Discussion: Techniques of Development

In order to craft an effective and interesting short story, a writer must be able to help the reader visualize the setting and understand the movement in the story. A loss of the story’s realistic nature could mean the loss of a reader. Writers often create this context by describing the details visible to the characters and using narration to relate the background to what is happening in the story. In this Discussion, you will examine how established writers use the development techniques of setting, plot, and time to create an effective story.

To prepare for this Discussion:

Review the assigned portions of Chapters 5, 9, and 10 in Shaping the Story.

Review the following short stories and look for the techniques of time, setting, and plot:

  • Louise Erdrich, The Red Convertible in Shaping the Story.
  • Chopin, K., & Knights, P. (2000). The Awakening, and Other Stories. Oxford, [England]: Oxford University Press. Retrieved from

Consider how the authors use the setting, plot, and time in their stories as tools to describe and narrate the scenes.

  • What are the settings of each story?
  • How do the authors establish plot in each story?
  • In what time frame does each story occur?

With these thoughts in mind:

By Day 3

Post 2 to 3 paragraphs deconstructing the use of description and narration in each story. Be sure to answer the following questions:

  • How do the authors use description and narration to explain their stories to the reader?
  • How do the authors develop their plots?
  • How is it similar to or different from the way the other authors developed their plots?
  • How do the authors create the settings?
  • How does clarity of plot make a story more effective?
  • How do the authors illustrate the passage of time?

Be sure to support your ideas by connecting them to the week’s Learning Resources, or something you have read, heard, seen, or experienced.

Read a selection of your colleagues’ postings.

Respond to at least one of your colleague’s postings in one or more of the following ways:

  • Ask a probing question.
  • Share an insight from having read your colleague’s posting.
  • Offer and support an opinion.
  • Validate an idea with your own experience.
  • Make a suggestion.
  • Expand on your colleague’s posting.

Return to this Discussion in a few days to read the responses to your initial posting. Note what you have learned and/or any insights you have gained as a result of the comments your colleagues made.

Submission and Grading Information

Look into what the brand ( New Look ) is. A slide on who they are what they do and their mission.
Then one thing why they’re failing which is brand identity, so look into New Look to explain why they haven’t got a brand identity.
Look at lack of emotional connection look into what the brand ( New Look ) is. A slide on who they are what they do and their mission. Then one thing why they’re failing which is brand identity, so look into New Look to explain why they haven’t got a brand identity.  Look at lack of emotional connection Have to refer to really good sources like Mintel Need citing and references. Accreditedcites only e.g. BBC, independent ft
Have to refer to really good sources like Mintel
Need citing and references. Accredited citation only e.g. BBC, Independent ft 

Lowering gun violence in Chicago.  Create power point with notes for each slide please

You should take the information presented in your Design Project Presentation and now put more detail into the Design by creating a strategic plan for the implementation of the Design plan. There should be a discussion of the 

1. External environment that may impact the plan. https://www.mageplaza.com/blog/what-are-internal-external-environmental-factors-that-affect-business.html

2. The potential competitors to the project.

3. The internal environment that may impact the plan. What are the internal resources needed to complete the plan.  https://www.mageplaza.com/blog/what-are-internal-external-environmental-factors-that-affect-business.html

4. Associated costs and benefits for the implementation of the plan.

5. Responsible parties for the completion of the plan.

6. Milestones & Time-frame for the plan.

7. Options to overcome any obstacles to complete the plan.

Please organize the plan in these sections:

1. Introduction

2. External & Competitor Analysis 

3. Internal Analysis

4. Costs & Benefits

5. Responsibility

6. Implementation Milestones & Time-frames

7. Options to Overcome Obstacles

8. Conclusion

9. References


Read the Community Tool Box chapter related to developing logic models.  In terms of the overall layout and sections to incorporate, please utilize one of the two attached examples as the template for your health issue and target population.

Remember that a logic model is a visual representation of how a program’s activities should contribute to the desired outcomes for the program.  It should reflect a clear “if-then” logic. 

As such, this logic model should provide a clear snapshot of how your program should, in an ideal world, fulfill its mission.


This assignment is where you will provide a detailed plan for your health program, describing your key strategies and activities in a logical sequence along with your marketing plan and budget.  In keeping with the representation depicted in your logic model, your program’s strategies and activities must properly reflect an effort to achieve your program’s goals and objectives.  If they are not fully and clearly connected, then you have a problem with your program’s logic.

Your assignment must include the following components:

 The program must be completed in one year or less; as such, you must include a timeline

 A clear sequence and description of your program’s key activities/strategies. 

