Must be your own work and not copy and paste.

Book reference: Ferrell, O. C., Thorne, D., & Ferrell, L. (2016). Business and society: A strategic approach to social responsibility & ethics (5th ed.). Chicago, IL: Chicago Business Press. 


For this portion of your course project, you will be adding information about the corporate governance that is present in your chosen firm. This section should meet the criteria below.

  • Explain the governance structure of the organization.
  • Analyze the connection between businesses and society.
  • Detail how this connection affects the corporate governance of the organization.
  • Examine the future of corporate governance globally. How does your chosen firm compare with global trends? 

This section of your project must be at least two pages in length. You must use at least one academic source, and any information from outside sources should be cited in APA format. 

the company is Nescafe


 Instructions: Fully utilize the materials that have been provided to you in order to support your response. Your initial post should be at least 350 words.  

Discussion QuestionsWhat were the key characteristics that OBL possessed that allowed him to have such influence upon the minds and actions of members of al Qaeda and its affiliates? Also, what were the leadership secrets of OBL described in the required reading by Hoffman, and how did they help him lead the al Qaeda organization?  

 Please respond to these post. Responses should be a minimum of 150 words and include direct questions. 

1. Unfortunately, Osama Bin Laden actually possessed many great characteristics, he simply didnt use them for great purposes.  As David Hoffman and Dawson write, Bin Laden was actually charismatic.  It is a characteristic few would think of when picturing a terrorist but when putting it in context it actually makes a lot of sense.  We have seen why some people become terrorists, because they feel excluded in some cases or other cases because they have a strong sense of religion or politics.  A charismatic leader can make you feel welcome or convince you that what youre doing truly is right.

            Authors Charles and Mara also bring up an interesting angle on things in terms of Bin Ladens leadership traits.  Specifically, they reference how high he scored in terms of his distrust of others.  At first this seems like it wouldnt be a good trait but for Bin Ladens cause it was.  It made him question everyone around him.  In some cases, someone who is seeking to belong may work even harder to earn that trust or would be less likely to question anything as it could create a divide.  This creates more blind followers.

            When you combine these two traits it easy to see how Bin Laden was able to rise to power.  A charismatic figure who was very careful in who he chose to allow by his side.  It created a dangerous yet powerful leader who unfortunately used these traits for evil.

            Finally, we come to the writings of Bruce Hoffman and Osama Bin Ladens secrets ironically these tricks of the trade arent so secret and more so that he look at Al Qaeda as a business and applied the proper techniques for that.  Its seen in the fact that its work has unfortunately continued despite the loss of their CEO Bin Laden.  He was well educated and had experience in running a business.  Unlike many terrorists he was well organized and make good business decision.  He was even good at branding you could say as he knew how to advertise their and for lack of a better word, market their attacks.  He even diversified the way many businesses do and this is seen as Al Qaeda has been difficult to full defeat years after his passing.

2.  Unfortunately, Osama Bin Laden was a highly educated and wealthy individual. Bin Laden was one of many children to a billionaire father. He was father himself to many children, but more importantly he was very influential and successful leader. Bin Laden attended King Abdul Aziz University in Jeddah. He studied civil engineering and business management. Business management helped prepared and provided him with the leadership traits to take on his family business that his father started. From this weeks reading I learned that Bin Laden was very charismatic person. Typically charismatic individuals are great communicators, which is paramount when leading a group especially a terrorist organization. Charismatic leaders utilized their wisdom and knowledge that they have gain over the years to ensure that they achieve their goals. Throughout this course we have learn that individuals become terrorist for many different reason, however if you have charismatic leader like Bin Laden he would convince you that you are doing the right thing and make you feel very welcomed. I personally believed that is one of his greatest strength. Bin Laden also had trust issues, which only makes sense when you are leading one of the most feared terror groups in the world. Bin Laden trust issues actually benefited him more than anything. It allowed him to gain the most out of his workers, because his workers would go the extra mile or two to ensure that they gain the trust of their fearless leader. According to an article titled, A leadership Trait Analysis of Osama bin Laden on the run the authors stated that Bin Laden did not trust the local people he demanded complete loyalty from his aides and body guards  (Charles & Maras, 2015).

Lastly, the article titled, The Leadership Secrets of Osama Bin Laden, the author stated that, Osama bin Laden is perhaps best viewed as a terrorist CEO (Hoffman, 2003). Like I mentioned earlier in this forum Bin Laden was a highly educated man who ran a terror organization like a business. According to Hoffman, in the 1990s he did what the executives of transnational companies did throughout much of the industrialized worldnamely, design and implement a flexible new organizational framework and strategy incorporating multiple levels and both top-down and bottom-up approaches. In his top-down mode bin Laden has defined specific goals, issued orders, and ensured that they are carried out (Hoffman, 2003). The success of Al Qaeda with out doubt hinged on Osama Bin Laden and his skillset, and the ongoing success of Al Qaeda without his presence is due to him as well.

