1. Pick an organization/group/club/etc. that you are a part of and write a press release for an upcoming event or publicity worthy topic. Make sure that the content is written in AP style and you follow standard press release format.

2. Choose a current social issue and create/complete the following:

1. A script for a PSA: Keep in mind PSAs are typically between 30 and 60 seconds in length and should contain a persuasive message that includes a call to action for the audience.

2. A plan for the visuals to be included in your PSA. Since we are not actually creating a filmed PSA, use your imagination.

3. A corresponding print ad: In addition to creating the text and images to be included in this ad, please let us know where you would want to place this ad and why.

4. For both the PSA and the print ad, create a list of items that will need to be budgeted for if this were to be part of the overall PR campaign.

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