I have to do a project at Computer Science for the end of the module and I am stuck.. I have to implement a game called Abalone(more like sumo with balls), which can be played between 2-4 Players and also the option to play vs a Computer(The AI doesn’t need to be perfect, can also choose random places, I do not care that much for the AI).

I have several slides with the rules fully explained, there are also rules on the internet, but for the record I will attach the visual of the board(which needs to be a hexagon), so you can get a better idea. I will also attach a PDF with rules(brief).

For example, for movement:
L-> Move marble(s) left if possible
UL-> Move marble(s) up left if possible
UR-> Move marble(s) up right if possible
R-> Move marble(s) right if possible
DR-> Move marble(s) down right if possible
DL-> Move marble(s) down left if possible

The game doesn’t need to be perfect, input and output will be the Console, so no GUI, but I want for instance in a game if I want to move:
-> 1 marble I type:
C3 DL which moves the marble(Down Left), now the marble being at the position D3
-> for 2 marbles(which are in a column):
A5 B6 UR, which means the column of marbles is moved up right and are now(B6 C7) and so on..

If you check the board coordinates I think you get what I mean.
On the slides I would provide, there is also a Class Diagaram indicating what classes should be use and I will also give a zip file with my TicTacToe project which has the same structure, so it can be easy to implement after seeing that.

I want a working solution so whenever I type the marbles and the moves, the board to be updated accordingly, always checking if marbles are out of bound, if the game is finished etc..

I need to have 100 story points out of an available 300 from the backlog which is in the documents uploaded. I have a starting code with GUI with some basic functions available which can be downloaded from this link.(BusinessLogic3 and UserInterface3)

You have clean and build the BL file first then the GUI file before running the application.

I can provide more details if this is something you’re confident in doing and have experience.  i expect this to take roughly 20 hours fo work so works out at $25 per hour.

Thank You

Chapter 2
Project 2-1
In this project,you will create a class and use the variable defined within the class in aWeb Form. 1. Start your Web development editor and open your chapter2 Web site, if it is not already open.
2. Create a new class item in your project and name it ch2_proj1_class.vb. After it is created, your Web development editor will store the class in the App_Code directory.
3. Open the class ch2_proj1_class.vb file. Create a public instance variable named StoreAddress that is a String data type. Assign the value 555 Michigan Avenue, Chicago, IL 60016 to the variable.
4. Click the Save All button to save the class file.
5. In the Solution Explorer window, right-click the ch2_ proj1.aspx page in the ch2_ proj2 folder and click View Code.
6. In the Page_Load procedure add the code that follows to create a new object named ch2_proj1_newclass, based on the ch2_proj1_class. Because the variable contains an object, the keyword New must be used to instantiate the object from a class. As you type each period, notice that the IntelliSense list box appears. Dim ch2_proj1_newclass As New ch2_proj1_class
7. Type the code that follows to retrieve the values from the new class and assign the variable from the class to the text property of the lblContact label control in the Web page. (Note:You need to use the ToString method to retrieve the value from the string stored in the variable.) lblContact.Text = ch2_proj1_newclass.StoreAddress.ToString
8. Click the Save All button. In the Solution Explorer window, right-click the ch2_proj1.aspx page and click View in Browser. Right-click the page and click View Source to view the client-side code sent from the Web server to the browser.

Project 2-2
In this project, you will create a custom error message and enable your Web application configuration file to detect HTTP status errors.
1. Start your Web development editor and open your chapter2 Web site, if it is not already open.
2. Open the code behind the page for the Web.config file. Locate the customErrors node and modify the code (as shown in the code that follows) to redirect the visitor who has been denied access to a Web resource. (Note: Do not create a new customErrors node.) <customErrors defaultRedirect=”~/ch2_home.aspx” mode=”On”> <error statusCode=”404″ redirect=”~/ch2_proj2/ch2_proj2_404.aspx” /> </customErrors>
3. Create a new Web page named ch2_proj2_404.aspx in the ch2_proj2 folder. Add graphics and content to indicate to the visitor that the resource has not been found. Provide the visitor with a link back to the ch2_home.aspx page. (Hint:You can use the NavigateUrl property of the HyperLink control to configure the URL.)
4. Click the Save All button.
5. View the Web page in an external browser. In the URL, change the ch2_proj2.aspx to ch2_proj2_test.aspx and press the Enter key (or click the Go button in some browsers). Since this page does not exist, you should be redirected to the ch2_proj2_ 404.aspx page.
6. Print your source code for the ch2_proj2_404.aspx page and the source code for the Web.config file. 7. Save your Web.config file as ch2_proj2_Web.config in the ch2_proj2 folder. Then open the Web.config file and delete the entire customErrors node. Click the Save All button. This will return the Web configuration file to the default configuration.
8. Close any open pages.

    I do all the assignment on my citrus college canvas.com
Account number is xinhao343 and the pin is Cc073099, choose math,the assignment is all in modules for unit 1 and unit 2, homework and quiz,one discussion and one softchalk, and three quizzes in unit 1 and unit 2.  My budget is 80. There is only around 50 questions.