Review the “Identify Core Components and Elements of the Intervention” area of Chapter 18, Section 1 in the Community Tool Box for guidance.

Be explicit about which activity/strategy supports which of your program’s objectives – including how it will allow the objective to be fulfilled

 A clear and detailed marketing plan for your program (Note that your marketing efforts must be included in your program’s timeline.)  Review the appropriate Community Tool Box reading for guidance.

 A detailed budget of up to $25,000, provided in table form, to reflect the costs for marketing and implementing your program.  Note that you do NOT need to include salaries in this budget. Think about such items as equipment, supplies, incentives, space rental fees, etc.

For each listed item in your budget, be sure to be specific about what you need (e.g. if you need blood glucose meters for your program, break down thetotal cost by listing the price per unit).  I have attached an example of a budget table for guidance with the layout

A column devoted to the “justification narrative” for each item listed must also be included.  Here you will describe/justify the purpose of each item you have listed.

Formatting and Other Requirements

 Assignment must be attached as ONE SINGLE document

 Title page with name, assignment title, and university (APA-style)


 Times New Roman font, 12-point

 1 margins on all four sides

 4-5 pages in length (length requirement does not take title page into consideration)

The two assignments should be in separate documents.

Assignment: Outline and the Opening SceneEach weekly Assignment will contribute to your Final Project short story, which will be due on Day 7 of Week 5. The outline will be the first step of the writing process used to develop your short story for your Final Project. You will apply what you have learned about the elements of creative writing to begin your own short story, and you will need at least two days to complete this assignment. For this week’s Assignment, you will be creating a short story outline and the opening scene.

Questions about this assignment? Post them in the Contact the Instructor area on the left navigation bar. That way, everyone in the class will see, and benefit from, the Instructor’s response.

To prepare for this Assignment:

  • Review the Final Project Introduction and Overview document in the Learning Resources.
  • Review the assigned portions of Part I, Chapter 1, and Chapter 2 in Shaping the Story.
  • In preparation for beginning your short story, consider the following questions:
    • What type of short story do you want to tell?
    • What kind of introduction do you want your story to include?
    • Which genre characteristics will your story include?
  • Reflect on questions you might ask yourself in order to put yourself in the place of the reader.
  • Complete “Progressive Writing Exercise #1: The Story Cloud Diagram” on page 16 of Shaping the Story.
    • Decide which components of each “Story Cloud” to use for your short story.
  • Once you have a direction that your story will take, use it as a base to complete the Day 1 and Day 2 parts of the “Progressive Writing Exercise #2: Writing Your Opening Scene” on page 26 in Shaping the Story.

The assignment:

Part 1: Develop a 1-page outline of your short story.

Part 2: Complete the “Progressive Writing Exercise #2” on page 26 of Shaping the Story and write a 1-page opening scene for your short story. You will need at least two days to complete this assignment.

By Day 7

Submit your outline and opening scene. In order to receive full credit, all assignments are due on time. Should you encounter an unanticipated and uncontrollable life event that may prevent you from meeting an assignment deadline, contact the Instructor immediately to request an extension. Your Instructor’s contact information is in the Contact the Instructor area on the left navigation bar. For a full description of the late policy, please refer to the “Policies on Late Assignments” section of your Syllabus.

Submission and Grading Information

To submit your completed Assignment for review and grading, do the following:

  • Please save your Assignment using the naming convention WK1Assgn+last name+first initial.(extension) as the name.
  • Click the Assignment Rubric to review the Grading Criteria for the Assignment.
  • Click the Week 1 Assignment link. You will also be able to View Rubric for grading criteria from this area.
  • Next, from the Attach File area, click on the Browse My Computer button. Find the document you saved as WK1Assgn+last name+first initial.(extension) and click Open.
  • If applicable: From the Plagiarism Tools area, click the checkbox for I agree to submit my paper(s) to the Global Reference Database.
  • Click on the Submit button to complete your submission.

Discussion: Exploring the Concept of a “Story”

In Chapter 2 of Shaping the Story, Mark Baechtel observes that “The reader’s mind is the writer’s partner…” (p. 25). The ideas you bring to your writing are inextricably tied to your audience, since you will be constantly keeping them in mind as you write. In what ways can fiction affect its readers, and how do established writers use creative writing elements to impact their audiences? For this Discussion, you will examine elements of short stories to prepare you to begin your own short story, keeping your readers in mind.

To prepare for this Discussion:

  • Review the assigned portions of Part I introduction and Chapter 1 in Shaping the Story, and begin to think about where your story will come from and what will make it a story.       

