To get a better idea of how you build your web applications and where your skill level is at, I would like to see you build a web application using test data from

I would like you to complete this challenge using Vue.js

The application should:

Make use of the users, posts, and comments data from the jsonplaceholder api to show a list of all the users.
Each user should have a link to another page that displays all the posts that user has created.
Those posts selectable to show the comments in them.
You should also have navigation to return to the users page.
Implement state management.
Favorite/save posts to the store (Resets on page refresh).
At least 1 automated test using Vue Test Utils
This should be completed as a single page application that does not refresh the browser when switching between pages.
No back-end code is necessary. Good programming practices should be used. Styling is a bonus.

Project 8-2: Person Manager
Create an application that lets you enter a new customer or a new employee.

Welcome to the Person Manager

Create customer or employee? (c/e):

Error! This entry is required. Try again.

Create customer or employee? (c/e): p

Error! Entry must be ‘c’ or ‘e’. Try again.

Create customer or employee? (c/e): c

First name: Steve

Last name: Trevor

Customer number: M10293

You entered a new Customer:

Name: Steve Trevor

Customer Number: M10293

Continue? (y/n): y

Create customer or employee? (c/e): e

First name: Diana

Last name: Prince

SSN: 111-22-3333

You entered a new Employee:

Name: Diana Prince

SSN: xxx-xx-3333

Continue? (y/n): OK

Error! Entry must be ‘y’ or ‘n’. Try again.

Continue? (y/n): n

Create a class named Person with these constructors and methods:

public Person(String first, String last)

public String getFirstName()

public void setFirstName(String first)

public String getLastName()

public void setLastName()

The Person class should override the toString() method so it returns the first name and last name in this format:

Name: Frank Jones

Create a class named Customer that inherits the Person class and contains these constructors and methods:

public Customer(String first, String last, String number)

public String getCustomerNumber()

public void setCustomerNumber(String number)

The Customer class should override the toString() method so it returns the value returned by the toString() method of the Person class appended with the customer number, like this:

Name: Frank Jones
Customer Number: J54128

Create a class named Employee that inherits the Person class and contains these constructors and methods:

public Employee(String first, String last, String ssn)

public String getSsn()

public void setSsn(String ssn)

The getSsn() method should return a masked version of the social security number that only reveals the last four numbers.

The Employee class should override the toString() method so it returns the value returned by the toString() method of the Person class appended with the social security number, like this:

Name: Frank Jones
SSN: xxx-xx-1111

Use the Console class presented in chapter 7 or an enhanced version of it to get and validate the user’s entries.

1.Create an html page, add 3 text boxes in which the user will input 3 numbers :a,b,c
Add a button that, on click, will calculate ((a*b) + (b*c)) / (a+b). The result will be displayed in an alert.

2. Create an html page, add 3 text boxes in which the user will input 3 numbers :a,b,c
Add a button that, on click, will calculate the maximum number of the three. The result will be displayed in an alert. The program should not crash if the user does not input one or two numbers.
-If no number is introduced then a message should be displayed asking the user to input at least on number.
-If only one number of the three is introduced, that number is the maximum number.
-If two numbers are introduced then it should be displayed the maximum of the two.
-If three numbers are introduced then it should be displayed the maximum of the three.

3. Create an html page, add 2 text boxes in which the user will input 2 numbers: n and m
Add a button that, on click, will calculate the sum of all even numbers between n and m, regardless id n < m or m <  n. The result will be displayed in an alert.

Project 7-3: Guessing Game
Convert a previous application so it uses classes to organize its code.

Welcome to the Guess the Number Game


I’m thinking of a number from 1 to 100.

Try to guess it.

Enter number: 50

You got it in 1 tries.

Great work! You are a mathematical wizard.

Try again? (y/n): y

I’m thinking of a number from 1 to 100.

Try to guess it.

Enter number: 50

Way too high! Guess again.

Enter number: 30

Too high! Guess again.

Enter number: 15

Too low! Guess again.

Enter number: 23

Too high! Guess again.

Enter number: 19

Too low! Guess again.

Enter number: 21

Too high! Guess again.

Enter number: 20

You got it in 7 tries.

Not too bad! You’ve got some potential.

Try again? (y/n):

Error! This entry is required. Try again.

Try again? (y/n): x

Error! Entry must be ‘y’ or ‘n’. Try again.

Try again? (y/n): n

Bye – Come back soon!

Your instructor should provide you with a starting project.

Create a class named Console, and move all the methods that retrieve and validate user input to that class. These methods can remain static.

Create a class named Game, and move all the methods that display messages and handle user guesses to that class. Adjust these methods so they aren’t static, and use instance variables of the Game class to keep track of numbers, guesses, and so on.

Update the application to use these classes and their methods. Make sure the application functions the same as it did before.

I have completed the main section of Python code, I need help with building a web interface that displays 2 live updating graphs (from the sensor data my program obtains), and 2 clocks (one is standard time, the other varies according to the sensor data).

A push button could be used as the circuit will not be available, (as long as it is connected to the same pin as specified it works fine).

Some background on what the code I have already written does:
calculates the mains AC frequency and stores this as a variable.
Reads the time using the time module
Varies a ‘frequency clock’, if the frequency is higher than 50 Hz (I am in the UK), the clock runs fast and if lower than 50 Hz, runs slower.

