These are the revisions needed for the professional presence paper
1. A discussion of how the candidate’s professional presence influences the candidate’s nursing practice was not located in the submission.
2. An evaluation of how the preferences identified by the test align with the candidate’s relationships, favorite activities, and career choices was not located in the submission.
3. The submission provided a schedule of a mindful practice plan. However, task instruction specifies to provide 2 specific goals for each of the 4 aspects of the candidate’s whole person (physical, vital rhythmic, mental/emotional, and biographical/spiritual body) to maintain balance. Please revise this aspect to meet requirement.
4. The submission discussed the author’s workplace and the author’s home as optimal healing environments. However, task instruction specifies to provide a plausible analysis of 2 optimal healing environments in healthcare to identify the common elements of internal, interpersonal, behavioral, and external environments. Please revise this aspect to meet requirement.