MKTG 3760 Sales Management
Performance Evaluation Self-Critique
Assignment Details:
Watch your video and then prepare a 2 (min) to 3 (max) page summary critique that identifies what you did well as a sales manager, and not so well in the meeting following the prescribed format of “Formatting Business Documents” on E-Learning. Specifically, your critique should follow this outline:
Title: Self-Critique of [Your Name] as Sales Manager
Salesperson Assignment: [Caplan, Durfee, Eaton, etc.]
Section One: (Use the following questions as subheads for each paragraph).
- What did you do well in the meeting?
- How effective do you think the meeting was for the salesperson you evaluated, and what cues and evidence lead you to this conclusion?
- In hindsight, I wish I would have…
Section Two: Compensation
You have been allocated a pool of 4.2% for merit increases (Pool of dollars for merit increases = Total Base Salary of all salespeople x 4.2%). List all District Salespeople and divide this pool of money among them as you see fit following a “performance matters” mindset. You can elect to give all the money to one, divide evenly amongst all, or any other iteration as long as you do not exceed the pool of dollars and can justify your decision. For each salesperson, provide a paragraph explanation of why you allocated that amount.
Section Three: Territories
Rank the territories on potential. Now assign salespeople to each territory. You can leave salespeople in place in their current territories, move salespeople around into different territories, and/or carve out portions of territories to create new ones. Describe what should be done for each territory, and each salesperson. Fully explain your logic and list the evidence/data/logic you used to reach your conclusions.
Section Four – Quantitative Grid:
Please include the following grading matrix in your critique (you can cut and paste this one below into your document and then handwrite in your scores) and grade yourself on each element: