Essay Topics
Directions: Please choose only one of the following topics for your critical essay. The essay should be at least 5-8 pages double spaced word processed in MLA style. You may use up to 12 point font. The due date is printed on the syllabus. Please use at least two outside sources and one from either text. There is a sample critical paper on line for you to view.
These topics are from the introduction – Chapter 1 page 1- 15 in the text
1. How would you explain what the study of philosophy is to someone who does not already know what it is?
2. Make the case that our culture is suffering from a kind of philosophical illiteracy. Please be specific. Cite examples and identify patterns.

Socrates/Plato – these topics are from Chapter 4 thru 5 pages 89 – 156 in the text
1. Explain how Socrates used his physical appearance to support his theory of virtue.
2. What do you see as the relevance of Socrates’ death to his to his teachings Explain?
3. Illustrate the Divided Line and relate each segment to Plato’s Epistemology as it is characterized in the Allegory of the Cave.
4. What is special about Justice as a virtue? How is Plato’s use of the word justice different from ours?

Aristotle – These topics are from chapter 6 pages 157 – 185 in the text
Describe the “principle of the mean” Give one or two examples of using it to evaluate a course of action or a moral choice.
1. How do character and habit affect happiness and virtue according to Aristotle?

Stoics – These topics are taken from chapter 7 pages 186 – 216
1. How are the concepts of Logos and fate related in Stoicism?
2. Explain and defend the Stoic view of emotions then analyze it.
3. What do you think of Stockdale’s claim that a good philosophical education is highly practical? Give his position and then comment on it.
Descartes – These topics are taken from chapter 9 pages 252 – 280
1. What is the method of doubt? Give a brief summary of its overall function in Descartes effort to discover certain knowledge.
2. Give Descartes’ argument for the existence of God in your own words. Are they convincing? Why or why not?
Nietzsche – These topics are taken from Chapter 16 pages 452 – 481
1. What did Nietzsche mean by the Death of God?
2. What is nihilism and how is it related to the Death of God?

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