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Why Every Man Needs EnhanceRX? 

Each man needs to expend EnhanceRX Supplement at his particular age since this makes him progressively strong to perform. At the point when the male gets matured more often than not he loses drive, testosterone, and other sexual hormones. This is the thing that doesn’t permit him to perform well and this will clearly demolish his relationship. This is the fundamental motivation behind why each man needs to devour EnhanceRX. It is the fix to every one of these sicknesses and makes the individual great.

EnhanceRX: Is Male Enhancement Pills Scam? “Cost of Buy” Side Effects


Part 1: Native Americans Forced Assimilation

Instructions: Watch the video ( https://www.vox.com/2019/10/14/20913408/us-stole-thousands-of-native-american-children) to get a history of assimilation in theUS. Then answer the following questions. 

1.What was the purpose for the forced assimilation of Native Americans? 

2.Name two strategies the US used to assimilate Native Americans and explain how each of these strategies worked.

Part 2: Keywords for Asian American Studie Assimilation (pp. 14-17) https://books.google.com/books?id=bo_dBwAAQBAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=Keywords+for+Asian+American+Studie&hl=en&newbks=1&newbks_redir=0&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjsrcHi7OnnAhWnl3IEHeZyDKMQ6AEwAHoECAUQAg#v=onepage&q=Keywords%20for%20Asian%20American%20Studie&f=false

Instructions: Answer the following questions. Provide a passage from the reading (i.e., Assimilation) in addition to your response to support your responses.

 1.What are the five different definitions or perspectives on assimilation? As you identify them, note which one you think is most accurate for the contemporary situation of assimilation. 

2.According to Lisa Park, how is assimilation enforced in our society?

3.What are the criticism of assimilation?4.What does Lisa Park say is a unique experience of assimilation for Asian Americans? (p. 17)

Part 3: Assessing assimilation in our societyAnswer the following questions based on your observations, experiences, or insights. 

1.Do immigrants have a duty to learn and adopt the local culture, or should they try to retain their native culture?

2.What does successful assimilation look like? What are some results of it?

3.What does unsuccessful assimilation look like? What are some results of it?

4.How does race fact into the process or act of assimilation?


I have a written assignment due. I will attach the requirements needed to complete this assignment. Must use APA formatting.

 Note: Only up to 20% of content in the written assignment can be quotes from third parties.

Must be delivered as a word document:   

68 pages, excluding cover and reference pages


Give a proper MLA citations (or APA) for each of your scholarly sources and write a paragraph about each that answers ALL of the following questions (this post should be at least 300 words total)

1) What subject data base did you look in to find this source?

2) Why did you choose this database?

3) How will this source be helpful to your paper and what will it teach your reader?

4) How many articles did you look at before choosing this source and why did you chose this one out of all of them?


I have a written assignment due. I will attach the requirements needed to complete this assignment. Please be advised that there is a 300 word minimum for this assignment. Must use required reading for in text-citations. Must use APA formatting.

Note: Only up to 20% of content in the written assignment can be quotes from third parties. 

 Please, visit these gaming websites that are listed in your textbook and join some for free (do not pay, just explore). 

(1) NationStatescreate your own country
(2) CItyOne
(3) Breakaway (Disaster Management-Incident Commander)
(4) Budget Hero
(5) World Without Oil
(6) 2050 Pathways
(7) The Social Simulator
(8) Democracy

Please, write a  3-page report (select 2 games) on the gaming software purpose, and its utility in public policy formulation and education. Include pertinent screenshots of the simulations with explanations (APA-compliant). 

 A brief description of the stress management technique you selected that was not covered in this course and explain why it might be effective. Then describe at least one possible barrier to the effectiveness of this technique and explain how you might address that barrier. Be specific. Then, post a brief description of the topic you selected and explain how you might apply the topic to promote positive social change. Be specific and provide examples.  


During the past 50+ years, the responsibilities of the human resource management profession have changed.  Based on the provided resources (and others you might wish to use), share your thoughts about:

 The differences between the past and current roles in this profession,

 How and why the roles have changed,

 What might the future hold for the field of HRM, and

 How might you envision and prepare for a future career in the HRM field?

 When you use a resource, please cite, reference, and format it in APA format. (Links are provided in Course Content to assist you.)


“The Triple Bottom Line”

The concept behind the “triple bottom line” is that companies are responsible to all their stakeholders. This includes everyone who is involved with the company whether directly or indirectly, as well as the planet on which we all live. This approach sees shareholders as part of the stakeholder group, but only as part of it. Before writing your response to this weeks discussion, please review the following resource for more details on the triple bottom line: .

For this week’s discussion, please respond to the following: 

  1. How would you implement the concept of Triple Bottom Line (People, Planet, Profit) at the NAB company you created?  


  • Your response should have three headings, each focusing on an aspect of the triple bottom line as outlined below.
  • Check out Chapter 14: Social Responsibility & Sustainability for more information. 
  • You will use this week’s information in Assignment 3: Ethics and Social Responsibility Plan. 

Keep the following format in mind as you complete this week’s discussion: 

  • Profit – When looking at profit from this theory’s perspective, the idea is that profits will help empower and sustain the community as a whole, and not just represent a benefit for the shareholders. (Briefly explain your approach.)
  • People – Discuss your approach to care about suppliers, customers, community, employees. (For example, to care about employees you can provide a good working environment, training and development opportunities, healthcare, etc.)
  • Planet – Discuss your approach to minimize your impact on the environment. (An example would be to create processes to minimize waste or reduce energy usage; maybe you are using recycled materials, etc.)