Succession Planning Project Overview

Using the material learned in your degree program, the information in this course, and additional research, develop a comprehensive succession plan for a real organization. The organization can be based anywhere in the world. If you select an international organization, keep in mind the global and cultural factors. You may also use your current organization as the basis of the succession plan, if the organization is of sufficient size to justify a meaningful project paper. It is recommended that you seek permission for your organizational choice early in Week 1.

Assume the role of chairman of the board (or similar position) of this organization. You have recently received the resignation of the CEO (or similar position), a highly successful and charismatic leader who has held this post for the past twelve years. (The real-life company should have a current [sitting] CEO who has been in that role for at least three years, preferably longer.)

As the chairman of the board, how will you ensure that the organization continues to thrive, and not merely survive, without the current CEO?

Your task is to design a comprehensive strategy for selecting a successor and ensuring ongoing success with a new leader at the helm of the organization.

Week #Course ProjectSuccession Plan 1 

Organizational selection, background, and situation analysis

  • Identify your subject organization.
  • Describe mission, culture, and leadership structure.
  • Analyze current organizational challenges.
  • Evaluate impact of CEO resignation.

This Week

Identify your subject organization and describe its history, background, products, services, management structure, culture, mission, and any current challenges. Include your analysis of how the organization would be affected if the current CEO were to actually resign.

Submission Details:

  • Submit your paper as a 3- to 4-page Microsoft Word document, using APA style.
  • Directions- include citations from the textbooks and 2 additional citations from other scholarly resources


Hughes, R. L., Beatty, K. C., & Dinwoodie, D. L. (2014). (2nd ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. 978-1-118-56723-4

Kouzes, J. M., & Posner, B. Z. (2017). , (6th ed.). San Francisco, CA: Wiley. 9781119278962



As an advanced practice nurse, one can engage in activism in order to achieve desired policy change at various levels including their own organization. Examine the following questions, should nurses be unionized and how does being unionized impact a workforce culture of safety? Be sure to include one MSN Essential in your discussion that relates to this topic.

Image result for nursing workplace culture of safety 

**As a reminder, all questions must be answered to receive full credit for this discussion.


Chief complaint: Im here for a medication refill because I ran out of my medicines.

HPI:  Mrs. Allen is a 68-year-old African American who presents to the clinic for prescription refills. The patient indicates that she has noticed shortness of breath which started about 3 months ago. The SOB gets worse with exertion, especially when she is walking fast, and it is resolved when she is resting. She reports that she is also bothered by shortness of breath that wakes her up intermittently during her sleep. Her symptoms of shortness of breath resolve after sitting upright on 3 pillows. She also has lower leg edema pitting 1+ which started 2 weeks ago. She indicates that she often feels light headed at times with intermittent syncope episodes while going up a flight of stairs, but it resolves after sitting down to rest. She has not tried any over the counter medications at home.

She started taking her medications, but failed to refill the prescriptions because she cannot afford the medications as she only works part-time and lives alone. In addition, she reports that she does not think taking all these medications would help her condition anyway.

PMH: Primary Hypertension, Previous history of MI 1 year ago


1 year ago-Left Anterior Descending (LAD) cardiac stent placement

Allergies: Penicillin

Vaccination History:  Up-to-date

Social history:

High school graduate married and no children. Drinks one 4-ounce glass of red wine daily. She is a former smoker and stopped 5 years ago.

Family history:

Both parents are alive. Father has history of MI and valvular heart disease; mother alive and cardiac history is unknown. He has one brother who is alive and has history of MI 5 years ago at age 52.


Constitutional: Lightheaded and faint with exertion. Respiratory: Shortness of breath with exertion. + Orthopnea. Cardiovascular: + 2 pitting leg edema for 3 weeks.

Psychiatric: Non-contributory.

Physical examination:

Vital Signs: Height: 5 feet 1 inches Weight: 175 pounds BMI: 32, Obese, BP 160/92, T 98.0, P 111,  R 22 and non-labored

HEENT: Normocephalic/Atraumatic, Bilateral cataracts; PERRLA, EOMI; Teeth intact. Negative for gum disease. NECK: Neck supple, no palpable masses, no lymphadenopathy, no thyroid enlargement. LUNGS: + Mild Crackles on inspiratory phase not clearing with cough. Equal breath sounds. Symmetrical respiration. No respiratory distress. HEART: Normal S1 with S2 during expiration. An S4 is noted at the apex; + systolic murmur noted at the right upper sternal border without radiation to the carotids. Pulses are 2+ in upper extremities and 2+ in pedal pulses bilaterally. 2+ pitting edema to her knees noted bilaterally. ABDOMEN: No abdominal distention. Nontender. Bowel sounds + x 4 quadrants. No organomegaly. Normal contour; No palpable masses. GENITOURINARY: No CVA tenderness bilaterally. GU exam deferred. MUSCULOSKELETAL: + Heberden’s nodes at the DIP joints, hands. + Crepitus, bilateral knees. Slow gait but steady. No Kyphosis. PSYCH: Normal affect. Cooperative. SKIN: No rashes. Positive for dry skin.

