of the article as it directly related to your CLO
Any findings and conclusions
Approximately 250 to 350 words in length (minimum of 2 paragraphs)
Include the industry example demonstrating the application of your researched article
Include the in-text citation in APA format to properly reference your article
Please be sure to provide justification by citing the article researched, and include the citation in the reference page of your paper.

– use the book for additional reference.
– use the document I inserted as a guide of how it should look like
– this is like an essay in regards to one article that I’m going use for my CLA1

In addition, for you to have an idea on what CLA1 is here you go:

CLA 1 Comprehensive Learning Assessment CLO 1, CLO 2, CLO 3, CLO 4

Part 1 of 2:

Prepare a four-page competitive analysis by examining one to two competitors to your product or service. Identify the direct competition to your product or service and analyze their strategies, objectives, strengths, and weaknesses. Conduct a competitive analysis on both the industry and market of your chosen product or service. See the CLA1 Part 1 of 2, GUIDE TO COMPETITIVE ANALYSIS. (Provide at least 2 references in addition to the textbook.)

Part 2 of 2:

Prepare a 4 page marketing strategy based on the elements of the 4 P’s used in your chosen product or service. Review the CLA 1 Part 2 of 2 GUIDE TO THE MARKETING MIX ANALYSIS, which can be found in the GAP portal in the course resources. Write about the product you selected in Week 2.

The marketing mix is the 4 Ps (product, place, price, and promotion) and each element should be addressed in the report. You may use the 7 Ps if applicable to your service selection.

Use sources in addition to your textbook, and provide citations. For example, reference The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, and other major news/business publications that contain articles about your chosen product or service. Please make use of other business books and sources that deal specifically with your product, industry or market segment. Additionally, is a great resource for demographic information.

Discussion Question 1 Standard DQ CLO 2
Identify a new product that you have seen introduced recently that totally failed in the market. What could have been done differently in the new product development process to prevent the failure?

All sources must be cited to justify your response in the text and matched in the reference list in APA style.

Discussion Question 1 Standard DQ CLO 2
Identify a new product that you have seen introduced recently that totally failed in the market. What could have been done differently in the new product development process to prevent the failure?

All discussion responses including opinion must be supported with logical reasoning and deduction using examples and source material including the textbook and supplementary sources. All sources must be cited to justify your response in the text and matched in the reference list in APA style.

Select a recent event from the media and compare similarities and differences in the communication that was directed towards print media, electronic media, employee relations, government relations, consumer relations, and international relations where applicable. 

You must include at least two different types of media in your analysis.

Read How to Ask Your Boss for an Unpaid Leave to Travel, Study, or Spend Time with Family and Select one of the case studies at the end.

In 4 body page essay, complete an analysis of the case in APA format.

1)  What is the issue?

2) Identify the parties involved, the negotiation strategies, cultural and ethical issues, etc.

3) What next steps would you recommend and why?

Make sure to support your essay with 5 – 7 outside sources.

Assignment 1
What is Advertising?

    JMC 394 Introduction to Advertising is designed to introduce students to the world of advertising.  The first case is an easy one.  Write a 250-word essay that answers the question: What is advertising?
    Be sure to include a definition of advertising in your essay.  The expectation is that, at some point early on in your work, the phrase, Advertising is . . .  will occur and will be completed with a concise definition from an attributed source. Please point out how each of the following marketing activities is included in or excluded from your definition:
    a.     A Murray State University recruiter visits a high school to persuade students to enroll at Murray State.
    b.     An ad agency copywriter writes a selling song for a radio commercial.
    c.    Hilton Hotels surveys its consumers to discover how they react to a new line of hotel accommodations.
    d.     Gillette sends 18-year-old men a coupon in the mail so that they can buy a new style of the razor at half price.
CONTENT:  1) The essay should be your best analysis of the question, supported by reference to the text or other generally acceptable references on the subject. Your unsupported opinion, while charming, is of little interest. In sum: You should read the book before you write.  2) The essay should reflect an understanding of the nature of advertising and may consider the distinction between advertising, public relations, personal selling and marketing if any.
FORM:  Your essay will be typed, double-spaced. It should not be longer than 250 words.  Your essay is due at the beginning of class.
STYLE: Grammar and spelling must meet generally accepted University standards.
    You must cite your sources and you must include a bibliography page.  You may use any appropriate academic style sheet (APA, MLA, Chicago, The Bluebook, etc.).  You should have learned one of these in ENG 105 or in high school.  A quick guide to APA style is available on the Canvas site.

Exam essay 300 words
Choose a international brand of your choice and apply Keller and Aaker models to it
Choose a brand experiencing strategy shift
Explain attractiveness by using KELLER and Aaker (brand management gurus) marketing models/approach based on CBBE (Customer-Based Brand Equity) pattern.
What elements help the needs of customers?

You need to perform a situation analysis (SWOT) on Central Washington University (CWU) by stating two strengths, two weaknesses, two opportunities, and two threats.
First, you need to state the internal or external element and briefly explain each of these factors.
Second, you need to recommend how CWU can improve its weaknesses, cope with the threats, and take advantage of the opportunities and strengths that you identified. As you learned, a SWOT analysis helps marketing managers better understand what they are doing right and what they are wasting resources on. Similarly, an institution such as CWU needs to understand its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats such that it can avoid challenges, failure, and essentially, grow.
Third, based on your SWOT analysis, state the type of competitive advantage for CWU and briefly describe it. Remember that an important outcome of the SWOT analysis should be the identification of the companys competitive advantage

In this assignment, you will develop a memo to deliver five insights regarding your home countrys brand. These insights, connections and key learnings, should be derived from secondary research and a situational analysis of your home country, your own experience, as well as an interview with a business leader from your home country.

Please be detailed in your description and how you came to this conclusion regarding the components of the nation brand. In your conclusion, please make a recommendation to Hult for opening a campus in your home country, the best location and the brand positioning.

Memo should be no longer than 3 pages in length, Times New Roman, 1.5 spaced. Please include the following info in the interview:

Student name
Overview of home country research (You may use a framework like PESTEL)
5 Key insights regarding the Nation Brand”
Recommendation to Hult for opening a Campus in your home country
Word count: 1,500 words

APA 6th ed. style referencing

I am asked to choose one of the event marketing technologies which are provided by the teacher. After considering all the options, I choose the technology Chatbots. The teacher requires us to find multiple resources from the Internet, do our own research and analysis on how chatbots will benefit events, marketers, consumers, society, etc. 
It requires to be an electronic copy of their 3-4 page report, double spaced, 12pt font (excluding exhibits and references). The report should be written in the third person