You will be responsible for writing a paper (2 pages) regarding the Asian and Pacific Islander (API) and beauty. Please use a credible newspaper (New York Times, the Atlantic, Reuters, Associated Press, etc.) and analyze the article.

-What is the article about?

-How do Asian Americans play a role in defining beauty?

-Why are so many Asian Americans obsessed with skin lightening?

-What can be done to diversify API beauty?

What are some ethical challenges presented by contemporary uses of online technologies to communicate, interact, and engage in social activities? Web 2.0 and the evolving social dimension of computing has brought about a paradigm shift in many individuals experience of technology use. The ability to connect, communicate, and collaborate with others through the affordances of technology continues to influence and shape our attitude and motivation towards the uses and purposes of technology. A prime example of this is social media. The advent of social media has impacted our relationship with technology, our relationship with information, our relationship with others, and our relationship with the world around us in terms of:

  • Our lived experience and practice of technological engagement
  • How technology use is embedded in our daily interactions in contemporary society
  • Our overall engagement with and through the web

What ethical challenges might this technological engagement pose? You’ll be exploring this guiding question as you examine the affordances and challenges of social media as a case study. You will examine it generally by reading a journal article affordances/challenges in terms of information, interactivity, and sociability. And then you will examine it practically and in context by choosing one particular social media tool, conducting research about it, and then creating a podcast to share what you learned as well as your own informed perspectives on the issues raised this week.

SECOND: Seek out additional information about the tool you chose from at least FOUR sources total. ONE of your sources can be the assigned reading this week. But the others sources you must find on your own. Do an independent Google search for more sources by entering the name of your tool as a keyword or search terms. When selecting sources to read and reference, consider: Is the source credible? Is the content on the site relevant for the information I’m seeking? What authority does this source have to be making the claims or presenting the information that they do? Are they a trusted source, like an expert in their field, an educational organization, a trusted media source? Popular media sources may be appropriate for this activity, since they often report on what’s impacting popular culture. Use your best judgment. Read about who sponsors or authors the site or the web article. Click on the link to go to the About page to learn more about the source. Is the information presented current, or when was the site last updated? The date of the web article may be near the top next to the author’s name… or scroll to the bottom of the web page and look at the year the site was last updated or copyrighted. Considering our purposes and the constantly changing nature of social media, anything prior to 2015 may be considered outdated and no longer accurate or relevant. Again, use your best judgment. For more academic sources, try doing a search in in addition to basic Google and wikipedia.

Search for information that helps explain how the tool “works.” Go basic and go deep. That is, consider the questions: How does this tool work on a basic level – what is its functionality?  On a deeper level, how are people (adults, teens, kids) using this tool and what are the implications– that is, what influence might it be having on the way people interact with one another or with the world? What do you think of what you have read about this tool? What are your impressions, perspectives, concerns, hopes, fears about how people are using it? Is it being used for entertainment? Is it being used in any way for productive purposes, like learning? What are some of the ethical challenges posed by this tool? You should strive to refer to some of the issues raised this week about information and communications technologies.

– Describe the app/site/tool and why you chose it.

– Describe how it works on a functional level.

– Describe the potential this tool holds for productive uses, such as its potential for learning opportunities, etc.

– Describe what ethical challenges or risks it could potentially pose.

– And finally, share any other impressions or personal perspectives you have about this tool and what you believe is important for people to know.


For this assignment, imagine you have been hired as the new Diversity & Inclusion Specialist in the Human Resources (HR) department of your current company or another company of your choosing. One of the first tasks you are given is to create a Diversity Proposal for your manager in response to an anonymous complaint (below) that was recently submitted to the HR suggestion box:

Complaint: I have been working here for 4 years. I am tired of watching the same Diversity in the Workplace 20-minute training video each January in order to satisfy the companys annual diversity training requirement. Nothing around here shows that this company values diversity. As one of a few people of color at this company, I feel like Im just here to increase diversity numbers so that the company looks good on paper. When are we going to actually do something to recognize all types of diversity? There are more aspects to diversity, besides race, that make individuals unique.   