Labs: Hgb 13.2, Hct 38%, K+ 4.0, Na+137, Cholesterol 228, Triglycerides 187, HDL 37, LDL 190, TSH 3.7, glucose 98.


Primary Diagnosis: Congestive Heart Failure (CHF)

Secondary Diagnoses: Primary Hypertension, Obesity, Osteoarthritis (OA)

Differential Diagnosis: Peripheral Vascular Disease (PVD)


Medications: Tylenol 650 mg PO Q4 hours as needed for arthritis pain

Labs: UA; Brain natriuretic peptide (BNP); LFTs and TSH; 12-lead EKG, Chest X-ray; Initial 2D echo with Doppler; Ankle-brachial index.

Additional lab results: Echo results 1 week ago: Left ventricular EJ Fraction decreased to 35 %

BNP not available.

As a future FNP, you need to determine the medications for CHF/ASCVD. (Arteriosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease).


1.     According to the ACC/AHA guidelines, what medications should this patient be prescribed?

2.     Does he need medication(s) given his history of MI?







and Tine91

Don’t Fall into a trap with them!!!!!


Steve Kiprono!!!!!!!!!!!!! Steve Kiprono!!!!!!!! SCAMMER!!!!! Steve Kiprono!!!! and EVANS MUTAIIIIIII!!!!!! EVANS MUTAIIIIII!!!!!!! SCAMMERS !!!!! TUTORS BE AWARE!!!!!!  SCAMMERS ALERT!!!! MY THUNDER STRIKE ON YOU!!!!!! AVOID THEM.

Select any topic that is discussed within the text of the book to conduct research on and discuss. Please refer to the grading rubric below for guidance and specific Final Paper requirements.

The Topic Is: Regional Economic Integration

Rubric is attached

Min. 3,000 words and minimum 5 article and 3 books as references for Final paper



****My degree is Bachelor of Science in Interdisciplinary Studies behavioral sciences and Government***** I plan to earn my masters degree in Human Services so I can be a counselor for people with Mental health and substance abuse issues. ****

Interdisciplinarity and Worldview Reflection Instructions. **Also use a Bible Ref**

****Prompt: In 300 words, explain what interdisciplinarity is and reflect on how it impacts your worldview*****. And, in ****another 250 words, reflect on and explain the personal impact of the single most helpful lesson you learned from Covey this subterm.******** 

****In two sections of 250 words each, reflect on what you have learned in this course, how your perspectives have changed, how you now view your degree, and how you plan to use or think about your interdisciplinary degrees differently. You will briefly explain interdisciplinarity in your own words in light of your worldview, and you will reflect on Covey’s writing as well.


1. You may use first person, but not second person.

2. Use unique title lines to clearly separate your answers.

3. Your grammar, spelling, and punctuation should be flawless. 

4. Use APA formatting, but no abstract page is required.

Additional Suggestions:

1. You can do it differently, but the simplest route may be to explain interdisciplinarity in one paragraph and then to reflect on it in the next paragraph or two.

2. You can explain interdisciplinarity in your own words, but if you find it hard to describe it in a way not already done, it would be better to cite references and create a references page than to accidentally plagiarize. 

3. Remember to focus on just one topic from Covey and to give it personal application. 

4. You can begin brainstorming for your reflection using the following questions (though you shouldnt use these exact wordings in your reflection itselfbe original):

A. How has interdisciplinarity affected my life?

B. How has interdisciplinarity affected the way I see the world? 

C. How will I use an interdisciplinary mindset to tackle problems in the future? 



In each unit of study, there will be a short case study or technical question. The case method of learning requires that each student prepares for the case on his or her own. While there are no right or wrong answers, there are good and bad analyses, as well as hasty and impractical recommendations. The case study provides a realistic framework for the learning process.

Your successful response will depend heavily on your preparation and active participation in the class discussions.  You will be rewarded by marshalling evidence in the case analysis and applying critical thinking of the course readings.  If you actively read and comprehend the assigned readings, you will be able to answer the case study question in a pragmatic manner.