Review the following short stories: 

  • Sarah Cornwell, Pretty Little Things in in Shaping the Story.
  • James Joyce, “Araby”
  • Consider the various definitions of a “story” presented in these readings. How do these definitions relate to your own understanding of what a story is?
  • Think about an author’s reasons for telling the story.
  • What type of story is the author telling?

With these thoughts in mind:

By Day 3

Post 1 to 2 paragraphs describing the short story elements in each story. Be sure to include answers to the following questions:

  • Where does the arc of the story occur?
  • How is the story intended to affect the reader?
  • Be sure to cite at least one example from the text readings to support your answer.

Be sure to support your ideas by connecting them to the week’s Learning Resources, or something you have read, heard, seen, or experienced.

Read a selection of your colleagues’ postings.

Respond to at least one of your colleagues’ postings in one or more of the following ways:

  • Ask a probing question.
  • Share an insight from having read your colleague’s posting.
  • Offer and support an opinion.
  • Validate an idea with your own experience.
  • Make a suggestion.
  • Expand on your colleague’s posting.

Return to this Discussion in a few days to read the responses to your initial posting. Note what you have learned and/or any insights you have gained as a result of the comments your colleagues made.


In 2004, Marianne Bertrand and Sendhil Mullainathan conducted an experiment in which they sent fake resumes out to hundreds of real open job postings. These resumes were identical except for one controlhalf the fictional applicants names were African American-sounding and half were White-sounding. They found that the white names got 50 percent more callbacks for interviews across all industries and job types, suggesting the presence of racial bias or subconscious attitude formation and stereotyping. Over a decade later, employment discrimination, police bias toward certain groups, and discriminatory housing or financial policies are still at the forefront of current affairs.

For this Discussion, you examine an experience with racial or ethnic bias that you or someone you know has had. As a human and social services professional, drawing awareness to these experiences and your reactions to them may help you begin the process of bringing ethical decision-making sensibilities to culturally or racially sensitive issues, a topic you continue to explore throughout the course.

To Prepare:

  • Review this weeks readings, focusing on any implications of your lived experiences with racial or ethnic bias toward clients in your professional area of interest.
  • Select a personal experience from your community or workplace related to racial or ethnic bias that you or someone you know has had.
  • Reflect on how you handled the situation you selected and whether you would address it differently if you could.

By Day 4

Post a description of the experience you selected. Next, explain how you addressed the bias at the time. Finally, now that you have had time to reflect and consider the situation, explain whether you would have addressed it differently. If so, how? If not, why?


Corey, G., Corey, M. S., Corey, C., & Callanan, P. (2019). Issues and ethics in the helping professions (10th ed.). Brooks/Cole, Cengage Learning.

  • Chapter 1, Introduction to Professional Ethics (pp. 236)
  • Chapter 2, The Counselor as a Person and as a Professional (pp. 38-65)


Diller, J. V. (2019). Cultural diversity: A primer for the human services (6th ed.). Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning.

  • Chapter 1, Introduction (pp. 110)
  • Chapter 2, What It Means to Be Culturally Competent (pp. 11-36)
  • Chapter 3, Working With Culturally Diverse Clients (pp. 37-57)

 1.Describe some ways that the Emergency Response Guidebook is used when responding to incidents involved the release of hazardous materials.

Your response must be at least 75 words in length. 

2.  Describe how the chemical characteristics, production methods, uses, and associated unique hazards of sulfur can affect the safety of an environmental health and safety (EHS) and fire science (FS) professional.

Your response must be at least 75 words in length 

3.  A nursing home is installing their own bulk oxygen system due to their large volume of consumption. OSHA regulation 29 CFR 1910.104(b)(2)(iii) requires owners of bulk oxygen systems to provide noncombustible surfacing in areas where liquid oxygen might leak during operation of the system or during the filling of a storage container. If the nursing home provides an asphalt surface in areas where oxygen could potentially leak, will it be in compliance with the workplace regulation regarding oxygen? Explain your answer.

Your response must be at least 75 words in length. 

5.  Although coal is no longer the favored energy source, U.S. coal mines still produced close to a billion short tons of coal. Detail 5 different forms of coal, including activated carbon, and chemical products and health hazards related to each different form. Describe DOT recommended response actions to incidents involving a release of coal and/or carbon.

Your response must be at least 75 words in length. 


This assignment has three parts:

  1. Knowing that global business models are constantly changing, how do you perceive IT systems helping or hindering the change process? Explain
  2. What elements do you believe should be included in Disaster Recovery planning and why? 
  3. Companies may abuse or ethically misuse information systems in regard to customers and employees. Have you or someone you know experienced such abuse? If so, how was it handled? If not, how would you begin to take steps to      eliminate such abuse or misuse?