This week we’re focused on group  communication. Think of a problem encountered in the past by a group of  which you are or were a member. Begin your analysis by defining the  group. What type of group was it? At what stage of development was the  group? And then share your thoughts about how the group communicated to  solve the problem.

Use the Seven-Step Framework  we learned about this week and identify which step(s) the group  utilized in their resolution efforts. Do you think that if the group  followed the full seven-step framework, resolution would have been  quicker or less contentious? Develop and post your analysis and then  share thoughtful comments on two classmate’s ideas. 


1. In the last century, what historical, social, political, and economic trends and issues have influenced todays health-care system?

2. What is the purpose and process of evaluating the three aspects of health care: structure, process, and outcome?

3. How does technology improve patient outcomes and the health-care system?

4. How can you intervene to improve quality of care and safety within the health-care system and at the bedside?

2. Select one nonprofit organization or one government agencies that influences and advocates for quality improvement in the health-care system. Explore the Web site for your selected organization/agency and answer the following questions:

What does the organization/agency do that supports the hallmarks of quality?

What have been the results of their efforts for patients, facilities, the health-care delivery system, or the nursing profession?

How has the organization/agency affected facilities where you are practicing and your own professional practice?

To prepare for this discussion, you researched one recent health care organization’s alliance. Distinguish the factors that are most important in carrying out a successful health care organization’s merger or acquisition. Defend at least two reasons why health care organization alliances are sometimes necessary. Provide a rationale for your response.

Dispute or defend the idea that a government regulation system should be the main regulating body in health care. Predict two consequences of the alternative regulating system being in control. Provide a rationale for your response.

A nurse manager is reviewing occurrence reports of medical errors over the last six months. The nurse manager knows that medical errors are not the only indicator of quality of care. They are, however, a pervasive problem in the current health care system and one of the greatest threats to quality health care. The nurse manager is putting together a list of possible solutions to decrease the number of occurrences of medication errors.

1. Recognizing that health care errors affect at least one in every 10 patients around the world, the World Health Organizations World Alliance for Patient Safety and the Collaborating Centre identified priority program areas related to patient safety. What are the patient safety program areas the nurse manager should consider for implementation?

2. Describe the Joint Commission 2017 National Patient Safety Goals for Hospitals.

3. Discuss the Institute of Medicines four-pronged approach to reducing medical mistakes? 


You must answer the 4 questions 2 times. You must submit 2 documents (each one 1 page), in each one you must answer the 4 questions. Copy and paste will not be admitted. You should address the questions with different wording, different references, but always, objectively answering the questions.


1) **********minimum 1 full pages per document= total 2 pages ( not words)**************************** (cover or reference page not included) 

2)**********APA norms  ( All paragraphs need to be cited properly. All responses must be in a narrative format)

3)********** It will be verified by Turnitin and SafeAssign***************** 


1) What is meditation?

2) Discuss the benefits of meditation? (mention at least 3). 

3 ) Is there any research study that support the benefits discussed in question 2? 

4) Have you ever practiced meditation? Discuss your experience?


You must answer the 4 questions 2 times. You must submit 2 documents (each one 1 page), in each one you must answer the 4 questions. Copy and paste will not be admitted. You should address the questions with different wording, different references, but always, objectively answering the questions.

In 750 words or mroe 

Creating Company E-mail/WIFI/Internet Use Policies

You have just been hired as the Security Manager of a medium-sized Financial Services company employing 250 people in New Hampshire, and have been asked to write two new security policies for this company. The first one is an e-mail policy for employees concentrating on personal use of company resources. The second policy is that of WIFI and Internet use within the company.

There are many resources available on the web so researching these topics and policies should be easy. The most difficult part of this exercise will be determining how strict or how lenient you want to make these policies for this particular company.

Project Plan:

You are asked to create two separate policies on use of EMAIL and a WIFI/INTERNET USE within the company.

Be specific in your terms and conditions of use. Consider these items to be included in your policies (as applicable).