A technical question, such as the development of a scope statement, will require a technical answer that includes the proper industry components and in some cases, a correct answer or conclusion. Value will be given for a proper approach even if the final answer might miss the exact solution.

Instructions and Some Useful Information for Case Study Analysis

Read the Case Study associated with the specific unit carefully, then proceed as follows:

  1. Prepare a response that is 750 words (+/- 75 words, excluding title page and reference page), double-spaced and follows APA format and referencing style.
  2. While there is no formula for analyzing case studies, the following guidelines are recommended:
    1. Define the goals and objectives for your analysis. What questions are you trying to answer and what issues are you trying to resolve?
    2. Rapidly skim through the case study and get a sense for how the case study has been structured
    3. Read through the case study with paper and pencil and make notes as you go along
  3. Structure the information in the case study: this is the key step.
    1. Whilst addressing the case questions, think of the information given in the case study as raw data that you have gathered to help you answer the questions and resolve the issues in Step 2a above.
    2. You need to structure this information to resolve the issues. Here are some useful dimensions along which you can structure the given information chronologically:
      1. evolution of the industry in which the enterprise operates (e.g., changes in technology, customer needs, competitive landscape)
      2. evolution of strategy – business, technology, and market – of the enterprise
      3. evolution of technology (including manufacturing), product platforms, and product lines of the enterprise
      4. the technology, product, and process development process within the enterprise
      5. growth (or decline) of the enterprise with respect to of market share, revenues, costs, profits, etc.
      6. organizational structure of the enterprise
      7. key decisions made at different stages in the life of enterprise, and the drivers for these decisions
      8. the interconnections and relationships between all the above factors
    3. Make extensive use of figures, tables, trees, etc. to shape your thinking during the structuring process.
    4. Perform any necessary analysis, for example, revenues or costs associated with different design options
  4. Draw conclusions, answer questions, resolve issues, and make recommendations using the structured information in Step 3.

Case Study


Upon successful completion of the case study, students will be able to

  • demonstrate how the project communication process works,
  • identify different communications required for different projects,
  • determine communication plan compatibility with the PMBOK Guide for projects, and  
  • formulate a project communication plan.


Refer to the details of the case and answer the case questions below:

1. Is The Communicate Plan Adopted In This Project Realistic Enough In Terms Of Communicating To All Stakeholders Of The Project?

2. Publicly Run projects are quite different from privately run projects. Can you specify different communications that would be needed in a project involving, say unions as oppose to a private project?

3. Is the communications plan compatible with the PMBOK Guides Project Communication Management section? Why?  

4.  Submission should be a maximum of 5 pages double-spaced (excluding title page and reference page), and should follow APA referencing style.


Module 01 Written Assignment The Accounting Equation

The conceptual framework reminds you that revenues are recognized when earned and not necessarily when collected. Also, expenses are recorded when incurred (used), not necessarily when paid. This is known as accrual accounting.

Bill Smith opened Smith Construction on April 1, 2010. Review the transactions and financial position of Smith Construction for April in the .


  1. Enter the transactions for May into the accounting equation, calculating new balance after each entry.
  2. Prepare the Income Statement for the month of May.
  3. Prepare the Statement of Retained Earnings for the Month of May.
  4. Prepare the Balance Sheet as of May 31, 20xx.

Submit your completed assignment by following the directions linked below. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates.

Save your assignment as a Microsoft Excel document. (Mac users, please remember to append the “.xlsx” extension to the filename.) The name of the file should be your first initial and last name, followed by an underscore and the name of the assignment, and an underscore and the date. An example is shown below:

Week 3: You Cant Get There From Here: Reasoning and Pathways

A traveler comes upon a farmer and asks him for directions to his destination. The farmer scratches his head and begins to give directions, but then stops, shakes his head, and begins again. After a few attempts the farmer says, You cant get there from here.

Note: To begin this week, review the following media piece. For a citation of this media piece, refer to this weeks Learning Resources.

Accessible player –Downloads–Download Video w/CCDownload AudioDownload TranscriptCredit: Provided by- Laureate Marketing

Are there problems that cannot be solved? The homeless problem in Miami would seem to be a hopeless and insurmountable social problem. In Raymond Kayals Walden Social Change video, he states: City streets paved in despair can be a pathway to hope. Kayal is a board member of a community ministry that positively impacts Miami by providing a continuum of care to the homeless population. How does an individual begin to approach such a momentous issue?

Throughout the problem-solving process, the solution depends on the approach you take and the pathways you decide to follow. The type of reasoning you employ and the resources to which you have access will guide your problem-solving process, as well as assist you in forming a solution.

