Decision Making Reflection Form

Volunteer: _________________________________________________________


The proactive professional infuses decision-making   strategies that examine why a decision is needed, what the possible options   are, what the likely consequences of each are, how important the consequences   are, and what the best decision is in view of all available information. 

Instructions: Describe below a decision-making activity you guided others through to solve an existing problem. 

Existing problem:

Decision-making activities used to solve the problem:

Assessment of the effectiveness of the decision-making activity:


I need someone to do this scholarship essay for me. 

In an original 400-500 word essay, reflect on the quote below and describe two to three “skills and habits” you plan to develop abroad, and how they will help you to thrive in a global community. 

“In the 21st century, “global education” is redundant — if it isn’t global, it isn’t an education … College graduates must possess the knowledge, skills, and habits of mind that will allow them to thrive in a global community.” – Dr. George B. Forsythe

These are the skills I plan to develop abroad. Please pick three out of the five that you can best use to write a strong, concise, well-written essay that will help me win the scholarship. I will also attach my resume if you want to use it for reference. 

1. Resilience

2. Adaptability

3. Self-Awareness

4. Communication

5. Cultural-Awareness

case –  

You see another nurse practitioner writing a prescription for her husband, who is not a patient of the nurse practitioner. The prescription is for a narcotic. You cant decide whether or not to report the incident.


 Post a description of the patient case from your experiences, observations, and/or clinical practice from the last 5 years. Then, describe factors that might have influenced pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic processes of the patient you identified. Finally, explain details of the personalized plan of care that you would develop based on influencing factors and patient history in your case. Be specific and provide examples. 

required readings


Rosenthal, L. D., & Burchum, J. R. (2018). Lehnes pharmacotherapeutics for advanced practice providers. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier.
Chapter 1, Prescriptive Authority (pp. 13)
Chapter 2, Rational Drug Selection and Prescription Writing (pp. 59)
Chapter 3, Promoting Positive Outcomes of Drug Therapy (pp. 1116)
Chapter 4, Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacodynamics, and Drug Interactions (pp. 1740)
Chapter 5, Adverse Drug Reactions and Medical Errors (pp. 4149)
Chapter 6, Individual Variation in Drug Response (pp. 5156)

This resource introduces the code of ethics for nurses and highlights critical aspects for ethical guideline development, interpretation, and application in practice.

This article provides NPs with information regarding state-based laws for NP prescribing.

There is a broad range of experiences brought to the school every day by cultural, linguistic, and ethnically diverse students. These unique diversities compel the development and use of different teaching strategies to target each student as an individual. In this discussion, you will explore the concept of supporting diversity through 21st century teaching and learning. This discussion is also intended to support your performance on the Week One Assignment.

Initial Post – Select three of the five prompts below, and then discuss how the can be applied to each prompt using specific examples of the actions you would take to apply the framework. Your response to each of the three selected prompts should be one paragraph.

  • 1. Analyze how you can maintain high standards and demonstrate high expectations for all ethnically, culturally, and linguistically diverse students in the classroom.
  • 2. Reflect on ways in which you will choose culturally relevant curriculum and instructional materials that recognize, incorporate, and reflect students heritage and the contributions of various ethnic groups.
  • 3. Discuss how you would differentiate instruction for the inclusion of various learning styles.
  • 4. Reflect on ways in which you would modify instruction for special education students.
  • 5. Discuss how you would modify instruction to meet the needs of students who are designated second language learners.


The nature/nurture debate within psychology is concerned with the  extent to which particular aspects of behavior are a product of either  inherited (genetic) or acquired (learned) characteristics. This exercise  will help you explore that debate by looking at one specific behavior,  aggression.

Bandura’s (1977) social learning theory states that aggression is  learned from the environment through observation and imitation  (nurture). He concludes this, in part, from the results of his famous  Bobo doll experiment (Bandura, 1961). Review the Bobo experiment here: . 

Reflect on the following issues:

  • Where do you stand on the nature/nurture debate? Is aggression a  learned behavior? Please provide specific examples to your point of  view.
  • Discuss your thoughts on the experiment and its relevance to the  debate. Do you see any potential flaws or underlying factors that may  not be reflected in the analysis here?
  • Suggest at least one implication for society if children do learn predominantly by imitation.  

Write a 23  page paper (not including the title page and reference page)  referencing at least two sources (you may cite the website provided here  for the Bobo doll experiment as one of your sources. Refer to the Bobo  doll experiment, but do not summarize it.)

Use current APA Style and include a title page and reference page.

Bobo experiment link –


It is a truism that a loving, supportive home environment pays dividends in a childs development. The same is likely true in a school setting; students who believe that their teachers and the school care about them will likely have a closer connection to the school and have more positive feelings about the school.

In a two- to five-page paper (not including the title and reference pages) use the (specifically pages 9-18) as well as three additional scholarly sources (not including your textbook), cited and referenced in APA style, to describe the idea of a loving, supportive school environment through addressing the following: 

Describe a loving, supportive school environment from the point of view of both student and teacher. 

Describe the parental role in helping to create a loving, supportive school environment.

Describe the benefits of this environment to the students academic, physical, and social development.

 Carefully review the for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

See full work attached