1. Overview 

2. Purpose 

3. Scope

4. Policy 

5. Policy Compliance

6. Related Standards, Policies and Processes

7. Definitions and Terms

Some useful links and resources for your research:

  1. Overview of the town:
  3. Population: 32,434h
    Population Growth: +4.7%
    Elevation: 56 ft. above sea level

    Avg. Low Temp (Jan.): 25 F
    Avg. High Temp (July): 64F

    Annual Rainfall: 71 in.
    Annual Snowfall: 80 in.
    Sunny Days Per Year: 86

    Drinking Water Source: groundwater and river

    Urban Area: 14 sq. mi.
    Main Power Source:natural gas

    Average Commute:15.6 minutes

    % Taking Mass Transit: 5.3%

    Top Occupations:
    public administration (23.8%)
    health care (12.3%)

  4. educational services (8.1%)
    retail trade (8.7%)

    The community of Ashfordton is located at the base of a mountain, on a secluded
    ocean inlet, surrounded by rugged, forested land covered with spruce and fir
    trees. The only access to the city is by ferry or plane; no roads connect it to other
    communities in the region. Winters are wet, mild, and long, with limited sunlight
    due to its location so far north. The city serves as the capital for the state of New
    Grammarly. The city is renowned for its scenic beauty; tall mountains capped by
    glaciers can be seen from the downtown. Tourism is a significant source of
    revenue. Fishing is still important to the community, although it is an occupation
    for only a very small fraction of the citys residents.

  5. Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read Chapters 3 and 4 in your course textbook. 
  6. Now that you have cast your votes for the Ashfordton Food Resilience Plan, it is time to explain your choices to the class. Please make a post of at least 150 words in which you
  7. Identify (briefly) the plan elements on which you voted.
  8. Explain why you selected each one.
  9. I voted on the following two:
  10. Ashfordton is a smaller area with a growing population, with the rapid growth I would recommend greenhouses more so then crops. The crops take up more space; then the city has to offer. Also, with the colder temperatures, the crops would have a stronger chance to survive. Also, with the main eater source being a river, I recommend having a water tower to store fresh running water. With the freezing temps and snow, the water will freeze, making it hard to retrieve the water. 
  11. Implement growing cold climate fruits and vegetables. Some examples would be carrots, kale, cauliflower, spinach, apples, and sweet cherries. Harvesting this produce would create jobs for the community as well as inrich the citys food wealth 


You must answer the 4 questions twice. You must submit two documents, in each one you must answer the 4 questions. Copy and paste will not be admitted. You should address the questions with different wording, different references, but always, objectively answering the questions.

1) **********minimum 3 full pages per each document = Total 6 pages ( not words)**************************** (cover or reference page not included) 

2)**********APA norms  ( All paragraphs need to be cited properly. All responses must be in a narrative format and each paragraph must have at least 4 sentences)

3)********** It will be verified by Turnitin and SafeAssign 

4) **********References from the last 5 years  

5) The points don’t be must copied in the work. It must be identified by numbers. 

For example

1) the differentiations are ……………………… the definitions …… …….

2) Health care and social issues are ………………..

3) The characteristicsh are

4) ………………………………..


Read well:

You must answer the 4 questions twice. You must submit two documents, in each one you must answer the 4 questions. Copy and paste will not be admitted. You should address the questions with different wording, different references, but always, objectively answering the questions.



  1. Mention and discuss the differentiation between the medical model and social construct definitions of disability.
  2. Identify and discuss selected health care and social issues that influence the ability of people with disabilities to live and thrive in the community.
  3. Mention and discuss the characteristics of rural community health nursing practice.
  4. Mention and describe the features of the health care system and population characteristics common to rural aggregates.

please refer to this video and watch the black community segment and its access to job opportunities ( minutes 10 to 20) and take a deeper dive answering the questions belowin 1 page maximum




  • What is the question in this segment of the movie?
  • What is the data that was used to answer the question? (how was it obtained?)
  • Did the data answer the question?

Example: In the very first part of the movie is an examination of real estate transactions.

  • The question in this segment is whether real estate agents sell houses the same for themselves as they do for clients
  • The data used was a database of real estate transactions
  • The data seemed to indicate that real estate agents worked differently for themselves than they did for clients. The segment also posited that they made more money when it was their house.

Minimum of 250 words with at least 2 peer review reference in 6th edition apa style.


Create a list of three differential diagnoses and explain why you would include them on your list, based on the following information:

Sheila Jones, a 28-year-old female, has been diagnosed with new onset diabetes. She is severely hyperglycemic requiring intubation and aggressive intensive care management. In conjunction with being severely hyperglycemic, she is profoundly dehydrated, hypernatremic, and tachycardic.