Student information Assessment task 2a. Critique Position Statement This assessment requires students to demonstrate that they can critique and provide constructive feedback. Using the position statement provided and the following framework students need to provide a structured critique. The criterion referenced rubric also provides information to help the student with this assessment task. Framework 1. It is the position statement structured-it has an introduction and a conclusion that clearly states the position 2. Does the position statement relate to the topic 3. Does the position statement adequately demonstrate the links to the NMBA competency standard for registered nurses 4. Are the references used to support the position statement current and credible, why or why not. 5. Do you think the author missed anything in stating their position? If so then make sure you provide supportive evidence to back up your statements. 6. Remember when giving feedback it should be constructive regardless of whether it is positive or negative feedback. Remember that your criticism will be assessed against the criterion referenced rubric for this assessment task. The above is just a guide to help you with your assessment task.criterion referenced rubric also provides information to help the student with this assessment task. Framework 1. It the position statement structured- does it have an introduction and a conclusion that clearly states the position 2. Does the position statement relate to the topic 3. Does the position statement demonstrate adequately the links to the NMBA competency standard for registered nurses 4. Are the references used to support the position statement current and credible, why or why not. 5. Do you think the author missed anything in stating their position? If so then make sure you provide supportive evidence to back up your statements. 6. Remember when giving feedback it must be constructive regardless of whether it is positive or negative feedback. Remember that your critique will be assessed against the criterion referenced rubric for this assessment task. The above is merely a guide to help you with your assessment task.

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