You are a group of entrepreneurs located in Australia and you have developed a [product, commodity or technology of your choice] for the purpose of [complete].

You must decide beforehand what your competitive advantage could be, for example, labour, intellectual property, language, entry barriers, etc.

As a “born global” company, your challenge is to determine where to produce your product, commodity or technology and which countries present the best market opportunity for your product.

You must analyse the attractiveness of several country locations (excluding China and India) as potential markets given political, legal, and economic risks.

You must also determine the potential market for your product given market factors and other competitors
(identify real companies).

Identify economic, social, political, environmental, technological and legal risks in doing business in the country.

The report is designed to provide information to an entrepreneurial company seeking to enter a country or an opportunity to start a new company within the country.

The report must conclude with an assessment of the potential to do business in the chosen country including discussion of production, sales, and entry mode.

You are to report about which country you have chosen, what product/technology/commodity you have chosen and argue
why you chose that country.

In the report, you are to critically evaluate your choice and justify your reasoning about why you chose that particular country.

*Needs 3,000 words and 35-40 Harvard Style references.

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