I would like this to be written in python. Using modules such as matplotlib / plotly / django / flask etc is fine.

If it isn’t possible to update the webpage at 50Hz (I suspect it isn’t), calculating the average frequency for the last second and updating every second (gmtime) is fine.


For this assignment, create a four page website using flexbox or CSS grid. The layout must adapt to the screen size. Remember design for mobile first.

You must create a responsive navigation. The navigation must adapt to the screen size.

Aim to have at least two media queries. The media queries should be based on the content.

You should have at least one responsive image for your site. The responsive image must be hidden for the smallest display (use display: none;) and resize appropriately for the medium and large displays.


The site should be an informational site. You can use content from wikipedia or from the public domain. If you are unsure, then create the site on Responsive Web Design using the content from wikipedia:

The home page should divide up the material into three classes or sections (article, main, aside…).  You can choose to add headings to these sections and modify the content as necessary to make it mobile first.

Make the site look beautiful using an appropriate colour theme and font(s).

I.      Working Application

a.      Source Code

b.      Compiled Code

n      eProject Report should comprise –

q      Acknowledgements

q      eProject Synopsis

q      eProject Analysis

q      eProject Design

n      DFDs

n      FlowCharts

n      Process Diagrams

n      Database Design / Structure

q      Screen Shots

q      Source Code with Comments

q      User Guide

q      Developers Guide

n      Module Descriptions

The instructions are on the first tab “Instructions”. Utilize the additional tabs, “Data” and “Output”.

When in the “Output” tab, enter Developer, and Visual Basic.

Then follow the below instructions to write out the code beginning with SUB. Within the VBA window, the instructor provided additional instructions;

Chapter 2
Project 2-1
In this project,you will create a class and use the variable defined within the class in aWeb Form. 1. Start your Web development editor and open your chapter2 Web site, if it is not already open.
2. Create a new class item in your project and name it ch2_proj1_class.vb. After it is created, your Web development editor will store the class in the App_Code directory.
3. Open the class ch2_proj1_class.vb file. Create a public instance variable named StoreAddress that is a String data type. Assign the value 555 Michigan Avenue, Chicago, IL 60016 to the variable.
4. Click the Save All button to save the class file.
5. In the Solution Explorer window, right-click the ch2_ proj1.aspx page in the ch2_ proj2 folder and click View Code.
6. In the Page_Load procedure add the code that follows to create a new object named ch2_proj1_newclass, based on the ch2_proj1_class. Because the variable contains an object, the keyword New must be used to instantiate the object from a class. As you type each period, notice that the IntelliSense list box appears. Dim ch2_proj1_newclass As New ch2_proj1_class
7. Type the code that follows to retrieve the values from the new class and assign the variable from the class to the text property of the lblContact label control in the Web page. (Note:You need to use the ToString method to retrieve the value from the string stored in the variable.) lblContact.Text = ch2_proj1_newclass.StoreAddress.ToString
8. Click the Save All button. In the Solution Explorer window, right-click the ch2_proj1.aspx page and click View in Browser. Right-click the page and click View Source to view the client-side code sent from the Web server to the browser.

Project 2-2
In this project, you will create a custom error message and enable your Web application configuration file to detect HTTP status errors.
1. Start your Web development editor and open your chapter2 Web site, if it is not already open.
2. Open the code behind the page for the Web.config file. Locate the customErrors node and modify the code (as shown in the code that follows) to redirect the visitor who has been denied access to a Web resource. (Note: Do not create a new customErrors node.) <customErrors defaultRedirect=”~/ch2_home.aspx” mode=”On”> <error statusCode=”404″ redirect=”~/ch2_proj2/ch2_proj2_404.aspx” /> </customErrors>
3. Create a new Web page named ch2_proj2_404.aspx in the ch2_proj2 folder. Add graphics and content to indicate to the visitor that the resource has not been found. Provide the visitor with a link back to the ch2_home.aspx page. (Hint:You can use the NavigateUrl property of the HyperLink control to configure the URL.)
4. Click the Save All button.
5. View the Web page in an external browser. In the URL, change the ch2_proj2.aspx to ch2_proj2_test.aspx and press the Enter key (or click the Go button in some browsers). Since this page does not exist, you should be redirected to the ch2_proj2_ 404.aspx page.
6. Print your source code for the ch2_proj2_404.aspx page and the source code for the Web.config file. 7. Save your Web.config file as ch2_proj2_Web.config in the ch2_proj2 folder. Then open the Web.config file and delete the entire customErrors node. Click the Save All button. This will return the Web configuration file to the default configuration.
8. Close any open pages.

You are required to design a customized software for your client, who happens
to own a restaurant at a
tourist place. Due to the shortage of manpower the owner wants to automate some
processes. The client
wants  to  have  a  computerized  display  on  the  entrance  for  booking of
tables.  Using  the  same,  customer
should be able to check for vacant tables and select tables too for booking.
The restaurant has 10: 2-seater
tables; 5: 4-seater tables and 2: 10-seater tables. Apart from that customer
should be able to place order for
food and should be able to see the bill when done. The client also wants to
update items, their prices and
the table status as per the need. The new system should be able to generate
various types of reports as the
final outcome. After interview you have understood the requirements and done
the feasibility study before
proposing the new system.