Create a 500- to 800-word Diversity Proposal that addresses the following questions:

  • 1.What is the business case or proposition for recognizing the importance of diversity and inclusion?
  • 2.How can we create a company mission and company goals to outwardly express and reinforce our commitment to diversity and inclusion? What might our mission statement say to express our commitment?
  • 3.What are at least two short-term actions (less than 6 months) that the company can take to immediately address some of the concerns expressed in the anonymous complaint?
  • 4.What are at least two long-term actions (6 months to 2 years) that the company can take to address some of the concerns expressed in the anonymous complaint?
  • 5.How can the company enhance its current annual employee diversity training? Why is this training important?
  • 6.What initiatives can the company implement to celebrate diversity beyond race?
  • 7.How can these initiatives bring employees together to celebrate diversity and promote inclusion?
  • 8.What other suggestions do you have to improve workplace culture and messaging around diversity and inclusion?

Include a minimum of two scholarly articles/academic references.

Format your paper/proposal according to appropriate .


Annotated Bibliography

Use a research database, such as PsycINFO, to find an empirical article from a peer-reviewed journal. Carefully read the articles I submitted bellow , take notes, and answer the following questions. Please provide your answers in a Word doc or PDF to the assignment link in Cougar Courses by the date indicated on the syllabus. You must make sure that you are using your own words, even when summarizing someone elses research. Each question should be answered in full sentences, and short paragraphs where necessary. 

1. What is the hypothesis (or research question)?

2. What predictions do the researchers make? 

3. Identify the IV.

4. Identify the DV. 

5. What/who are their subjects/participants?

6. What do they do? (brief description of the methodology) 

7. What statistical tests do they use? Which tests are statistically significant, and which are not?

8. What do they find or conclude? 

9. Provide the reference information for the article in APA format.


You must answer the 3 questions 2 times. You must submit 2 documents (each one 1 page), in each one you must answer the 3 questions. Copy and paste will not be admitted. You should address the questions with different wording, different references, but always, objectively answering the questions.


1) **********minimum 1 full pages per document= total 2 pages ( not words)**************************** (cover or reference page not included) 

2)**********APA norms  ( All paragraphs need to be cited properly. All responses must be in a narrative format)

3)********** It will be verified by Turnitin and SafeAssign***************** 


4) **********References from the last 5 years  

5) The points don’t be must copied in the work. It must be identified by numbers. 


Question(s): Technological advances hold promises for improving quality of life, decreasing need for personal care assistance, and enhancing independence and ability to live safely.

1) Choose one of the technologies mentioned in your textbook and discuss / explain it:

Choose one for each answer


Smart Homes


2) Please, support your answer with a research study

3) Is there any research study of technological innovation related with your topic that promises advantages in the future of healthcare? 

Compose an essay of no less than 500 words discussing the topics covered in this unit. Your essay should include the following: 

  • Describe at least three public goods provided by public institutions and how these public goods impact society domestically and/or internationally. 
  • Discuss how demand and supply of public goods is influenced by external, environmental, economic, and political factors. 
  • Discuss Arrows impossibility theorem, and give an example of how it can affect the political process, other than the example discussed in the unit lesson and the textbook. 

You must use at least one scholarly source

Assignment Details

The purpose of this assignment is to give you a better understanding of how personnel data are managed. You will compose a 1,2001,500-word report that discusses the type of documentation kept in your employee file, what legislation governs how long your files are kept, and how they are grouped together.

Your research will be based on information garnered from the following source of information:

  • Your current workplace. You will need to contact the HR office or your immediate supervisor for this assignment. If you are currently unemployed, you can contact a previous employer.
  • If neither of these is an option, you can contact a company that you are familiar with in your local market and request this type of information from the HR office.
    • Note: Another excellent source of information is your local Small Business Organization, which can be located at their Web site: .

Your report will include the following:

  • Construct a guide that lists what documents are kept in your employee file (please note that these are general documents, such as employee appraisals and sick leave requests).
  • Provide information highlighting which documents are filed together and which are located in separate files.
  • Include the length of time that material is saved and the duration that files must be retained before they can be disposed.
  • Be sure to include the state and federal regulations guiding file management and retention.


U.S. Small Business Administration. (n.d.). Local assistance. Retrieved from

Top executives and members of a corporation’s board of directors have different roles and responsibilities. Traditionally, executives have been responsible for determining the firm’s strategic direction and implementing strategies to achieve it, whereas the board of directors has been responsible for monitoring and controlling managerial decisions and actions. Some argue that boards should become more involved with the formulation of a firm’s strategies. How would the board’s increased involvement in the selection of strategies affect a firm’s strategic competitiveness? What evidence you offer to support their position?