Learning Objectives

Students will:
  • Evaluate problem-solving approaches to resource-related problems
  • Analyze impact of resources on problem solving
  • Analyze how reasoning relates to problem-solving processes
  • Apply reasoning to problem-solving processes
  • Analyze insights related to problem solving
  • Identify social change issues

Discussion: Reasoning and Resources

Note: Please read the Introduction to all Discussions. Then proceed to participate in the required Discussion A, and your choice of Discussion B or C. There is also an Optional Open Forum you may participate in at any time.

Discussion Introduction (Applies to Discussions A, B, and C)

Silhouette of a magician performing a trick.The mind has an amazing ability to notice and remember certain things and ignore or to forget others. This is known as cognitive inattention. It is similar to what happens when a magician focuses your attention in one area, so that you will miss, by inattention, what is slyly happening somewhere else. What influences which details we notice and remember and those that are ignored or forgotten?

What individuals choose to see and the type of reasoning they use can taint their observation and interpretations of the details and resources necessary for solving a problem. For instance, a child traumatized by someone wearing a red shirt might reason that all people wearing red shirts are violent and do bad things. In problem solving, this becomes a critical issue. A problem solvers reasoning works in accord with the resources available. As you read and view this weeks Learning Resources, consider how an individuals reasoning and the available resources can impact the problem-solving process.

Credit for graphic: Microsoft Corporation (Producer). MP900321217 [Photo of magician silhouette]. Retrieved October 2nd, 2013, from:|

Discussion A (Required for all students)

The study of organizations suggests that many problems arise when resources are scarce or access to those resources is limited. In other cases, the resources may be available, but may be too costly, for example, in time or money, to make solving the problem a wise choice. Finally, in some cases, a problem originally identified as a resource issue may actually be caused by something quite different.

Consider your personal, academic, and professional experience. Identify a situation in which a problem was identified as resulting from limited resources or a limited access to resources.

Then consider how the affected parties approached the resource-related problem and whether they were successful.

Explain a situation in which a personal, academic, or workplace problem was identified as resulting from limited resources or a limited access to resources. Then explain how the affected parties approached the resource-related problem and why you think they approached the problem in this manner. Finally, explain whether or not the approach was effective.

By Day 3

Post a minimum of 100 words to Discussion Question A.

Be sure to support your ideas by connecting them to at least one of this units Learning Resources. Additionally, you may opt to include an academic resource you have identified or something you have read, heard, seen, or experienced.

By Day 5

Respond to the posts of at least two different colleagues. One must be a response to a colleagues post about the question you did not select. Respond in one of the following ways:

  • Share an insight from having read your colleagues posting.
  • Expand on your colleagues posting.
Discussion B (Select B or C)


Police officers arrive at a crime scene to investigate a robbery and shooting. The following four descriptions of the suspect are given by eyewitnesses (EW). These eyewitness descriptions are resources.

EW 1: He flashed about the store with the movement of a wolf, growling at people to get down on the floor.

EW 2: He was 62 tall with a scar over his eye, kind of like one that my uncle got in the first Gulf war from shrapnel.

EW 3: He drove away in a metallic gold 2004 Monte Carlo with double spinners on the wheels and no door handlesthey had been filled in and painted over. The car was loud like there was no muffler on it. There was an emblem on the right-rear fender. He probably is a member of a gang.

EW 4: Given how many people are out of work in this section of town, he was probably laid off from one of the local garages since he wore a grease-stained, red-hooded sweatshirt.

Select two of the descriptions above to address in the Discussion.

Write a brief analysis of the impact these two descriptions have on the police officers problem-solving process.

By Day 3

Post a minimum of 100 words to your choice of Discussion Question B.

Be sure to support your ideas by connecting them to at least one of this units Learning Resources. Additionally, you may optto include an academic resource you have identified or something you have read, heard, seen, or experienced.

By Day 5

Respond to the posts of at least two different colleagues. One must be a response to a colleagues post about the question you did not select. Respond in the one of the following ways:

  • Share an insight from having read your colleagues posting.
  • Expand on your colleagues posting.

Discussion C (Select B or C)

When a problem occurs, it is unlikely that you will always have complete information, adequate time, or sufficient resources to fully analyze the situation. It is also unlikely that you will always be able to consider all the possible solutions and evaluate their potential impact on a situation before you need to attempt a solution.

View one of the following movies and identify a decision a character(s) had to make before all the facts were in.

The Kings Speech (R rating)

Zero Dark Thirty (R rating)

I, Robot (PG-13 rating)

In the movie that you selected to watch for this Discussion question, identify a decision that had to be made before all the facts were in. Write a brief analysis of the impact these insufficient resources had on the problem-solving process in the movie scenario.