You are required to design a customized software for your client, who happens
to own a restaurant at a
tourist place. Due to the shortage of manpower the owner wants to automate some
processes. The client
wants  to  have  a  computerized  display  on  the  entrance  for  booking of
tables.  Using  the  same,  customer
should be able to check for vacant tables and select tables too for booking.
The restaurant has 10: 2-seater
tables; 5: 4-seater tables and 2: 10-seater tables. Apart from that customer
should be able to place order for
food and should be able to see the bill when done. The client also wants to
update items, their prices and
the table status as per the need. The new system should be able to generate
various types of reports as the
final outcome. After interview you have understood the requirements and done
the feasibility study before
proposing the new system.

Please Complete all tasks in detail, it’s unprofessional work, however, the plag rate should be lower than 20%used to be 30%but the professor changes). You have to write every point list in every task.

There are two people who need both of this homework. This means you need to write 4 assignments2 for BSBRSK501,2 for BSBPMG522, always notice the plag rate!

You have been hired by Magic Gaming company to create a program to play the game Riders of Fortune, which will be a text-based fantasy style board game. The game plays as follows:
You play Yarra, a young horseman in search of the of the illustrious Chalice of Knowledge, an artifact that will bring you everlasting wisdom.  The Chalice can only be found in dragon dungeon after defeating the dragon.
Yarra will have will have Experience Points (XP) that start at 0. He starts up with a knife, but can upgrade his weapon. He can also attack monsters and if he beats them, they will provide XP.
The Game Board : The game board will always be displayed on the screen as an array of characters.

Onscreen Map To Be Displayed:
P * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * D

Mapping of spaces:
P 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 D
P: Corresponds to where the player is currently located (The player starts on space 1)
D: Corresponds to the last space, where the Dragon is
There are 28 positions on the board and the player starts in space 1. The player can only travel forward (higher numbers). The dungeon dragon is on space 28 marked with a D. The player obtains the Chalice if he can slay the dragon. You must keep track of the players current position and mark it on the onscreen map with P.
Player Movement:
You will provide the player with the following menu:
1)    Travel to another space on the board
2)    Dismount and explore the current space
If the player chooses option 1, a six-sided die will be rolled, and the player must move to that space.
If the player dismounts and explores the space the space the following can happen:
1)    The player encounters a monster and must battle
2)    The player finds a new weapon
3)    The area is empty, no change.
Outcome 1: Fights a monster
During initialization, randomly choose 14 spaces that will have a monster. The monsters will have an HP of 3 to 7 (You can decide when defining the monsters).
The attack amount will be calculated by rolling a six-sided die plus the extra damage of the weapon being carried. If Yarra fails to destroy the monster on the first attack he will die.
If Yarra destroys the monster, he will gain XP of 2 per defeat.
Outcome 2:  Finds a new weapon:
There will be 5 weapons that can be found in the game. Each weapon will be allocated to a space. The weapon will give a modifier (an amount added to the result of the die roll).
    Crossbow: +3 on attack
    Flail:  +4 on attack
    Broad Sword: +5 on attack
    Dragon Slayer: +6 on attack
    Spell of The Gods: +7 on attack
Have the program choose 5 random spaces that will contain the weapons instead of monsters (except for space 1, and 28).
If you find a weapon which has an attack higher than the weapon you are carrying, equip the new weapon. Otherwise keep the weapon you previously had.
Outcome 3: Area is empty:
Have the program choose 7 random spaces that will be empty (will no contain a weapon or a monster)
Display the following message:
There is nothing for you to do, so you reflect upon your adventures thus far. You take the time to train and enhance your reflexes
Your XP increases by 1.
If the player encounters a monster, the player must roll the die to obtain an attack value. The players weapon provides an additional attack value to the to the value of the die. If the player fails to kill the monster with the attack, the monster will destroy the player.
For example, if player rolls a 4 but they have a Broad Sword (+4), their total attack is 4 + 4 = 8
End Game:
If the player reaches spot 28 (by either rolling enough to get to 28 or rolling more than 28, the player will face the dragon only if his XP is equal to or higher than 5.
If he doesnt have the XP required, the following message will display and end the game.
Alas, the dragons eyes stare at you and places you under his spell. You try to move but fail to do so and find yourself torched by the dragons fire. If only you had more experience, you could have seen it coming.
If the player does have the XP required, he will attack the dragon. The dragon will have an HP of 10. If he can kill the dragon, the following message will display:
Due to your cunning and experience, you have defeated the deadly dragon. Your quest has ended good sir. Youve obtained the Chalice of knowledge and all of earths mysteries are revealed.
Additional Requirements:
1.    Make sure you always display the player stats ((XP) and Current Weapon).
2.    Make sure you display the result of the die roll
3.    Make sure you display the total attack.
4.    Make sure you display the HP of the monster you encounter.

Write a program that reads an integer (greater than 0) from the console and flips the digits of the number, using the arithmetic operators // and %, while only printing out the even digits in the flipped order. Make sure that your program works for any number of digits.

Write a program that takes the size of a file (in bytes) as input from the user and converts it to the nearest whole number binary prefix (B for byte, KB for kilobyte, MB for megabyte, GB for gigabyte), rounded down. Any file sizes greater than 1024 GB should just be converted to GB. Remember that there are 2^10 bytes in a kilobyte (not 1000), 2^20 bytes in a megabyte, and 2^30 bytes in a gigabyte.