By Day 3

Post a minimum of 100 words to your choice of Discussion Question C.

Be sure to support your ideas by connecting them to at least one of this units Learning Resources.

Additionally, you may optto include an academic resource you have identified or something you have read, heard, seen, or experienced.

By Day 5

Respond to the posts of at least two different colleagues. One must be a response to a colleagues post about the question you did not select. Respond in the one of the following ways:

  • Share an insight from having read your colleagues posting.
  • Expand on your colleagues posting.
Optional Open Forum

Add anything that is interesting or notable based on your study of problem solving in this weeks resources, other resources, or your problem-solving experiences.

Submission and Grading Information
Grading Criteria

To access your rubric:
Week 3 Discussion Rubric

Post by Day 3 and Respond by Day 5

To participate in this Discussion:
Week 3 Discussion A

To participate in this Discussion:
Week 3 Discussion B

To participate in this Discussion:
Week 3 Discussion C

Optional Open Forum

To participate in this Discussion:
Open Forum

Assignment 1: Anatomy of a Problem

Man with a light bulb over his head (indicating an idea has come to mind.)After examining a problem, creating a hypothesis is the next step. As you gather information relevant to the problem, you may consider the causation and correlation of particular facts. You begin to interpret the problem and plan a course of action; thus, a practical solution is formed. In addition to the information that you gather, your intuition may play a role in your interpretation of the problem and your plan of action.

Read the 9/11 Commission Report in this weeks Learning ResourcesRevisit the Causation vs. Correlation webpage, and download the Week 2 Assignment Handout: Problem Scenarios.

For this Assignment, you take the role of a problem-solving consultant giving feedback to a client. The client has provided you with information and stated his or her view of the problem.

Team working togetherThe Week 2 Assignment Handout: Problem Scenarios contains three client scenarios; select one to address for this Assignment.

Assuming that the information provided in the scenario you selected is accurate, identify what information is relevant to the problem described in the scenario and what further information is needed to analyze the problem fully.

Based on your analysis of the information presented in the scenario, determine whether any information shows causation (cause and effect) and whether any information shows correlation (co-relation).

You may want to rearrange the information using a visual tool to help you analyze the information more effectively. You may refer to your course text, Visual Tools for Transforming Information Into Knowledgefor visual tool ideas.

Note to Students: Keep in mind your major or field of interest when selecting one of the three scenarios in the handout. For some of you, your selection could connect to the Final Project where you are asked to identify a social change issue or a social problem related to your major or field of interest.

By Day 7

Submit a 2- to 3-page paper in which you do the following:

  • Create a problem statement that explains your clients problem.
  • Evaluate the information by identifying any information in the scenario that correlates to the problem. Then, state based on your analysis if this supporting information shows causation [cause and effect] or correlation [co-relation]. Justify your rationale.
  • Include two different perspectives of the problem that would influence the information needed and the approach taken in solving the problem. One approach should be your approach as the consultant. The other perspective could be another individual or party identified in the scenario or another party that would likely have a perspective on the problem.
  • Create a hypothesis that might assist you in solving the problem.
  • Analyze how intuition may play a role for someone involved in solving this problem.
Submission and Grading Information

To submit your completed Assignment for review and grading, do the following:

  • Please save your Assignment using the naming convention WK2Assgn1+last name+first initial.(extension) as the name.
  • Click the Week 2 Assignment 1 Rubric to review the Grading Criteria for the Assignment.
  • Click the Week 2 Assignment 1 link. You will also be able to View Rubric for grading criteria from this area.
  • Next, from the Attach File area, click on the Browse My Computer button. Find the document you saved as WK2Assgn1+last name+first initial.(extension) and click Open.
  • If applicable: From the Plagiarism Tools area, click the checkbox for I agree to submit my paper(s) to the Global Reference Database.
  • Click on the Submit button to complete your submission.
Grading Criteria

To access your rubric:
Week 2 Assignment 1 Rubric

Check Your Assignment Draft for Authenticity

To check your Assignment draft for authenticity:
Submit your Week 2 Assignment 1 draft and review the originality report.

Submit Your Assignment by Day 7

To submit your Assignment:
Week 2 Assignment 1

Assignment 2: Required Summary Blog Post

To prepare for this blog post:

In one paragraph, summarize how the resources in Week 2 extend your understanding of problem solving.

By Day 5

Post this paragraph in your blog.

By Day 7

Read your colleagues blogs and consider what resonates with you. Contribute to at least one colleagues blog.

Submission and Grading Information
Grading Criteria